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Leave Feedback

If you have comments about the web site, have something to contribute, have questions for the webmaster, or just want to say hello, just fill in the form below.

Before sending feedback, please take note of the following:

  • Feedback will not be answered by postal mail or telephone.
  • We don't provide travel directions or schedules. You should refer to the official web sites of the transit providers for such information.
  • We can't send you a paper map. Contact the transit providers or tourist bureaus in the cities you are interested in.
  • We generally don't permit commercial re-use of our photographs or maps. That's what stock photo agencies are for.
  • If you expect a reply ensure you provide a correct email address. This may sound like a no-brainer but....

NOTE!!! This site is not run by New York City Transit, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, or any other transit agency. If you are looking for official information please visit the MTA web site at http://www.mta.info.

Your Feedback

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