<span class="mw-page-title-main">R-10 (ACF, 1948)</span>

R-10 (ACF, 1948)


Designation Unit Numbers Manufacturer Years
R-10 1803-1852 American Car & Foundry 1948
R-10 3000-3349 American Car & Foundry 1948

  • Cars renumbered 2950-3349 in 1970
  • Last R-10 train in revenue service was in September 1989, most likely Friday, September 8, 1989 with just only one train on the "C". The following Monday, there were no R-10's listed on the "C" line car assignment sheet. The Electric Railroaders' Association sponsored a "Farewell to R-10 Fantrip", held October 29, 1989, which consisted of cars 3018-3203-3182-2974-3143-3045-3145-3216, probably the last run of R-10 cars with (non-revenue) passengers.

Length over

60' 2.5"
Width at
Door Sills

10' 0"

81,200 lbs.
Height from

12' 2"
Height, Railhead
to Floor

3' 9 1/8"




Paint Schemes: The R-10's various paint schemes were as follows: two-tone grey/orange (1948-circa 1967); tartar red (1962-circa 1966 on the following cars: 1822 (ren. 2969), 1850 (ren. 2997), 3099, 3101, 3137 and 3342); navy blue/white with and without blue stripe (1965-circa 1970), silver/blue (circa 1970-1988) and dark green with silver roof and black front hood (1985-1989 on the GOH Westinghouse units only).

General Overhaul: The R-10's GOH rehabilation program between December 1984 to February 1986 was simply an interim measure to get the entire car fleet in a non-graffiti state and await the ultimate arrival and replacement by the R-68/68A's. The rehabilation of each one of the 110 R-10's was done in-house at a cost of $65,000.

Scrapping: The last R-10 car to be removed from NYCTA property was #3081, which was the only surviving G.E.-equipped unit in existence. The bulk of the scrapping of the remaining R-10 cars ended in June 1990.

Photo Gallery

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Five Random Images

Image 2404

(446k, 1200x713)
Collection of: David Pirmann
Location: 207th Street Yard

Image 2440

(168k, 1024x681)
Photo by: Doug Grotjahn
Collection of: Joe Testagrose
Location: 88th Street-Boyd Avenue

Image 115876

(620k, 1200x800)
Collection of: Collection of nycsubway.org

Image 126764

(250k, 1024x641)
Collection of: John Barnes
Location: 104th Street-Oxford Ave.

Image 160080

(450k, 1220x920)
Photo by: Nicholas Noel
Location: Sheepshead Bay

More Images: 1-50 51-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 301-350 351-400 401-450 451-459

Car Notes

Green Preserved, saved for preservation,
or exists in some state
Yellow Converted to work service
(and later scrapped or still in use)
Red Wrecked/Damaged in accident (and possibly repaired),
or scrapped prior to the bulk of the type

Number Notes
Paint scheme notes: As delivered, the R-10 cars wore a two-tone gray with red stripe livery. Car 3133 experimented with a plastic red strip stuck on rather than a painted stripe. In the 1960s, the livery remained gray with the red number plates. Several cars were repainted red with a black roof and skirt line (1822, 1825, 1850, 3099, 3101, 3137, 3234, 3334, 3342); car 3037 wore a variation on the two-tone gray scheme, using very light shades; car 3218 had a darker gray shade variation. Later in the 1960s the cars were repainted aqua blue and ivory, with or without an ivory stripe. On these cars, the roofs appeared in both colors, aqua blue and ivory. In a second stage, 19 of these cars had a gray roof, with gray tip of skirt. The 1970s repaint of MTA blue and silver also saw the red number plates replaced with white text on black. And finally in the 1980s, 110 cars were given a mini-rebuild, and received a dark green paint scheme, prior to being retired. Thanks to Bill Zucker for the notes.
2959 Collision at Pitkin Yard, date unknown. Returned to service.
3029, 3240 Involved in a side swipe incident in 1958, near Dyckman Street on the IND "A" line. These cars were repaired later by Pullman-Standard, and car #3240 received all-new bright R-17 type lighting with its clear lenses.
3035, 3135 Damaged in collision, 11/7/1963. A portion of 3035 was welded onto 3135's body. 3135 was returned to service, and renumbered as 3035. Original 3035 was scrapped (and remains of 3135). #3035 became the first R10 to be scrapped.
3047 Accident causing front end damage. Repaired with spare R-16 parts (note the bulkhead door) and returned to service. Date unknown.

Image 2417

(177k, 1024x670)
Collection of: Joe Testagrose
Location: Rockaway Park Yard

3055 Accident?
3062 Hit by "E" train outside Hoyt St., 7/17/1970. Scrapped in November, 1976.
3113 In collision, front end damaged.

Image 2445

(172k, 1024x667)
Collection of: Joe Testagrose
Location: 207th Street Yard

3150 In collision at 207th Street Yard, 1/11/1973, repaired and returned to service.
3184 Owned by Railway Preservation Corp. Stored at Coney Island Yard for many years. Has been on display at the New York Transit Museum. Restored to operational condition in 2017 and used on Transit Museum "Train of Many Metals" nostalgia train service 7/30/2017.

Image 24474

(155k, 1044x701)
Photo by: David Pirmann
Location: Coney Island Yard-Museum Yard

Image 30350

(73k, 600x450)
Photo by: Trevor Logan
Location: New York Transit Museum

Image 30351

(70k, 600x450)
Photo by: Trevor Logan
Location: New York Transit Museum

Image 147697

(244k, 1044x596)
Photo by: Max Diamond
Location: 207th Street Shop

3189 Was used for many years as Road Car Inspector School Training Car, at Pitkin Yard. This car has an experimental 3-passenger transverse seat interior. In 2007, was on display at the New York Transit Museum. In 2017 it was moved to 207th Street Yard along with 3184; 3184 was made operational in 2017. 3189's restoration was completed in 2022 and the car made its museum service debut at the Parade of Trains, September 18-19, 2022.

Image 2481

(201k, 1024x658)
Photo by: Joe Testagrose
Location: 207th Street

Image 6303

(562k, 1220x819)
Photo by: Tristan Zieley
Location: Pitkin Yard/Shops

Image 69712

(191k, 1044x788)
Photo by: Michael Hodurski
Location: New York Transit Museum

Image 147717

(363k, 1044x788)
Photo by: Nicholas Noel
Location: 207th Street Yard

3192 Car 3192 had a new R-42 type front installed on that car in early 1975 to be the prototype car for an overhaul complete rebuilding of the fleet to be done with modern interiors and air-conditioning. The unit was scrapped in 1980 inside Coney Island Yard and the rebuilding never took place.

Image 2485

(451k, 1200x800)
Collection of: David Pirmann
Location: Coney Island Shop/Overhaul & Repair Shop

Image 150424

(422k, 1200x800)
Collection of: Nicholas Fabrizio
Location: Coney Island Yard

3212 Involved in a fire condition at Times Square, date unknown. Returned to service.
3221 Struck by a "mad bomber" type device at 125th Street, 11/16/1960. Damage sustained on this car was a big hole through its ceiling and roof, but it was subsequently repaired and returned to service.
3226 On March 6, 1971, R-10 3226 was accidentally part of a train consist moved from Concourse Yard to Jerome Yard... scraping the Bedford Park Blvd. IRT station platform in the process. The car returned to service within a couple of weeks (!). (April 1971, ERA Bulletin)
3274, 3333 Derailment at Columbus Circle, damage caused by hitting center wall, 12/12/1978. Stored at 207th Street for a year then scrapped in 1980.

Image 2575

(80k, 745x496)
Photo by: William Mangahas
Location: Coney Island Yard

Image 2576

(93k, 736x496)
Photo by: William Mangahas
Location: Coney Island Yard

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