<span class="mw-page-title-main">Stuttgart, Germany</span>

Stuttgart, Germany


Stadtbahn U4/U9 line at Hauptbahnhof. Photo by David Pirmann, September 2009.

Station By Station

Line U1

The Stadtbahn Line U1 between Vaihingen and Fellbach changed from metre-gauge tram into standard-gauge Stadtbahn service on April 19, 1986. The new southern terminus is Vaihingen Bahnhof. The former tram line continued further to the south, ending in Rohr. This suburb can now be reached by the S-bahn, which opened there in 1985. Vaihingen Bahnhof is also the terminus for line U3 and during rush hour for the lines U6 and U8. There are three platforms and four tracks, two tracks on the east side for line U1 and two on the west side for the other lines. The platform length is 80 metres, but only the U6 operates in twin-unit trains. The trains reverse behind the station. There is connection to the S-bahn lines S1, S2 and S3.

The new Vaihingen Schillerplatz station with high level central platform was built in 2008. This stop is the highest point of the line U1 with about 440m above sea level (the deepest point is near the Neckar River with ca. 220m above sea level.) Behind the Schillerplatz the route goes down into the Nesenbach valley.

The following section lies on a reserved right of way on ballasted tracks. The side high platforms are of a standard design, the length is 40 metres. At Fauststraße station a pedestrian bridge connects the stop with the surroundings.

A big railway viaduct crosses the valley at Vaihingen Viadukt station. There is also a large double-deck bridge for cars, pedestrians and bicycles. The cars use the lower level of the bridge. In this section the tracks are on a reservation at the west side of the Kaltentaler Abfahrt. From Engelboldstraße station the tracks are again on a central reservation.

The suburb Kaltental can be reached from three light rail stops. After Waldeck station the tracks change from central onto side reservation.

The Heslach Vogelrain station is the terminus of line U14, which uses the middle of the three tracks. There is a 40 metres long side platform for the outbound U1 trains and a 80 metres long island platform. At the west side of this station there is a yard for the Stadtbahn trains. A main road viaduct crosses the valley over the tracks of the yard.

The route continues on side reservation to Südheimer Platz station. 400 metres beyond this stop the reserved right of way ends and the light rail uses the narrow Böblinger Straße in mixed traffic. The high platforms of Bihlplatz station are integrated into the sidewalks.

At Schreiberstraße station, with an island platform, is the beginning of a short section of central reservation. Both this and Bihlplatz stations, with the high platforms, are newly built at the end of the 1990s. The former Schreiberstraße stop lies on the other side of the road intersection, the passengers boarded the light-rail vehicle directly from the street at the inbound side. The former low platforms at both stations were integrated in the sidewalks.

After 300 metres on the central reservation a steep ramp leads to the city light rail tunnel. The tunnel section with three subway stations from here to Charlottenplatz opened on September 9, 1971 for tram service. The tunnel is built in the cut-and-cover method, and the stations all look similar and are rather functionally plain. The mezzanines are not opened to the platform area.

At Marienplatz station the entrance is in the middle of the station. On the surface is the lower terminus of the metre-gauge rack line, #10, which connects the south of Stuttgart with Degerloch on a steep route. Elevators lead directly from the Stadtbahn platforms to the rack line platforms. Beyond the Marienplatz station the light rail enters a sharp curve in the tunnel under the Hauptstädter Straße.

Österreichischer Platz has two mezzanines on both sides of the platform hall. Beyond that station there is a big underground track triangle, without track intersections. The line U14 turns left to Rotebühlplatz station, while the U1 runs straight to Rathaus station.

Rathaus station has three tracks, one side platform for trains to Österreichischer Platz and Rotebühlplatz and an island platform toward Charlottenplatz. The outer track comes from Rotebühlplatz station. Before it reaches Rathaus station it crosses under the U1 tracks and therefore it lies on an incline within the station. The former trams were single-ended vehicles. Because of this the Rathaus station had only side platforms on each track. When changed into Stadtbahn service, the station was remodeled. There are two entrances on both sides. New escalators were built at the north end of the platforms. From here the lines U2, U4 and sometimes the line U11 run on the same tracks as the line U1 in the city tunnel.

The lower platform level (-2) at the intersection station of Charlottenplatz was the first underground station used by tram lines in Germany. It opened on May 10, 1966. Temporary ramps connected the tunnel tracks with the sections of tracks that still ran above ground. On the upper level the lines U5, U6, U7 and the last tram line #15 cross. Parallel to the U1 light rail tunnel there is a road tunnel. The high level platforms were built in 1988 and lengthened in 2004.

The following part of tunnel opened on May 9, 1972 with two underground stations. The Staatsgalerie station is similar to Rathaus with three tracks because the lines U9 and U14 reach this station from Hauptbahnhof station and run further on the same tracks to Stöckach station. The platforms are only partly at high level and there is still an unused side platform for the former tram service on the outer outbound track. The station may by demolished if "Stuttgart 21", a large railway project, will be built. "Stuttgart 21" includes a new underground main railway station with tunnels on both sides under the hills of Stuttgart. Because of one of these tunnels, the Staatsgalerie station would have to be rebuilt at a higher level.

At the Staatsgalerie and Neckartor stations, the mezzanines are in the middle of the platform halls. They are open at one side to the platform hall, so you can see the light rail trains down below. The high platforms in these stations were built in 1988. The underground stations in the city of Stuttgart were built for 120 metres long metro trains. In the end of the 1960s and the beginning of the 1970s a U-bahn like that one in Munich was planned for Stuttgart, but this was too expensive, leading to the tram and Stadtbahn services.

Not long behind Neckartor station the light rail vehicles reach via a steep ramp the surface Stöckach station. The platforms were rebuilt to a high level in 1994 and 1995. In 2005/06 the Stöckach station was rebuilt with 80 meter platforms. Beyond that station the Lines U4 and U9 turn right while the other lines continue straight. The section in the Neckarstraße is in a central reservation with ballasted tracks. The Metzstraße SWR station got its high level platforms in 1990, they were lengthened to 80 metres in 2004.

At the end of the Neckarstraße the tracks curve left onto a private-right-of-way in a park. The Mineralbäder station lies above a road tunnel. High platforms were built in 1990. In 2005/06 this station was rebuilt into an island platform station with the length of 80 metres. The old inbound platform was remained, such that the light rail vehicles can open the doors on both sides on this track. Beyond this station the line separates and the line U14 turns left and there is also a siding track. A track link from the U14 branch toward Mercedesstraße station is used by the special line U16.

The other lines cross the Neckar in a central reservation (open tracks without ballast and sleepers) on the König-Karl-Brücke with the Mercedesstraße station on it. This station got high level platforms in a special reconstruction in the 1990s. Beyond the station the special lines U11 and U16 (service only for events) turn right to the Cannstatter Wasen and Daimlerstadion across a track triangle. In preparation for the 2006 World Cup, the remaining short platforms between Rathaus and Mercedesstraße stations (except Staatsgalerie) are being lengthened to 80 metres. This will allow two-car operation of the Line U11. In this section there is also a third rail for the metre-gauge old-timer tram line #23.

Before the lines U1 and U2 arrive at Bad Cannstatt Wilhelmsplatz station they cross under the railway bridge. The Wilhelmsplatz station was remodeled in 2002 with new high platforms and a big glass ceiling and the line U2 was changed into Stadtbahn service on June 26, 2002. The pedestrian bridge leads to the S-bahn platform at the Bad Cannstatt railway station. There is also a connection to the line U13 which stops in the Badstraße. Beyond the station the lines separate. The line U1 turns right onto a central reservation on the Waiblinger Straße with ballasted tracks. The line U13 runs on the same tracks to Augsburger Platz station.

At Uff-Kirchhof station both lines stop. Before reaching Augsburger Platz station the line U13 turns right and stops on its own low level platforms. The U1 platforms are at high level, built in 1989 in a unique design.

The line U1 crosses under the Nürnberger Straße S-bahn station and stops than at the light rail station with the same name. The six Stadtbahn stations from here to Schwabenlandhalle station in Fellbach have had their high platforms since the Stadtbahn service started in 1986.

As far as Besikdenstraße station the line U1 ascends on a central reservation in the Nürnberger Straße. Before reaching Esslinger Straße station the U1 turns right onto a reservation on the west side of the street. This section was newly built for the light rail service, because the former tram line had used narrow streets in the city of Fellbach.

The U1 turns again left in a big curve and arrives at Schwabenlandhalle station. The section from here to the terminus is on a reservation at the south side of the Tainer Straße with grass tracks. In 2007 two high side platforms were built at the Fellbach Lutherkirche station.

Line U2

The former tram line 2 was converted to Stadtbahn operation in two parts. The first section Hauptfriedhof -- Berliner Platz started on June 22, 2002. At that time the whole tram line was closed. Until the opening of the other part (Berliner Platz to Hölderlinplatz) on December 14, 2002 the light rail vehicles used the city-loop (Staatsgalerie -- Charlottenplatz -- Berliner Platz -- Hauptbahnhof -- Staatsgalerie) to reverse.

We start our tour at Hölderlinplatz terminus in the west of Stuttgart. This station with island platform is built in the narrow Johannes-Straße. This part of the street is closed for car traffic.

On Hölderlinstraße and Hegelstraße the light rails run in the street with mixed traffic. The former trams used the Hölderlinstraße only in the direction toward Hölderlinplatz, returning via the Kornbergstraße. The next stop Russische Kirche with island platform lies in a steep inclination in the middle of the Hegelstraße.

The first 100 metres in the Seidenstraße the tracks are on a grassed central reservation. The second section on this street is partly on a reservation and partly with mixed traffic. The Rosenbergstraße/Seidenstraße station has also a island platform, only the inbound track is on a reservation.

At Berliner Platz (Liederhalle) station the tracks are on a grassed central reservation. This station is with side platforms. After crossing a track intersection the U2 stops at the next station, Berliner Platz (Hohe Straße) together with the lines U4 and U14. The side platforms lie partly in the ramp to the city light rail tunnel. There is also a low level platform (outbound) for the old-timer tram line 23. This line uses the city-loop.

The following tunnel section with the Rotebühlplatz (Stadtmitte) station was built in the cut-and-cover method and opened on October 31, 1983. The side platforms at Rotebühlplatz station are in an inclination. There are open mezzanines at both sides. At the northwest side there is a connection to all S-bahn lines in the Stadtmitte station. Newly-built escalators are reached over a bridge at this side. Ramps lead from the platform to the southeast mezzanines. From here the passengers reach the great pedestrian street Königsstraße. Here was the former temporary ramp to the track triangle described on line U1.

The line U2 runs from Rathaus station to Bad Cannstatt Wilhelmsplatz on the same tracks as line U1. Pictures and description can be seen on line U1.

From Bad Cannstatt Wilhelmplatz station the route of line U2 goes straight on König-Karl-Straße with mixed traffic. Only at Daimlerplatz station there are grassed tracks. The side platforms are carefully integrated into a traffic roundabout. At the end of the König-Karl-Straße the tracks turn left on grassed private-right-of-way through the Kursaal-Anlagen.

The next stop Kursaal with side platforms is directly in front of a indoor mineral swimming-bath. After a short grassed reservation on the east side of the Teinacher Straße, the line turns right onto a short street-running section. The tracks change again to a grassed side reservation on the north side of the Schmidener Straße and ascends to the Gnesener Straße station with an island platform.

After a short section of grassed reservation the tracks twist in the narrow Schmidener Straße. At the end of the twisted section the tracks change from the side reservation to a central reservation and reach the Obere Ziegelei station (side platforms.) Here was the terminus of the former tram line, which reversed via a loop.

The U2 ascends a steep newly-built section on a grassed reservation at the southeast side of the Steinhalden Straße. The temporary terminus Hauptfriedhof lies in a cutting. At the north side there is a pedestrian ramp bridge between the two tunnel entrances. The south entrance is with level-crossings.

A new section with two stations is expected to be opened on July 16, 2005. Behind the Hauptfriedhof station the trains will run in a tunnel to cross under a cemetery. The two-track tunnel is built in the mine-tunneling shotcrete construction. Just at the end of the tunnel there is the Steinhaldenfeld station. A staircase and an escalator connect the island platform with the surface level at the south end. The street inclines and therefore the platform can be reached by level-crossings at the north end of the station.

After a short stretch of grassed reservation on the west side of the Steinhalden Straße the route crosses a traffic roundabout to a east side reservation of the Kormoran Straße. The new terminus Neugereut with an 80m long island platform connects a big housing area with the light rail system.

Line U3

Stuttgart's line U3 was the first "Stadtbahn" line in Stuttgart, beginning Stadtbahn operation over its private right of way on September 28. 1985. There are 11 stations located at: Plieningen, Landhaus, Salzäcker, Plieninger Straße, Sigmaringer Straße, Möhringen Bahnhof (Note: station with four tracks, two tracks on the south side for line U3 and two tracks on the north side for the lines U5, U6 and U8), Vaihinger Landstraße (Note: south of this station the line U5 turns left towards Leinfelden), SSB-Zentrum, Wallgraben, Jurastraße, Vaihingen Bahnhof (Note: station with four tracks, two tracks on the west side for line U1 and two on the east side for the lines U3, U6 and U8.)

Line U4/U9

Stadtbahn operation on line U9 (Voglsang - Hauptbahnhof - Raitelsberg - Hedelfingen) began September 30, 1989 with 22 stations, but only nine with high-level platforms at that time (because of mixed traffic with narrow-gauge trams). In 2004 high-level platforms were built at all of the stations along the line U9.

Stadtbahn operation on line U4 (Botnang - Charlottenplatz - Ostendplatz - Untertürkheim Bahnhof) began September 24, 1994, serving 28 stations. At that time, part-time service began on the U9 between Vogelsang and Botnang. The U4 and U9 share the same route for most of their length, with the exceptions being between Bergfriedhof and Wangenerstraße/Landhausstraße, where the U4 and U9 take different routes, and south-east of Wasenstraße where the lines diverge to different terminals. U4-stations Ostendplatz, Tal-/Landhausstraße and Gaiburg still have low-level platforms, high-level platforms will be built in the next few years. U4 terminus Untertürkheim Bahnhof provides a connection to S-Bahn-line S1.

There is a tunnel segment between Lindpaintnerstraße and Herderplatz under Botnanger Sattel which is 550m long, with a maximum gradient of 4.8%, which was built by mine-tunneling with shotcrete construction. It opened September 24, 1994, allowing the extension of the line north-west of Voglsang.

The U4/U9 also use a portion of the downtown tunnel system serving stations "Keplerstraße" and "Hauptbahnhof (Arnulf-Klett-Platz)". This 2300m long tunnel opened on April 9, 1976. The U4/U9 enter the tunnel at via a ramp Schloßstraße which replaced a former temporary ramp at Schillerstraße. The station at Hauptbahnhof (Arnulf-Klett-Platz) is two levels down and has four tracks and three platforms. The north pair of tracks are used by the lines U9 and U14, the south ones by the lines U5, U6, U7 and tram line 15. Connection can be made to all S-Bahn-lines one level down.

Other stations in the tunnel system can be seen in the description of line U2 (Berliner Platz-Hohe Straße and Rotebühlplatz) and in the description of line U1 (Rathaus, Charlottenplatz, Staatsgalerie, Neckartor and Stöckach).


Line U5

The lines U5 (Leinfelden Bahnhof -- Freiberg) and U6 (Möhringen -- Feuerbach Pfostenwälde) changed from tram operation to light-rail service on November 3rd, 1990. At that time the tram section Leinfelden to Echterdingen closed.

The new southern terminus for line U5 is now Leinfelden Bahnhof with an 80m long island platform. There is connection to the S-Bahn lines S2 and S3. Maybe in the future the U5 will be extended by using the S-Bahn rail tracks as a dual-system light rail line to the Airport and via Filderstadt to Neuhausen. From Filderstadt (S-Bahn station) to Neuhausen a new surface light rail section would need to be built.

From Leinfelden Bahnhof to Degerloch Albplatz station the U5 runs on a private right of way with ballasted tracks. The former single track section between Möhringen Freibad and Vaihinger Landstraße was rebuilt for light rail operation with two tracks, partly in a new cutting. The stations Unteraichen and Leinfelden Frank have 40m side platforms, Möhringen Freibad has a 40m island platform and Rohrer Weg two 80m side platforms. All stations from here to Pragsattel have long platforms because the lines U6 and U7 operate with two cars. The bridge over the highway A8 was rebuilt, after the line U5 changed to light rail opertion. The U5 used a temporary roadbridge with a short single-track street running section. The new bridge opened on July, 31st 1993 with two tracks. North of Möhringen Freibad the tracks are going down into a cutting to cross under a road. A track triangle north of Rohrer Weg station connects this line with the Möhringen depot. Before reaching Vaihingen Landstraße, the route unites with the tracks of the lines U3, U6, and U8. In 1966 the road bridge at this station replaced a dangerous level crossing. Vaihingen Landstraße was redesigned in 2003.

Just before arriving at Möhringen Bahnhof station the tracks separate. The line U3 uses the two southern ones, the other lines the two in the north. Therefore Möhringen Bahnhof has four tracks and three platforms, only the south platform is 40m long. West of Möhringen Bahnhof station there are reverse tracks for some trains of the lines U5 and U6, which reverse here.

The tracks for the lines U5, U6 and U8 curve to the north to reach Riedsee station with side platforms. The private right of way follows the Rembrandtstraße at the west side through an area without buildings. At the Sonnenberg station the tracks curve to north-east. The Peregrinastraße station was rebuilt 1993 further to the east, because the new Degerloch Albplatz station opened on April, 17th 1993 near a new office and housing buildings. This station is an above ground "U-Bahn" station, because the tracks are completely equipped with signals and the side platforms can be reached by a pedestrian bridge at the west side and a pedestrian tunnel at the east end. The former inbound platform of Peregrinastraße station (a island platform between the inbound track and a reverse track) is now used only for reverse trains of line U5 (which sometimes ends here) or the special line U17. This platform lies a short distance to the west of Albplatz station.

After leaving Degerloch Albplatz the trains go down by a ramp into a tunnel leading to the underground station of Degerloch. This station lies in an inclination, therefore there is no mezzanine at the west end of the 120m long island platform. At this side stairs and a lift connect the platform directly with the surface bus stops. At the east side of the platform a pedestrian ramp leads to the mezzanine and a further ramp and stairs from there to the surface with the terminus of the rack line 10.

The following tunnel is built in shotcrete tunneling construction and goes down with a gradiente of 5,3 % to the Weinsteige station. At this station the trains get out of the hill and reach the so called "Fenster" (Window) section to create a great view for the passengers down on the city. The inbound platform of Weinsteige station is reached about a lift and stairs. The tunnel and the two stations opened on November, 3rd 1990 together with the light rail lines U5 and U6. A short stretch behind Weinsteige station the tracks for the part-time line U8 turn right into a tunnel towards Waldau station. The lines U5 and U6 reach a short tunnel and than the second "Fenster". After that the light rail vehicles run down the 1285m long "Neue Weinsteige" tunnel with a gradiente of 7% down to the valley. The tunnel was opened on September 26th 1987 and used by the tram cars until 1990. A short distance after entering this tunnel the tracks unit with the U7 tracks. The U7 outbound track crosses under the U5 / U6 tracks. The s-curved tunnel is built in the shotcrete mining tunneling construction method. It ends in the Bopser ramp station. The side platforms are nearly horizontal, but the road lies in a steep gradient. The south entrance is equipped with stairs, while the north is at grade with a pedestrian level crossing.

The route follows the steep Hohenheimer Straße in a grassed central reservation until the Dobelstraße station. Beyond that station the Hohenheimer Straße gets narrow. Therefore the outbound track is lying in this main road with mixed traffic for about 150 metres. The inbound track is on a central reservation with a ballasted track. A planned tunnel below the Hohenheimer Straße was stopped in the seventies by the citizen of Stuttgart. A short stretch before arriving at Olgaeck station both tracks are on the central reservation again. From Olgaeck station the tram line 15 runs together with the ligt rail lines on tracks with three rails. The third rail from here back to Vaihingen Landstraße and SSB-Zentrum (U3) is still in use to connect the tram line with the main workshop.

A steep ramp leads to the city light rail tunnel. The tunnel starts with the Charlottenplatz station with high and low side platforms. This station in level -1 opened on May, 17th 1967. On level -2 the lines U1, U2 and U4 intersect (descripted on line U1). Until Oktober, 1st 1978 over a tempory ramp at the other end of the station the trams reached the surface again. Then the connection tunnel between here and Hauptbahnhof opened with the curved Schloßplatz station in the center of Stuttgart. The station is desigend by Behnisch and Partner, the achitects who also built the Munich Olympia tent-ceiling. The four underground station have 120m long platforms, 80m high level and 40m low level for the tram line.

Just before arriving at Hauptbahnhof (Arnulf-Klett-Platz) station, the trains enter a sharp curve. This station has four tracks and three platforms. The two tracks in the south are used by the lines U5, U6, U7 and tram line 15, the others at the north side by the lines U9 and U14. Connetions to all S-Bahn lines in level -3, one level deeper. Open designed entrances on both sides lead from the upper shoping level ot the platforms. After leaving this station the tracks curve right and cross under the U4 / U14 tracks. There is no track connection between the different tunnels. The tunnels opened on Apil, 9th / 10th 1976.

The following Türlenstraße (Bürgerhospital) station opens to the surounding area at the east side. The mezzanine is in the middle of the platform . It is open at one side to the platform hall, so you can see the light rail trains below. From April 10th 1976 until July, 27th 1977 the trams left the tunnel through the side opening. Since 1997 the final tunnel stretch to the ramp in the Heilbronner Straße is in use. Beyond the ramp the tram line 15 turns right into the Friedhofstraße. The trains follow the Heilbronner Straße to the Pragsattel station on a central reservation equipped with signals and without road crossings.

An island platform was built at the Eckartshaldenstraße (Pragfriedhof) station, reached by a pedestrian tunnel at the south end and leve-crossings at the north end. Behind the station the line U7 turns left towards Killesberg Messe, there is also a siding track.

Löwentorbrücke station has also an island platform. It can be reached at the south end by a level-crossing and from the north by a pedestrian bridge. There is a connection from here to the S-Bahn lines S4, S5 and S6 at the Nordbahnhof station.

A ramp leads to a further short tunnel section. Just before reaching Pragsattel station, the tracks unit by track intersection with the tracks for the lines U13 and 15 coming from the right. The Pragsattel station (opened on July 17th 1990) lies in an open cutting with a long island platform and two side platforms divided into high and low parts. One-car light rail vehicles open the doors to both sides. Entrances are at both ends and in the middle of the platform. The middle entrance leads across a pedestrian bridge and a lift or stairs to the island platform. Ramps lead from the side platforms to the surface level. At the north end of the station the tracks ly in different levels, becauce in the following tunnelsection the lines U6 and U13 turn left without track intersection. The outbound track to Feuerbach crosses above the inbound track of the lines U5 and 15.

After leaving the short tunnel by a ramp, the lines U5 and 15 run in the Heilbronner Straße and the Ludwigsburger Straße on a central reservation again. Stations with 40m high and 40m low side platforms are at Sieglestraße, Borsigstraße, Friedrichswahl and at Hohensteinstraße.

In the suburb Zuffenhausen the line U5 turns right into the Haldenrainstraße. The line 15 goes straight and then turns left towards Stammheim. Just after the curve the U5 stops at Zuffenhausen Kelterplatz.

From here to Schozacher Straße station the trains run on a central reservation with ballasted tracks. In the following section through the suburb Rot the tracks are on a grassed reservation at the north side of the Haldenrainstraße, including the Fürfelderstraße station. The tracks turn left to the Tapachstraße station, at the west side of this street. Then the tracks curve right to a grassed side reservation north of the Rotweg.

The reservation changes to ballasted tracks at the bridge across the railway and follows the Mönchfeldstraße with the Landesversicherung and Suttnerstraße stations. This section was new built for the tram in 1970. The station at Suttnerstraße was used as a temporary terminal while the extension to Mönchfeld was being constructed. The former terminus Freiberg was closed on April 2005 and is now demolished. This station lied in a deeper level and had a 80m island platform.

The new Freiberg station with an island platform lies on street level. Beyond that station the tracks change to the south side of the Mönchfeldstraße and reach the new terminus Mönchfeld also with island platform by a short single track stretch. This extension opened on December 10th, 2005.

Line U6

The Stadtbahn line U6 was changed from metre-gauge tram into standard-gauge light-rail service at the section Möhringen Bahnhof to Feuerbach Pfostenwäldle on November 3, 1990, together with line U5 Leinfelden - Freiberg. Light-rail operation from Pfostenwäldle to Giebel started on September 26, 1992, after building a tunnel through the suburb Weilimdorf. The further extension to Gerlingen Siedlung opened on October 2, 1993. The tunnel in Gerlingen was finished on May 31st 1997. Two-train operation on the line U6 started on September 9, 1996. At the rush-hour the U6 starts at Vaihingen Bahnhof and during the rest of the day at Möhringen Bahnhof. The section Vaihingen Bahnhof - Möhringen Bahnhof can be seen at the Line U3, the further section to Pragsattel is described on Line U5.

At Pragsattel station the long U6 trains open their doors only to the central platform, because the side platforms are divided into low and high parts. The low parts are still necessary for the tram line 15. North of Pragsattel station in the tunnel the lines U6 and U13 turn left towards Feuerbach and Gerlingen without track intersections. The tunnel follows the busy Siemenstraße with the underground Maybachstraße station. This tunnel opened on April 2nd 1984 with tram operation.

The Maybachstraße station has two side platforms with a mezzanine in the middle of the station. Short parts of the platform are still at low level, but not in use. After leaving the tunnel the tracks cross over a tunnel portal for railways. The next station lies in front of the station building of Feuerbach Bahnhof. The side platforms are reached by level crossings at both ends. After this stop the light rails turn left and reach a further tunnel by a ramp. This tunnel opened on November 3rd 1990 and replaced the former tram routes through the suburb of Feuerbach. The tram used two different streets for outbound and inbound trains.

The Wilhelm-Geiger-Platz station lies in level -1 with two side platforms (with unused lower parts). In the middle of the station there is a great opening to the surface, this is typical for new underground stations in Stuttgart. This tunnel ends at the Feuerbach Krankenhaus station, which lies partly in the tunnel and partly at surface.

The next section is on a private-right-of-way, with bridges over a small street and a main road. The Feuerbach Sportpark station lies between the two bridges. The platforms can be reached at the west end by a level crossing. Beyond the Pfostenwäldle station there is a reverse track for line U13 south of the other tracks. The route leads through a forest and reaches the suburb Weilimdorf. Here is the first level crossing with road traffic since Olgaeck. Up to Landauer Straße station the tracks are on a grassed reservation at the north side. Beyond this station the train goes down into a tunnel by a ramp. The Weilimdorf Löwenplatz station is in level -1 without ceiling above the high level side platforms. Only the unused low level parts of the platforms are covered over.

The ramp station Rastatter Straße is in a special design. The route follows the Solitudestraße on the west side, with the Wolfbusch station on its way. The tracks turn west along the Engelbergstraße. They change over a bridge from the north side to the south side of this street between the stations Bergheimer Hof and Salamanderweg.

The Giebel station is the terminus for line U13 during the rush hour. This line reverses at the north side of the (outbound) platform. The Breitwiesen station is the first station in the Gerlingen community. At Gerlingen Siedlung station the route goes down into a tunnel. In the tunnel are three tracks, the south one is a siding track. The terminus station Gerlingen with central platform is only at the east side of platform closed to the surface. The other side is open.

Line U7/U8

The Killesberg station has a 120 m long central platform with mezzanines at both ends. From there, the route goes down eastbound to the Eckardshaldenweg station, firstly in a tunnel and than in private-right-of-way with grassed tracks. The maximum inclination is 7%. This section with a length of about 1 km was newly built for the U7 . The former tram line to the Killesberg (closed in 1976) followed the twisty Birkenwaldstraße. Before reaching the Eckartshaldenweg station the U7 trains cross the inbound traffic lanes of the Heilbronner Straße.

This short branch became less important when the fairground moved to the airport in 2007. Therefore the U7 will change its northern branche with the one of the line U5 in 2010. By this time the stations from Pragsattel to Mönchfeld will be lengthened to 80 m.

From Eckartshaldenweg to Bopser station, the line U7 shares the tracks with the U5 and U6 line. Pictures and description can be found in the category of the line U5.

A short distance before the upper end of the Weinsteige tunnel, the lines separate and the U7 turns left into the 1,2 km long steep (7%) Waldau tunnel. There is also a track link from the Weinsteige station into the Waldau tunnel, used by the line U8 (Vaihingen – Möhringen – Heumaden – Ostfildern). The Waldau tunnel was built by NATM (New Austrian Tunnelling Method) The about 2 km long tunnelsection from Bosper station to Waldau station is the third longest tunnel between two stations of an urban railway in Germany. The longest tunnel is the S-Bahn tunnel in Stuttgart between Schwabstraße and Universität station with about 4,5 km.

The Waldau stations lies in an open cutting. The 80 metre central platform is covered with a tent-like roof. In the tunnel between Waldau and Ruhbank (Fernsehturm) there are three tracks, the middle one is a storage track.

The Ruhbank (Fernsehturm) station with a central platform lies directly behind the tunnel on a ramp. There is only one entrance at the west side. A further 40 m central platform at ground level was built for line U15.

The section Ruhbank – Heumaden was formerly used by tram route 15. Until 1999 this section was upgraded for the Stadtbahn cars. From 1999 to 2005 the tram route 15 terminated at Ruhbank (Fernsehturm). The new U15 Stadtbahn line usually also terminates there, but at the rush hour the U15 trains run further to Heumaden.

Between the Ruhbank and Silberwald stations the tracks cross a forest area on a side reservation along the Kirchheimer Straße. The central platform of Silberwald station again lies on a ramp, with the entrance at the east side. For Stadtbahn operation a tunnel was built through Sillenbuch under the Kirchheimer Straße. The Sillenbuch station is a subway station with canopied openings at the entrances and the middle of the station. The Schemppstraße station at the other end of the tunnel is similar to the Ruhbank station, but at Schemppstraße there is an additional pedestrian level crossing on the east end.

The formerly ballasted tracks between Schemppstraße and Heumaden were rebuilt with grassed tracks for Stadtbahn operation. The Bockelstraße station got a central platform in the standard design. Heumaden station has three tracks. The middle one is used by the U15 trains terminating here at the rush hours.

The further 6 km section from Heumaden to Nellingen in the Ostfildern commune is a completely new route. After a ride of 1,6 km through open fields the U7 reaches the neighbourhood Ruit, where a 930 m long tunnel was built for the Stadtbahn. Ruit station is similar to Sillenbuch station, with large openings above the platform. The tunnel in Ruit was built by cut-and-cover under the Plochinger Straße. Zinsholz station is located shortly behind the east end of the tunnel. The platform can be reached via a ramp on the west side and a pedestrian level crossing on the east side. The route follows the Kirchheimer Straße in a cutting. The Parksiedlung station can be reached at the east side from a pedestrian bridge or a pedestrian level crossing.

The route turns south and crosses a new roadway on a steel arch bridge and reaches the Scharnhauser Park station. The side platforms are integrated in the new square. Scharnhauser Park is a new housing area on the grounds of a former U.S. military base. The Kreuzbrunnen station connects the southern area of the new neighbourhood to the Stadtbahn.

Between Kreuzbrunnen station and Technische Akademie station the U7 runs through open fields again. After crossing the Rinnenbachstraße the trains reach Nellingen at the Technische Akademie station. They terminate at the second station in Nellingen called Ostfildern-Nellingen. A special roof characterises this station. Until 1978 Nellingen had been linked by a tram route from Esslingen.

  • April 17th, 1993: Killesberg (Messe) – Hauptbahnhof – Bopser – Degerloch Albplatz
  • May 05th, 1998: Killesberg (Messe) – Hauptbahnhof – Bopser – Ruhbank (instead of Degerloch Albplatz)
  • September 11th, 1999 Extension Ruhbank – Heumaden (former Tram route 15)
  • September 9th, 2000 Extension Heumaden – Ruit – Ostfildern Nellingen
  • September 9th, 2000 new Line U8: Vaihingen Bahnhof – Möhringen Bahnhof – Weinsteige – Heumaden – Ostfildern Nellingen
  • 2010/11: new route for line U7: Mönchfeld – Pragsattel – Hauptbahnhof – Ostfildern Nellingen (U5: Killesberg – Hauptbahnhof - Leinfelden)

Photo Gallery

Five Random Images

Image 37498

(105k, 800x625)
Photo by: Matthias Frey
Location: Vaihingen Viadukt

Image 79045

(195k, 1044x706)
Photo by: Richard Panse
Location: Olgakrankenhaus

Image 81767

(211k, 1044x706)
Photo by: Richard Panse
Location: Zuffenhausen Kelterplatz

Image 104658

(202k, 900x599)
Photo by: Matthias Frey
Location: Ruit

Image 106553

(189k, 800x641)
Photo by: Matthias Frey
Location: Between Kreuzbrunnen and Techn. Akadamie

More Images: 1-50 51-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 301-350 351-400 401-450 451-500 501-550 551-600 601-650 651-696

Photos By Location


Photo locations: Vaihingen Bahnhof, Vaihingen Schillerplatz, Fauststraße, Vaihingen Viadukt, Engelboldstraße, Kaltental, Waldeck, Heslach Vogelrain, Südheimer Platz, Bihlplatz, Schreiberstraße, Between Schreiberstraße and Ramp Böblinger Straße, Rampe Böblinger Straße, Marienplatz, Österreichischer Platz, Rathaus, Charlottenplatz, Staatsgalerie, Neckartor, Rampe Stöckach, Stöckach, Between Stöckach and Metzstraße, Metzstraße SWR, Mineralbaeder, Between Mineralbäder and Mercedesstraße, Mercedesstraße, Bad Cannstatt Wilhelmsplatz, Near Bad Cannstatt Wilhelmsplatz, Uff-Kirchhof, Augsburger Platz, Nürnberger Straße, Friedrich-List-Heim, Between Friedrich-List-Heim and Beskidenstraße, Beskidenstraße, Höhenstraße, Esslinger Straße, Schwabenlandhalle, Fellbach Lutherkirche


Photo locations: Hölderlinplatz, Bet. Hölderlinpl. & Russische Kirche, Russische Kirche, Rosenbergstraße/Seidenstraße, Berliner Platz (Liederhalle), Berliner Platz (Hohe Straße), Rotebühlplatz (Stadtmitte), Daimlerplatz, König-Karl-Straße east of Daimlerplatz, Kursaal, Tainacher Straße north of Kursaal, Schmidener Straße between Kursaal and Gnesener Straße, Gnesener Straße, Schmidener Str. bet. Gnesener Str. & Obere Ziegelei, Obere Ziegelei, Hauptfriedhof, Steinhaldenfeld, Neugereut


Photo locations: Plieningen, Between Plieningen and Landhaus, Landhaus, Salzäcker, Plieninger Straße, Sigmaringer Straße, Möhringen Bahnhof, Vaihinger Landstraße, SBB-Zentrum, Wallgraben, Jurastraße, Vaihingen Bahnhof


Photo locations: Botnang, Eltinger Straße, Millöckerstraße, Beethovenstraße, Lindpaintnerstraße, Herderplatz, Vogelsang, Arndtstraße/Spittastraße, Schwabstraße/Bebelstraße, Schlossstraße/Johannesstraße, Berliner Platz/Liederhalle, Keplerstraße (U4/U9/U14), Hauptbahnhof (U4/U9/U14), Stöckach, Olgakrankenhaus, Bergfriedhof, Ostendstraße (U4), Talstraße/Landhausstraße (U4), Gaisburg (U4), Wangenerstraße/Landhausstraße (U4), Raitelsberg (U9), Schlachthof (U9), Wangenerstraße/Landhausstraße (U9), Brendle Großmarkt, Im Degen, Inselstraße, Wasenstraße, Wangen Marktplatz (U9), Hedelfinger Straße (U9), Hedelfingen (U9), Untertürkheim Bahnhof (U4), (Misc/Unknown)


Photo locations: Leinfelden Bahnhof, Unteraichen, Leinfelden Frank, Möhringen Freibad, Rohrer Weg, Vaihingen Landstraße, Möhringen Bahnhof, Riedsee, Sonnenberg, Peregrinastraße, Degerloch Albplatz, Degerloch, Bet. Degerloch and Weinsteige, Weinsteige, Bet. Weinsteige and Bopser, Bopser, Dobelstraße, Bet. Dobelstraße and Olgaeck, Olgaeck, Bet. Olgaeck and Charlottenpl., Charlottenplatz, Schloßplatz, Hauptbahnhof (Arnulf-Klett-Platz), Türlenstraße (Bürgerhospital), Bet. Türlenstr. and Eckartshaldenstr., Eckartshaldenweg (Pragfriedhof), Bet. Eckartshaldenstr. and Löwentorbr., Löwentorbrücke, Bet. Löwentorbrücke and Pragsattel, Pragsattel, Sieglestraße, Borsigstraße, Friedrichswahl, Bet. Friedrichswahl & Hohensteinstraße, Hohensteinstraße, Zuffenhausen Kelterplatz, Schozacher Straße, Fürfelderstraße, Tapachstraße, Landesversicherung, Suttnerstraße, Freiberg, Mönchfeld, Pragfriedhof, Milchhof, Mittnachtstrasse, Löwentor, Nordbahnhof, Zuffenhausen Rathaus, Kirchtalstrasse, Zahn-Nopper Strasse, Salzwiesensstrasse, Wimpfener Strasse, Heutingsheimer Strasse, Korntaler Strasse, Stammheim Rathaus, Stammheim


Photo locations: Maybachstraße, Ramp nr. Maybachstraße, Bet. Maybachstraße and Feuerbach Bahnhof, Feuerbach Bahnhof, Wilhelm-Geiger-Platz, Feuerbach Krankenhaus, Sportpark Feuerbach, Pfostenwäldle, Landauer Straße, Weilimdorf Löwenmarkt, Rastatter Straße, Wolfbusch, Bergheimer Hof, Bet. Bergheimer Hof and Salamanderweg, Salamanderweg, Giebel, Breitwiesen, Gerlingen Siedlung, Gerlingen


Photo locations: Killesberg Messe, Eugensplatz, Heidehofstrasse, Stafflenbergstrasse, Bubenbad, Payerstrasse, Geroksruhe, Stelle, Ruhbank Fernsehturm, Portal bet. Weinsteige and Waldau, Waldau, Silberwald, Sillenbuch, Schemppstrasse, Bockelstrasse, Heurmaden, Ruit, Zinsholz, Between Zinsholz and Parksiedlung, Parksiedlung, Bet. Parksiedlung and Scharnhauser Park, Scharnhauser Park, Kreuzbrunnen, Between Kreuzbrunnen and Techn. Akadamie, Techn. Akadamie, Ostfildern Nelligen


Photo locations: Pragfriedhof, Milchhof, Mittnachtstrasse, Löwentor, Nordbahnhof, Zuffenhausen Rathaus, Kirchtalstrasse, Zahn-Nopper Strasse, Salzwiesensstrasse, Wimpfener Strasse, Heutingsheimer Strasse, Korntaler Strasse, Stammheim Rathaus, Stammheim

Page Credits

By Matthias Frey.

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