Munich, Germany U-Bahn
Munich U-Bahn line U3 station at Oberwiesenfeld. Photo by David Pirmann, September 2009.
Station By Station
Line U1
Olympia-Einkaufszentrum (OEZ) station opened on October 31, 2004 with side platforms. In 2007 there will be a connection to line U3 at the south end of the U1 station. The future U3 station is in level -3 with island platform, the U1 station is in level -2.
The next station, Georg-Brauchle-Ring, opened on October 18, 2003. The hall-formed station is very colorful.
Westfriedhof and Gern stations opened on May 23, 1998. In the platform hall at Westfriedhof station are big central lamps with light in different colors. The surface of the walls resembles a rock face. In my opinion Westfriedhof station is the most beautiful subway station in Munich. At Gern station the ceiling is formed in pyramid sections with the lighting inside.
The section Rotkreuzplatz to Hauptbahnhof opened on May 28, 1983 with 3 subway stations. The formation of Rotkreuzplatz, Maillingerstraße, and Stiglmaierplatz is rather similar. Rotkreuzplatz station is without central pillars.
The Line U1 runs on the same tracks as the Line U2 from Hauptbahnhof to Kolumbusplatz Station. This section is a part of the route Scheidplatz - Neuperlach-Süd station with 19 new stations, which opened on October 18, 1980. The Hauptbahnhof station for these lines is in level -4 with 4 tracks and 2 platforms. The outer tracks are for lines U1 and U7, the inner for lines U2 and U8. At the north end of the platforms there is connection to the city rail line (S-Bahn) and at the south end to the U-Bahn lines U4 and U5. These underground stations are in level -2.
The Sendlinger Tor station is built in mine-tunneling, shotcrete construction with two tunnel-shaped platform halls for each directions. This part of the station is in level -3. The lines U3 and U6 intersects in level -2.
The deep Frauenhoferstraße station is built in a combination of shield-construction for the track area and open cast construction for the platform hall. The tunnel section Frauenhoferstraße - Kolumbusplatz under the river Isar is built in two single-track railway tunnels in shield-construction. Most of the other tunnels between the stations are built in mine-tunneling, shotcrete construction.
Kolumbusplatz station has 3 tracks with two platforms. The outbound trains stop at the side platform, the inbound trains at the central platform (line U1 at the inner track). Beyond this station the lines separate.
The U1-South section Kolumbusplatz - Mangfallplatz opened on November 9, 1997 with four new stations. The first stop is the colorful Candidplatz station. At the south end there is a ramp between platform hall and ticket barrier level, shown on the pictures.
Wettersteinplatz station: the platform hall without center pillars is colored in red and green.
One of the most interesting station of the metro Munich is the St.-Quirin-Platz station. A great shaped steel and glass dome spans above a part of the station. Daylight floods in the platform hall. The walls in the station consist of bored piles.
The walls at the terminus Mangfallplatz station, consist of inclined bored piles.
Line U2
At the terminus Feldmoching there is a junction to the surface S-Bahn line. The architecture expresses friendliness and brightness. In the middle of the station there is large space to the mezzanine around the escalator.
The ceiling above the platform in the blue colored Hasenbergl station is formed as a reflecting canopy screen, similar to the one at Fürstenried-West station (U3). There are open connections to the mezzanines on both sides.
The mezzanine in the multi-colored Dülferstraße station is like a balcony in the western section of the platform hall. There is also an entrance at the east end of the station which leads to a new housing area.
The entrance with escalator in the north end of Harthof station is also formed as a balcony. Daylight reaches the platform on this side. Another mezzanine is at the opposite end of the platform. There are no central supports in this station.
The ceiling at Am Hart station is shaped as wings of a bird. The escalator is at the south entrance.
The platform hall at Frankfurter Ring station is very high .From the mezzanine with the escalator on the north side you look down on the platform. There is also an entrance at the south end of the station.
At Milbershofen station the arrangement of the lightning is unusual. The escalator is also at the north entrance.
The next station is Scheidplatz with the intersection to line U3. Description and picture can be seen in the Munich U-Bahn line U3 section.
The first section of the U2-North from Scheidplatz to Dülferstraße was opened on November 20, 1993 with five stations. The next two stations to Feldmoching were finished on October 26, 1996. The section Scheidplatz - Hauptbahnhof - Innsbrucker Ring opened on October 18, 1980, as a part of the line to Neuperlach-Süd station. Most of the stations finished in 1980 look similar to Hohenzollernplatz station. There is a difference in the colors and the formation of the central pillars.
Josephsplatz station is also a typical station of the 1980 section.
At Theresienstraße station there is a high space in the area of the entrance in the middle of the platform hall. This station is in level -3.
The next station Königsplatz is different in its appearance. Because of the museums around the station there are paintings on the wall and sculptures on the platform. In the space above the platform hall there is a subterranean art gallery as an extension of the Städtische Galerie im Lenbach Haus.
From Hauptbahnhof to Kolumbusplatz station the U2 runs on the same tracks as line U1. Description and pictures can be seen in the Munich U-Bahn line U1 section.
The next four stations beyond Kolumbusplatz are further typical stations of the line opened in 1980. Silberhornstraße station has no central supports, Untersbergstraße station has only one entrance in the middle of the platform hall.
At Giesing (Bahnhof) station there is a connection to the surface S-Bahn. The mezzanine of that station is above the whole platform with openings to the lower level.
Karl-Preis-Platz is normal central platform station with entrances on both sides.
Innsbrucker Ring station is like Scheidplatz station a intersection station with four tracks and two platforms in one level. The line U2 (and the lines U7, U8) uses the inner tracks, the line U5 the outer ones. From here the main-traffic-line U8 runs together with line U5 to Neuperlach-Zentrum station.
From Innsbrucker Ring a new branch was built to the former airport area at Riem. A new convention center and a housing area now fill this place. This branch-line with six stations opened on May 29, 1999.
The red coloured Josephsplatz station is in a curve. The mezzanines are open to the platform level with the escalator in the west side.
The ceiling at Kreillerstraße station is like the Fürstenried-West and Hasenbergl station suspended with reflective metal boards. The platform hall is high with mezzanines like balconies on both sides. The escalator in also on the western side.
The Trudering station is built in the mine-tunneling, shotcrete construction with two station tube tunnels. There is a connection to the surface S-Bahn line.
The high platform hall in red colors of Moosfeld station has also mezzanines with open space to the lower level.
The platform hall at Messestadt-West station is very large and high. Openings in the ceiling let the daylight flow inside the station. The walls in fair-faced concrete architecture are coloured in red.
The Messestadt-Ost terminus is also with a large platform hall in fair-faced concrete architecture. A reflective ceiling is suspended about the platform.
Line U3
The so-called "Olympia-Line" branch Münchner Freiheit to the Olympiazentrum opened on May 8, 1972 for the Olympic games of 1972. The four stations along the Olympia Line are formed in fair-faced concrete architecture, this is different from the first north-south line, U6.
Olympiazentrum station has four tracks and two platforms for large crowds of people in level -1. The entrance buildings at both ends are at surface with connections to bus lines.
Petuelring is a normal station with island platform. The entrance is located in the middle of the platform.
At Scheidplatz station there is a intersection with line U2 (and line U8) in the same platform-level. The outer ones of the four tracks are used by line U3, the inner ones by the other lines. The mezzanines at both ends are open to the platform hall. At the surface there are connections to tram and bus lines. Elevators in the middle of the platforms lead directly to the surface.
Bonner Platz is also an island platform station. The entrance is located in the middle of the platform. The tunnels between the stations are built in shield-tunneling construction method.
The Line U3 runs on the same tracks as Line U6 between Münchner Freiheit and Implerstraße station. Pictures of the stations of this section are shown in the Munich U-Bahn Line U6 section.
The Implerstraße - Forstenrieder Allee section of the branch-line to Fürstenried-West was opened on October 28, 1989 with six new underground stations. The last two stations up to Fürstenried-West terminus opened on June 1, 1991. The design concept of the station consists of various suspended canopies above the platforms and less bright track areas. Most of the stations have mezzanines at both ends of the platform.
At Brudermühlstraße station a car tunnel crosses on top of the platform tunnel. The station is built in a curve, the walls are coloured in blue. Entrance in the middle (with elevator) and south end of the platform. Between Brudermühlstraße and Thalkirchen station there are three tracks, a siding track in the middle.
Nearby the Thalkirchen station there is the zoo of Munich "Hellabrunn." Therefore animal representations are shown on the walls of the platform hall. Entrances at both ends of the platform. At the south end ramps leads to the mezzanine level and then to the surface.
On the walls of Obersendling station the bored-piles can be seen. A ramp connects the platform level with the mezzanine. For connection to the surface S-Bahn line passengers have to walk about 150 meters on a footway.
The Aidenbachstraße station is with central supports, blue painted walls and reflective panels on it. The elevator is at the west side of the platform.
The next station, Machtelfinger Straße, is similar to Obersendling with exposed bored-piles. The station is near the surface, therefore two light domes flood daylight in the platform hall. The entrances are housed in pavilions on surface.
Forstenrieder Allee station is similar to Aidenbachstr station, but it is colored in different greens. The elevator is located on the west side of the station.
Another station with exposed bored-piles is Basler Straße. Around the elevator in the middle of the platform hall daylight floods down by using mirrors.
The Fürstenried-West terminus station is also formed with visible bored-piles. Aluminum boards on the ceiling reflect the light. The elevator is in the middle of the platform. Between the stations in this section most of the tunnels are built in mine-tunnel, shotcrete construction.
Line U4
From Westendstraße to Max-Weber-Platz the line U4 runs on the same tracks as line U5. Description and pictures can be seen in the Munich U-bahn line U5 section. At Max-Weber-Platz station the two lines seperate.
The first station on the U4-branch (opened on October 27, 1988) is Prinzregentenplatz. There is a noble atmosphere at platform hall, because there is a theater nearby the station. Central supports are only at both ends of the station. The mezzanine is in the middle of the platform.
The central supports in the Böhmerwaldplatz station remind one of trees. The walls of the curved platform hall are in light blue.
The Richard-Strauss-Straße station is one of the few stations with side platforms, in this case without central supports.
At Arabellapark terminus round lamps are fixed in the ceiling canopy panels. At the walls there are horizontal slats, the concrete is painted in dark blue. Big central pillars support the curved platform hall.
Line U5
The two stations Laimer Platz and Friedenheimer Straße opened on March 24, 1988. They look quiet similar. Friedenheimer Straße station has no central supports. This section is built in an open cut technique.
The section Westendstraße to Karlsplatz opened on March 10, 1984 with six stations. The wall claddings in the platform halls are vaulted to express the tunnel-character. The design changes from station to station, unlike the older stations which are basically the same from station to station.
At Westendstraße station the Line U4 starts. This line runs together with Line U5 til Max-Weber-Platz station.
Heimeranplatz station looks similar to Westendstraße, but is colored in brown instead of blue. There is a connection to the surface S-Bahn.
The next station is Schwanthaler Höhe, formerly named Messegelände. Nearby was the old convention center of Munich. At the east side of the station there is a single track branch line to Implerstraße station (U3/6) but without passenger service.
Theresienwiese is the station for the Munich Oktoberfest. The platform tunnel is built in the gunned concrete construction method called the New Austrian Tunnelling Method.
At Hauptbahnhof station there are connections to the U-bahn lines U1 and U2, to tram lines, and to other railways. The station is in level -2 in the south of the main railway station. The high ceiling is painted in a dark blue, the platform has no central supports.
Karlsplatz (Stachus) station is the deepest one in Munich (and in Germany). There are two tube tunnels built with the New Austrian Tunneling Method. Connections are possible to the S-Bahn lines in level -3 and to tram lines at the surface.
Odeonsplatz station is also built in gunned concrete construction with two platform tunnel for each directions. At the east end there is the connection to the lines U3 and U6 which stop on the upper level. This station opened on March 1, 1986.
The section Odeonsplatz - Max-Weber-Platz - Innsbrucker Ring with the branch to Arabellapark (seen on Munich U-bahn line U4 section) opened on October 27, 1988.
Lehel is also a two tube tunnel station in the ground under the buildings. It looks similar to the Odeonsplatz station.
Max-Weber-Platz station has three tracks and two platforms in level -3. The outbound trains stop at the side platform, the inbound trains use the island platform, the line U5 the outer track. Beyond this station the lines separate. The entrance in the middle of the station is with open mezzanines in two levels. At the upper level a horse-drawn tramcar is presented. On the surface there is connection to some tram lines.
Ostbahnhof is an important intersection station. On the surface the S-Bahn lines cross and there is also a tram stop.
At Innsbrucker Ring station the line U5 reaches the metro tunnel built in 1980. Here are connections to the line U2 at the same platform. The station has four tracks, the outer ones are used by the line U5.
Michaelibad and Quiddestraße stations are typical for the 1980 opened section. At Michaelibad station a ramp connects the mezzanine on the east entrance.
Neuperlach-Zentrum station has a wide platform. The mezzanine is like a bridge in the middle of the platform. Neuperlach is a big housing area from the 1960s/1970s.
Therese-Giehse-Allee station is low under the ground. At the south entrance a ramp leads directly to the surface.
Neuperlach-Süd is the terminus for the line U5. The station is on surface placed on a bridge and combined with a single track S-Bahn line. The arrival platform of the U-bahn is also the platform for the S-bahn trains. Behind the station there are siding tracks for the metro trains.
Line U6
The surface Garching Hochbrück station opened on October 28, 1995. This is the first station outside Munich in the city Garching, The extension with 2 stations to Garching Forschungsgelände will be mainly in tunnel and is scheduled to be completed in 2006. The surface section up to Fröttmaning station is about 4000 meters.
The first Fröttmaning station opened on June 30, 1994. This station now is demolished and a new station with four tracks and two platform is built, because in 2006 a new football stadium will be opened nearby. The western platform was completed on May 17, 2004.
Kieferngarten was the terminus station from October 19, 1971 until 1994. Station with 4 tracks and 2 platforms. A control center, or "tower" in New York parlance, is north of this station.
The next two stations Freimann and Studentenstadt are on the surface. This section was originally built for the tram in 1962, but it had been rebuilt for the U-Bahn. South of Studentenstadt station the U-Bahn trains go underground.
Alte Heide station is typical for the first Munich underground stations. The first section Kieferngarten--Goetheplatz of the Munich U-Bahn opened on October 19, 1971 with three surface and 10 subway stations. The tunnel Alte Heide--Giselastraße was built in cut-and-cover method.
Nordfriedhof station has two side platforms, Dietlindenstraße, a central platform like most of the Munich underground stations.
At Münchner Freiheit station the Lines U6 and U3 unite. The outer of the four tracks are used by line U3, the inner ones by line U6. The platform hall is wide and high.
The following stations Gieslastraße and Universiät are also typically in the architecture for the first Munich underground section. Beyond Giselastraße station up to Harras station the tunnel were mostly built in shield-tunneling construction method.
At the south end of Odeonsplatz station there is the connection to the lines U4 and U5. The U3/6 station is in the upper level.
Marienplatz station is the most crowded metro station in Munich. There are two platform tunnels in level -4. The east-west S-Bahn tunnel intersects the metro tunnel. Two level S-Bahn station, level -2 towards Ostbahnhof, level -3 towards Hauptbahnhof.
At the Sendlinger Tor station, the lines U1 and U2 cross in the lower level.
Goetheplatz station is part of a tunnel section built in 1938 for a north-south city-rail line, but never completed. The tunnel portion finally had service when the Line U6 opened in 1971. The section Goetheplatz to Harras was opened on November 22, 1975. The Poccistraße station was added later and finished on May 28, 1978. This station was built in the shield-tunneling construction method.
The next station is Implerstraße, with 3 tracks and 2 platforms without pillars. The outbound trains use the side platform and the inbound trains the central platform (Line U3 use the inner track.) Behind this stations the lines separate and in the north of the station there is a single track branch-line to the Schwantheler Höhe station of U4 and U5 with railway sidings under the Theresienwiese.
At Harras station there is a connection to a surface S-Bahn line.
The U6 was extended in April 16, 1983 from Harras to Holzapfelkreuth station, with three colorful formed stations. This section was called the "flower line" because of the International Garden Show (IGA 1983) which took place in this area. The stations are Partnachplatz, Westpark and Holzapfelskreuth.
Ten years later on May 22, 1993 the next extension of the U6 west opened, with further three stations. The walls at the Haderner Stern station are formed by glass blocks and on the ceiling there are aluminum sheet reflectors.
At the Großhadern station the walls are painted like the earth crust and the ceiling is formed by aluminum slats.
The terminus station Klinikum Großhadern has a colorful ceiling with slats and artistic painted walls. The entrances of this station on the surface are marked by two steel-and-glass pyramids.
Opening Dates
Date | Line | Section | Number of New Stations |
1962/--/-- | U6 | Freimann -- Studentenstadt (Straßenbahn) | 0 |
1971/10/19 | U6 | Kieferngarten -- Goetheplatz | 13 |
1972/05/08 | U3 | Olympiazentrum -- Münchner Freiheit | 4 |
1975/11/22 | U6 | Goetheplatz -- Harras | 2 |
1978/05/28 | U6 | Poccistraße | 1 |
1980/10/18 | U2/U5 | Scheidplatz -- Innsbrucker Ring -- Neuperlach-Süd | 18 |
1983/04/16 | U6 | Harras -- Holzapfelkreuth | 3 |
1983/05/28 | U1 | Rotkreuzplatz -- Hauptbahnhof | 3 |
1984/03/10 | U5 | Westendstraße -- Karlsplatz | 6 |
1986/03/01 | U5 | Karlsplatz -- Odeonsplatz | 1 |
1988/03/24 | U5 | Laimer Platz -- Westendstraße | 2 |
1988/10/27 | U4 | Max-Weber-Platz -- Arabellapark | 4 |
1988/10/27 | U5 | Odeonsplatz -- Innsbrucker Ring | 3 |
1989/10/28 | U3 | Implerstraße -- Forstenrieder Allee | 6 |
1991/06/01 | U3 | Forstenrieder Allee -- Fürstenried-West | 2 |
1993/05/22 | U6 | Holzapfelskreuth -- Klinikum Großhadern | 3 |
1993/11/20 | U2 | Scheidplatz -- Dülferstraße | 5 |
1994/06/30 | U6 | Kieferngarten -- Fröttmaning | 1 |
1995/10/28 | U6 | Garching Hochbrück | 1 |
1996/10/26 | U2 | Dülferstraße -- Feldmoching | 2 |
1997/11/08 | U1 | Kolumbusplatz -- Mangfallplatz | 4 |
1998/05/23 | U1 | Rotkreuzplatz -- Westfriedhof | 2 |
1999/05/29 | U2 | Innsbrucker Ring -- Messestadt-Ost | 6 |
2004/05/17 | U6 | Fröttmaning (rebuilt) | 0 |
2004/10/18 | U1 | Westfriedhof -- Georg-Brauchle-Ring | 1 |
2004/10/31 | U1 | Georg-Brauchle-Ring -- Olympia-Einkaufszentrum | 1 |
Photo Gallery
Five Random Images | ||||
![]() Image 36951 (83k, 820x610) Photo by: Jonas Frey Location: Josephsburg | ![]() Image 36957 (61k, 820x605) Photo by: Jonas Frey Location: Trudering | ![]() Image 37017 (83k, 820x604) Photo by: Jonas Frey Location: Quiddestraße | ![]() Image 37023 (96k, 820x620) Photo by: Jonas Frey Location: Neuperlach-Süd | ![]() Image 77295 (138k, 1044x696) Photo by: Richard Panse Location: Fröttmanig |
Photos By Location
Photo locations: Olympia-Einkaufszentrum, Georg-Brauchle-Ring, Westfriedhof, Gern, Rotkreuzplatz, Maillingerstraße, Stiglmaierplatz, Hauptbahnhof, Sendlinger Tor, Frauenhoferstraße, Kolumbusplatz, Candidplatz, Wettersteinplatz, St.-Quirin-Platz, Mangfallplatz
Photo locations: Feldmoching, Hasenbergl, Dülferstraße, Harthof, Am Hart, Frankfurter Ring, Milbertshofen, Hohenzollernplatz, Josephsplatz, Theresienstraße, Königsplatz, Silberhornstraße, Untersbergstraße, Giesing, Karl-Preis-Platz, Innsbrucker Ring, Josephsburg, Kreillerstraße, Trudering, Moosfeld, Messestadt-West, Messestadt-Ost
Photo locations: Moosach, Leipzigerstraße, Olympia-Einkaufszentrum, Oberwiesenfeld, Olympiazentrum, Petuelring, Scheidplatz, Bonnerplatz, Brudermühlstraße, Thalkirchen, Obersendling, Aidenbachstraße, Machtelfinger Straße, Forstenrieder Allee, Basler Straße, Fürstenried-West
Photo locations: Prinzregentenplatz, Böhmerwaldplatz, Richard-Strauss-Straße, Arabellapark
Photo locations: Laimer Platz, Friedenheimer Straße, Westendstraße, Heimeranplatz, Schwanthaler Höhe (fmr. Messegelände), Theresienwiese, Hauptbahnhof, Karlsplatz (Stachus), Odeonsplatz, Lehel, Max-Weber-Platz, Ostbahnhof, Innsbrucker Ring, Michaelibad, Quiddestraße, Neuperlach-Zentrum, Therese-Giehse-Allee, Neuperlach-Süd
Photo locations: Garching-Forschungsgelände, Garching, Garching Hochbrück, Fröttmanig, Fröttmanig Technische Basis (Depot), Kieferngarten, Freimann, Studentenstadt, Alte Heide, Nordfriedhof, Dietlindenstraße, Münchner Freiheit, Giselastraße, Universität, Odeonsplatz, Marienplatz, Sendlinger Tor, Goetheplatz, Poccistraße, Implerstraße, Harras, Partnachplatz, Westpark, Holzapfelkreuth, Haderner Stern, Großhadern, Klinikum Großhadern
Page Credits
By Matthias Frey.