Artwork: "Kings Highway Hieroglyphics" (Rhoda Yohai Andors)

Artwork: "Kings Highway Hieroglyphics" (Rhoda Yohai Andors)

Location: Kings Highway (BMT Brighton Line)
Installation Year: 1987

The artwork in the fare control is styled after ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics but with a modern twist: the depictions include the Brooklyn Bridge, a subway car, turnstiles, baby strollers, airplanes, and various buildings.

(image 50701)
(181k, 1044x788)
Country: United States
City: New York
System: New York City Transit
Line: BMT Brighton Line
Location: Kings Highway
Photo by: John Barnes
Date: 7/9/2006
Artwork: Kings Highway Hieroglyphics, Rhoda Yohai Andors, 1987
Viewed (this week/total): 8 / 4163

(image 39958)
(82k, 909x682)
Country: United States
City: New York
System: New York City Transit
Line: BMT Brighton Line
Location: Kings Highway
Photo by: Robbie Rosenfeld
Date: 3/2/2005
Artwork: Kings Highway Hieroglyphics, Rhoda Yohai Andors, 1987
Viewed (this week/total): 2 / 4225

(image 39959)
(81k, 909x682)
Country: United States
City: New York
System: New York City Transit
Line: BMT Brighton Line
Location: Kings Highway
Photo by: Robbie Rosenfeld
Date: 3/2/2005
Artwork: Kings Highway Hieroglyphics, Rhoda Yohai Andors, 1987
Viewed (this week/total): 3 / 4383

(image 1325)
(253k, 701x1045)
Country: United States
City: New York
System: New York City Transit
Line: BMT Brighton Line
Location: Kings Highway
Photo by: David Pirmann
Date: 7/18/1998
Artwork: Kings Highway Hieroglyphics, Rhoda Yohai Andors, 1987
Notes: Art installation, fare control level.
Viewed (this week/total): 2 / 5085
This site is not affiliated with any transit agency or provider.