<span class="mw-page-title-main">Bergamo, Italy</span>

Bergamo, Italy


Bergamo Sirio trams 005 inbound and 003 outbound at Porgo Palazzo. Photo by Peter Ehrlich, March 2009.


The city of Bergamo (population about 110,000) is located about 40 kilometers east of Milan, is opening a long-planned and long-delayed light rail line on April 24, 2009--about five years late. This line will total 12.5km when its entire length to Albino, northeast of Bergamo, is opened in June 2009, but the first segment will operate to Alzano. The route uses a portion of the abandoned Ferrovia delle Valli railway. The cost to build this system was 10m/km. The line begins adjacent to the Bergamo railway station.

14 AnsaldoBreda double-end Sirio LRVs will be on hand for full service. When I visited on March 20, 2009, nine cars were on the property, and five had been accepted.

Two additional lines may be built contingent on approved or available funding: Bergamo FS to Villa d'Almé. and Bianzana (an intermediate station on Line T1) to Ospedale, through Centro Storico.

Bergamo also has two funiculars serving Città Alta. The lower one, the Città Alta, goes uphill from the Centro Storico to the historic Città Alta, or the old section, while the San Vigilio Funicular continues up the mountain about 2 KM northwest of Città Alta funicular. The Città Alta funicular is 240 meters long and rises 85 meters; the current installation, built in 1991, replaced the original 1887 line. The San Vigilio line dates to 1912 and is 630 meters in length, rising 91 meters.

Photo Gallery

Five Random Images

Image 99645

(221k, 930x611)
Photo by: Peter Ehrlich
Location: Alzano Centro

Image 99654

(167k, 930x618)
Photo by: Peter Ehrlich
Location: Deposito Ranica

Image 99657

(197k, 930x618)
Photo by: Peter Ehrlich
Location: Torre Boldone

Image 99682

(181k, 930x598)
Photo by: Peter Ehrlich
Location: Deposito Ranica

Image 99686

(145k, 930x618)
Photo by: Peter Ehrlich

More Images: 1-50 51-55

Page Credits

By Peter Ehrlich.

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