SubTalk Archive 5/2003

Thread title: New R-142 Arrival (488681)
Started on Thu May 1 00:25:48 2003, by Stef

Thread title: Black Floor R-68s Are Here (488707)
Started on Thu May 1 04:47:49 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: Photography policies in Baltimore (488762)
Started on Thu May 1 10:03:48 2003, by Mountain Maryland

Thread title: ...just a Wednesday at Branford [ranting] (488766)
Started on Thu May 1 10:14:30 2003, by JohnS

Thread title: Franklin St. is a Beautiful Station (488767)
Started on Thu May 1 10:15:52 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: Videotaping the SEPTA R2 (488774)
Started on Thu May 1 10:30:23 2003, by Michalovic

Thread title: TrainWorld is taking advanced orders for MTH trains (R-17, flatcar, others) (488782)
Started on Thu May 1 10:43:18 2003, by Mark S. Feinman

Thread title: NY Tranist Museum - Corona Maintenance Shop Tour (488792)
Started on Thu May 1 11:06:20 2003, by Allan

Thread title: Two interesting web pages, one with photos by Cleanairbus (me) (488807)
Started on Thu May 1 11:51:19 2003, by Transit Is My Drug

Thread title: #7 Extension Plans on MTA Website (488831)
Started on Thu May 1 12:51:44 2003, by oakapple

Thread title: Brake test proceedure (488842)
Started on Thu May 1 13:11:17 2003, by howardr142

Thread title: Fare Hike FAQ (488850)
Started on Thu May 1 13:31:00 2003, by howardr142

Thread title: New Stillwell Terminal (488863)
Started on Thu May 1 13:47:44 2003, by Paul Matus

Thread title: Fares WILL GO UP this Sunday (488873)
Started on Thu May 1 14:01:06 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: On This Day In NYC History (488877)
Started on Thu May 1 14:17:23 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: Nice Run on J yesterday (488892)
Started on Thu May 1 14:39:03 2003, by brooklyn

Thread title: Shortest Distance Between Stations (488901)
Started on Thu May 1 14:51:24 2003, by oakapple

Thread title: YES! Got MOD tickets! (488919)
Started on Thu May 1 15:23:06 2003, by Redbirds Rule

Thread title: Photos from Railfan Trip (4/21) (488972)
Started on Thu May 1 17:13:40 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: Photos from Railfan Trip (4/17) (488973)
Started on Thu May 1 17:26:16 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: Photos from Railfan Trip (4/15) (488982)
Started on Thu May 1 17:41:25 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: LAMTA Beware (488985)
Started on Thu May 1 17:49:48 2003, by #1Brighton Exp Bob

Thread title: World's GREATEST railfan window? (489025)
Started on Thu May 1 18:51:48 2003, by CC LOCAL

Thread title: Newly painted roof on the R-38 ? (489028)
Started on Thu May 1 18:55:39 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: Stainless Steel? (489058)
Started on Thu May 1 19:33:37 2003, by Ian21575

Thread title: Painting (489059)
Started on Thu May 1 19:38:01 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: 'EVERYONE PLEASE READ' -Stifle it (489069)
Started on Thu May 1 19:59:23 2003, by OnTheJuice

Thread title: No cash refunds on old unlimiteds (489102)
Started on Thu May 1 20:52:51 2003, by David J. Greenberger

Thread title: 1936 Philly "Bridge Line" Cars aka "Flash Gordons" (489115)
Started on Thu May 1 21:15:56 2003, by CC LOCAL

Thread title: Rotation: May 2nd and May 5th in Transit (489126)
Started on Thu May 1 21:40:57 2003, by OnTheJuice

Thread title: Subway Schedule PDF's Redesigned (489136)
Started on Thu May 1 21:51:00 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: LIRR TVM at Medford - a possible reason (489159)
Started on Thu May 1 22:23:52 2003, by Peter Rosa

Thread title: Old Stillwell Avenue Question Answered (489173)
Started on Thu May 1 22:45:16 2003, by Paul Matus

Thread title: Swiping In and Out at St. George (489203)
Started on Thu May 1 23:20:43 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: Uses for retired Redbirds: (489256)
Started on Fri May 2 02:11:20 2003, by CC LOCAL

Thread title: More change problems (489300)
Started on Fri May 2 09:19:13 2003, by culverexpress

Thread title: Myths and Falsehoods That Refuse to Die (489311)
Started on Fri May 2 09:43:25 2003, by Howard Fein

Thread title: Arithmetic Lesson for the Newsday (489333)
Started on Fri May 2 10:32:17 2003, by oakapple

Thread title: Another weekend with Subtalk's favorite G.O. on the IRT (489376)
Started on Fri May 2 12:08:27 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: Stations in the Wrong Places (489380)
Started on Fri May 2 12:26:26 2003, by oakapple

Thread title: Pics of R-17s with 60s TA logo (489398)
Started on Fri May 2 12:56:40 2003, by FYBklyn1959

Thread title: Pennies from Hell - another question for Station Agents (489410)
Started on Fri May 2 13:07:14 2003, by Allan

Thread title: TRANSIT PROJECT: Dates for anticipated emails of the first two chapters (489439)
Started on Fri May 2 14:19:59 2003, by Xtrainexp.

Thread title: NY1 Reporting A HUGE Mess on the SIRT (489497)
Started on Fri May 2 16:19:12 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: Nunsense 3: The Jamboree! (489505)
Started on Fri May 2 16:39:51 2003, by Karl B

Thread title: To Train Dude: lighten up (489512)
Started on Fri May 2 16:50:38 2003, by Peter Rosa

Thread title: IT'S OFFICIAL THIS SUNDAY (489514)
Started on Fri May 2 16:54:09 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: MTH Subway Car Info! (489536)
Started on Fri May 2 18:03:09 2003, by Karl B

Thread title: turnstile problem-solver (489560)
Started on Fri May 2 19:05:38 2003, by R36 9685 on the 7

Thread title: Tracks A-1/A2 at Hoyt (489615)
Started on Fri May 2 21:53:26 2003, by CC LOCAL

Thread title: Foamers (489645)
Started on Fri May 2 22:44:23 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: Adventures At community board hearings (489676)
Started on Fri May 2 23:44:59 2003, by rushhourspecialist

Thread title: MBTA Sports New Summer Look (489680)
Started on Fri May 2 23:48:41 2003, by Stevie

Thread title: Partial list of STOLEN items (489716)
Started on Sat May 3 00:38:08 2003, by Mark W.

Thread title: Are all the R40 Slants gone from ENY yard? (489724)
Started on Sat May 3 01:22:13 2003, by DaRidgewoodBusBuff

Thread title: Exect Bill Change given on LIRR (489732)
Started on Sat May 3 02:43:26 2003, by Robert(North-Eastern T/O)

Thread title: A $2 a Ride, You'd Think They Could Serve Snacks (489742)
Started on Sat May 3 06:30:00 2003, by CPCTC

Thread title: Seneca & Palmetto (489748)
Started on Sat May 3 07:21:07 2003, by rpanseshutterbug

Thread title: (OT?) Some railfans are genuises like Einstein (489756)
Started on Sat May 3 08:07:31 2003, by Phil Hom

Thread title: New MTA advertisement for upstaters (489767)
Started on Sat May 3 08:59:37 2003, by SelkirkTMO

Thread title: "BB" Train R38 (489820)
Started on Sat May 3 11:55:07 2003, by CC LOCAL

Thread title: Movable Bridge Quota kills New London commuter rail (489837)
Started on Sat May 3 12:21:46 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Amtrak starts ad agency search (489839)
Started on Sat May 3 12:23:46 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Cascades near Oregon chopping block (489843)
Started on Sat May 3 12:24:56 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Amtrak’s boxcars find little work these days (489844)
Started on Sat May 3 12:26:23 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: MTBA Greenbush project may still go (489846)
Started on Sat May 3 12:27:50 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Tampa Rail gets FTA green light (489848)
Started on Sat May 3 12:28:36 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Seattle loses monorail plan in Senate (489849)
Started on Sat May 3 12:29:35 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: GE unveils loco fuel savings idea (489850)
Started on Sat May 3 12:30:50 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: CSX Boston’s Beacon Park yard in limbo (489855)
Started on Sat May 3 12:35:56 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: KCS, TMM to become ‘NAFTA Rail’ (489859)
Started on Sat May 3 12:41:33 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: MORE MTA LIES (489866)
Started on Sat May 3 13:43:45 2003, by Barry

Thread title: R44 Trainset at Euclid Avenue (489873)
Started on Sat May 3 13:57:51 2003, by AcelaExpress2005 - R143 #8265

Thread title: When will CBTC testing begin? Other questions too. (489898)
Started on Sat May 3 15:07:35 2003, by J trainloco

Thread title: R40s on Q line today (SATURDAY)! (489902)
Started on Sat May 3 15:33:17 2003, by New Flyer #857

Thread title: Railfanning in Greater LA (489914)
Started on Sat May 3 16:04:49 2003, by #4 Sea Beach Fred

Thread title: New name for white cars in 80's: "Snowy owls" (489923)
Started on Sat May 3 16:48:00 2003, by R36 9685 on the 7

Thread title: How is Union Station doing? (489932)
Started on Sat May 3 17:10:40 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: "Trains stop here during off-hours"-What's the point of these signs? (489940)
Started on Sat May 3 17:33:38 2003, by DTrain22

Thread title: Back from the WMATA Rodeo (489944)
Started on Sat May 3 17:52:43 2003, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Message index problem (489947)
Started on Sat May 3 18:11:37 2003, by American Pig

Thread title: Don't R-142s and R-143s increase station dwell time? (489963)
Started on Sat May 3 19:07:29 2003, by New Flyer #857

Thread title: Chatham Square in Session (489973)
Started on Sat May 3 19:42:32 2003, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: MYRTLE and FULTON signs (489982)
Started on Sat May 3 20:28:30 2003, by TCrail586

Thread title: New Haven Bridge Hoisting is a GO tonight. (489987)
Started on Sat May 3 20:36:42 2003, by Dutchrailnut

Thread title: Worst Case Scenarios (489989)
Started on Sat May 3 20:42:50 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: HBLR UPDATE: (490007)
Started on Sat May 3 21:26:35 2003, by CC LOCAL

Thread title: The year the screwed up the Slants (490030)
Started on Sat May 3 22:33:14 2003, by TCrail586

Thread title: East Penn Meet (490039)
Started on Sat May 3 22:47:05 2003, by LoudFast&AgingRapidly

Thread title: R44s on A-1 at Hoyt: Movie shoot? commercial? music video? (490040)
Started on Sat May 3 22:55:25 2003, by CC LOCAL

Thread title: Forgot to post last night...railfan from here yesterday on the Q Express? (490060)
Started on Sat May 3 23:51:10 2003, by Clayton

Thread title: Danbury Railfair TODAY!!! (490100)
Started on Sun May 4 01:03:20 2003, by ( 1 ) South Ferry ( 9 )

Thread title: The 5 Boro Bike Tour (490101)
Started on Sun May 4 01:04:03 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: MORE R 62As to the 7 line.... (490114)
Started on Sun May 4 01:31:08 2003, by R 33 8840

Thread title: 12 Car unscheduled Amtrak train leaves Albany for NYC at 4PM yesterday (5/3) (490157)
Started on Sun May 4 03:04:10 2003, by Henry R32 #3730

Thread title: L1, R1, L2, R2? (490179)
Started on Sun May 4 07:17:56 2003, by CPCTC

Thread title: NY1 Report (490204)
Started on Sun May 4 09:19:17 2003, by JEFFJAGUAR

Thread title: A treat yesturday at B'Way Nassau (about 75K) (490230)
Started on Sun May 4 10:56:28 2003, by Goumba Tony

Thread title: My Railfan Day Yesterday (13 pics) (490254)
Started on Sun May 4 12:58:48 2003, by Christopher Rivera

Thread title: Justice, NJ-Transit style... (490261)
Started on Sun May 4 13:19:33 2003, by mrsam

Thread title: New R62As on the 7 and where is R62A 2133? (490271)
Started on Sun May 4 13:48:34 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: Flickering lights on the R33, R36 (490272)
Started on Sun May 4 13:50:30 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: R33WF (490287)
Started on Sun May 4 15:21:12 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: The MAP - May 2003 edition (490309)
Started on Sun May 4 17:08:18 2003, by Allan

Thread title: The Legend of Linden(/Livonia?) Yard (490317)
Started on Sun May 4 18:16:57 2003, by DTrain22

Thread title: HBLR:Additional LRV orders? (490325)
Started on Sun May 4 18:48:24 2003, by CC LOCAL

Thread title: QUEENS PLAZA STATION (490326)
Started on Sun May 4 18:55:24 2003, by A 8AV FULTON EXP

Thread title: Literature available (490336)
Started on Sun May 4 19:46:04 2003, by Anon_e_mouse

Thread title: Anyone know what happened to our favorite West Coast photographer? (490349)
Started on Sun May 4 20:16:58 2003, by Jeffrey Rosen

Thread title: Silly R142 Question (490365)
Started on Sun May 4 20:56:44 2003, by 4-ma-ny-ka

Thread title: R-40M Q sighting today -- at Bay 50th! (490371)
Started on Sun May 4 21:11:59 2003, by David J. Greenberger

Thread title: The R110B (490379)
Started on Sun May 4 21:49:52 2003, by n3w L[][]k T3rr4pin

Thread title: 1898 LIRR Map (490450)
Started on Mon May 5 00:39:58 2003, by ntrainride

Thread title: Assorted Ramblings on the Boeing LRV (490454)
Started on Mon May 5 01:03:49 2003, by Wdobner

Thread title: Virtual Tours of Amtrak Superliners (490456)
Started on Mon May 5 01:18:14 2003, by Henry R32 #3730

Thread title: Question about the R142/143/160... (490460)
Started on Mon May 5 03:15:05 2003, by QueensBound 7

Thread title: Gee, no fare increase posts (490491)
Started on Mon May 5 09:32:48 2003, by Dan Lawrence

Thread title: Awsome ot see pedestrians! (490492)
Started on Mon May 5 09:36:14 2003, by culverexpress

Thread title: (490530)
Started on Mon May 5 12:09:22 2003, by Hank Eisenstein

Thread title: anti-MTA (490579)
Started on Mon May 5 14:10:08 2003, by yangyang

Thread title: "Insufficient fare"? (490582)
Started on Mon May 5 14:16:44 2003, by 4thAvenueLocal

Thread title: UnderPhotos goes live (490602)
Started on Mon May 5 15:56:19 2003, by Goumba Tony

Thread title: 65th Street Destination Sign (490607)
Started on Mon May 5 16:12:33 2003, by Robert From Queens

Thread title: NJT Consists (490631)
Started on Mon May 5 17:21:57 2003, by QM1-Wall Street Exp

Thread title: What is a TMO? (490650)
Started on Mon May 5 18:04:19 2003, by DTrain22

Thread title: LIRR 9368 (490673)
Started on Mon May 5 19:53:07 2003, by aaron

Thread title: Wash. Post article: Death of Tokens (490675)
Started on Mon May 5 19:57:36 2003, by nektar

Thread title: The great turnstile question!!! (490676)
Started on Mon May 5 19:58:19 2003, by aaron

Thread title: subject line apology (490691)
Started on Mon May 5 20:26:03 2003, by david vartanoff

Thread title: Grubby #2/3 Exit at Fulton/William (490701)
Started on Mon May 5 20:59:50 2003, by oakapple

Thread title: Locked Station Exits: Security Threat? (490704)
Started on Mon May 5 21:04:14 2003, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: Need help with transit proposal (LIRR related) (490711)
Started on Mon May 5 21:26:55 2003, by Long Island Rail Road

Thread title: Live Conductor Styles (490722)
Started on Mon May 5 21:51:31 2003, by Andrew Saucci

Thread title: Adios LIRR M-1's !! and other tidbits. (490728)
Started on Mon May 5 22:00:31 2003, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: Q Trains Brighton Beach to Stillwell Avenue;Relaying? (490733)
Started on Mon May 5 22:08:28 2003, by R 68 Q TRAINMAN

Thread title: Railfan Trip Photos (4/17, 4/21) (490735)
Started on Mon May 5 22:18:06 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: Electric City trolley museum (490736)
Started on Mon May 5 22:20:04 2003, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: LIRR M7's and LIRR Bi Levels Questions (490739)
Started on Mon May 5 22:26:31 2003, by Q46 Nova RTS#9288

Thread title: Track numbering on the IND Crosstown (490745)
Started on Mon May 5 22:32:30 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: March of the Dimes trips in June. (490749)
Started on Mon May 5 22:45:32 2003, by SUBWAYMAN

Thread title: The Old Man of the Mountains no longer is... (490772)
Started on Mon May 5 23:29:29 2003, by NotchIt

Thread title: Chicago Trolley (490783)
Started on Mon May 5 23:41:21 2003, by emathias

Thread title: R142/R142A Numbers (490806)
Started on Tue May 6 00:18:31 2003, by MCI D4000 81994

Thread title: N line Shuffle (490814)
Started on Tue May 6 00:58:27 2003, by rushhourspecialist

Thread title: Query about motels near Cleveland Shaker Heights Rapid Transit stations (490831)
Started on Tue May 6 02:16:07 2003, by jsd

Thread title: Work Service - Redbirds (490836)
Started on Tue May 6 03:06:09 2003, by Redbirds Forever

Thread title: Trolley On Palmetto (490867)
Started on Tue May 6 08:28:17 2003, by rpanseshutterbug

Started on Tue May 6 08:40:05 2003, by A 8AV FULTON EXP

Thread title: Q's About Station Closings/Reopenings (490898)
Started on Tue May 6 10:20:39 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: Jay Street Dispatcher (490905)
Started on Tue May 6 10:34:28 2003, by JEFFJAGUAR

Thread title: Rogers junction, an easy fix? (490912)
Started on Tue May 6 10:48:02 2003, by Keith Wright

Thread title: Pig's Question (490915)
Started on Tue May 6 10:58:41 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: Where'd 18 Minutes Come From? (490938)
Started on Tue May 6 11:36:05 2003, by oakapple

Thread title: Business up, but NY Waterway gets 9/11 federal aid (490944)
Started on Tue May 6 11:42:16 2003, by Peter Rosa

Thread title: Chicago Field Trip (490948)
Started on Tue May 6 11:45:20 2003, by Dave

Thread title: Cars for IND and/or IRT MOD trip. (490961)
Started on Tue May 6 12:26:55 2003, by brooklyn1944

Thread title: Out of System Transfers (490982)
Started on Tue May 6 13:03:18 2003, by Urban Outlaw

Thread title: Confirmed: old Fun Passes now invalid (490997)
Started on Tue May 6 13:36:00 2003, by David J. Greenberger

Thread title: Trade-in limit (490999)
Started on Tue May 6 13:38:17 2003, by David J. Greenberger

Thread title: E train Faster than F? (Queens Blvd) (491004)
Started on Tue May 6 13:42:35 2003, by Sonic Express

Thread title: Why not use overhead pantograph for subways? (491008)
Started on Tue May 6 13:46:06 2003, by Rob from Atlanta

Thread title: SONO switch museum (491009)
Started on Tue May 6 13:46:24 2003, by Qtraindash7

Thread title: Yesterday's front page of NY POST cons readers in a so-called EXCLUSIVE (491026)
Started on Tue May 6 14:10:26 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: Night Time Ridership (491032)
Started on Tue May 6 14:16:52 2003, by Deaks

Thread title: The train gets the blame, of course... (491042)
Started on Tue May 6 14:34:52 2003, by Anon_e_mouse

Thread title: Taking DV On MTA (491174)
Started on Tue May 6 17:37:41 2003, by BigDigFan

Thread title: Taking DV On MTA (491176)
Started on Tue May 6 17:38:58 2003, by BigDigFan

Thread title: R68 2755 (491192)
Started on Tue May 6 17:55:37 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: Help! Some Last-Minute Questions about the T/O Application That Begins Tomorrow (491197)
Started on Tue May 6 18:02:53 2003, by Nick

Thread title: Which station is closer to 505 Fulton St? (491204)
Started on Tue May 6 18:15:25 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: Amtrak Derailment in Georgia (491249)
Started on Tue May 6 19:41:03 2003, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Closing of the Els (491261)
Started on Tue May 6 20:15:58 2003, by oakapple

Thread title: Did this ever happen? (491283)
Started on Tue May 6 20:39:46 2003, by wayne

Thread title: NYCT RTS 8627 (bus) is like a redbird.... (491298)
Started on Tue May 6 21:16:05 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: Photos from the SubTalk Eastern Division Tour (491300)
Started on Tue May 6 21:17:32 2003, by GP38 Chris

Thread title: Media Inquiry (491304)
Started on Tue May 6 21:20:09 2003, by Gaston

Thread title: Fun Pass (491308)
Started on Tue May 6 21:25:30 2003, by 4-ma-ny-ka

Thread title: LIRR M-7 spotted (491318)
Started on Tue May 6 21:36:31 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: Consumers Park - Franklin Shuttle (491340)
Started on Tue May 6 21:52:41 2003, by grimace1169

Thread title: Imagine my embarassment when... (491382)
Started on Tue May 6 22:44:49 2003, by DTrain22

Thread title: Problem on the L train today (491386)
Started on Tue May 6 22:49:23 2003, by MDT route29 9037

Thread title: Glenn L. Rowe (491398)
Started on Tue May 6 23:01:10 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: BERK tower (SONO tower Museum.) (491439)
Started on Tue May 6 23:40:22 2003, by Dutchrailnut

Thread title: Question for Selkirk TMO (491477)
Started on Wed May 7 00:38:26 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Vanished Redbirds.... Which was your last Redbird ride? (491488)
Started on Wed May 7 01:13:30 2003, by ( 1 ) South Ferry ( 9 )

Thread title: [PICS] Some Old/Young Friends... (491493)
Started on Wed May 7 01:34:46 2003, by ( 1 ) South Ferry ( 9 )

Thread title: MBTA eyes eminent domain for RR land sold to Harvard (491500)
Started on Wed May 7 02:31:01 2003, by Dand124

Thread title: The PROFF: Beverley-Courtelyou is NOT the shortest distance between stations (491507)
Started on Wed May 7 06:41:56 2003, by AlM

Thread title: Overnight Schedule Posting (491545)
Started on Wed May 7 09:26:42 2003, by Urban Outlaw

Thread title: 65th Street Destination Sign (491552)
Started on Wed May 7 09:43:44 2003, by Robert From Queens

Thread title: I applied for the upcoming T/O exam (491568)
Started on Wed May 7 10:10:26 2003, by R32 - Sea Beach Express

Thread title: Feeling the Crunch (491575)
Started on Wed May 7 10:21:22 2003, by culverexpress

Thread title: 1920's Sub and El stations in Manhattan (491611)
Started on Wed May 7 11:52:28 2003, by mike durak

Thread title: MNRR Greenwich Station (491612)
Started on Wed May 7 11:56:09 2003, by Charles G

Thread title: any stories about the NYC Subway (491613)
Started on Wed May 7 11:59:31 2003, by docuny

Thread title: Update on the Derailed M-1 @ Flatbush? (491682)
Started on Wed May 7 15:08:19 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: dv on subway (491688)
Started on Wed May 7 15:22:45 2003, by docuny

Thread title: Brussels Bus/Metro/Tram Map (491698)
Started on Wed May 7 15:49:02 2003, by Allan

Thread title: Lower Manhattan Transportation Study Released (491699)
Started on Wed May 7 15:53:50 2003, by oakapple

Thread title: This and $2 Will Get You a Train Ride (491702)
Started on Wed May 7 15:59:54 2003, by CPCTC

Thread title: $3.5 Million HO Scale Layout (491718)
Started on Wed May 7 16:33:38 2003, by AcelaExpress2005 - R143 #8265

Thread title: A very interesting T/O exam question (491723)
Started on Wed May 7 16:51:59 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: This is London (491778)
Started on Wed May 7 18:34:53 2003, by David Fairthorne

Thread title: Jamaica Line Ressurection: Jimmy's dream project. (491792)
Started on Wed May 7 18:57:30 2003, by brooklyn

Thread title: How long were old rollsigns on new cars? (491814)
Started on Wed May 7 20:10:28 2003, by DTrain22

Thread title: Express M is back (491826)
Started on Wed May 7 20:32:40 2003, by Express M Runs on the U and X

Thread title: Kraus-Maffei question (491864)
Started on Wed May 7 21:15:31 2003, by 11A

Thread title: An Afternoon With R-36ML 9542/3 (PHOTOS!) (491890)
Started on Wed May 7 22:04:11 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: My T/O Application Was Sent Today... (491924)
Started on Wed May 7 22:34:05 2003, by Nick

Thread title: Musta been a railfan... (491952)
Started on Wed May 7 23:11:50 2003, by Transit Is My Drug

Thread title: Tokyo's new subway route... (491967)
Started on Wed May 7 23:24:27 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: I Missed An R-142 Delivery!!! (491974)
Started on Wed May 7 23:37:26 2003, by Stef

Thread title: Amazing sights at DeKalb Avenue (491976)
Started on Wed May 7 23:39:15 2003, by Alex V.

Thread title: 6876-85 Road Testing (491978)
Started on Wed May 7 23:39:23 2003, by Stef

Thread title: Amazing sights at DeKalb Avenue (491979)
Started on Wed May 7 23:39:26 2003, by Alex V.

Thread title: R-142A Alert! Flushing Invasion? (491983)
Started on Wed May 7 23:42:25 2003, by Stef

Thread title: Crazy sign's on the car door of R44 car #5227 (492000)
Started on Wed May 7 23:52:42 2003, by MDT route29 9037

Thread title: DCAS unprepared yesterday morning (492024)
Started on Thu May 8 01:02:15 2003, by gbs

Thread title: Scratchitti (492049)
Started on Thu May 8 03:41:55 2003, by Deaks

Thread title: Newsday Article on Judge Who Will Hear Straphanger's Case Against Fare Hike (492061)
Started on Thu May 8 06:22:02 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: Today In Subway History... (492063)
Started on Thu May 8 06:32:41 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: In Hungary, train hits double-deck bus (492064)
Started on Thu May 8 06:36:44 2003, by Joe

Thread title: No Tokens---And Now, No Change (492066)
Started on Thu May 8 06:59:21 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: Market-Frankford reconstruction squabbles (492086)
Started on Thu May 8 08:37:37 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: SEPTA R2 ExtensionTrack A Feasibility Study results (492102)
Started on Thu May 8 09:29:49 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: MTA hearings on MB service changes in 2004 (492107)
Started on Thu May 8 09:43:00 2003, by Allan

Thread title: Look At Today's Service Alert at the MTA website : ) (492111)
Started on Thu May 8 09:53:15 2003, by Christopher Rivera

Thread title: MTA Bond Sale gets lowest interest rate in history (492141)
Started on Thu May 8 11:11:13 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: MTA Second Av SDEIS Hearings (492142)
Started on Thu May 8 11:13:49 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: Engineer Has Died (492224)
Started on Thu May 8 13:49:10 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: "L" Line Observation on 5/8/2003 (492283)
Started on Thu May 8 14:46:35 2003, by MTA NYCT Traffic Checker

Thread title: Subtalk subway humor (492284)
Started on Thu May 8 14:46:45 2003, by Redbirds Forever

Thread title: traffic cam at 36st (492302)
Started on Thu May 8 15:08:59 2003, by wolfman

Thread title: More R-142s (492312)
Started on Thu May 8 15:25:57 2003, by Widecab5

Thread title: Bold plans for Downtown Brooklyn (492314)
Started on Thu May 8 15:30:35 2003, by Alex V.

Thread title: FBI Issues Possible RR Terror Alert (492334)
Started on Thu May 8 15:56:07 2003, by nwsrptr

Thread title: Engineering Employment with NYCTA (492353)
Started on Thu May 8 16:27:24 2003, by alcomd

Thread title: The P Train (492370)
Started on Thu May 8 17:18:04 2003, by oakapple

Thread title: Freight Train Accident in New Jersey (492384)
Started on Thu May 8 17:42:10 2003, by buildmorelines

Thread title: ugliest station (492397)
Started on Thu May 8 18:05:09 2003, by newyorktimes

Thread title: Mainline R-33's demonstrate their homesickness (492399)
Started on Thu May 8 18:05:58 2003, by David J. Greenberger

Thread title: ugliest station - oops! (492401)
Started on Thu May 8 18:06:40 2003, by newyorktimes

Thread title: Tandy Subway Car on eBay (492414)
Started on Thu May 8 18:23:53 2003, by John J. Blair

Thread title: Food Service on the LIRR? (492421)
Started on Thu May 8 18:36:18 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: Classon Avenue (492533)
Started on Thu May 8 21:07:05 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: DLRV Curse or Godsend? (492539)
Started on Thu May 8 21:17:31 2003, by Wdobner

Thread title: LIRR/MN - Why no rollsigns? (492541)
Started on Thu May 8 21:22:43 2003, by DTrain22

Thread title: Beggars Can't Be Choosers: Eliminate Bus Services Parallel to Subways? (492556)
Started on Thu May 8 21:31:58 2003, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: The Ninth Rail-why is it wood? (492606)
Started on Thu May 8 22:07:12 2003, by DTrain22

Thread title: What exactly is a Flivver? (492612)
Started on Thu May 8 22:14:26 2003, by Wdobner

Thread title: Some questions about the cars on the LIRR/MNCR (492660)
Started on Thu May 8 23:25:16 2003, by ENY Nova 5205

Thread title: Designing the Highline - interesting piece from WNYC (492665)
Started on Thu May 8 23:29:17 2003, by Schist Rocks!

Thread title: The LIRR section (492666)
Started on Thu May 8 23:30:46 2003, by Long Island Rail Road

Thread title: Police Riot, Battle of City Hall, and Mayor Ordered Arrested (492673)
Started on Thu May 8 23:39:17 2003, by Paul Matus

Thread title: MetroCard SANITARY Question (492697)
Started on Fri May 9 00:16:10 2003, by ( 1 ) South Ferry ( 9 )

Thread title: Local NYC Phoebe Snow Society? (492737)
Started on Fri May 9 02:37:30 2003, by rodco

Thread title: PHOTOS From March 20th LIRR Trip With Pigs (492738)
Started on Fri May 9 02:58:46 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Rockaway Shuttle (492741)
Started on Fri May 9 05:06:18 2003, by Deaks

Thread title: Disabled Lose Transitchek (492756)
Started on Fri May 9 06:33:22 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: "Suspicious Packages" Big Cause Of Subway Delays (492758)
Started on Fri May 9 06:37:42 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: R-62A 2465 is HOT (492800)
Started on Fri May 9 08:47:49 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: MVMs running out of single fare cards (492805)
Started on Fri May 9 09:01:11 2003, by Allan

Thread title: Thank You Mr. T/O ! (492806)
Started on Fri May 9 09:01:42 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: Info Please on NYTM GCT Gift Shop (492830)
Started on Fri May 9 10:27:35 2003, by Hart Bus

Thread title: LA Rail Fanning (492849)
Started on Fri May 9 10:59:09 2003, by #1Brighton Exp Bob

Thread title: Baltimore Trolley Museum (492851)
Started on Fri May 9 11:00:22 2003, by #1Brighton Exp Bob

Thread title: "The Borough Hall Escalator Show" - Now in its THIRD Smash Year!! (492904)
Started on Fri May 9 11:48:45 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: TRANSIT PROJECT UPDATE (492933)
Started on Fri May 9 12:27:48 2003, by Xtrainexp.

Thread title: Shuttle Bus Service #2? (492998)
Started on Fri May 9 14:03:31 2003, by TheGreatOne2k2

Started on Fri May 9 14:26:01 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: Ideal railfan apartment? (493039)
Started on Fri May 9 15:26:53 2003, by Kevin Pacheco

Thread title: NYCT does it again, screwing up another advisory. (493049)
Started on Fri May 9 15:50:02 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: A word from CC LOCAL: (493076)
Started on Fri May 9 16:47:25 2003, by CC LOCAL

Thread title: 1920's Subway puzzle...Still need help! (493104)
Started on Fri May 9 17:44:02 2003, by mike durak

Thread title: What Cities On other Continents Have Railfan Windows on Their Lines. (493116)
Started on Fri May 9 18:40:15 2003, by peppertree5706

Thread title: Fake bathroom at Borough Hall station (493120)
Started on Fri May 9 18:43:10 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: jerome line in the bronx (493146)
Started on Fri May 9 20:03:52 2003, by kawi

Thread title: State and Local Fiscal Disaster: Let's Compare (493150)
Started on Fri May 9 20:10:07 2003, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: Delays Due to Suspicious Packages (493159)
Started on Fri May 9 20:27:02 2003, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: PHOTOS March 27th MNRR New Haven Line Trip (493196)
Started on Fri May 9 21:33:41 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: 'Charlie' and the MTA (493227)
Started on Fri May 9 22:08:55 2003, by Alex L.

Thread title: Abandoned LIRR ROWs (493276)
Started on Fri May 9 23:15:15 2003, by DTrain22

Thread title: Status of London's Central Line (493292)
Started on Sat May 10 00:08:45 2003, by mruffalo

Thread title: Sacramento (493300)
Started on Sat May 10 00:24:58 2003, by J trainloco

Thread title: EVEN MORE R62As to the 7 line....... (493306)
Started on Sat May 10 00:51:00 2003, by R 33 8840

Thread title: Subway Token on Way Out? No! Says T.A." (493308)
Started on Sat May 10 01:00:39 2003, by Bill Palter

Thread title: R-62s Finally Come To The 3 (493319)
Started on Sat May 10 02:37:09 2003, by Stef

Thread title: New Fares in Los Angeles (493342)
Started on Sat May 10 05:45:48 2003, by Old Tom

Thread title: East Coast Air Shuttles in Trouble (493356)
Started on Sat May 10 09:01:47 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: LIRR A/C in good shape for summer, agency says (493358)
Started on Sat May 10 09:11:00 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: 28 years ago today.... *pictures* (493405)
Started on Sat May 10 11:55:53 2003, by NotchIt

Thread title: MTA Headquarters Bldg Saga (493435)
Started on Sat May 10 13:12:35 2003, by Stephen Bauman

Thread title: OLD NEWYORK? (493452)
Started on Sat May 10 14:07:22 2003, by rodco

Thread title: Yesterday on the 3... (493455)
Started on Sat May 10 14:15:31 2003, by ( 1 ) South Ferry ( 9 )

Thread title: Redbird Storm Doors May Still be Available from MTA (493464)
Started on Sat May 10 15:20:20 2003, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: videos (493502)
Started on Sat May 10 17:06:24 2003, by #1Brighton Exp Bob

Thread title: R27/R30 Question (493506)
Started on Sat May 10 17:13:06 2003, by R30

Thread title: Chatham Square Tonight (493521)
Started on Sat May 10 18:45:45 2003, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Paddle on 14th Street (493524)
Started on Sat May 10 18:49:18 2003, by Joe

Thread title: EP brakes (493548)
Started on Sat May 10 20:23:53 2003, by howardr142

Thread title: Another weird subway dream (493550)
Started on Sat May 10 20:40:41 2003, by Steve B-8AVEXP

Thread title: How do you do this? (493559)
Started on Sat May 10 21:25:47 2003, by Flatbush41

Thread title: The Train Dude Lighten Up Thread (493616)
Started on Sat May 10 23:24:58 2003, by Charles G

Thread title: Apprx. speed? (493619)
Started on Sat May 10 23:35:07 2003, by G1Ravage

Thread title: Under, Over & On the rivers: trip report (493635)
Started on Sun May 11 00:14:46 2003, by ntrainride

Thread title: Camden-Trenton Light Rail Photos...(LONG POST but worth it) (493646)
Started on Sun May 11 00:24:33 2003, by Transit Is My Drug

Thread title: New use for the R-110B's ? (493702)
Started on Sun May 11 01:21:01 2003, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: Operator Cabs at Both ends (493713)
Started on Sun May 11 01:44:12 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: R-62A's on 4 line (493736)
Started on Sun May 11 02:26:51 2003, by LuchAAA

Thread title: Legal Technicality Question... (493743)
Started on Sun May 11 02:45:00 2003, by DTrain22

Thread title: Mother's Day (493762)
Started on Sun May 11 08:09:56 2003, by chicagomotorman

Thread title: No/Op (493787)
Started on Sun May 11 10:08:42 2003, by Elias

Thread title: NYCTA Policy Change for Station Agents Giving Change (493819)
Started on Sun May 11 11:11:26 2003, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: img_24539.jpg (493821)
Started on Sun May 11 11:14:59 2003, by JeffFromNYC

Thread title: Longest Mezzanine? (493846)
Started on Sun May 11 11:50:19 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: Farewell To the Port Jervis Line Trip (493877)
Started on Sun May 11 12:57:12 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: SubTalk Movies: "Trading Places" (493912)
Started on Sun May 11 14:39:12 2003, by R36 9685 on the 7

Thread title: R36s rebuilt by Amtrak (493918)
Started on Sun May 11 15:14:34 2003, by R36 9685 on the 7

Thread title: Cross Harber RR: Abandoned by STB?! (493925)
Started on Sun May 11 15:35:14 2003, by The Joe

Thread title: TOKENS 1 WEEK LATER! (493968)
Started on Sun May 11 17:46:20 2003, by Ridin on the 7 Train

Thread title: Handle Change (AcelaExpress2005 - R143 #8265) (493975)
Started on Sun May 11 18:04:31 2003, by LIRR Acela M7 #7046

Thread title: "Flying" junction (493993)
Started on Sun May 11 18:56:29 2003, by New Flyer #857

Thread title: My fantasy A-Division service pattern (494011)
Started on Sun May 11 20:15:09 2003, by New Flyer #857

Thread title: Amtrak on the Simpsons (494015)
Started on Sun May 11 20:38:38 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: PRT.. a great idea but try telling that to the politicians (494036)
Started on Sun May 11 21:57:08 2003, by Sean@Temple

Thread title: Does anyone know when Freight trains go on the New Haven Line? (494037)
Started on Sun May 11 21:58:00 2003, by BigDigFan

Thread title: off topic: proud grandpop (494044)
Started on Sun May 11 22:16:48 2003, by chuchubob

Thread title: Subway Scene in Shaft (1971) (494072)
Started on Sun May 11 23:12:44 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Today an R-40 on the circle (494092)
Started on Sun May 11 23:36:44 2003, by Long Island Rail Road

Thread title: A draft list of who will be going on which MOD trips (494110)
Started on Mon May 12 01:30:52 2003, by R30

Thread title: M7 in Weekend Sevice (494119)
Started on Mon May 12 02:50:10 2003, by Robert(North-Eastern T/O)

Thread title: Second Avenue Subway Hearings: Perhaps Enough to Kill The Project (494142)
Started on Mon May 12 07:32:35 2003, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: Open Competitive T/O questions (494157)
Started on Mon May 12 08:53:48 2003, by gbs

Thread title: Second Ave. Subway stops (494165)
Started on Mon May 12 09:25:44 2003, by subway grrl

Thread title: painting on the subway (494167)
Started on Mon May 12 09:27:24 2003, by culverexpress

Thread title: "From Russia With Love" and other 007 classics (494204)
Started on Mon May 12 10:30:27 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: Taipei Subway Riders Must Wear Masks (494231)
Started on Mon May 12 12:13:18 2003, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: SEPTA Tower Tragedy (494232)
Started on Mon May 12 12:19:07 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Woodhaven LIRR Station - Anyone Have a Photo? (494248)
Started on Mon May 12 12:53:48 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: PCC cars for sale, only five Gs. (494249)
Started on Mon May 12 12:54:32 2003, by mrsam

Thread title: TRANSIT PROJECT UPDATE--emails to begin tomorrow (494271)
Started on Mon May 12 13:43:24 2003, by Xtrainexp.

Thread title: HBLR Suspended (494286)
Started on Mon May 12 14:23:29 2003, by JohnL

Thread title: RTO Procedures (494304)
Started on Mon May 12 14:57:24 2003, by Xtrainexp.

Thread title: Hot Times on the High, "Iron"? (494336)
Started on Mon May 12 15:45:59 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: R Train in Chicago!! (494348)
Started on Mon May 12 15:55:23 2003, by QueensBound 7

Thread title: How to post pic in message? (494350)
Started on Mon May 12 15:58:11 2003, by QueensBound 7

Thread title: Chicago Blue Line Stop (494364)
Started on Mon May 12 16:19:18 2003, by emathias

Thread title: Anyone have link for posting on fake subway entrance? (494370)
Started on Mon May 12 16:24:07 2003, by QueensBound 7

Thread title: R-36 mainlines back from the dead? (494399)
Started on Mon May 12 17:06:30 2003, by Henry R32 #3730

Thread title: Anti-railfan weather. (494423)
Started on Mon May 12 17:38:03 2003, by Goumba Tony

Thread title: 7 trains entering Times Square (494429)
Started on Mon May 12 18:01:51 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: Panhandling (494443)
Started on Mon May 12 18:24:43 2003, by yangyang

Thread title: Lehigh Valley F7s to South Jersey (494444)
Started on Mon May 12 18:28:20 2003, by chuchubob

Thread title: Question about Upcoming Corona Tour (494451)
Started on Mon May 12 18:37:12 2003, by QueensBound 7

Thread title: That gunk on the M3 LIRR windows... (494496)
Started on Mon May 12 20:11:34 2003, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: T for Second Avenue? (494500)
Started on Mon May 12 20:18:37 2003, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: NEW TRANSIT PHOTO WEBSITE (494516)
Started on Mon May 12 20:36:43 2003, by BigDigFan

Thread title: Cleanairbus, with a different name... (494561)
Started on Mon May 12 21:37:25 2003, by Incognito

Thread title: Cleanairbus, with a different name... (494562)
Started on Mon May 12 21:37:35 2003, by Incognito

Thread title: Transit question about "The Glenn Miller Story" (494590)
Started on Mon May 12 22:38:31 2003, by 1C/Ballston

Thread title: Atlantic Ave middle platform (494592)
Started on Mon May 12 22:45:33 2003, by SUBWAYMAN

Thread title: PATCO's back to 12min off peak headways!!! (494622)
Started on Tue May 13 00:23:18 2003, by Wdobner

Thread title: Tokens and Metrocards (494632)
Started on Tue May 13 01:39:42 2003, by Ridin on the 7 Train

Thread title: May 12 (494637)
Started on Tue May 13 01:53:50 2003, by Mark W.

Thread title: Chambers Street Station Besmirched by Randy Kennedy's Column (494647)
Started on Tue May 13 04:23:47 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: HBLR Truck Crash. (494660)
Started on Tue May 13 07:37:13 2003, by Robert(North-Eastern T/O)

Thread title: zoning laws (494665)
Started on Tue May 13 08:05:02 2003, by avid reader

Thread title: Travel Channel ranks NYC Subway amongst the best in the world (494667)
Started on Tue May 13 08:10:53 2003, by Allan

Thread title: "In Defense of Chambers Street" (Times Transit Column) (494728)
Started on Tue May 13 10:43:26 2003, by Keystone Pete

Thread title: 48 years ago today (494800)
Started on Tue May 13 13:20:51 2003, by Douce Man

Thread title: The Second SAS Hearing tonight (494802)
Started on Tue May 13 13:21:48 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: MALBONE st? Empire Blvd? (494822)
Started on Tue May 13 14:06:23 2003, by rodco

Thread title: Videos and help needed. (494832)
Started on Tue May 13 15:01:03 2003, by Goumba Tony

Thread title: NY1 Reports MTA to add more lex service (494860)
Started on Tue May 13 15:50:45 2003, by voiceofreason

Thread title: "Wartime Railfanning" article in "Railfan&Railroad" magazine (494864)
Started on Tue May 13 15:56:33 2003, by CC LOCAL

Thread title: Lets thank the NYTimes for pointing out the obvious about Chambers Street (494933)
Started on Tue May 13 19:39:00 2003, by Christopher Rivera

Thread title: LA Rail fanning (494937)
Started on Tue May 13 19:43:50 2003, by #1Brighton Exp Bob

Thread title: The 3 car rule: How does it apply to the BMT Eastern Division? (494939)
Started on Tue May 13 19:51:18 2003, by ENY Nova 5205

Thread title: brooklyn's Handle Change (494942)
Started on Tue May 13 20:07:20 2003, by Arrow III MU

Thread title: Why only Subtalk and Bustalk, Commuter Rail is getting to mixed up with subway (494991)
Started on Tue May 13 22:02:25 2003, by Long Island Rail Road

Thread title: Marc HHP wakeup call (-494993)
Started on Tue May 13 22:09:03 2003, by Dutchrailnut

Thread title: PHOTOS NEEDED!!! of the LIRR-any photo will do, RECENT years only and with stations, not cars only (494997)
Started on Tue May 13 22:13:44 2003, by Long Island Rail Road

Thread title: M-7s invading Far Rockaway line... (495000)
Started on Tue May 13 22:19:32 2003, by Philip Nasadowski

Thread title: Railfanning in London (495009)
Started on Tue May 13 22:44:31 2003, by Ebwaytony1

Thread title: Union Square station memorial (495019)
Started on Tue May 13 22:59:25 2003, by streetcar_man

Thread title: New R-142 Delivery Tonight (495020)
Started on Tue May 13 23:01:39 2003, by Stef

Thread title: YET ANOTHER SET of R 62As to the 7 line. (495036)
Started on Wed May 14 00:01:52 2003, by R 33 8840

Thread title: Something is missing on the May 2003 map (495049)
Started on Wed May 14 01:31:37 2003, by Express M Runs on the U and X

Thread title: Invisible G/O on the 5 (495058)
Started on Wed May 14 01:57:13 2003, by Redbirds Rule

Thread title: Compact Fluresent Lites At Grand Central (495088)
Started on Wed May 14 07:41:46 2003, by avid reader

Thread title: MTA proposes financial oversight reorganization (495096)
Started on Wed May 14 08:21:22 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: Is it Too Late to Send Away for 6/8 MOD Trip? (495097)
Started on Wed May 14 08:25:08 2003, by Howard Fein

Thread title: 74th-Broadway Rehab progressing (495098)
Started on Wed May 14 08:28:18 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: 74th-Broadway Rehab progressing (495099)
Started on Wed May 14 08:28:34 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: C/R on (F) this morning (495102)
Started on Wed May 14 09:01:09 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: Pile of Spikes (495103)
Started on Wed May 14 09:03:10 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: Subway to Railroad and Back Again Fan Trip, Saturday, May 24th (495111)
Started on Wed May 14 09:35:20 2003, by Christopher Rivera

Thread title: Help - Mistaken Caption on this Photo? (495138)
Started on Wed May 14 10:40:27 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: A Thought on Chambers Street (495211)
Started on Wed May 14 13:45:30 2003, by 600VDC

Thread title: TRANSIT PROJECT UPDATE (495217)
Started on Wed May 14 14:09:23 2003, by Xtrainexp.

Thread title: Riding entire line map where? (495244)
Started on Wed May 14 15:16:25 2003, by jrr4

Thread title: Interurban body threatened in Bridgeton, NJ (495246)
Started on Wed May 14 15:24:48 2003, by Frank Hicks

Thread title: Breaking News - Judge orders MTA to roll back fare (495272)
Started on Wed May 14 16:32:14 2003, by Allan

Started on Wed May 14 16:33:16 2003, by Tom

Thread title: Anyone Know Where This Is? (495278)
Started on Wed May 14 16:37:07 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: MTA Fare Increase and Ridership (495401)
Started on Wed May 14 19:05:36 2003, by George Foelschow

Thread title: How many all-female crews are there? (495406)
Started on Wed May 14 19:21:03 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: Subway map- New and old designation combined? (495418)
Started on Wed May 14 19:55:31 2003, by rodco

Thread title: A Muni Car In Maryland (495443)
Started on Wed May 14 20:27:26 2003, by Mountain Maryland

Thread title: what happened to "chens subway page"? (495462)
Started on Wed May 14 21:04:46 2003, by southern california transit system (salaamallah)

Thread title: Funny Happenings on WMATA (495479)
Started on Wed May 14 21:40:08 2003, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: HA! To the depths of Hell with the MTA! (495492)
Started on Wed May 14 22:14:46 2003, by Redbirds Rule

Thread title: Questions about MetroCard refunds (495494)
Started on Wed May 14 22:21:20 2003, by David J. Greenberger

Thread title: 7 Express Railfan Ride Tomorrow Morning (495547)
Started on Wed May 14 23:23:07 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: Will tokens come back.? (495549)
Started on Wed May 14 23:24:46 2003, by Express M Runs on the U and X

Thread title: Alternatives to subway/buses (495555)
Started on Wed May 14 23:33:18 2003, by Andrew Saucci

Thread title: Reclaiming the High Line (495560)
Started on Wed May 14 23:50:56 2003, by rondogg728

Thread title: All you LIRR pics NEEDED!!! Webmasters read this!! (495567)
Started on Thu May 15 00:31:00 2003, by Long Island Rail Road

Thread title: A couple of observation's today (495580)
Started on Thu May 15 01:03:10 2003, by MDT route29 9037

Thread title: (OT) Rudy's Cash Bunker (495590)
Started on Thu May 15 01:40:48 2003, by ( 1 ) South Ferry ( 9 )

Thread title: Red Bird being Prepaired for Rider Car Service. (495631)
Started on Thu May 15 07:35:31 2003, by Robert(North-Eastern T/O)

Thread title: Win Stuff for Using MasterCard to buy MetroCards (495666)
Started on Thu May 15 09:13:01 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: Second Avenue via 63rd Street (495683)
Started on Thu May 15 10:02:10 2003, by Robert From Queens

Thread title: Surprise Surprise (495706)
Started on Thu May 15 10:36:57 2003, by JEFFJAGUAR

Thread title: Railfan Spots Track Fire, Warns CSX (495718)
Started on Thu May 15 10:59:54 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: My proposal to tweak the 2004 service plan a bit. (495722)
Started on Thu May 15 11:24:03 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: Summary Of R-142 Updates (495768)
Started on Thu May 15 13:34:50 2003, by Stef

Thread title: MannyB Public Hearing Posted, and It's Wrong (495792)
Started on Thu May 15 14:09:33 2003, by oakapple

Thread title: Observations at Roosevelt/J. Heights Complex (495793)
Started on Thu May 15 14:12:00 2003, by CPCTC

Thread title: FARE ROLLBACK ON HOLD (495800)
Started on Thu May 15 14:22:13 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: Second Avenue Subway Schedule (495805)
Started on Thu May 15 14:30:37 2003, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: MTA Files Appeal, Rollback on Hold (495827)
Started on Thu May 15 15:04:50 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: Bumper @ Van Siclen Ave (495879)
Started on Thu May 15 17:24:57 2003, by DTrain22

Thread title: Robert Moses Would Have Approved of the MTA's Tactics (495936)
Started on Thu May 15 19:04:19 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: Third Avenue Railway System questions (495947)
Started on Thu May 15 19:14:34 2003, by Frank Hicks

Thread title: Yet another M7 sighting (495963)
Started on Thu May 15 19:38:33 2003, by SUBWAYMAN

Thread title: Platform Doors (496006)
Started on Thu May 15 20:52:25 2003, by Wdobner

Thread title: I look foward to this Saturday(s) railfan trip at LOS ANGELES UNION STATION !! (496007)
Started on Thu May 15 20:54:57 2003, by southern california transit system (salaamallah)

Thread title: Federal "New Starts" Transit Funding (496013)
Started on Thu May 15 21:09:18 2003, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: Notice to Crew, Turn the A/C Off (496014)
Started on Thu May 15 21:11:37 2003, by Lou from Brooklyn

Thread title: impossible! R train (496024)
Started on Thu May 15 21:40:58 2003, by Long Island Rail Road

Thread title: F train GO this Saturday (496030)
Started on Thu May 15 21:49:55 2003, by Flatbush41

Thread title: Rail Proposals Gallore (496063)
Started on Thu May 15 22:36:00 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Consist of Amtrak Train 91 in Last Week's Accident (496064)
Started on Thu May 15 22:37:27 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: FRA likes ‘Cal-Nev’ maglev train notion (496070)
Started on Thu May 15 22:43:17 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Parsons gets Charlotte light-rail project (496071)
Started on Thu May 15 22:43:53 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Chicago METRA getting $51 million (496072)
Started on Thu May 15 22:44:24 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Houston council likes rail-road swap idea (496073)
Started on Thu May 15 22:44:53 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Minnesotans are in a light-rail quandary (496074)
Started on Thu May 15 22:45:26 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Bombardier unveils new construction methods (496075)
Started on Thu May 15 22:46:44 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: New Jersey opts to invest in rail at ports (496076)
Started on Thu May 15 22:48:01 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Engineers cleared in German derailment (496078)
Started on Thu May 15 22:49:28 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Dozens die in Hungary bus accident (496079)
Started on Thu May 15 22:51:22 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Tandy Subway Car (496086)
Started on Thu May 15 22:57:12 2003, by Chip

Thread title: moving adventure and railfanning (496131)
Started on Fri May 16 00:09:23 2003, by jsd

Thread title: FRA part 223 glazing (496162)
Started on Fri May 16 01:04:52 2003, by ENY Nova 5205

Thread title: Need your prayers: (496165)
Started on Fri May 16 01:20:37 2003, by CC LOCAL

Thread title: Gold Line Opening (496170)
Started on Fri May 16 01:38:36 2003, by david vartanoff

Thread title: New MetroCard in Safety Series (#6 I believe) (496229)
Started on Fri May 16 08:30:53 2003, by Allan

Thread title: Elevators at Times Square/BMT, NOW OPEN (496264)
Started on Fri May 16 09:29:11 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: Z Train Missing In Action (496280)
Started on Fri May 16 10:13:57 2003, by DTrain22

Thread title: Questions about LIRR & MNRR (496287)
Started on Fri May 16 10:36:55 2003, by R32 - Sea Beach Express

Thread title: Boston - Braintree/Hingham (496298)
Started on Fri May 16 11:14:52 2003, by Dave

Thread title: What standard is the JFK AirTrain? (496303)
Started on Fri May 16 11:24:26 2003, by oakapple

Thread title: Why NY Subway cars are longer (496332)
Started on Fri May 16 12:16:39 2003, by sunshine

Thread title: Auto Club Trying to Stop Bridge, Tunnel Hikes (496350)
Started on Fri May 16 13:03:38 2003, by Jeffrey Rosen

Thread title: L Line Track Realignment (496368)
Started on Fri May 16 13:52:06 2003, by Barry

Thread title: LIRR #7 train replaces regular NYCT #7 train (496372)
Started on Fri May 16 14:06:33 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: Anomaly? (496443)
Started on Fri May 16 16:14:56 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: MVM credit crad transaction fees (496487)
Started on Fri May 16 17:07:07 2003, by AlM

Thread title: Service Alert (496526)
Started on Fri May 16 18:33:43 2003, by David J. Greenberger

Thread title: 700VDC Phase Gaps? (496531)
Started on Fri May 16 18:38:52 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: LIRR Freight question (496534)
Started on Fri May 16 18:41:10 2003, by Jeffrey Rosen

Thread title: Another Fine Amtrak Trip Ruined By Metro-North (496576)
Started on Fri May 16 20:07:50 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Another new Metrocard ? (Not a Safety Series) (496623)
Started on Fri May 16 21:58:01 2003, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: R32 3558 (496628)
Started on Fri May 16 22:14:32 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: Hello Everyone! (496630)
Started on Fri May 16 22:18:03 2003, by DaWheelFlange

Thread title: R143 #8248 - Access Denied! (496646)
Started on Fri May 16 23:05:09 2003, by DTrain22

Thread title: W train station stripmap has revisionist geography (496683)
Started on Sat May 17 00:33:15 2003, by LoudFast&AgingRapidly

Thread title: R to Queens Plaza.... track Question. (496684)
Started on Sat May 17 00:34:33 2003, by ( 1 ) South Ferry ( 9 )

Thread title: IRT car in PA (496685)
Started on Sat May 17 00:40:25 2003, by PhillyRailfan

Thread title: Improving The LIRR to Downtown Commute -- The Operating Cost Suggestion (496744)
Started on Sat May 17 10:30:47 2003, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: Disabling the Grade Crossing (496745)
Started on Sat May 17 10:53:46 2003, by The_Rockaway_Kid

Thread title: C/R on yesterdays C train at Jay street... (496797)
Started on Sat May 17 14:26:45 2003, by edwards

Thread title: Miami Valley Rail Authority (496798)
Started on Sat May 17 14:28:43 2003, by john

Thread title: Hot off the presses - R142 (496800)
Started on Sat May 17 14:43:56 2003, by Goumba Tony

Thread title: Integrates MapQuest Services (496814)
Started on Sat May 17 15:16:35 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Retro Station Rehab on PATCO (496818)
Started on Sat May 17 15:27:03 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: New Haven 'mystery' photographer:Letter to Daily News: (496849)
Started on Sat May 17 17:44:12 2003, by CC LOCAL

Thread title: Lefferts Blvd. station in Ozone Park? (496853)
Started on Sat May 17 18:00:25 2003, by jack

Thread title: Chatham Square Tonight (496857)
Started on Sat May 17 18:10:30 2003, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: New Signal Upgrade (496867)
Started on Sat May 17 18:49:12 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: Grade crossings in the NYC subway (496877)
Started on Sat May 17 19:24:33 2003, by New Flyer #857

Thread title: The Chaos of Rebuilding New York (496879)
Started on Sat May 17 19:29:16 2003, by From the Bronx (with a stop in Bayonne) to Brooklyn

Thread title: "No 5 Service between 180th Street and Mott Avenue" (496881)
Started on Sat May 17 19:36:27 2003, by Howard Fein

Thread title: It's r-10's fiance.....PLEASE READ & HELP (496887)
Started on Sat May 17 19:47:32 2003, by r-10

Thread title: Mott Avenue station tablet seriously damaged (496890)
Started on Sat May 17 19:58:08 2003, by Allan

Thread title: 5 Train Today - Older Cars (496893)
Started on Sat May 17 20:13:36 2003, by R142A

Thread title: GC-TSQ Shuttle (496896)
Started on Sat May 17 20:15:31 2003, by R142A

Thread title: More on the TS/GC Shuttle (496934)
Started on Sat May 17 21:39:47 2003, by Urban Outlaw

Thread title: More scrap moves (496964)
Started on Sat May 17 22:31:52 2003, by Grounded Shoe Beam

Thread title: Times Plaza headhouse (Atlantic Ave.) (496981)
Started on Sat May 17 22:41:50 2003, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: WestCoastSubtalkers trip a total success! May 17 2003 (496997)
Started on Sat May 17 22:56:33 2003, by southern california transit system (salaamallah)

Thread title: Two new movies of the Money Train arriving, and leaving Chambers Street on the 2/3 (497032)
Started on Sat May 17 23:21:54 2003, by Clayton

Thread title: MTA Transit Store discount??? (497051)
Started on Sat May 17 23:41:09 2003, by TampaNYCguy78

Thread title: LIRR to Downtown, several proposals (497093)
Started on Sun May 18 01:16:15 2003, by Long Island Rail Road

Thread title: Why isn't Shore Line East Electrified? (497099)
Started on Sun May 18 01:35:01 2003, by Wdobner

Thread title: D train question (497159)
Started on Sun May 18 09:41:39 2003, by andy

Thread title: Closing Avenue H on the Brighton? (497171)
Started on Sun May 18 10:43:29 2003, by New Flyer #857

Thread title: Terrible incident happen to me today (497226)
Started on Sun May 18 13:29:30 2003, by Amin Peralta

Thread title: Railfanning Monday (497240)
Started on Sun May 18 14:02:49 2003, by Goumba Tony

Thread title: "V" vs. "R-via-V" (497253)
Started on Sun May 18 14:50:35 2003, by Gotham Bus Co.

Thread title: SAS Northern Terminal (497278)
Started on Sun May 18 15:39:10 2003, by Simon

Thread title: Acronym for automated train (497289)
Started on Sun May 18 16:14:34 2003, by Andrew Saucci

Thread title: Coupon for "free gift at Transit Museum" (497361)
Started on Sun May 18 18:00:37 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: OK, where were all the subtalkers? (497456)
Started on Sun May 18 20:56:19 2003, by Jeffrey Rosen

Thread title: Fantasy Photo-If the West Coast SubTalkers met at Branford!!! (497466)
Started on Sun May 18 21:23:12 2003, by Jeffrey Rosen

Thread title: Tribute to HUDSON Tower (497473)
Started on Sun May 18 21:30:12 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Comparison of Transrapid's Maglev and JetTrain's HSR systems (497508)
Started on Sun May 18 22:27:40 2003, by Wdobner

Thread title: NY/NJ get $31 million in security funds (497522)
Started on Sun May 18 22:56:33 2003, by J Lee

Thread title: Greatness of the NYC Subways (497572)
Started on Mon May 19 01:30:48 2003, by hosswabash

Thread title: North Jersey Coast Line out (497594)
Started on Mon May 19 07:41:17 2003, by RIPTA42HopeTunnel

Thread title: Subway Arrests Soaring (497607)
Started on Mon May 19 08:47:46 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: Oddball NYC Subway cars (497617)
Started on Mon May 19 09:19:26 2003, by ENY Nova 5205

Thread title: Jamaica/Myrtle Trains to 6th Avenue (497623)
Started on Mon May 19 09:35:40 2003, by oakapple

Started on Mon May 19 11:37:38 2003, by arcingcatenary

Thread title: The countdown is ON: No more rathole on the N in 9 months. (497727)
Started on Mon May 19 13:05:01 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: Metrocard: Buy Now or Wait? (497746)
Started on Mon May 19 13:41:10 2003, by Urban Outlaw

Thread title: Rollback question (497758)
Started on Mon May 19 14:08:52 2003, by culverexpress

Started on Mon May 19 14:58:16 2003, by arcingcatenary

Thread title: Today in NYC History.... (497813)
Started on Mon May 19 15:49:11 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY! (497829)
Started on Mon May 19 16:17:21 2003, by TCrail586

Thread title: Why is everyone YELLING all of a sudden? (497836)
Started on Mon May 19 16:34:02 2003, by jrr4

Thread title: Anyone go to the SEPTA service cut/fare hike public hearings? (497843)
Started on Mon May 19 16:50:08 2003, by Wdobner

Thread title: 30 Seconds! (497846)
Started on Mon May 19 16:51:44 2003, by yangyang

Thread title: Natransit updated (497859)
Started on Mon May 19 17:29:26 2003, by DA74

Thread title: Problems with the Ticket Machines (497864)
Started on Mon May 19 17:38:23 2003, by subway grrl

Thread title: WMATA Train Lengths (497890)
Started on Mon May 19 19:08:09 2003, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Open Letter (497900)
Started on Mon May 19 19:27:22 2003, by bryan1945

Thread title: Light rail service cuts in Denver (497918)
Started on Mon May 19 19:46:13 2003, by Steve B-8AVEXP

Thread title: R33WF 9311 (497932)
Started on Mon May 19 20:04:46 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: OCTOBER 14 IS MY BIRTHDAY. (497942)
Started on Mon May 19 20:27:41 2003, by arcingcatenary

Thread title: Question About Polarizers (497944)
Started on Mon May 19 20:32:02 2003, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Today is not my birthday. (497979)
Started on Mon May 19 21:43:25 2003, by George Foelschow

Thread title: N.E. Amtrak Service Suspended Due to Minior MBTA Derailment (497986)
Started on Mon May 19 21:52:25 2003, by BigDigFan

Thread title: MARTA expansion urged (498002)
Started on Mon May 19 22:15:16 2003, by TCrail586

Thread title: R143 Testing at Columbus Circle IND (498015)
Started on Mon May 19 22:36:02 2003, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: "This is a Brooklyn-bound B Train making all Stops to whereever I feel like! Bing! Bong!" (498042)
Started on Mon May 19 23:25:28 2003, by Wdobner

Thread title: Railfanning the E and 7. (Long post) (498047)
Started on Mon May 19 23:28:43 2003, by Flatbush41

Thread title: 9 Av/West End Line sign readings on the R42s (498052)
Started on Mon May 19 23:36:44 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: BMT Puzzle--Just for Fun (498078)
Started on Tue May 20 01:30:06 2003, by Paul Matus

Thread title: Q to Clayton and/or Chapter 11 Choo Choo (498084)
Started on Tue May 20 01:49:59 2003, by ( 1 ) South Ferry ( 9 )

Thread title: Nottinghill Station (UK) and R32 3558 (498088)
Started on Tue May 20 02:01:04 2003, by SeaBeach53

Thread title: Look and Ye Shall find...subject matter to shoot (photo, 147K) (498095)
Started on Tue May 20 02:34:33 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: The Photographer's Right - A Downloadable Flyer (498124)
Started on Tue May 20 08:04:17 2003, by Dutchrailnut

Thread title: HBLR accidents (498132)
Started on Tue May 20 09:14:05 2003, by Interborough

Thread title: Skeleton Tracks (498148)
Started on Tue May 20 10:00:59 2003, by Tim The Trackwalker

Thread title: Why is the A so slow between 125-145? (498177)
Started on Tue May 20 11:18:33 2003, by CPWRider

Thread title: They're Baaaaack! MARC's HH-8s back in Philly. (498196)
Started on Tue May 20 11:49:25 2003, by wdobner

Thread title: Subway stations that exercise your heart muscles (498238)
Started on Tue May 20 13:41:17 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: TRANSIT PROJECT UDPATE (498241)
Started on Tue May 20 13:47:56 2003, by Xtrainexp.

Thread title: Last week to file for T/O exam (498243)
Started on Tue May 20 13:55:11 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: Cleveland rail fanning (498244)
Started on Tue May 20 13:57:58 2003, by #1Brighton Exp Bob

Thread title: What Are the Best Kept Abandoned Subway Facilities? (498259)
Started on Tue May 20 14:32:35 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: Terror Alert Raised to Orange: (498320)
Started on Tue May 20 16:39:46 2003, by CC LOCAL

Thread title: Setting up a Live WebCam online (498371)
Started on Tue May 20 17:40:25 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: What is the Point of Queensboro Master Twr if you still wait... (498379)
Started on Tue May 20 18:02:47 2003, by Lou from Brooklyn

Thread title: Photography On The MTA (498402)
Started on Tue May 20 18:44:25 2003, by BigDigFan

Thread title: Identify This Station... (498440)
Started on Tue May 20 19:41:58 2003, by ChrisFromSunnyside

Thread title: A MAINLINER ERA COMES TO AN END (498478)
Started on Tue May 20 20:42:01 2003, by MCI #1979 / R62A #1979

Thread title: canarsie trip tomorrow... (498512)
Started on Tue May 20 21:50:58 2003, by R30

Thread title: Toward More Rapid Transit (498522)
Started on Tue May 20 22:00:12 2003, by DTrain22

Thread title: SIRT North Shore (498614)
Started on Wed May 21 00:45:07 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: Better Transit for Brooklyn (498646)
Started on Wed May 21 07:41:47 2003, by oakapple

Thread title: Redbirds and the Airport (498651)
Started on Wed May 21 08:04:31 2003, by petethefeet

Thread title: Another delay in L realignment? (498672)
Started on Wed May 21 09:25:38 2003, by ENY Nova 5205

Thread title: Code Orange Changes (498676)
Started on Wed May 21 09:36:32 2003, by culverexpress

Thread title: Q About Golden's Deli Subway Car: Is It Real? (498703)
Started on Wed May 21 11:10:04 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: Say Hello To The R-142S! (498715)
Started on Wed May 21 12:02:57 2003, by Widecab5

Thread title: How best to ease overcrowding on SEPTA trolleys? (498756)
Started on Wed May 21 13:46:33 2003, by Michalovic

Thread title: Fare Rollback (498772)
Started on Wed May 21 14:39:01 2003, by FrankCFG

Thread title: A Question About The Tunnels To The Mainland (498781)
Started on Wed May 21 14:59:39 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: Chicago Harrison Curve Realignment (498784)
Started on Wed May 21 15:02:58 2003, by emathias

Thread title: OT:What Is A FLASH Grenade? (498812)
Started on Wed May 21 15:38:44 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: would you pay a higher fare[$3.00],to support new services? (498822)
Started on Wed May 21 15:53:58 2003, by edwards

Thread title: 2nd Ave. to Brooklyn (498846)
Started on Wed May 21 16:18:29 2003, by taksim

Thread title: 1928 Clark Street Station (498847)
Started on Wed May 21 16:19:00 2003, by mike durak

Thread title: New Miami Metrorail station to open on 5/30/03. (498869)
Started on Wed May 21 16:35:11 2003, by MDT route29 9037

Thread title: A weekend G.O. starting at 2:01 AM? (498916)
Started on Wed May 21 17:17:48 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: PATH QuickCards (498922)
Started on Wed May 21 17:21:24 2003, by Railfan Pete

Started on Wed May 21 17:31:35 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: Upcoming M.O.D. fantrips **Special Notice** (498939)
Started on Wed May 21 17:35:48 2003, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: Question about the R62A numbering (498972)
Started on Wed May 21 18:24:42 2003, by R36 9685 on the 7

Thread title: Another weird subway dream (498996)
Started on Wed May 21 18:58:32 2003, by Steve B-8AVEXP

Thread title: More On the MOD Specials (498998)
Started on Wed May 21 19:03:28 2003, by Stef

Thread title: My Home Station (499016)
Started on Wed May 21 19:29:22 2003, by jiggy3055

Thread title: Another study of Brooklyn: Southern Brooklyn TIS (499024)
Started on Wed May 21 19:38:02 2003, by Alex V.

Thread title: [METRO TV] Subway Q & A Program (499044)
Started on Wed May 21 19:59:13 2003, by ( 1 ) South Ferry ( 9 )

Thread title: Pennsy GG-1 #2332 Lives! (499099)
Started on Wed May 21 21:22:56 2003, by OnTheJuice

Thread title: Wrong Turns (c1928 ruminations) (499119)
Started on Wed May 21 22:04:33 2003, by Paul Matus

Thread title: TO Salaries... (499131)
Started on Wed May 21 22:21:48 2003, by Go N Train

Thread title: Pennsy (499141)
Started on Wed May 21 22:38:05 2003, by david vartanoff

Thread title: I was photographing trains while Sitting on my Milk Crate...eating Red Meat, too! (499143)
Started on Wed May 21 22:42:31 2003, by JayZeeBMT

Thread title: What is in the "Ejector Room"? (499149)
Started on Wed May 21 22:55:57 2003, by JayZeeBMT

Thread title: photo policy at 30th St parking lot (499162)
Started on Wed May 21 23:09:31 2003, by chuchubob

Thread title: When Railfans Become Tourists.... (easy question) (499186)
Started on Wed May 21 23:45:33 2003, by Tom

Thread title: Brooklyn Trolley Status??? (499197)
Started on Thu May 22 00:19:50 2003, by steveboatti

Thread title: Gonna leave boards soon (499200)
Started on Thu May 22 00:31:00 2003, by MCI #1979 / R62A #1979

Thread title: Weekend NJT Transit Trip (499246)
Started on Thu May 22 02:55:29 2003, by HBLR Kinki Sharyo LRV - #2001A/B

Thread title: OT: Harry Harrison (499254)
Started on Thu May 22 03:33:34 2003, by Mark W.

Thread title: R-142 trainset screws up again (499255)
Started on Thu May 22 03:48:04 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: No Surprise Here (499260)
Started on Thu May 22 05:35:16 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: Second Avenue Subway - did anyone notice (499306)
Started on Thu May 22 08:43:02 2003, by Allan

Thread title: WTC PATH Station Takes Shape (499313)
Started on Thu May 22 09:20:03 2003, by oakapple

Thread title: token booth from 20's or 30's (499348)
Started on Thu May 22 10:21:38 2003, by ntraintoastoria

Thread title: Curtains up on new elevators (499349)
Started on Thu May 22 10:26:05 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: 10 Things I Hate About The Slum-Beach Line (499355)
Started on Thu May 22 10:35:07 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: SubTalk's Top 10 things I like about the R142/ R142As (499370)
Started on Thu May 22 11:32:37 2003, by MCI #1979 / R62A #1979

Thread title: Hey Selkirk, They're Abandonning your Railroad (499376)
Started on Thu May 22 11:45:21 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: F Beach Bus/Q Beach Bus starts 5/24? (499413)
Started on Thu May 22 13:23:57 2003, by Lou from Brooklyn

Thread title: Subway sandwich subway map (499422)
Started on Thu May 22 13:39:16 2003, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: To Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly: Wake up (499444)
Started on Thu May 22 14:11:34 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: Partitioned Seats and the Law (499449)
Started on Thu May 22 14:23:48 2003, by culverexpress

Thread title: BYE ALL! (499451)
Started on Thu May 22 14:28:45 2003, by MCI #1979 / R62A #1979

Thread title: Brighton vs Sea Beach (499489)
Started on Thu May 22 15:50:45 2003, by British James

Thread title: Paul Fleuanges----Sell Out? (499492)
Started on Thu May 22 15:56:01 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: SI Railway TT (499513)
Started on Thu May 22 16:51:16 2003, by JumpInTheTrainCHIEF

Thread title: Explanation of Suway System (499524)
Started on Thu May 22 17:52:14 2003, by Jill

Thread title: Newport centre trip today (499538)
Started on Thu May 22 18:16:47 2003, by Qtraindash7

Thread title: Your Ideas for a MAJOR renovation at Chambers St. (499540)
Started on Thu May 22 18:19:24 2003, by TCrail586

Thread title: Dead M-1 cars in Bay Ridge (and why are these cars going to Mexico and not Nimco?) (499558)
Started on Thu May 22 18:48:35 2003, by ENY Nova 5205

Thread title: Redbird Singles at 239th yard (499563)
Started on Thu May 22 18:59:37 2003, by OnTheJuice

Thread title: Museum (499590)
Started on Thu May 22 19:48:47 2003, by Redbirds Rule

Thread title: MOD Routes (499591)
Started on Thu May 22 19:49:21 2003, by Redbirds Rule

Thread title: 10-car trains on the Flushing line (499599)
Started on Thu May 22 20:00:25 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: L Line Revamp (499624)
Started on Thu May 22 20:27:02 2003, by Redbirds Rule

Thread title: Government PSA for the Orange Alert (499628)
Started on Thu May 22 20:41:03 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: ERA Website (499653)
Started on Thu May 22 21:50:36 2003, by DTrain22

Thread title: Are stripmaps really a good idea? (499660)
Started on Thu May 22 22:04:26 2003, by R30

Thread title: Subway Car Colors (499679)
Started on Thu May 22 23:04:22 2003, by DTrain22

Thread title: Photos: BMT Broadway (499727)
Started on Fri May 23 01:13:28 2003, by Goumba Tony

Thread title: Photos: BMT Broadway (499728)
Started on Fri May 23 01:13:51 2003, by Goumba Tony

Thread title: Odd Sight on Patco (499730)
Started on Fri May 23 01:26:00 2003, by Wdobner

Thread title: should bridge over MBTA green line be rebuilt (499734)
Started on Fri May 23 01:36:04 2003, by Dand124

Thread title: should bridge over MBTA green line be rebuilt (499736)
Started on Fri May 23 01:40:27 2003, by Dand124

Thread title: L line weekend G.O. Postponded. (499745)
Started on Fri May 23 01:55:47 2003, by Robert(North-Eastern T/O)

Thread title: [Metrocard Refund Status Q??] (499749)
Started on Fri May 23 02:00:56 2003, by ( 1 ) South Ferry ( 9 )

Thread title: Kalikow's A Real Pisser (499763)
Started on Fri May 23 05:14:27 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: (OT) But I gotta vent about this: HS Kid Gets $90M Contract from Nike (499773)
Started on Fri May 23 06:11:20 2003, by JayZeeBMT

Thread title: A few Boston questions (long) (499786)
Started on Fri May 23 07:38:55 2003, by Dave

Thread title: Maybe these NIMBY Have a point (499793)
Started on Fri May 23 08:02:40 2003, by Piggo12

Thread title: Nancy Train Operator Handing Out T/O Applications (499800)
Started on Fri May 23 08:20:18 2003, by Lou from Brooklyn

Thread title: Headlights: Excellent issue on Newark City Subway (499827)
Started on Fri May 23 08:45:14 2003, by Joe

Thread title: Egg Slicer Problem Yesterday (499831)
Started on Fri May 23 08:49:38 2003, by culverexpress

Thread title: After the L Realignment (499875)
Started on Fri May 23 09:56:44 2003, by oakapple

Thread title: Pervert causes terror scare on party boat (499890)
Started on Fri May 23 10:26:51 2003, by Peter Rosa

Thread title: Lousy beach weather but great Railfanning weekend (499901)
Started on Fri May 23 10:48:47 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: Subway Service Disrupted After Massive Water Main Break In Brooklyn (499904)
Started on Fri May 23 11:00:53 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: The V and the C - Distant Cousins (499907)
Started on Fri May 23 11:14:28 2003, by BMT Road Dogg

Thread title: Old NYW& B station (499908)
Started on Fri May 23 11:14:48 2003, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: Photos: BMT Broadway: City Hall to 57-7 (499942)
Started on Fri May 23 12:33:15 2003, by Goumba Tony

Thread title: Teen School Travel: F from Kings Highway (499946)
Started on Fri May 23 12:46:04 2003, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: What Was the Problem at Times Square This Morning? (499959)
Started on Fri May 23 13:16:17 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: New Subway Cars are made by Alstom?? - Daily News Article (-499965)
Started on Fri May 23 13:22:03 2003, by Bx New Flyer Artic Guy

Thread title: "Subway Insecurity" (499974)
Started on Fri May 23 13:37:53 2003, by Goumba Tony

Thread title: Re: New Subway Cars are made by Alstom?? - Daily News Article (499987)
Started on Fri May 23 13:54:12 2003, by Widecab5

Thread title: M and V together, or M and C (500000)
Started on Fri May 23 14:03:59 2003, by American Pig

Thread title: Upcoming Fan Trip (500031)
Started on Fri May 23 14:45:16 2003, by mb3546

Thread title: Proposed changes in Brooklyn (500033)
Started on Fri May 23 14:47:03 2003, by Qtraindash7

Thread title: Saturday June 7th 10:00am Memorial Park Station Dedication ATTENTION 2 all WEST COAST SUBTALKERS !! (500043)
Started on Fri May 23 15:17:24 2003, by southern california transit system (salaamallah)

Thread title: WMATA Medical Center Station Closed Due to Suspicious Package (500072)
Started on Fri May 23 16:28:09 2003, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Canal St. N/R question (500077)
Started on Fri May 23 16:35:17 2003, by Lex Man

Thread title: 53rd Street Line Closed for Weekend (500088)
Started on Fri May 23 16:48:12 2003, by Joe V

Thread title: GO On The Rockaways and MOD Trip (500141)
Started on Fri May 23 19:13:23 2003, by Stef

Thread title: Re: New Subway Cars are made by Alstom?? - Daily News Article (500181)
Started on Fri May 23 21:40:19 2003, by SelkirkTMO

Thread title: Rode an LIRR M-7 today (500185)
Started on Fri May 23 21:43:37 2003, by Peter Rosa

Thread title: WMATA Caf cars too heavy on one side (500188)
Started on Fri May 23 21:53:08 2003, by TransitChuckG

Thread title: "We could pee in our pants now, roll the fare back and everyone will feel great" (500206)
Started on Fri May 23 22:31:21 2003, by 4thAvenueLocal

Thread title: How isn't Paris Metro's Line 14 a Peoplemover? (500208)
Started on Fri May 23 22:35:34 2003, by Wdobner

Thread title: signals at Queens Plaza (500211)
Started on Fri May 23 22:45:47 2003, by ENY Nova 5205

Thread title: Manhattan Rwy Substation Demolition Complete (500217)
Started on Fri May 23 22:51:26 2003, by Stef

Thread title: The Tiffany St Elevated (500220)
Started on Fri May 23 23:00:52 2003, by Stef

Thread title: Can energy-saving STEAM trains make a comeback? (500229)
Started on Fri May 23 23:30:55 2003, by SelkirkTMO

Thread title: Horribly obscure question about single trucks (500262)
Started on Sat May 24 01:29:35 2003, by Frank Hicks

Thread title: Re: New Subway Cars are made by Alstom?? - Daily News Article (500330)
Started on Sat May 24 10:12:57 2003, by Flatbush41

Thread title: Amtrak Sleepers (500341)
Started on Sat May 24 10:50:06 2003, by BigDigFan

Thread title: How come the Grand St shuttle didn't do this... (500353)
Started on Sat May 24 11:03:24 2003, by Flatbush41

Thread title: Re: New Subway Cars are made by Alstom?? - Daily News Article (500362)
Started on Sat May 24 11:39:52 2003, by Acela LIRR Express M7 #7046

Thread title: Re: New Subway Cars are made by Alstom?? - Daily News Article (500363)
Started on Sat May 24 11:41:33 2003, by Acela LIRR Express M7 #7046

Thread title: The R-62s Are Disappearing, Too (500372)
Started on Sat May 24 12:07:14 2003, by Widecab5

Thread title: Lirr shuttle disaster (500386)
Started on Sat May 24 13:09:08 2003, by Clayton

Thread title: "American Gangs" on A&E...rail question (500389)
Started on Sat May 24 13:23:53 2003, by Chris R27-R30

Thread title: Acela Express Traniset #4 (500418)
Started on Sat May 24 15:25:37 2003, by Bzuck

Thread title: Question About NJ Transit (500443)
Started on Sat May 24 16:19:02 2003, by BigDigFan

Thread title: Garbage Trains, where do they go? (500464)
Started on Sat May 24 18:29:48 2003, by Sonic Express

Thread title: How do Conductors/TO's Get off trains that they park on Express Tracks during off Peak hours? (500466)
Started on Sat May 24 18:31:32 2003, by Sonic Express

Thread title: Harrison S Curve, History (500478)
Started on Sat May 24 19:00:13 2003, by ChicagoBrian

Thread title: Chatham Square is in Session (500491)
Started on Sat May 24 20:02:34 2003, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: R160/R160A (500525)
Started on Sat May 24 22:01:47 2003, by DTrain22

Thread title: Money Train (500527)
Started on Sat May 24 22:16:17 2003, by TeeRay

Thread title: Which costs more: Building a new East River tunnel, or cleaning up (part of) the LIRR Rockaway ROW? (500537)
Started on Sat May 24 22:30:19 2003, by DTrain22

Thread title: The "one seat ride" (500563)
Started on Sat May 24 23:37:06 2003, by Alex V.

Thread title: BMT 86th Street Train Station 4th Ave (500569)
Started on Sun May 25 00:10:36 2003, by mb3546

Thread title: Subway Smell (500575)
Started on Sun May 25 00:27:00 2003, by mb3546

Thread title: MBTA medical changes advised (500598)
Started on Sun May 25 01:37:55 2003, by Dand124

Thread title: 110th Street NB closed for a while (500607)
Started on Sun May 25 02:07:08 2003, by David J. Greenberger

Thread title: New Howard Beach Station is now OPEN (Photos around 100K) (500622)
Started on Sun May 25 03:25:03 2003, by Goumba Tony

Thread title: So very sad (photos, around 150K) (500624)
Started on Sun May 25 03:27:58 2003, by Goumba Tony

Thread title: Anybody riding the LIRR Flushing shuttle today? (500686)
Started on Sun May 25 10:35:38 2003, by David J. Greenberger

Thread title: Surprise! Peggy Darlington hosts another tour (500688)
Started on Sun May 25 10:40:32 2003, by David J. Greenberger

Thread title: New Howard Beach/JFK Sation Open (500691)
Started on Sun May 25 10:50:11 2003, by JLin

Thread title: Skip 36th Street? (500695)
Started on Sun May 25 11:16:57 2003, by ntrainride

Thread title: WMATA 4th of July Service Plans Announced (500759)
Started on Sun May 25 13:18:40 2003, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: The 7 train as "The International Express"? (500760)
Started on Sun May 25 13:19:03 2003, by New Look Terrapin

Thread title: 1-Uptown and the Bronx (500776)
Started on Sun May 25 14:02:09 2003, by New Look Terrapin

Thread title: Why the D sould remain on the Brighton 24/7 after the MB Reopens (500816)
Started on Sun May 25 16:23:33 2003, by Q Exp

Thread title: Air guage (500827)
Started on Sun May 25 16:46:44 2003, by howardr142

Thread title: Remake Your Computer with NYC Subway! (500833)
Started on Sun May 25 17:03:25 2003, by Acela LIRR Express M7 #7046

Thread title: Extensions from Utica Ave IRT (500838)
Started on Sun May 25 17:32:36 2003, by New Flyer #857

Thread title: Why did they ever change the City Hall/Canal St BMT layout? (500839)
Started on Sun May 25 17:36:05 2003, by New Flyer #857

Thread title: Some more Boston question (500848)
Started on Sun May 25 17:57:55 2003, by Dave

Thread title: Went to Corona Yard on on the LIRR shuttle (500886)
Started on Sun May 25 18:49:11 2003, by R36 9685 on the 7

Thread title: Switch problems at Hoyt-Schermerhorn (500892)
Started on Sun May 25 19:04:18 2003, by David J. Greenberger

Thread title: Long Island Rail Road (500914)
Started on Sun May 25 19:35:58 2003, by LIRR

Thread title: Prolly not fesable, but why? (500915)
Started on Sun May 25 19:36:22 2003, by McIeXpReSs

Thread title: 23rd Street Baruch College. Does anyone remember? (500925)
Started on Sun May 25 19:47:44 2003, by Ridin on the 7 Train

Thread title: Another one...(Guess where this photo was taken...) (500926)
Started on Sun May 25 19:48:10 2003, by Incognito

Thread title: 23rd Street Baruch College. Does anyone remember? (500927)
Started on Sun May 25 19:49:16 2003, by Ridin on the 7 Train

Thread title: Riding the LIRR #7 shuttle (500951)
Started on Sun May 25 20:38:01 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: Nassau Av Interlocking and Lawrence St Interlocking (500980)
Started on Sun May 25 21:09:32 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: R-44 5479 doorbell (501009)
Started on Sun May 25 21:43:14 2003, by David J. Greenberger

Thread title: P.A.T.H. PA-4 #844 (501023)
Started on Sun May 25 21:56:52 2003, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: Update on the 4 LIRR Scrap Cars spotted along the N Freight Tracks (501025)
Started on Sun May 25 21:58:07 2003, by Clayton

Thread title: (OT) Bought and Lost.... MTA Shower Curtain... (501077)
Started on Sun May 25 23:16:54 2003, by ( 1 ) South Ferry ( 9 )

Thread title: Work on the 7 (501078)
Started on Sun May 25 23:17:55 2003, by SUBWAYMAN

Thread title: ( OT) White Castle (501079)
Started on Sun May 25 23:20:04 2003, by ( 1 ) South Ferry ( 9 )

Thread title: Atlantic Avenue is a disaster (501124)
Started on Mon May 26 00:22:11 2003, by mb3546

Thread title: Corona R-62A Train Back On The Mainline (501138)
Started on Mon May 26 00:41:19 2003, by Stef

Thread title: MONEY TRAIN IS ON NOW!! (501139)
Started on Mon May 26 00:41:39 2003, by Acela LIRR Express M7 #7046

Thread title: MNCR ACMU-1100s, and some other MNCR car questions (501149)
Started on Mon May 26 01:05:08 2003, by ENY Nova 5205

Thread title: RIDING the #7 Shuttle IN THE RAIN TODAY (501230)
Started on Mon May 26 09:00:14 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: How to post a picture (501276)
Started on Mon May 26 11:46:22 2003, by oldmanbean

Thread title: North Weehawken tunnel is open. (501281)
Started on Mon May 26 11:56:02 2003, by mrsam

Thread title: LIRR summer schedule (501286)
Started on Mon May 26 12:06:07 2003, by The_Rockaway_Kid

Thread title: Station Photo ID (501321)
Started on Mon May 26 13:40:39 2003, by oldmanbean

Thread title: Take 2 (501324)
Started on Mon May 26 13:44:46 2003, by oldmanbean

Thread title: What station is this? (501331)
Started on Mon May 26 13:56:25 2003, by oldmanbean

Thread title: Trolley ID (501333)
Started on Mon May 26 13:58:09 2003, by oldmanbean

Thread title: Proof of Payment Systems, or the lack therof (501339)
Started on Mon May 26 14:13:15 2003, by Wdobner

Thread title: Salt Lake City's Trax Cars (501372)
Started on Mon May 26 15:12:13 2003, by Wdobner

Thread title: Another Service Advisory is Wrong (501419)
Started on Mon May 26 15:55:42 2003, by oakapple

Thread title: coming soon this Summer (501531)
Started on Mon May 26 17:54:11 2003, by #1Brighton Exp Bob

Thread title: What's up, or down, with the fare? (501543)
Started on Mon May 26 18:26:15 2003, by Redbirds Rule

Thread title: How did 6th Avenue look before Chrystie? (501563)
Started on Mon May 26 19:03:39 2003, by Bowery - LES

Thread title: R62A's with yard stickers (501579)
Started on Mon May 26 19:54:37 2003, by R36 9685 on the 7

Thread title: WF "Subway Series" Redbird: (501601)
Started on Mon May 26 20:34:03 2003, by CC LOCAL

Thread title: Yah gotta love the LIRR (501606)
Started on Mon May 26 21:13:05 2003, by ntrainride

Thread title: Arrow III slip-up in Elizabeth (501609)
Started on Mon May 26 21:27:53 2003, by Arrow III MU

Thread title: Broken LED panel? (501620)
Started on Mon May 26 21:49:10 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: Redbird Cars #7770-7771 (501627)
Started on Mon May 26 21:58:39 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: The Ultimate Classic Brooklyn Photo..... (501639)
Started on Mon May 26 22:07:13 2003, by Joe Saitta

Thread title: MORE photos of the New Howard Beach Station [ (A) & Airtrain ] 600K (501702)
Started on Mon May 26 23:23:40 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: Question to Dave (501716)
Started on Mon May 26 23:32:18 2003, by Jeffrey Rosen

Thread title: Memorial Day (501717)
Started on Mon May 26 23:33:41 2003, by OnTheJuice

Thread title: PATH's return to Exchange Place date. (501734)
Started on Mon May 26 23:56:17 2003, by MDT route29 9037

Thread title: Poll on the K train (501738)
Started on Tue May 27 00:04:12 2003, by MDT route29 9037

Thread title: Help me identify this subway car (501747)
Started on Tue May 27 00:18:28 2003, by New Look Terrapin

Thread title: North Carolina runs its own trains, and more will be coming down the line (501763)
Started on Tue May 27 00:49:05 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: High Speed Rail Plan Presented at Senate Hearing (501766)
Started on Tue May 27 00:50:46 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Amtrak’s carbodies get rebuilt in Indiana (501768)
Started on Tue May 27 00:52:31 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Acela’s springs cause new headaches (501769)
Started on Tue May 27 00:52:56 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Oregon considers cutting Cascades (501770)
Started on Tue May 27 00:53:32 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Western ARP fights ignorance, misinformation (501771)
Started on Tue May 27 00:54:31 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Elizabethtown PA tires of waiting for Amtrak at the station (501772)
Started on Tue May 27 00:55:25 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Norfolk Southern’s ‘Exhibit Car’ starts tour (501774)
Started on Tue May 27 00:56:45 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Beech Grove pride with a ‘Bear’ hug (501776)
Started on Tue May 27 00:58:02 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: [Photo] #7 this weekend (501808)
Started on Tue May 27 03:11:52 2003, by DA74

Thread title: Transferring from Private Bus lines (or how the MTA stole my $2) (501817)
Started on Tue May 27 03:37:47 2003, by 4thAvenueLocal

Thread title: South Channel Bridge (501849)
Started on Tue May 27 08:29:29 2003, by Goumba Tony

Thread title: When is the Transit Museum Reopening? (501887)
Started on Tue May 27 10:18:22 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: Relevance of Howard Beach AirTrain Station (501916)
Started on Tue May 27 11:00:47 2003, by oakapple

Thread title: Very Young Railfans---Today's Tunnel Vision Column by Randy Kennedy (501936)
Started on Tue May 27 11:26:43 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: Subway Car Assignment Q's (501949)
Started on Tue May 27 11:51:55 2003, by NeilF

Thread title: Subway Car operations (501997)
Started on Tue May 27 13:13:17 2003, by busdude

Thread title: Which lines are operating at capacity? (502005)
Started on Tue May 27 13:27:06 2003, by Deaks

Thread title: "Bring back the Token" (502056)
Started on Tue May 27 15:45:11 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: BAM (502060)
Started on Tue May 27 15:51:13 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: R143 #8229 (502066)
Started on Tue May 27 16:00:11 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: "Married Consists" (502067)
Started on Tue May 27 16:01:27 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: Continuous Train (502070)
Started on Tue May 27 16:02:58 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: Refurbished Switches (502072)
Started on Tue May 27 16:05:17 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: The Unreliability of the A train. (502085)
Started on Tue May 27 16:23:14 2003, by Railfan Pete

Started on Tue May 27 16:23:30 2003, by BigDigFan

Thread title: The Unreliability of the A train. (502087)
Started on Tue May 27 16:23:50 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: Kalikow (502091)
Started on Tue May 27 16:26:59 2003, by yangyang

Thread title: Door Configurations (502098)
Started on Tue May 27 16:30:51 2003, by Railfan Pete

Started on Tue May 27 16:31:31 2003, by BigDigFan

Thread title: : POP--Perhaps a FAQ text? (502121)
Started on Tue May 27 16:50:32 2003, by david vartanoff

Thread title: BILL SLOT on NJT TVM's (502138)
Started on Tue May 27 16:57:58 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: Let's all take pictures at B'way Nassau and High Street. (502163)
Started on Tue May 27 17:22:07 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: Making sure every bus/train comes (502182)
Started on Tue May 27 17:56:56 2003, by New Flyer #857

Thread title: Nickname for the Culver line? (502219)
Started on Tue May 27 19:09:08 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: NYCTA Belt Buckle (502232)
Started on Tue May 27 19:27:45 2003, by Phil Hom

Thread title: NJT PCC's (502244)
Started on Tue May 27 20:04:54 2003, by rpanseshutterbug

Thread title: R68 2810 (502257)
Started on Tue May 27 20:19:57 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: LIRR #7 Shuttle. Pics? (502266)
Started on Tue May 27 20:29:49 2003, by Q46 Nova RTS#9288

Thread title: NYC covers 58% of operating costs at the farebox??? (502331)
Started on Tue May 27 21:44:06 2003, by Wdobner

Thread title: The nickel fare (502350)
Started on Tue May 27 22:12:59 2003, by TeeRay

Thread title: OT: Coney Island redev plan to be announced soon (502422)
Started on Wed May 28 00:12:09 2003, by voiceofreason

Thread title: My first M7 (502426)
Started on Wed May 28 00:25:02 2003, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: Gunn reviews year in Amtrak top berth (502441)
Started on Wed May 28 00:54:11 2003, by Dand124

Thread title: Artifact Missing (502471)
Started on Wed May 28 05:14:55 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: Al O'Leary (502486)
Started on Wed May 28 07:13:11 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: Questions from a visiting railfan. (502545)
Started on Wed May 28 10:22:43 2003, by jrr4

Thread title: Transit Museum official roster? (502618)
Started on Wed May 28 12:46:42 2003, by Frank Hicks

Thread title: MBTA Fare Evader Crackdown Proposal (502625)
Started on Wed May 28 12:58:32 2003, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: MTA Public Hearing: Subtalk Group? (502651)
Started on Wed May 28 13:49:46 2003, by DaWheelFlange

Thread title: A Violent Fare increase protest (502694)
Started on Wed May 28 14:52:50 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT...... (502698)
Started on Wed May 28 15:00:46 2003, by Flatbush41

Thread title: May 2003 - The Map - Multiligual edition (502728)
Started on Wed May 28 15:50:30 2003, by Allan

Thread title: How about this idea for LaGauardia? (502778)
Started on Wed May 28 17:31:28 2003, by Eric B

Thread title: More LIRR M-1's going away (502810)
Started on Wed May 28 19:15:58 2003, by Mark W.

Thread title: World Series Redbirds (Photos, 500K) (502836)
Started on Wed May 28 20:28:59 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: OT: Netscape OSX question (502839)
Started on Wed May 28 20:37:34 2003, by Alex L.

Thread title: Broadway Junction on the IND (502867)
Started on Wed May 28 21:21:14 2003, by BMT Road Dogg

Thread title: "Big Dig" on Discovery Right Now (502887)
Started on Wed May 28 21:39:27 2003, by DTrain22

Thread title: VIDEOS of lights 'a flash'n on WF Redbirds (502899)
Started on Wed May 28 21:56:56 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: Very Young Subway Fan Fashion! (502911)
Started on Wed May 28 22:23:46 2003, by subway grrl

Thread title: ADV: LINK: How About It?? (502913)
Started on Wed May 28 22:39:41 2003, by Paul Matus

Thread title: LINK: Franklin-Nasaau (502915)
Started on Wed May 28 22:41:56 2003, by Paul Matus

Thread title: LINK: OT: Dead Rabbits vs Bowery Boys (502917)
Started on Wed May 28 22:44:50 2003, by Paul Matus

Thread title: [Question about June 15th Trip] (502941)
Started on Wed May 28 23:25:13 2003, by ( 1 ) South Ferry ( 9 )

Thread title: CPW Switches (502948)
Started on Wed May 28 23:38:31 2003, by TCrail586

Thread title: Why not in #7 (502972)
Started on Thu May 29 00:42:41 2003, by fan of #7

Thread title: Manhattan Bridge Service Voting Poll (502997)
Started on Thu May 29 02:06:22 2003, by Express M Runs on the U and X

Thread title: Marcy Ave rehab (503000)
Started on Thu May 29 02:22:33 2003, by Goumba Tony

Thread title: Pictures of Houston Metrorail (503002)
Started on Thu May 29 02:52:30 2003, by jsd

Thread title: Link: London's 'secret' underground railway - Shunted into history. (503033)
Started on Thu May 29 08:15:47 2003, by North London Boy

Started on Thu May 29 09:04:07 2003, by Bob D

Thread title: Ridiculous Tickets for Riders.. (503046)
Started on Thu May 29 09:10:02 2003, by QueensBound 7

Thread title: L line weekend G.O. might be in Jepordy. (503048)
Started on Thu May 29 09:10:28 2003, by Robert(North-Eastern T/O)

Thread title: Brooklyn City Trolley Corp. (503049)
Started on Thu May 29 09:12:07 2003, by Bob D

Thread title: LINK: OT: End of a Transportation Era (503073)
Started on Thu May 29 10:20:35 2003, by Paul Matus

Thread title: Subway exits open longer on weekends-Why? (503115)
Started on Thu May 29 11:23:52 2003, by New Flyer #857

Thread title: Hmmm ... why is this familiar? (503129)
Started on Thu May 29 12:07:22 2003, by Peter Rosa

Thread title: An R32 on the IRT (503150)
Started on Thu May 29 13:13:18 2003, by New Look Terrapin

Thread title: Interesting sight on the Sea Beach today...... (503182)
Started on Thu May 29 13:57:38 2003, by R32 - Sea Beach Express

Thread title: This Week's R-142 Deliveries (503216)
Started on Thu May 29 15:42:42 2003, by Widecab5

Thread title: Flushing Flash Card-May 28, 2003 (503219)
Started on Thu May 29 15:54:01 2003, by Widecab5

Thread title: March Of Dimes IRT route (503252)
Started on Thu May 29 17:03:29 2003, by brooklyn1944

Thread title: Sitting on Milkcrates on the F Line (503267)
Started on Thu May 29 17:22:02 2003, by culverexpress

Thread title: Misc. Things (503277)
Started on Thu May 29 17:31:10 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: Whither heavy rail? (503279)
Started on Thu May 29 17:36:51 2003, by TribuneTower

Thread title: PATH to stay all Pneumatic (503284)
Started on Thu May 29 17:44:39 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Third Avenue Railway cars in Brazil (503286)
Started on Thu May 29 17:45:45 2003, by Frank Hicks

Thread title: Just saw a Jeep with License Plate: 8AVEXP (503315)
Started on Thu May 29 18:25:56 2003, by Michael Calcagno

Thread title: Philadelphia Defeats Fear (503333)
Started on Thu May 29 18:59:53 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Shore Line East (503378)
Started on Thu May 29 20:01:50 2003, by BigDigFan

Thread title: The one thing that ever scared me on a subway (503401)
Started on Thu May 29 20:29:10 2003, by Rob from Atlanta

Thread title: "Loews" MotreCArd Aleart (503418)
Started on Thu May 29 21:00:07 2003, by Robert(North-Eastern T/O)

Thread title: I won't know About the L line untill Saturday. (503456)
Started on Thu May 29 21:58:02 2003, by Robert(North-Eastern T/O)

Thread title: SI Railway: doomed? (503457)
Started on Thu May 29 21:58:25 2003, by JumpInTheTrainCHIEF

Thread title: Flushing Express entering Main St (503469)
Started on Thu May 29 22:12:05 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: 59th Street/4th Avenue... station question (503495)
Started on Thu May 29 22:35:21 2003, by 4thAvenueLocal

Thread title: Flushing Line Third Rail Question (503504)
Started on Thu May 29 22:42:29 2003, by DTrain22

Thread title: Working for SIRT (503505)
Started on Thu May 29 22:43:30 2003, by Train Man Paul (Extra List North Div. C/R)

Thread title: Where do these tracks go? (503523)
Started on Thu May 29 22:57:05 2003, by M4

Thread title: O. Winston Link's widow in hot water (503535)
Started on Thu May 29 23:25:25 2003, by Peter Rosa

Thread title: Closure of London PO Underground (503559)
Started on Thu May 29 23:51:13 2003, by Chris Oz

Thread title: New York and Northern Station ID (503591)
Started on Fri May 30 00:33:05 2003, by oldmanbean

Thread title: A Little Moral Delemma Regarding Travel Expenses and Amtrak (503623)
Started on Fri May 30 01:34:11 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: LIRR Port Jeff Question (503677)
Started on Fri May 30 06:38:36 2003, by QueensBound 7

Thread title: Older railfans? (503691)
Started on Fri May 30 07:22:43 2003, by Wannabe1

Thread title: Airport Connections (503736)
Started on Fri May 30 09:13:38 2003, by oakapple

Thread title: R-62 1510 Has No A/C (503740)
Started on Fri May 30 09:24:09 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: N.Y.C. OLD MOTORMANS BADGE (503741)
Started on Fri May 30 09:25:06 2003, by R 32

Thread title: Wanna shop for clothes this Sunday? GO PATH!! (503784)
Started on Fri May 30 10:50:12 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: OT: Ill. Ry. Mus. webcam online (503793)
Started on Fri May 30 11:15:53 2003, by Frank Hicks

Thread title: TRANSIT PROJECT UPDATE (503807)
Started on Fri May 30 11:39:30 2003, by Xtrainexp.

Thread title: Pictures of new Chicago METRA locomotive and coach (503830)
Started on Fri May 30 12:44:27 2003, by jsd

Thread title: Poll: Most/Least Reliable "R" Class Cars (503838)
Started on Fri May 30 12:59:11 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: Negative Press on the Ticketing binge goes National (503848)
Started on Fri May 30 13:13:09 2003, by Dan Lawrence

Thread title: Proof that the Lex can’t support more than 28 tph (503865)
Started on Fri May 30 13:39:06 2003, by AlM

Thread title: Air Condition Subway Cars SUCK! (503898)
Started on Fri May 30 14:59:37 2003, by Acela LIRR Express M7 #7046

Thread title: train operator test 10/25/03 (503902)
Started on Fri May 30 15:01:06 2003, by alexwolf

Thread title: Biggest Subway Design Mistakes? (503912)
Started on Fri May 30 15:23:11 2003, by oakapple

Thread title: War Stories (503919)
Started on Fri May 30 15:31:36 2003, by Goumba Tony

Thread title: Increasing the popularity of railfanning (503926)
Started on Fri May 30 15:44:16 2003, by Goumba Tony

Thread title: ? for history buffs (503960)
Started on Fri May 30 16:45:56 2003, by HPrice

Thread title: New York Law Enforcement Going Batty? (503965)
Started on Fri May 30 16:56:06 2003, by #4 Sea Beach Fred

Thread title: Anyone know the route of the upcoming MOD trips? (504006)
Started on Fri May 30 17:53:39 2003, by Clayton

Thread title: Canarsie GO and the MOD Trip (504030)
Started on Fri May 30 18:27:47 2003, by Stef

Thread title: Subway grrl props ransit music videos (504045)
Started on Fri May 30 19:03:50 2003, by J C Gridlock

Thread title: Seeking permission to use photo...? (504046)
Started on Fri May 30 19:04:01 2003, by Christopher Tarana

Thread title: Canarsie El (504087)
Started on Fri May 30 20:25:46 2003, by GARYTALKY

Thread title: Scratchiti...a NYC Subway problem only? (504092)
Started on Fri May 30 20:31:08 2003, by CPCTC

Thread title: Opening/Closing Train Doors and T/O's indication (504107)
Started on Fri May 30 20:54:30 2003, by New Flyer #857

Thread title: London to Close "Mail Rail" (504117)
Started on Fri May 30 21:16:42 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: SBK/NYCHRR Yard Report (504153)
Started on Fri May 30 22:50:50 2003, by R30

Thread title: Very weird train horn at night (504170)
Started on Fri May 30 23:20:02 2003, by Railfan Pete
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