Artwork: "7 waves 4 twenty eight" (Gerald Marks)

Artwork: "7 waves 4 twenty eight" (Gerald Marks)

Location: 28th Street (IRT East Side Line)
Installation Year: 1996

A computer-animated 3-D seascape mural.

The mural will be built into glass blocks in which the curvature of the glass inside the block forms cylindrical lenses... [the lens-like] properties of the block along with the appropriate lights, projectors, lenses, filters, in the space behind the wall [will be used] to create a 3-D illusion art display. The mural will appear to move as you ride into the station. Sources:,

(image 11333)
(72k, 750x562)
Country: United States
City: New York
System: New York City Transit
Line: IRT East Side Line
Location: 28th Street
Photo by: Robbie Rosenfeld
Date: 03/02/2005
Artwork: 7 waves 4 twenty eight, Gerald Marks, 1996
Viewed (this week/total): 0 / 14414

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