
SubTalk Archive 5/2003

Thread title: New R-142 Arrival (488681)
Started on Thu May 1 00:25:48 2003, by Stef

Thread title: Black Floor R-68s Are Here (488707)
Started on Thu May 1 04:47:49 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: Photography policies in Baltimore (488762)
Started on Thu May 1 10:03:48 2003, by Mountain Maryland

Thread title: ...just a Wednesday at Branford [ranting] (488766)
Started on Thu May 1 10:14:30 2003, by JohnS

Thread title: Franklin St. is a Beautiful Station (488767)
Started on Thu May 1 10:15:52 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: Videotaping the SEPTA R2 (488774)
Started on Thu May 1 10:30:23 2003, by Michalovic

Thread title: TrainWorld is taking advanced orders for MTH trains (R-17, flatcar, others) (488782)
Started on Thu May 1 10:43:18 2003, by Mark S. Feinman

Thread title: NY Tranist Museum - Corona Maintenance Shop Tour (488792)
Started on Thu May 1 11:06:20 2003, by Allan

Thread title: Two interesting web pages, one with photos by Cleanairbus (me) (488807)
Started on Thu May 1 11:51:19 2003, by Transit Is My Drug

Thread title: #7 Extension Plans on MTA Website (488831)
Started on Thu May 1 12:51:44 2003, by oakapple

Thread title: Brake test proceedure (488842)
Started on Thu May 1 13:11:17 2003, by howardr142

Thread title: Fare Hike FAQ (488850)
Started on Thu May 1 13:31:00 2003, by howardr142

Thread title: New Stillwell Terminal (488863)
Started on Thu May 1 13:47:44 2003, by Paul Matus

Thread title: Fares WILL GO UP this Sunday (488873)
Started on Thu May 1 14:01:06 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: On This Day In NYC History (488877)
Started on Thu May 1 14:17:23 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: Nice Run on J yesterday (488892)
Started on Thu May 1 14:39:03 2003, by brooklyn

Thread title: Shortest Distance Between Stations (488901)
Started on Thu May 1 14:51:24 2003, by oakapple

Thread title: YES! Got MOD tickets! (488919)
Started on Thu May 1 15:23:06 2003, by Redbirds Rule

Thread title: Photos from Railfan Trip (4/21) (488972)
Started on Thu May 1 17:13:40 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: Photos from Railfan Trip (4/17) (488973)
Started on Thu May 1 17:26:16 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: Photos from Railfan Trip (4/15) (488982)
Started on Thu May 1 17:41:25 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: LAMTA Beware (488985)
Started on Thu May 1 17:49:48 2003, by #1Brighton Exp Bob

Thread title: World's GREATEST railfan window? (489025)
Started on Thu May 1 18:51:48 2003, by CC LOCAL

Thread title: Newly painted roof on the R-38 ? (489028)
Started on Thu May 1 18:55:39 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: Stainless Steel? (489058)
Started on Thu May 1 19:33:37 2003, by Ian21575

Thread title: Painting (489059)
Started on Thu May 1 19:38:01 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: 'EVERYONE PLEASE READ' -Stifle it (489069)
Started on Thu May 1 19:59:23 2003, by OnTheJuice

Thread title: No cash refunds on old unlimiteds (489102)
Started on Thu May 1 20:52:51 2003, by David J. Greenberger

Thread title: 1936 Philly "Bridge Line" Cars aka "Flash Gordons" (489115)
Started on Thu May 1 21:15:56 2003, by CC LOCAL

Thread title: Rotation: May 2nd and May 5th in Transit (489126)
Started on Thu May 1 21:40:57 2003, by OnTheJuice

Thread title: Subway Schedule PDF's Redesigned (489136)
Started on Thu May 1 21:51:00 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: LIRR TVM at Medford - a possible reason (489159)
Started on Thu May 1 22:23:52 2003, by Peter Rosa

Thread title: Old Stillwell Avenue Question Answered (489173)
Started on Thu May 1 22:45:16 2003, by Paul Matus

Thread title: Swiping In and Out at St. George (489203)
Started on Thu May 1 23:20:43 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: Uses for retired Redbirds: (489256)
Started on Fri May 2 02:11:20 2003, by CC LOCAL

Thread title: More change problems (489300)
Started on Fri May 2 09:19:13 2003, by culverexpress

Thread title: Myths and Falsehoods That Refuse to Die (489311)
Started on Fri May 2 09:43:25 2003, by Howard Fein

Thread title: Arithmetic Lesson for the Newsday (489333)
Started on Fri May 2 10:32:17 2003, by oakapple

Thread title: Another weekend with Subtalk's favorite G.O. on the IRT (489376)
Started on Fri May 2 12:08:27 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: Stations in the Wrong Places (489380)
Started on Fri May 2 12:26:26 2003, by oakapple

Thread title: Pics of R-17s with 60s TA logo (489398)
Started on Fri May 2 12:56:40 2003, by FYBklyn1959

Thread title: Pennies from Hell - another question for Station Agents (489410)
Started on Fri May 2 13:07:14 2003, by Allan

Thread title: TRANSIT PROJECT: Dates for anticipated emails of the first two chapters (489439)
Started on Fri May 2 14:19:59 2003, by Xtrainexp.

Thread title: NY1 Reporting A HUGE Mess on the SIRT (489497)
Started on Fri May 2 16:19:12 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: Nunsense 3: The Jamboree! (489505)
Started on Fri May 2 16:39:51 2003, by Karl B

Thread title: To Train Dude: lighten up (489512)
Started on Fri May 2 16:50:38 2003, by Peter Rosa

Thread title: IT'S OFFICIAL THIS SUNDAY (489514)
Started on Fri May 2 16:54:09 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: MTH Subway Car Info! (489536)
Started on Fri May 2 18:03:09 2003, by Karl B

Thread title: turnstile problem-solver (489560)
Started on Fri May 2 19:05:38 2003, by R36 9685 on the 7

Thread title: Tracks A-1/A2 at Hoyt (489615)
Started on Fri May 2 21:53:26 2003, by CC LOCAL

Thread title: Foamers (489645)
Started on Fri May 2 22:44:23 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: Adventures At community board hearings (489676)
Started on Fri May 2 23:44:59 2003, by rushhourspecialist

Thread title: MBTA Sports New Summer Look (489680)
Started on Fri May 2 23:48:41 2003, by Stevie

Thread title: Partial list of STOLEN items (489716)
Started on Sat May 3 00:38:08 2003, by Mark W.

Thread title: Are all the R40 Slants gone from ENY yard? (489724)
Started on Sat May 3 01:22:13 2003, by DaRidgewoodBusBuff

Thread title: Exect Bill Change given on LIRR (489732)
Started on Sat May 3 02:43:26 2003, by Robert(North-Eastern T/O)

Thread title: A $2 a Ride, You'd Think They Could Serve Snacks (489742)
Started on Sat May 3 06:30:00 2003, by CPCTC

Thread title: Seneca & Palmetto (489748)
Started on Sat May 3 07:21:07 2003, by rpanseshutterbug

Thread title: (OT?) Some railfans are genuises like Einstein (489756)
Started on Sat May 3 08:07:31 2003, by Phil Hom

Thread title: New MTA advertisement for upstaters (489767)
Started on Sat May 3 08:59:37 2003, by SelkirkTMO

Thread title: "BB" Train R38 (489820)
Started on Sat May 3 11:55:07 2003, by CC LOCAL

Thread title: Movable Bridge Quota kills New London commuter rail (489837)
Started on Sat May 3 12:21:46 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Amtrak starts ad agency search (489839)
Started on Sat May 3 12:23:46 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Cascades near Oregon chopping block (489843)
Started on Sat May 3 12:24:56 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Amtrak’s boxcars find little work these days (489844)
Started on Sat May 3 12:26:23 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: MTBA Greenbush project may still go (489846)
Started on Sat May 3 12:27:50 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Tampa Rail gets FTA green light (489848)
Started on Sat May 3 12:28:36 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Seattle loses monorail plan in Senate (489849)
Started on Sat May 3 12:29:35 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: GE unveils loco fuel savings idea (489850)
Started on Sat May 3 12:30:50 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: CSX Boston’s Beacon Park yard in limbo (489855)
Started on Sat May 3 12:35:56 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: KCS, TMM to become ‘NAFTA Rail’ (489859)
Started on Sat May 3 12:41:33 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: MORE MTA LIES (489866)
Started on Sat May 3 13:43:45 2003, by Barry

Thread title: R44 Trainset at Euclid Avenue (489873)
Started on Sat May 3 13:57:51 2003, by AcelaExpress2005 - R143 #8265

Thread title: When will CBTC testing begin? Other questions too. (489898)
Started on Sat May 3 15:07:35 2003, by J trainloco

Thread title: R40s on Q line today (SATURDAY)! (489902)
Started on Sat May 3 15:33:17 2003, by New Flyer #857

Thread title: Railfanning in Greater LA (489914)
Started on Sat May 3 16:04:49 2003, by #4 Sea Beach Fred

Thread title: New name for white cars in 80's: "Snowy owls" (489923)
Started on Sat May 3 16:48:00 2003, by R36 9685 on the 7

Thread title: How is Union Station doing? (489932)
Started on Sat May 3 17:10:40 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: "Trains stop here during off-hours"-What's the point of these signs? (489940)
Started on Sat May 3 17:33:38 2003, by DTrain22

Thread title: Back from the WMATA Rodeo (489944)
Started on Sat May 3 17:52:43 2003, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Message index problem (489947)
Started on Sat May 3 18:11:37 2003, by American Pig

Thread title: Don't R-142s and R-143s increase station dwell time? (489963)
Started on Sat May 3 19:07:29 2003, by New Flyer #857

Thread title: Chatham Square in Session (489973)
Started on Sat May 3 19:42:32 2003, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: MYRTLE and FULTON signs (489982)
Started on Sat May 3 20:28:30 2003, by TCrail586

Thread title: New Haven Bridge Hoisting is a GO tonight. (489987)
Started on Sat May 3 20:36:42 2003, by Dutchrailnut

Thread title: Worst Case Scenarios (489989)
Started on Sat May 3 20:42:50 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: HBLR UPDATE: (490007)
Started on Sat May 3 21:26:35 2003, by CC LOCAL

Thread title: The year the screwed up the Slants (490030)
Started on Sat May 3 22:33:14 2003, by TCrail586

Thread title: East Penn Meet (490039)
Started on Sat May 3 22:47:05 2003, by LoudFast&AgingRapidly

Thread title: R44s on A-1 at Hoyt: Movie shoot? commercial? music video? (490040)
Started on Sat May 3 22:55:25 2003, by CC LOCAL

Thread title: Forgot to post last night...railfan from here yesterday on the Q Express? (490060)
Started on Sat May 3 23:51:10 2003, by Clayton

Thread title: Danbury Railfair TODAY!!! (490100)
Started on Sun May 4 01:03:20 2003, by ( 1 ) South Ferry ( 9 )

Thread title: The 5 Boro Bike Tour (490101)
Started on Sun May 4 01:04:03 2003, by Chapter 11 Choo Choo

Thread title: MORE R 62As to the 7 line.... (490114)
Started on Sun May 4 01:31:08 2003, by R 33 8840

Thread title: 12 Car unscheduled Amtrak train leaves Albany for NYC at 4PM yesterday (5/3) (490157)
Started on Sun May 4 03:04:10 2003, by Henry R32 #3730

Thread title: L1, R1, L2, R2? (490179)
Started on Sun May 4 07:17:56 2003, by CPCTC

Thread title: NY1 Report (490204)
Started on Sun May 4 09:19:17 2003, by JEFFJAGUAR

Thread title: A treat yesturday at B'Way Nassau (about 75K) (490230)
Started on Sun May 4 10:56:28 2003, by Goumba Tony

Thread title: My Railfan Day Yesterday (13 pics) (490254)
Started on Sun May 4 12:58:48 2003, by Christopher Rivera

Thread title: Justice, NJ-Transit style... (490261)
Started on Sun May 4 13:19:33 2003, by mrsam

Thread title: New R62As on the 7 and where is R62A 2133? (490271)
Started on Sun May 4 13:48:34 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: Flickering lights on the R33, R36 (490272)
Started on Sun May 4 13:50:30 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: R33WF (490287)
Started on Sun May 4 15:21:12 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: The MAP - May 2003 edition (490309)
Started on Sun May 4 17:08:18 2003, by Allan

Thread title: The Legend of Linden(/Livonia?) Yard (490317)
Started on Sun May 4 18:16:57 2003, by DTrain22

Thread title: HBLR:Additional LRV orders? (490325)
Started on Sun May 4 18:48:24 2003, by CC LOCAL

Thread title: QUEENS PLAZA STATION (490326)
Started on Sun May 4 18:55:24 2003, by A 8AV FULTON EXP

Thread title: Literature available (490336)
Started on Sun May 4 19:46:04 2003, by Anon_e_mouse

Thread title: Anyone know what happened to our favorite West Coast photographer? (490349)
Started on Sun May 4 20:16:58 2003, by Jeffrey Rosen

Thread title: Silly R142 Question (490365)
Started on Sun May 4 20:56:44 2003, by 4-ma-ny-ka

Thread title: R-40M Q sighting today -- at Bay 50th! (490371)
Started on Sun May 4 21:11:59 2003, by David J. Greenberger

Thread title: The R110B (490379)
Started on Sun May 4 21:49:52 2003, by n3w L[][]k T3rr4pin

Thread title: 1898 LIRR Map (490450)
Started on Mon May 5 00:39:58 2003, by ntrainride

Thread title: Assorted Ramblings on the Boeing LRV (490454)
Started on Mon May 5 01:03:49 2003, by Wdobner

Thread title: Virtual Tours of Amtrak Superliners (490456)
Started on Mon May 5 01:18:14 2003, by Henry R32 #3730

Thread title: Question about the R142/143/160... (490460)
Started on Mon May 5 03:15:05 2003, by QueensBound 7

Thread title: Gee, no fare increase posts (490491)
Started on Mon May 5 09:32:48 2003, by Dan Lawrence

Thread title: Awsome ot see pedestrians! (490492)
Started on Mon May 5 09:36:14 2003, by culverexpress

Thread title: silive.com (490530)
Started on Mon May 5 12:09:22 2003, by Hank Eisenstein

Thread title: anti-MTA (490579)
Started on Mon May 5 14:10:08 2003, by yangyang

Thread title: "Insufficient fare"? (490582)
Started on Mon May 5 14:16:44 2003, by 4thAvenueLocal

Thread title: UnderPhotos goes live (490602)
Started on Mon May 5 15:56:19 2003, by Goumba Tony

Thread title: 65th Street Destination Sign (490607)
Started on Mon May 5 16:12:33 2003, by Robert From Queens

Thread title: NJT Consists (490631)
Started on Mon May 5 17:21:57 2003, by QM1-Wall Street Exp

Thread title: What is a TMO? (490650)
Started on Mon May 5 18:04:19 2003, by DTrain22