Artwork: "From Earth To Sky" (Cadence Giersbach)

Artwork: "From Earth To Sky" (Cadence Giersbach)

Location: Myrtle/Wyckoff Headhouse/Transfer, Myrtle Avenue (BMT Myrtle Avenue Line)
Installation Year: 2007

This artwork is located in the new transfer/headhouse between the (M) Myrtle Avenue line and the (L) Canarsie line. It was dedicated on April 19, 2007.

(image 71416)
(189k, 1044x788)
Country: United States
City: New York
System: New York City Transit
Line: BMT Myrtle Avenue Line
Location: Myrtle/Wyckoff Headhouse/Transfer
Photo by: David Pirmann
Date: 8/14/2007
Artwork: From Earth To Sky, Cadence Giersbach, 2007
Viewed (this week/total): 5 / 3971

(image 64468)
(152k, 820x620)
Country: United States
City: New York
System: New York City Transit
Line: BMT Myrtle Avenue Line
Location: Myrtle/Wyckoff Headhouse/Transfer
Photo by: Robbie Rosenfeld
Date: 4/23/2007
Artwork: From Earth To Sky, Cadence Giersbach, 2007
Viewed (this week/total): 12 / 4252

(image 64120)
(181k, 660x566)
Country: United States
City: New York
System: New York City Transit
Line: BMT Myrtle Avenue Line
Location: Myrtle/Wyckoff Headhouse/Transfer
Photo by: John Urbanski
Date: 4/19/2007
Artwork: From Earth To Sky, Cadence Giersbach, 2007
Viewed (this week/total): 5 / 4308

(image 64121)
(130k, 660x402)
Country: United States
City: New York
System: New York City Transit
Line: BMT Myrtle Avenue Line
Location: Myrtle/Wyckoff Headhouse/Transfer
Photo by: John Urbanski
Date: 4/19/2007
Artwork: From Earth To Sky, Cadence Giersbach, 2007
Viewed (this week/total): 10 / 3619

(image 64122)
(112k, 660x363)
Country: United States
City: New York
System: New York City Transit
Line: BMT Myrtle Avenue Line
Location: Myrtle/Wyckoff Headhouse/Transfer
Photo by: John Urbanski
Date: 4/19/2007
Artwork: From Earth To Sky, Cadence Giersbach, 2007
Viewed (this week/total): 7 / 3844

(image 64123)
(165k, 660x508)
Country: United States
City: New York
System: New York City Transit
Line: BMT Myrtle Avenue Line
Location: Myrtle/Wyckoff Headhouse/Transfer
Photo by: John Urbanski
Date: 4/19/2007
Artwork: From Earth To Sky, Cadence Giersbach, 2007
Viewed (this week/total): 4 / 3675

This site is not affiliated with any transit agency or provider.