Artwork: "New York Subway Station" (Edith Kramer)

Artwork: "New York Subway Station" (Edith Kramer)

Location: Spring Street (IND 8th Avenue Line)
Installation Year: 1994

Artwork in northbound entrance stairway, depicting not Spring Street but instead, the 14th St./Union Sq. station on the IRT.

(image 92488)
(260k, 1044x706)
Country: United States
City: New York
System: New York City Transit
Line: IND 8th Avenue Line
Location: Spring Street
Photo by: Richard Panse
Date: 9/25/2008
Artwork: New York Subway Station, Edith Kramer, 1994
Viewed (this week/total): 1 / 3787

(image 38533)
(137k, 750x562)
Country: United States
City: New York
System: New York City Transit
Line: IND 8th Avenue Line
Location: Spring Street
Photo by: Robbie Rosenfeld
Date: 5/12/2005
Artwork: New York Subway Station, Edith Kramer, 1994
Notes: Artwork in northbound entrance stairway depicting 14th St./Union Sq. on the IRT.
Viewed (this week/total): 0 / 8130

This site is not affiliated with any transit agency or provider.