SubTalk Archive 1/2003

Thread title: happy new year (427678)
Started on Wed Jan 1 00:00:05 2003, by R30

Thread title: First 2003 post (427679)
Started on Wed Jan 1 00:01:21 2003, by David J. Greenberger

Thread title: Happy NY MMIII (427680)
Started on Wed Jan 1 00:02:20 2003, by Wayne-MrSlantR40

Thread title: Happy New Year (MMIII) from #3 West End Jeff (427683)
Started on Wed Jan 1 00:06:02 2003, by #3 West End Jeff

Thread title: Happy twenty-ought-three (427688)
Started on Wed Jan 1 00:18:27 2003, by JayZeeBMT

Thread title: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 2003 (427691)
Started on Wed Jan 1 00:26:07 2003, by V Train B47 Bus

Thread title: Now with comparitive rankings! (427728)
Started on Wed Jan 1 02:12:11 2003, by American Pig

Thread title: How do you take your subtalk? (427730)
Started on Wed Jan 1 02:21:59 2003, by WDobner

Thread title: Maglev runs! (427754)
Started on Wed Jan 1 03:24:56 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: Which are the Redbirds? (427825)
Started on Wed Jan 1 11:13:55 2003, by Paul Matus

Thread title: Replacing the R30 (427856)
Started on Wed Jan 1 12:13:45 2003, by R30

Thread title: B Div. C/R shortage ? (427889)
Started on Wed Jan 1 13:33:41 2003, by Pelham Bay Dave

Thread title: Photos of Abandoned Woodhaven/Rockaway Branch Station (Was Woodhaven shafted) (427917)
Started on Wed Jan 1 14:11:29 2003, by GP38 Chris

Thread title: Pick-up Lines for the "Singles Car" (427924)
Started on Wed Jan 1 14:28:58 2003, by Paul Matus

Thread title: LIRR Rockaway ROW...why not rehab it already? (427928)
Started on Wed Jan 1 14:44:34 2003, by JayZeeBMT

Thread title: DUMBO (427941)
Started on Wed Jan 1 15:11:54 2003, by Paul Matus

Thread title: Los Angeles Gold Line (and LRT in general) Question(s) (428034)
Started on Wed Jan 1 18:21:30 2003, by WDobner

Thread title: Derailment closes Brighton Line! (428035)
Started on Wed Jan 1 18:22:06 2003, by British James

Thread title: Talk about chutzpah!!! (428044)
Started on Wed Jan 1 18:45:07 2003, by Allan

Thread title: Movie Posters in Subway Stations (428061)
Started on Wed Jan 1 19:20:22 2003, by R36 9685 on the 7

Thread title: New photos on my web page (428124)
Started on Wed Jan 1 21:54:08 2003, by Steve B-8AVEXP

Thread title: WMATA Flipdots (428139)
Started on Wed Jan 1 22:37:14 2003, by aznboy4305

Thread title: Newkirk Plaza update (428147)
Started on Wed Jan 1 22:57:06 2003, by D

Thread title: Chase Bank security guard at LIRR Flatbush Avenue (428153)
Started on Wed Jan 1 23:08:46 2003, by Peter Rosa

Thread title: new handle (a.k.a. ckd2784)/ Pre Unification & R-Type question (428175)
Started on Thu Jan 2 00:01:17 2003, by n3w L[][]k T3rr4pin

Thread title: MTA Colors (428222)
Started on Thu Jan 2 02:37:49 2003, by

Thread title: Any Reports of Heavy Third Rail Arcing This Morning?? (428226)
Started on Thu Jan 2 02:53:17 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: I forgot (428252)
Started on Thu Jan 2 05:18:51 2003, by American Pig

Thread title: Canarsie Trolley Terminal (428254)
Started on Thu Jan 2 05:21:24 2003, by American Pig

Thread title: Question About Contact Shoes and Trucks (428271)
Started on Thu Jan 2 07:17:39 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: Did you mean: a gathering of stalkers? (428278)
Started on Thu Jan 2 08:30:39 2003, by NotchIt

Thread title: The NY Elevated - book (428280)
Started on Thu Jan 2 08:38:15 2003, by Allan

Thread title: Unca Kev and Chuchubob Separated at Birth?! (428297)
Started on Thu Jan 2 09:33:22 2003, by BMTman

Thread title: New Book on Phelps Dodge (428357)
Started on Thu Jan 2 11:58:31 2003, by conrad misek

Thread title: Noise level in and around NYC subway/ WMATA (428359)
Started on Thu Jan 2 11:59:33 2003, by n3w L[][]k T3rr4pin

Thread title: Broken Rail south of Beverley Road (428371)
Started on Thu Jan 2 12:13:58 2003, by djf179

Thread title: Union Times Turbo Story (-428386)
Started on Thu Jan 2 12:42:47 2003, by Dutchrailnut

Thread title: Re: Union Times Turbo Story (428401)
Started on Thu Jan 2 13:02:54 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: MARTA Lindburgh construction question (428411)
Started on Thu Jan 2 13:16:28 2003, by JRR4

Thread title: Hey Fred!--Glory Days! (428434)
Started on Thu Jan 2 14:11:18 2003, by Paul Matus

Thread title: New Jersey Transit Store in Newark Having 50% Off On Everything in Stock (428442)
Started on Thu Jan 2 14:31:43 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: NJT Gift Shop to Close! (428447)
Started on Thu Jan 2 14:37:22 2003, by BMTman

Thread title: Transit Museum Question (428452)
Started on Thu Jan 2 14:48:52 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: Yet another airport idea - outside the box? (428454)
Started on Thu Jan 2 14:51:56 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: Re: Union Times Turbo Story (428465)
Started on Thu Jan 2 15:23:43 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: fun time in N.Y.C. (428470)
Started on Thu Jan 2 15:42:26 2003, by traxdt

Thread title: What happened on New Year's Day? (428502)
Started on Thu Jan 2 17:40:33 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: LIRR Bi-levels (428504)
Started on Thu Jan 2 17:53:33 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: Re: Union Times Turbo Story (428510)
Started on Thu Jan 2 18:14:32 2003, by Philip Nasadowski

Thread title: Post Message - Click Once (428555)
Started on Thu Jan 2 19:45:46 2003, by Ed Fenning

Thread title: Traintrack sounds provide back-beat in Rap Song (428561)
Started on Thu Jan 2 19:55:34 2003, by BMTman

Thread title: Re: Union Times Turbo Story (428626)
Started on Thu Jan 2 22:35:44 2003, by SelkirkTMO

Thread title: Indian train crashes (428654)
Started on Thu Jan 2 23:55:24 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: Question for RonInBayside (428659)
Started on Fri Jan 3 00:04:18 2003, by jsd

Thread title: Miami Metrorail (428661)
Started on Fri Jan 3 00:15:10 2003, by jsd

Thread title: R143's Burn Testing starting again. (428725)
Started on Fri Jan 3 09:26:36 2003, by Robert(North-Eastern T/O)

Thread title: Kings Highway Brighton is Great Spot For Current Collector Arcers (428727)
Started on Fri Jan 3 09:29:09 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: Making (more) money in the subway (428765)
Started on Fri Jan 3 11:08:47 2003, by Goumba Tony

Thread title: Drive a Tyoe 6 (428785)
Started on Fri Jan 3 12:02:21 2003, by Dave

Thread title: NJ Transit Shop closing (428789)
Started on Fri Jan 3 12:19:39 2003, by Robert King

Thread title: Vendors on the Subway (You are going to love this one) (428838)
Started on Fri Jan 3 13:38:57 2003, by Allan

Thread title: NJ Transit Bi Level Cars (428839)
Started on Fri Jan 3 13:47:17 2003, by 5301 Fishbowl

Thread title: Querie about proposed Kansas City commuter rail (428951)
Started on Fri Jan 3 17:15:59 2003, by jsd

Thread title: Need Help on More NEC Interlocking Name Origins (428968)
Started on Fri Jan 3 17:31:11 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: LIAR TRIP ON WENESDAY JAN 8TH (428979)
Started on Fri Jan 3 17:40:53 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: An old subway exhibit at National Building Museum (429033)
Started on Fri Jan 3 21:02:49 2003, by n3w L[][]k T3rr4pin

Thread title: Trip to London (429036)
Started on Fri Jan 3 21:08:34 2003, by Fifth Avenue Coach Company

Thread title: MTH R-12s (429038)
Started on Fri Jan 3 21:09:54 2003, by Train Dude

Thread title: R42#4763,what a car (429054)
Started on Fri Jan 3 21:44:14 2003, by joe c

Thread title: Shuttle Consists in Year's Past (429061)
Started on Fri Jan 3 21:53:43 2003, by Larry,RedbirdR33

Thread title: Rockaway Shuttle Consists-1987 (429066)
Started on Fri Jan 3 21:59:02 2003, by Larry,RedbirdR33

Thread title: M7's On the Far Rock. Too Good to be true? All you doubters-- EAT YOUR WORDS!!!!!!!!!! (429086)
Started on Fri Jan 3 22:36:28 2003, by The_Rockaway_Kid

Thread title: Jerky NYC subway cars: What gives! (429087)
Started on Fri Jan 3 22:40:02 2003, by n3w L[][]k T3rr4pin

Thread title: Safe Place for Kids (429103)
Started on Fri Jan 3 23:24:20 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: Two! R-142 Deliveries (429124)
Started on Sat Jan 4 00:15:54 2003, by Stef

Thread title: CTA Guy: That voice again (429142)
Started on Sat Jan 4 01:01:13 2003, by David Cole

Thread title: I'm Going On Vacation! What should I do with my time? (429143)
Started on Sat Jan 4 01:02:10 2003, by Stef

Thread title: Could this happen again to the MTA? (429176)
Started on Sat Jan 4 02:43:13 2003, by n3w L[][]k T3rr4pin

Thread title: Metrocards on TV (429184)
Started on Sat Jan 4 03:08:04 2003, by Wdobner

Thread title: Deferred Maintenance, here it comes again (unless...) (429235)
Started on Sat Jan 4 10:50:05 2003, by JayZeeBMT

Thread title: Transit Museum BU Fan Trip Question (429237)
Started on Sat Jan 4 10:53:24 2003, by Paul Matus

Thread title: To All BVE Fans - New Release of G train (429266)
Started on Sat Jan 4 11:59:52 2003, by QueensBound 7

Thread title: GCT third rail and other Misconceptions (429305)
Started on Sat Jan 4 13:04:59 2003, by Dutchrailnut

Thread title: Ridin wit da Dogg-Transit Professional (429326)
Started on Sat Jan 4 13:33:09 2003, by SubBus

Thread title: Name this NJT Line (429361)
Started on Sat Jan 4 14:07:02 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: Ways to save money (and improve) on #2/#3 service (429403)
Started on Sat Jan 4 16:38:01 2003, by TheGreatOne2k2

Thread title: Steam Engines on early NYC els (429436)
Started on Sat Jan 4 18:05:02 2003, by Jimbo

Thread title: 24 hr METRO (429444)
Started on Sat Jan 4 18:14:05 2003, by Mdlbigcat

Thread title: $2.50 MTA subway fare? Please! (429477)
Started on Sat Jan 4 18:54:25 2003, by n3w L[][]k T3rr4pin

Thread title: Fare Hike?...No sweat (429489)
Started on Sat Jan 4 19:08:06 2003, by ar

Thread title: SUBWAY CALENDARS BACK AT GCT !!! (429496)
Started on Sat Jan 4 19:17:40 2003, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: Another Metrocard alert !! (429497)
Started on Sat Jan 4 19:22:25 2003, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: Best Looking Loco: POLL!! (429529)
Started on Sat Jan 4 21:27:47 2003, by FlyerLover

Thread title: Snow Day Dud (429560)
Started on Sat Jan 4 23:13:31 2003, by Goumba Tony

Thread title: W weekends (429566)
Started on Sat Jan 4 23:26:32 2003, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: West End, Sea Beach to be disconnected, Brighton line rebuilt (429588)
Started on Sun Jan 5 00:23:38 2003, by smugglerbuddy

Thread title: This MetroCard Can be Yours ... For $3,000!!! (429612)
Started on Sun Jan 5 01:07:11 2003, by Mark S. Feinman

Thread title: Question about the all white IRT paint scheme (429650)
Started on Sun Jan 5 03:32:00 2003, by n3w L[][]k T3rr4pin

Thread title: This grafitti example ROCKS! (believe it or not) (429652)
Started on Sun Jan 5 03:40:50 2003, by n3w L[][]k T3rr4pin

Thread title: what is this crap about the SF PCCs leaving the orange empire museum & being sent to SF?! (429653)
Started on Sun Jan 5 03:41:00 2003, by southern california transit system (salaamallah)

Thread title: Does NYCT Still Conduct Top Speed Testing? (429684)
Started on Sun Jan 5 07:45:42 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: Broadway Local service on weekends (429709)
Started on Sun Jan 5 08:59:25 2003, by New Flyer #857

Thread title: Yellow and Red Stop Light Lenses on Brooklyn PCC cars (429749)
Started on Sun Jan 5 10:55:20 2003, by bklynsubwaybob

Thread title: Testing (429794)
Started on Sun Jan 5 12:15:12 2003, by Airtrain

Thread title: Redbirds (429800)
Started on Sun Jan 5 12:26:48 2003, by Robert King

Thread title: Another R142 delivery (429816)
Started on Sun Jan 5 12:56:59 2003, by SubBus

Thread title: Truck manufacturers (429850)
Started on Sun Jan 5 14:09:33 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: Question for GP38 Chris: Your "Subway Art" book (429885)
Started on Sun Jan 5 15:24:46 2003, by n3w L[][]k T3rr4pin

Thread title: News Alert - Service Suspension on the 2/5 (429892)
Started on Sun Jan 5 15:38:24 2003, by Stef

Thread title: Western Queens ~Fantasy Revised (429896)
Started on Sun Jan 5 15:46:25 2003, by Elias

Thread title: Goodnews along the Woodside corridor (429960)
Started on Sun Jan 5 17:40:48 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: R46 on the A today, what is really good!!! (429963)
Started on Sun Jan 5 17:49:22 2003, by Clayton

Thread title: To anyone who tried to send me e-mail over the past few days (429970)
Started on Sun Jan 5 17:55:55 2003, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Shuttle Bus? (430076)
Started on Sun Jan 5 20:24:36 2003, by Redbirds Rule

Thread title: Redbird Photo (430080)
Started on Sun Jan 5 20:32:20 2003, by TonyR40M

Thread title: Block ticket questions (430122)
Started on Sun Jan 5 21:36:50 2003, by David J. Greenberger

Thread title: Buy a Link to This Site! (430141)
Started on Sun Jan 5 22:17:26 2003, by motorman

Thread title: Subway Cars painted in World's Fair Colors (430161)
Started on Sun Jan 5 22:57:24 2003, by Larry,RedbirdR33

Thread title: Pelham Parkway Description (430217)
Started on Mon Jan 6 02:02:05 2003, by Redbirds Rule

Thread title: Stan Fischler In Newsday (430273)
Started on Mon Jan 6 09:22:22 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: Governors Island RR (430324)
Started on Mon Jan 6 12:55:28 2003, by conrad misek

Thread title: BREAKING NEWS - Commuter train crash in California (430332)
Started on Mon Jan 6 13:11:11 2003, by Peter Rosa

Thread title: Transit and the 2004 Political Conventions (430335)
Started on Mon Jan 6 13:22:16 2003, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: The M train. Does it need service improvement? (430355)
Started on Mon Jan 6 14:05:21 2003, by Flatbush41

Thread title: Has anyone read . . . (430390)
Started on Mon Jan 6 15:25:22 2003, by steveboatti

Thread title: Arsenal interlock (430392)
Started on Mon Jan 6 15:26:10 2003, by howardr142

Thread title: Trolley to return to Chicago? (430426)
Started on Mon Jan 6 17:14:05 2003, by emathias

Thread title: Nassau St in the Summer of 1999 (430501)
Started on Mon Jan 6 19:49:54 2003, by British James

Thread title: RailDriver Simulator Hardware for MSTS (430521)
Started on Mon Jan 6 20:28:49 2003, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: 630 million surplus (Joke is on the union) (430537)
Started on Mon Jan 6 20:57:35 2003, by RushHourSpecialist

Thread title: reporters vs Railfans (430551)
Started on Mon Jan 6 21:27:41 2003, by Dutchrailnut

Thread title: Transitchecks (430557)
Started on Mon Jan 6 21:52:44 2003, by Chris M

Thread title: Metrolink-LIRR similarity (430580)
Started on Mon Jan 6 23:20:36 2003, by Peter Rosa

Thread title: Sea Beach Express (430585)
Started on Mon Jan 6 23:54:41 2003, by J-TrainTony

Thread title: EBAY AUCTION Item # 2152806980.....New York subway website info free shipping (430627)
Started on Tue Jan 7 03:31:32 2003, by Express M Runs on the U and X

Thread title: Rhyme and Rail, and a Subway Rat's Tail (430632)
Started on Tue Jan 7 06:07:49 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: Preview of Script for "The Rats"...Did Avid Reader Write This?? (430638)
Started on Tue Jan 7 07:45:39 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: J-TrainTony's Major Service Improvement Plan- Goodbye, V. (430665)
Started on Tue Jan 7 09:17:47 2003, by J-TrainTony

Thread title: Hearing M1 Horns in Kansas City (430687)
Started on Tue Jan 7 10:22:57 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: Favorite Subway Rolling Stock? (430718)
Started on Tue Jan 7 11:28:18 2003, by J. L. Gutierrez

Thread title: #7720 R142A seen on #4 line yesterday (430757)
Started on Tue Jan 7 12:41:53 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: Donation and props to Dave (430823)
Started on Tue Jan 7 15:25:16 2003, by Redbirds Rule

Thread title: Comet IV's on the Atlantic City Line (430870)
Started on Tue Jan 7 16:39:25 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Harrisburg Line Improvements PennDoT's #1 Amtrak Priority (430873)
Started on Tue Jan 7 16:46:56 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Amtrak to lower non-NEC Coach fares. (430876)
Started on Tue Jan 7 16:51:51 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Subway station lighting: It's a bit too DARK! (430882)
Started on Tue Jan 7 17:07:38 2003, by n3w L[][]k T3rr4pin

Thread title: What trains will run on Second Avenue (430891)
Started on Tue Jan 7 17:21:51 2003, by American Pig

Thread title: LAST CHANCE TO GET ON BOARd LIAR TRIP! (430897)
Started on Tue Jan 7 17:29:19 2003, by American Pig

Thread title: Good news: no fare hike, bad news: no trains (430972)
Started on Tue Jan 7 19:43:50 2003, by SelkirkTMO

Thread title: The V to Jamaica via J/Z? (430992)
Started on Tue Jan 7 20:25:20 2003, by 4-ma-ny-ka

Thread title: Return of the Bowery? (431018)
Started on Tue Jan 7 21:22:52 2003, by Bowery - LES

Thread title: Deisel to penn or LIRR (431048)
Started on Tue Jan 7 22:29:55 2003, by smugglerbuddy

Thread title: Hot Times on the High Iron: Part Three of our Trip Accross Chicago (431077)
Started on Tue Jan 7 23:32:16 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: TransiTalk Flash movie introduction (431084)
Started on Tue Jan 7 23:47:55 2003, by n3w L[][]k T3rr4pin

Thread title: Japanese subway photos galore! (431091)
Started on Wed Jan 8 00:21:39 2003, by jsd

Thread title: Tokyo rail transit pictures galore! (431101)
Started on Wed Jan 8 01:01:33 2003, by jsd

Thread title: Newsday: East-Side LIRR Tab Rises $1B (-431107)
Started on Wed Jan 8 02:50:58 2003, by Jeffrey Rosen

Thread title: Slight service changes Start in April (431109)
Started on Wed Jan 8 03:07:33 2003, by RushHourSpecialist

Thread title: Re: Newsday: East-Side LIRR Tab Rises $1B (431122)
Started on Wed Jan 8 08:33:38 2003, by Thurston

Thread title: MC variation (431123)
Started on Wed Jan 8 08:37:16 2003, by Thurston

Thread title: Man drives down SEPTA tracks (431150)
Started on Wed Jan 8 11:43:13 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: Person Struck By Train Boston (431161)
Started on Wed Jan 8 12:09:55 2003, by Stevie

Thread title: Photos from Parking Garage at Queensboro Plaza? (431168)
Started on Wed Jan 8 12:37:30 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: Question about streetcars/trolley (431176)
Started on Wed Jan 8 12:48:27 2003, by emathias

Thread title: Re: Newsday: East-Side LIRR Tab Rises $1B (431206)
Started on Wed Jan 8 14:05:20 2003, by steveboatti

Thread title: Re: Newsday: East-Side LIRR Tab Rises $1B (431219)
Started on Wed Jan 8 14:34:43 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: The Cloisters (431242)
Started on Wed Jan 8 15:43:17 2003, by Dave

Thread title: 76th Street Station on the 2nd Ave Line? (431259)
Started on Wed Jan 8 16:14:51 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: here is the other PCC car MUNI wants...good luck ! (431278)
Started on Wed Jan 8 17:14:28 2003, by southern california transit system (salaamallah)

Thread title: Cloudy R-40 (431279)
Started on Wed Jan 8 17:16:06 2003, by David J. Greenberger

Thread title: (OT) The Five Points (431291)
Started on Wed Jan 8 17:46:24 2003, by Keystone Pete

Thread title: Interesting sight on the Culver. The R68A 'movie' train is spotted again (431297)
Started on Wed Jan 8 18:11:38 2003, by Flatbush41

Thread title: She Didn't Look (431307)
Started on Wed Jan 8 18:41:28 2003, by Elias

Thread title: Important Information About Amtrak Passenger Security (431330)
Started on Wed Jan 8 19:43:54 2003, by AcelaExpress2005

Thread title: 2 colored letter s on 1 train (431349)
Started on Wed Jan 8 20:25:03 2003, by joe c

Thread title: Today's LIRR Trip Report (431352)
Started on Wed Jan 8 20:56:21 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Further pictures of Japanese local trains (431359)
Started on Wed Jan 8 21:14:25 2003, by jsd

Thread title: Major TWU 100 Meeting Thursday (431365)
Started on Wed Jan 8 21:31:09 2003, by OnTheJuice

Thread title: What is the deepest Subway station? (431366)
Started on Wed Jan 8 21:31:11 2003, by DaRidgewoodBusBuff

Thread title: I saw (and rode) some Redbirds today (431402)
Started on Wed Jan 8 22:52:39 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: Graffiti Starting to Show it's Ugly Head Again! (431419)
Started on Wed Jan 8 23:51:58 2003, by BMTman

Thread title: Lighting in Brooklyn Fourth Avenue Tunnel (431463)
Started on Thu Jan 9 02:20:12 2003, by Lyle Goldman

Thread title: New Arrow LCD Cab Signal Displays (431482)
Started on Thu Jan 9 03:33:39 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Amtrak "Cab Speed" Signal (431483)
Started on Thu Jan 9 03:41:57 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Some Preliminary Pictures From Today's LIRR Trip (431484)
Started on Thu Jan 9 03:55:54 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Park Avenue Improvements, 1894 (431502)
Started on Thu Jan 9 07:44:51 2003, by SelkirkTMO

Thread title: Original New Haven THIRD RAIL (431505)
Started on Thu Jan 9 07:57:06 2003, by SelkirkTMO

Thread title: Brooklyn Bridge page (trains too) (431526)
Started on Thu Jan 9 08:48:26 2003, by SelkirkTMO

Thread title: Q About Old LIRR Far Rock Routing (431542)
Started on Thu Jan 9 09:51:25 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: Auto Focus WAS: I saw (and rode) some Redbirds today (431574)
Started on Thu Jan 9 11:17:05 2003, by rgrech35

Thread title: Chicago "Circle Line" update (431578)
Started on Thu Jan 9 11:20:39 2003, by emathias

Thread title: Man struck by IRT train this morning (431607)
Started on Thu Jan 9 12:32:02 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: Trains-planes (431618)
Started on Thu Jan 9 13:12:22 2003, by fuzzywuzzy120

Thread title: Idle musings - gender roles, strollers, and the subway (431619)
Started on Thu Jan 9 13:13:10 2003, by Peter Rosa

Thread title: Dead Redbird Barge Spotted (431651)
Started on Thu Jan 9 13:58:15 2003, by steveboatti

Thread title: **CANAL ST CONSTRUCTION UPDATE** (431678)
Started on Thu Jan 9 15:01:51 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: british train crew refuses to move military gear. (431700)
Started on Thu Jan 9 16:10:14 2003, by The Joe

Thread title: Harrisburg Commuter Rail Website (431711)
Started on Thu Jan 9 16:33:15 2003, by Keystone Pete

Thread title: Info About My Somewhat Perplexing Choice of Handle (431778)
Started on Thu Jan 9 18:50:47 2003, by n3w L[][]k T3rr4pin

Thread title: Press Release about WMATA Fare Increase Options (431794)
Started on Thu Jan 9 19:29:52 2003, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: R-32's on a Garbage Train (431796)
Started on Thu Jan 9 19:34:51 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: Seaside, Seaside, Down by the Seashore (431797)
Started on Thu Jan 9 19:35:46 2003, by GP38 Chris

Thread title: Live SubTalk (431831)
Started on Thu Jan 9 20:49:38 2003, by AcelaExpress2005

Thread title: R44 on the W??? (431832)
Started on Thu Jan 9 20:50:08 2003, by Transit Is My Drug

Thread title: Here is what is going on at Friendship Heights (431838)
Started on Thu Jan 9 20:58:45 2003, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: graphics question (431902)
Started on Thu Jan 9 23:12:14 2003, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: Car assignments (431907)
Started on Thu Jan 9 23:19:38 2003, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: Is this R-68 W lost? (PHOTO, 105k) (431908)
Started on Thu Jan 9 23:20:27 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: LIRR Doubledecker heading towards Penn Station (PHOTO, 110k) (431912)
Started on Thu Jan 9 23:24:45 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: R-32 on the N (2 PHOTOS, 230k total) (431918)
Started on Thu Jan 9 23:31:20 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: The Elephants and Penn Station (431920)
Started on Thu Jan 9 23:31:41 2003, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: Example of the GREAT VIEW from the Municipal Parking Garage (PHOTO, 110k) (431927)
Started on Thu Jan 9 23:38:30 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: R-40 N with added surprise (PHOTO, 112k) (431944)
Started on Fri Jan 10 00:03:06 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: LIRR's Bauer quits (431945)
Started on Fri Jan 10 00:09:57 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: Contract vote (431963)
Started on Fri Jan 10 00:50:25 2003, by david vartanoff

Thread title: Today In Subway History... (432015)
Started on Fri Jan 10 07:12:57 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: L.I.R.R. President Retires (432017)
Started on Fri Jan 10 07:19:15 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: What A Foamer Is (432024)
Started on Fri Jan 10 07:59:40 2003, by Thurston

Thread title: Trip Report: Tour of Operations and Maintenance Facilities, World’s First Cable-Stay Station (432038)
Started on Fri Jan 10 09:07:47 2003, by Rob from Atlanta

Thread title: "Tunnel Rat" Responds to SubTalk Discussion on 76th Street Station (Queens IND) (432067)
Started on Fri Jan 10 10:05:44 2003, by BMTman

Thread title: Some More Abandoned Subway Station Fiction (432085)
Started on Fri Jan 10 11:29:11 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: Amtrak Pennsylvanian Gets Temporary Reprieve (432090)
Started on Fri Jan 10 11:41:17 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Amtrak still awaits Turboliner parts (432092)
Started on Fri Jan 10 11:42:10 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Amtrak sees cost sharing as best financial plan model (432094)
Started on Fri Jan 10 11:42:47 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Richmond studies light rail, commuter operations (432095)
Started on Fri Jan 10 11:43:15 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: ‘New’ Tri-Rail GP-49s to be rebuilt (432096)
Started on Fri Jan 10 11:43:50 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: ‘Tories’ won’t reprivatize rail (432098)
Started on Fri Jan 10 11:46:47 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Line #7 Extension to Javits (432116)
Started on Fri Jan 10 12:54:58 2003, by MikeF

Thread title: The impossible dream? (432136)
Started on Fri Jan 10 13:23:21 2003, by Dave

Thread title: 95 Photos added to my site (432145)
Started on Fri Jan 10 13:35:26 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: My vacation (432158)
Started on Fri Jan 10 13:57:05 2003, by Robert King

Thread title: A to Rock Park on weekends? (432184)
Started on Fri Jan 10 14:45:34 2003, by David J. Greenberger

Thread title: Redesign/Next Generation of the WMATA rail cars (432191)
Started on Fri Jan 10 14:57:12 2003, by n3w L[][]k T3rr4pin

Thread title: What is the highest elevated station? (432254)
Started on Fri Jan 10 16:38:35 2003, by DaRidgewoodBusBuff

Thread title: First Ever Photo of 76th Street Station (432301)
Started on Fri Jan 10 17:48:01 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: Fun things to do while you're bored on the subway (432342)
Started on Fri Jan 10 19:04:34 2003, by American Pig

Thread title: My day in Philly (long) (432351)
Started on Fri Jan 10 19:17:03 2003, by 137th St - CCNY

Thread title: Happy Birthday To The London Underground (432364)
Started on Fri Jan 10 19:29:05 2003, by Train Dude

Thread title: Hate driving in NYC (432370)
Started on Fri Jan 10 19:33:53 2003, by subway grrl

Thread title: London visit (432375)
Started on Fri Jan 10 19:40:52 2003, by subway grrl

Thread title: 140 years ago today (432421)
Started on Fri Jan 10 21:02:44 2003, by Steve B-8AVEXP

Thread title: IND Emerald Street Station (432446)
Started on Fri Jan 10 21:47:47 2003, by American Pig

Thread title: DM-30 Loco being repaired (432471)
Started on Fri Jan 10 22:56:55 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: Plan To Renovate Stations Draws Ire (432480)
Started on Fri Jan 10 23:16:43 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: AirTrain LAWSUIT! (432487)
Started on Sat Jan 11 00:09:10 2003, by Flatbush41

Thread title: [Redbird Reality] (432501)
Started on Sat Jan 11 00:41:06 2003, by ( 1 ) South Ferry ( 9 )

Thread title: SubTALKer...... Lost? (432505)
Started on Sat Jan 11 00:46:58 2003, by ( 1 ) South Ferry ( 9 )

Thread title: the R42 and R68 black flooring (432511)
Started on Sat Jan 11 01:02:20 2003, by joe c

Thread title: R-142 Review (432515)
Started on Sat Jan 11 01:12:43 2003, by Stef

Thread title: Third Avenue EL Track spur Question (432555)
Started on Sat Jan 11 07:49:59 2003, by Mr.GEE

Thread title: People Flow Turbulent Coming from Q,N,W and R serrvice (432556)
Started on Sat Jan 11 07:53:40 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: Reflective and Sticky Plaque at Times Square (432584)
Started on Sat Jan 11 08:52:46 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: R-142As Already Rusting (432590)
Started on Sat Jan 11 09:05:44 2003, by buildmorelines

Thread title: How many cities have "MTA.'s?" (432594)
Started on Sat Jan 11 09:20:14 2003, by subway grrl

Thread title: 38 Hours to Canarsie (432617)
Started on Sat Jan 11 10:31:53 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: Man Killed on MetroRail This Morning (432649)
Started on Sat Jan 11 12:50:00 2003, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Top Reasons They Sealed 76th Street (432651)
Started on Sat Jan 11 12:53:45 2003, by Paul Matus

Thread title: One Million, One Hundred and Fifty (432653)
Started on Sat Jan 11 13:26:15 2003, by Paul Matus

Thread title: Metro North low platforms (432679)
Started on Sat Jan 11 15:13:35 2003, by American Pig

Thread title: R-17 HO trains (432690)
Started on Sat Jan 11 15:42:28 2003, by ftrain

Thread title: A Question about NJT Ticket Use (432717)
Started on Sat Jan 11 17:08:56 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: Train Watching/Riding-Best Place (432722)
Started on Sat Jan 11 17:38:15 2003, by #1Brighton Exp Bob

Thread title: Metro North to Renselear???? (432743)
Started on Sat Jan 11 18:18:08 2003, by Dutchrailnut

Thread title: LIRR via St. Albans (432750)
Started on Sat Jan 11 19:07:33 2003, by American Pig

Thread title: Origin of the Turbotrains? (432754)
Started on Sat Jan 11 19:21:57 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: Approach vs. Restricting Signal (432755)
Started on Sat Jan 11 19:23:57 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: Funny name for a company OR what does a lion do? (432756)
Started on Sat Jan 11 19:26:34 2003, by American Pig

Thread title: Chatham Square (SubTalk Live) is Now in Session (432768)
Started on Sat Jan 11 19:42:53 2003, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: 212th St Station Tile type? (432784)
Started on Sat Jan 11 20:17:41 2003, by avid reader

Thread title: CNJ Elizabeth Station (432799)
Started on Sat Jan 11 20:45:24 2003, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: New NJT station ? (432804)
Started on Sat Jan 11 20:50:53 2003, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: R40 bench seats vs. R32 bench seats (432825)
Started on Sat Jan 11 21:22:17 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: TV Show idea (Was 76th Street) (432843)
Started on Sat Jan 11 21:35:57 2003, by Jabrams

Thread title: 2003 LIRR Calendars (432859)
Started on Sat Jan 11 22:13:56 2003, by 4-ma-ny-ka

Thread title: Brown Diamond "R" Train (432861)
Started on Sat Jan 11 22:21:05 2003, by JayZeeBMT

Thread title: Historical and current Tokyo subway photos online (432869)
Started on Sat Jan 11 22:51:22 2003, by jsd

Thread title: The A train trip. (432873)
Started on Sat Jan 11 23:02:57 2003, by Flatbush41

Thread title: Staten Island Help (432877)
Started on Sat Jan 11 23:10:40 2003, by Tonyr40m

Thread title: COLD WEATHER............ BRRRRRRR... Only gonna get worse (432880)
Started on Sat Jan 11 23:12:20 2003, by B717

Thread title: Question about the T Blue/Red/Orange line cars (432884)
Started on Sat Jan 11 23:14:16 2003, by R36 9685 on the 7

Thread title: Grafitti Watch (432891)
Started on Sat Jan 11 23:34:34 2003, by Mark S. Feinman

Thread title: The A train trip. Part 2. (432907)
Started on Sat Jan 11 23:49:58 2003, by Flatbush41

Thread title: MTA Budget Gap: Cost Savings from New Cars (432978)
Started on Sun Jan 12 03:16:50 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Mixing Light Rail and Subways (432980)
Started on Sun Jan 12 03:28:38 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: EL TRIVIA!!!! (432985)
Started on Sun Jan 12 04:14:14 2003, by Stef

Thread title: LIRR City Terminal Zone Question (433014)
Started on Sun Jan 12 09:11:35 2003, by New Flyer #857

Thread title: Subway Slasher: all railfans be careful. (433028)
Started on Sun Jan 12 10:00:34 2003, by JayZeeBMT

Thread title: Subway station decor history (433043)
Started on Sun Jan 12 10:35:53 2003, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: Graffiti philosophy (433051)
Started on Sun Jan 12 10:48:33 2003, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: Whats that thing on the third rail? (433054)
Started on Sun Jan 12 10:50:19 2003, by avid reader

Thread title: Money Train Question (433069)
Started on Sun Jan 12 11:07:47 2003, by Da Bus Ballatician

Thread title: S E V R C stands for sever weather trains (433095)
Started on Sun Jan 12 11:25:15 2003, by avid reader

Thread title: Water tunnel progress (Off-Topic) (433117)
Started on Sun Jan 12 12:01:51 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: More weird subway dreams (433179)
Started on Sun Jan 12 13:42:55 2003, by Steve B-8AVEXP

Thread title: Davis Square: The Value of a T Stop (433181)
Started on Sun Jan 12 13:49:14 2003, by Joe

Thread title: Bellaire Station Question (433202)
Started on Sun Jan 12 14:43:33 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: South Jersey Light Rail is expected to open in early 2003... (433210)
Started on Sun Jan 12 14:58:26 2003, by American Pig

Thread title: How do you run out of $4.5 billion? (433224)
Started on Sun Jan 12 15:36:26 2003, by J Lee

Thread title: The spirit of 76th Street (433321)
Started on Sun Jan 12 18:33:25 2003, by American Pig

Thread title: Bankers Specials (433339)
Started on Sun Jan 12 19:00:37 2003, by American Pig

Thread title: LIRR Train crash (433340)
Started on Sun Jan 12 19:00:59 2003, by smugglerbuddy

Thread title: Before the R-21/22 work cars (433360)
Started on Sun Jan 12 19:23:10 2003, by American Pig

Thread title: H&M Grand Central extension (433377)
Started on Sun Jan 12 19:44:32 2003, by American Pig

Thread title: Old Maps (433409)
Started on Sun Jan 12 20:30:23 2003, by 4-ma-ny-ka

Thread title: 2nd Avenue dreams (433418)
Started on Sun Jan 12 20:48:13 2003, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: R-142 Update for 1/12/03 (433458)
Started on Sun Jan 12 22:02:43 2003, by Stef

Thread title: New Enland here I come (433508)
Started on Sun Jan 12 23:06:26 2003, by Traction Fan

Thread title: A good day for railfanning (433509)
Started on Sun Jan 12 23:10:15 2003, by David J. Greenberger

Thread title: Ten years ago today (January 12, 1993) I read "Uptown Downtown" for the first time. (433530)
Started on Sun Jan 12 23:54:35 2003, by #3 West End Jeff

Thread title: Parking at Shea Stadium? (433540)
Started on Mon Jan 13 00:54:18 2003, by Charles G

Thread title: "Subway Sleeper"... brief article in New York Press (433549)
Started on Mon Jan 13 06:51:59 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: "Tunnel Vision"... Novel by Keith Lowe about Riding All Stations on the London Tube (433550)
Started on Mon Jan 13 07:24:36 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: Motorman Sues MTA to Get Benefits for Domestic Partners (433557)
Started on Mon Jan 13 08:07:25 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: Bruno to TA: Close 76th Street! (433561)
Started on Mon Jan 13 08:18:16 2003, by MikeF

Thread title: Swedish Company Wins Contract to Build Queens Transit Maintenance Facility (433564)
Started on Mon Jan 13 08:22:45 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: This day in Metro History (1/13) (433572)
Started on Mon Jan 13 08:50:44 2003, by Mountain Maryland

Thread title: Can the Fare Be Saved by Restoring the Fare? (433662)
Started on Mon Jan 13 12:42:31 2003, by Train Dude

Thread title: Sea Beach Express (433695)
Started on Mon Jan 13 13:34:22 2003, by Sea Beach R16 Lover

Thread title: What's Your Mosaic? (433721)
Started on Mon Jan 13 14:56:43 2003, by GP38 Chris

Thread title: Air Train Nework Question (433724)
Started on Mon Jan 13 15:07:46 2003, by Robert(North-Eastern T/O)

Thread title: What Happened on the LIRR Atlantic Line Yesterday? (433728)
Started on Mon Jan 13 15:22:23 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: Atlantic-Pacific-Flatbush Aves. ( Station with most potential) (433729)
Started on Mon Jan 13 15:25:18 2003, by smugglerbuddy

Thread title: Rant against SEPTA's lack of vision (433737)
Started on Mon Jan 13 15:45:13 2003, by Michalovic

Thread title: GG1 Pics (433779)
Started on Mon Jan 13 17:58:19 2003, by 4thAvenueLocal

Thread title: A/B/C/D ideas to improve service (433789)
Started on Mon Jan 13 18:36:53 2003, by TheGreatOne2k2

Thread title: subway related job on craigslist (433790)
Started on Mon Jan 13 18:37:29 2003, by wayne

Thread title: Port of New York Authority of New York and New Jersey (433793)
Started on Mon Jan 13 18:48:49 2003, by American Pig

Thread title: Flushing Ave Line Question (433805)
Started on Mon Jan 13 19:10:10 2003, by TonyR40M

Thread title: Newark Airport monorail question (433830)
Started on Mon Jan 13 20:01:12 2003, by R36 9685 on the 7

Thread title: PATH Exchance Place opening?? (433856)
Started on Mon Jan 13 20:30:48 2003, by A_west

Thread title: PATH Exchance Place opening?? (433858)
Started on Mon Jan 13 20:32:28 2003, by A_west

Thread title: CNJ Newark Bay Bridge (433871)
Started on Mon Jan 13 20:45:02 2003, by brooklyn

Thread title: January 2003 map (433872)
Started on Mon Jan 13 20:46:33 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: Shocked by contents of the "Subway Art" book (433885)
Started on Mon Jan 13 21:13:02 2003, by n3w L[][]k T3rr4pin

Thread title: Shocked by contents of the "Subway Art" book (The picture in question) (433907)
Started on Mon Jan 13 21:57:46 2003, by n3w L[][]k T3rr4pin

Thread title: Redbirds (433991)
Started on Tue Jan 14 00:51:46 2003, by smugglerbuddy

Thread title: How Bad Were the NYC MTA Stations in the Deferred Maintenance Era? (434004)
Started on Tue Jan 14 01:15:39 2003, by n3w L[][]k T3rr4pin

Thread title: Tokens OUT---In Fare Hike (434035)
Started on Tue Jan 14 06:28:47 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: For The Past 50 Years, Coin Of Our Realm (434040)
Started on Tue Jan 14 07:02:15 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: Why Bother Holding Hearings? (434045)
Started on Tue Jan 14 07:17:44 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: Which Lines would go to which Depots in Queens if the "Private Lines" were taken over? (434052)
Started on Tue Jan 14 07:41:48 2003, by Christopher Rivera

Thread title: Pain anyone? (434067)
Started on Tue Jan 14 08:14:06 2003, by SelkirkTMO

Thread title: The Brighton Line (434135)
Started on Tue Jan 14 11:21:41 2003, by BMT Road Dogg

Thread title: (O/T) Mikey's Bike (434140)
Started on Tue Jan 14 11:42:19 2003, by ( 1 ) South Ferry ( 9 )

Thread title: Will the Penn Station K-Mart get the ax? (434157)
Started on Tue Jan 14 12:44:21 2003, by Peter Rosa

Thread title: Did the WMATA ever get as bad as the NYC MTA? (434159)
Started on Tue Jan 14 12:50:13 2003, by n3w L[][]k T3rr4pin

Thread title: Why No Women on SubTalk? (434212)
Started on Tue Jan 14 15:40:17 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: Chicago Trip Day 1 (Includes STATE Tower Visit) (434258)
Started on Tue Jan 14 17:31:26 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Castle Hill Avenue (IRT Pelham line) (434263)
Started on Tue Jan 14 17:46:15 2003, by Anon_e_mouse

Thread title: 3 A's, no H? (434276)
Started on Tue Jan 14 18:05:01 2003, by Bowery - LES

Thread title: Its Bad, But Not That Bad (434292)
Started on Tue Jan 14 18:25:34 2003, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: BVE (434296)
Started on Tue Jan 14 18:31:42 2003, by Hot Lunch!

Thread title: How do I use BVE? (434332)
Started on Tue Jan 14 19:21:58 2003, by n3w L[][]k T3rr4pin

Thread title: Best Route for #7 Extension? (434336)
Started on Tue Jan 14 19:28:07 2003, by steveboatti

Thread title: Cool photo for the group (434337)
Started on Tue Jan 14 19:30:41 2003, by TonyR40M

Thread title: Multiple Terminals and confusion (434346)
Started on Tue Jan 14 19:47:50 2003, by TheGreatOne2k2

Thread title: answer for mruffalo (434363)
Started on Tue Jan 14 20:22:30 2003, by n3w L[][]k T3rr4pin

Thread title: Question for Joe Testagrose (434366)
Started on Tue Jan 14 20:27:57 2003, by n3w L[][]k T3rr4pin

Thread title: Cartoon display at Old Myrtle Ave. Station (434369)
Started on Tue Jan 14 20:33:16 2003, by JayZeeBMT

Thread title: While at UCLA the other day... (434400)
Started on Tue Jan 14 21:26:58 2003, by JayZeeBMT

Thread title: "Secrets of Grand Central" . . . (434436)
Started on Tue Jan 14 22:13:26 2003, by steveboatti

Thread title: R-26 Scrap Car Alert (434447)
Started on Tue Jan 14 22:33:07 2003, by Stef

Thread title: Another Operator Against Railfanning (WMATA) (434455)
Started on Tue Jan 14 22:49:05 2003, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: York Street, why NEW IND tile? (434465)
Started on Tue Jan 14 23:05:14 2003, by American Pig

Thread title: 131 More Photos Finally POSTED!!! (434499)
Started on Tue Jan 14 23:41:13 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: Back to the Past? (warning: 233KB pic) (434526)
Started on Wed Jan 15 00:12:40 2003, by 4thAvenueLocal

Thread title: I'm a prisoner (434606)
Started on Wed Jan 15 01:44:53 2003, by LuchAAA

Thread title: message for Oren (434626)
Started on Wed Jan 15 02:00:46 2003, by n3w L[][]k T3rr4pin

Thread title: 8th, Broad, Fulton Color (434631)
Started on Wed Jan 15 02:03:33 2003, by American Pig

Thread title: Why Are There No Hand Holds Between Cars on Slants? (434652)
Started on Wed Jan 15 06:31:46 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: Tough Times at the Red Caboose... That's Just TS (434655)
Started on Wed Jan 15 06:48:09 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: Token Booth Closure Is Good For Me (434680)
Started on Wed Jan 15 08:47:30 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: How we can show support for the hike if its deemed necessary. (434716)
Started on Wed Jan 15 10:15:36 2003, by Christopher Rivera

Thread title: MTA Public Hearings on Fare Hikes and other matters (434730)
Started on Wed Jan 15 10:41:53 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: MC Collectors Info (434754)
Started on Wed Jan 15 11:11:09 2003, by Thurston

Thread title: Fire at MTA Facility? (434761)
Started on Wed Jan 15 11:23:50 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: The Graffiti Era: Was Staten Island and Long Island hit hard? (434812)
Started on Wed Jan 15 13:04:30 2003, by n3w L[][]k T3rr4pin

Thread title: Where Should You Eat Lunch while railfanning? (434847)
Started on Wed Jan 15 13:47:00 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: Slightly OT: LIRR Montaulk branch passenger service (434868)
Started on Wed Jan 15 14:22:50 2003, by Chris R27-R30

Thread title: Station Booth Clerk Today at 66st Uptown on the 1 (Close em!!) (434884)
Started on Wed Jan 15 14:41:11 2003, by Clayton

Thread title: Field Trip - MLK Monday (434890)
Started on Wed Jan 15 14:49:21 2003, by Thurston

Thread title: MBTA Green Line - E Service Suspended (434959)
Started on Wed Jan 15 16:33:30 2003, by Sid from NJ

Thread title: CPW IND problems? (434992)
Started on Wed Jan 15 17:50:13 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: Limited E service from 179 St (435003)
Started on Wed Jan 15 18:04:54 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: 1948 System Map (435008)
Started on Wed Jan 15 18:15:30 2003, by gene 7&1

Thread title: Vreaking News: PATH Service Suspended from 33rd (435012)
Started on Wed Jan 15 18:23:06 2003, by

Thread title: Real Men don't dis' women (435015)
Started on Wed Jan 15 18:26:28 2003, by subway grrl

Thread title: Brighton line: Straight express vs. Skip-stop (435030)
Started on Wed Jan 15 18:53:07 2003, by New Flyer #857

Thread title: Assaults on train operators (435042)
Started on Wed Jan 15 19:09:48 2003, by AMC

Thread title: Q to the Bronx via Broadway/5th Avenue (435071)
Started on Wed Jan 15 19:38:11 2003, by TheGreatOne2k2

Thread title: PATH Safety Rules for Work Crews (435098)
Started on Wed Jan 15 20:15:12 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: M-7 Railfanning Info: NOT WHAT YOU THiNK (435129)
Started on Wed Jan 15 21:23:59 2003, by smugglerbuddy

Thread title: CHAOS at Jamaica today (435130)
Started on Wed Jan 15 21:33:27 2003, by smugglerbuddy

Thread title: Maximum Weight for NYC Subways (435154)
Started on Wed Jan 15 21:53:23 2003, by AcelaExpress2005

Thread title: TA Putting Up Fencing at Beach 90th To Prevent Vandals From Throwing Stones (435158)
Started on Wed Jan 15 21:57:10 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: Ammo is loaded for Amtrak’s forthcoming battle on the Hill (435163)
Started on Wed Jan 15 22:02:45 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: MetroLink Grade Crossing Accident, Description + Image Link (435166)
Started on Wed Jan 15 22:05:11 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Free Rides on Shore Line East? (435169)
Started on Wed Jan 15 22:05:49 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Sounders record gains; extension okayed (435170)
Started on Wed Jan 15 22:07:13 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Anchorage AK gets new passenger station (435172)
Started on Wed Jan 15 22:07:54 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Aspen dumps trolleys, plans (435173)
Started on Wed Jan 15 22:08:51 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: NCRR looks to upgrade its tracks (435174)
Started on Wed Jan 15 22:09:31 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: R142/M7 delivery (435207)
Started on Wed Jan 15 23:15:32 2003, by Billy P.

Thread title: More Scrap Car Transfers Coming.... (435264)
Started on Thu Jan 16 02:58:19 2003, by Stef

Thread title: New on (435270)
Started on Thu Jan 16 05:52:37 2003, by

Thread title: Chicago L program on TV last night (435288)
Started on Thu Jan 16 08:12:16 2003, by Michalovic

Thread title: R-32 (F) train (435290)
Started on Thu Jan 16 08:16:04 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: New Installation at Columbus Circle (435292)
Started on Thu Jan 16 08:19:08 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: (B) and (D) train meet at 59 St - CC (435296)
Started on Thu Jan 16 08:24:03 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: Queens Blvd Tour (435310)
Started on Thu Jan 16 09:17:41 2003, by

Thread title: R-36 World's Fair Production Dates (435319)
Started on Thu Jan 16 09:33:52 2003, by R36 9685 on the 7

Thread title: Update on MBTA Green Line Trolley Problems (435403)
Started on Thu Jan 16 12:22:42 2003, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: M4 1026 with closed off Railfan Window! (435425)
Started on Thu Jan 16 12:56:20 2003, by WDobner

Thread title: Pro-Amtrak Editorial (435431)
Started on Thu Jan 16 13:07:02 2003, by Keystone Pete

Thread title: IRT Subway Car assignments as of January 16th, 2003AD (435434)
Started on Thu Jan 16 13:13:17 2003, by MrNYC2000Info

Thread title: IND-BMT Subway Car assignments as of January 16th, 2003AD (435439)
Started on Thu Jan 16 13:18:31 2003, by MrNYC2000Info

Thread title: The future of the BROADWAY station on the Pt. Washington LIRR line (435475)
Started on Thu Jan 16 14:18:55 2003, by streetcar_man

Thread title: Amtrak logo: I DON'T GET IT (435485)
Started on Thu Jan 16 14:43:39 2003, by American Pig

Thread title: Feds tell New York to figure out a downtown transportation plan (435486)
Started on Thu Jan 16 14:43:51 2003, by J Lee

Thread title: Mott Avenue-Far Rockaway IND Station - Opened 45 Years Ago (435492)
Started on Thu Jan 16 14:51:37 2003, by William A. Padron

Thread title: Delays on Metro and MARC This Morning (435497)
Started on Thu Jan 16 15:06:21 2003, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Seatless Shuttle? (435505)
Started on Thu Jan 16 15:36:39 2003, by avid reader

Thread title: R62A on the 6 at the Loop!!! (435510)
Started on Thu Jan 16 15:48:49 2003, by GP38 Chris

Thread title: Announcing SubTalkDC: Part II (435577)
Started on Thu Jan 16 17:58:55 2003, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: No Express service on the 7 has a double meaning... (435605)
Started on Thu Jan 16 18:37:31 2003, by CPCTC

Thread title: R32 3318 (435656)
Started on Thu Jan 16 20:08:04 2003, by R30

Thread title: Was it "City of New York" or New York City ? (435684)
Started on Thu Jan 16 20:42:47 2003, by avid reader

Thread title: How Grand (435692)
Started on Thu Jan 16 20:53:24 2003, by avid reader

Thread title: Rail Car Contracts (435730)
Started on Thu Jan 16 21:56:24 2003, by n3w L[][]k T3rr4pin

Thread title: Missing NY ERA Bulletins! (435760)
Started on Thu Jan 16 23:21:50 2003, by Karl B

Thread title: R-142s 7121-30 (435799)
Started on Fri Jan 17 02:03:17 2003, by Stef

Thread title: Water main break, 4 Ave & 19 St, Brooklyn (435807)
Started on Fri Jan 17 06:35:27 2003, by RIPTA42HopeTunnel

Thread title: Suddenly, new money found at MTA? (435816)
Started on Fri Jan 17 08:06:32 2003, by subway grrl

Thread title: Guess who celebrates their 150th anniversary on March 5th 2003 (435822)
Started on Fri Jan 17 08:25:53 2003, by #3 West End Jeff

Thread title: MLK Monday Field Trip Reminder (435841)
Started on Fri Jan 17 08:55:50 2003, by Thurston

Thread title: South Carolina loves the Redbirds (435842)
Started on Fri Jan 17 08:56:28 2003, by Allan

Thread title: MBTA Green Line Service Back to Normal (435863)
Started on Fri Jan 17 09:59:22 2003, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: Hanky Panky At Local 100??? (435867)
Started on Fri Jan 17 10:21:03 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: Transit & Weather Together: The A-Train Goes into Space (435876)
Started on Fri Jan 17 10:42:11 2003, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: handles Vs Real Name (435899)
Started on Fri Jan 17 11:57:13 2003, by

Thread title: Fare Increase Strategy Question (435901)
Started on Fri Jan 17 12:01:43 2003, by emathias

Thread title: Huh?? R-142 Says "All Off" (Was: City Hall Loop Questions) (435907)
Started on Fri Jan 17 12:19:39 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: Question For Fred (435911)
Started on Fri Jan 17 12:35:43 2003, by Gene 7&1

Thread title: SOAC support car (435934)
Started on Fri Jan 17 13:44:50 2003, by Anon_e_mouse

Thread title: Buyer beware (ebay sign with very high shipping charges) (435965)
Started on Fri Jan 17 14:48:03 2003, by JRR4

Thread title: Special for Snowman Selkirk (435979)
Started on Fri Jan 17 15:17:30 2003, by Anon_e_mouse

Thread title: Stillwell Terminal....On Its Knees, But Not Out... A Couple of Pictures (435989)
Started on Fri Jan 17 15:55:01 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: A Strange Configuration of the R44 (435998)
Started on Fri Jan 17 16:23:46 2003, by n3w L[][]k T3rr4pin

Thread title: N to LGA Disappeared: Upgrade the M60? (436028)
Started on Fri Jan 17 17:23:30 2003, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: Coming in 2003, more Brighton Line stations to be renovated (436029)
Started on Fri Jan 17 17:23:41 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: London Tube Do’s and Don’ts for Tourists (436044)
Started on Fri Jan 17 17:42:46 2003, by JohnL

Thread title: NJ Transit NE Corridor Line Question (436066)
Started on Fri Jan 17 18:20:59 2003, by Andy

Thread title: R32 #3522 (436085)
Started on Fri Jan 17 18:44:27 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: Tonight at 7PM on History Channel: London Underground (436086)
Started on Fri Jan 17 18:44:56 2003, by Chris R27-R30

Thread title: Fulton St. El Eastern End (436100)
Started on Fri Jan 17 19:01:32 2003, by J-TrainTony

Thread title: Model Train Accessories( HO Scale) (436129)
Started on Fri Jan 17 19:44:48 2003, by brooklyn

Thread title: r12-5762b.jpg (436140)
Started on Fri Jan 17 20:07:16 2003, by mellow one

Thread title: MTA Implements Cost Cutting Measures in Car Cleaning Department (436154)
Started on Fri Jan 17 20:21:11 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: More info on this strange bird? (436168)
Started on Fri Jan 17 20:47:04 2003, by Chris R27-R30

Thread title: Near Riot at Jamacia on LIRR (436191)
Started on Fri Jan 17 21:28:28 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: PATCO Franklin Square Station Reopening (436192)
Started on Fri Jan 17 21:29:30 2003, by interlocking

Thread title: Question: on a night like this... (436196)
Started on Fri Jan 17 21:39:16 2003, by JayZeeBMT

Thread title: Rockaway Beach (436199)
Started on Fri Jan 17 21:42:44 2003, by ntrainride

Thread title: West 4th St today (436216)
Started on Fri Jan 17 22:30:30 2003, by New Flyer #857

Thread title: Hot Times on the High Iron: Part One of the Hammond Local (436220)
Started on Fri Jan 17 22:33:58 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: PA-1 vs.Bumper Block @ HOB (436243)
Started on Fri Jan 17 23:20:56 2003, by Wayne-MrSlantR40

Thread title: IND World's Fair Line Rare Color Photo (436244)
Started on Fri Jan 17 23:21:07 2003, by Joe Saitta

Thread title: IND Rockaway Line Opening Day Color Photo (436248)
Started on Fri Jan 17 23:22:41 2003, by Joe Saitta

Thread title: Question about Standards (436294)
Started on Sat Jan 18 08:03:18 2003, by Jeffrey Rosen

Thread title: Injured Conductor (436316)
Started on Sat Jan 18 10:12:24 2003, by djf179

Thread title: Subway Lost and Found (436318)
Started on Sat Jan 18 10:39:21 2003, by GP38 Chris

Thread title: NJT Self-Propelled Cars & Comet V (436341)
Started on Sat Jan 18 12:01:10 2003, by AcelaExpress2005

Thread title: Amtrak P32 Phase V! (436347)
Started on Sat Jan 18 12:22:08 2003, by AcelaExpress2005

Thread title: Which Yard Do You Believe Takes Care of their Cars the Best? (436375)
Started on Sat Jan 18 14:45:48 2003, by Christopher Rivera

Thread title: The next photo contest? (436378)
Started on Sat Jan 18 14:48:44 2003, by brooklyn1944

Thread title: R-142 Delivery Witnessed By A BMTMan (436415)
Started on Sat Jan 18 16:15:20 2003, by Stef

Thread title: 59 St and Lex (436444)
Started on Sat Jan 18 17:09:46 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: Chatham Square Tonight (436465)
Started on Sat Jan 18 19:09:45 2003, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Should Utica Av have a subway line? (436481)
Started on Sat Jan 18 19:59:43 2003, by Flatbush41

Thread title: "French Connection" on AMC @ 8:00 TONIGHT (436493)
Started on Sat Jan 18 20:30:54 2003, by TCrail586

Thread title: A show on Discovery about traffic (436500)
Started on Sat Jan 18 20:51:28 2003, by WDobner

Thread title: Full Chicago Trip Report (met a Subtalker) (436510)
Started on Sat Jan 18 21:12:03 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: "P" train (436538)
Started on Sat Jan 18 22:13:00 2003, by djf179

Thread title: Stuff we saw today (436556)
Started on Sat Jan 18 22:38:49 2003, by Wayne-MrSlantR40

Thread title: Any Logic behind MTA subway line letters and numbers? (436576)
Started on Sat Jan 18 22:55:52 2003, by n3w L[][]k T3rr4pin

Thread title: MBTA Person Survives Falls In Pit (436589)
Started on Sat Jan 18 23:10:06 2003, by Stevie

Thread title: Subway Conductor -- 450 pounds????? (436624)
Started on Sat Jan 18 23:56:33 2003, by Steve Hoskins

Thread title: New details about Conductor's death (436660)
Started on Sun Jan 19 00:59:10 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: A Day in Philadelphia (436709)
Started on Sun Jan 19 02:32:14 2003, by JerseyDevil

Thread title: Digital Signs (436728)
Started on Sun Jan 19 04:49:01 2003, by

Thread title: Any Interesting G.O.'s today? (436775)
Started on Sun Jan 19 10:55:33 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: Fulton Street (436852)
Started on Sun Jan 19 15:28:00 2003, by GP38 Chris

Thread title: Canal Street on theJM&Z (436875)
Started on Sun Jan 19 17:07:18 2003, by JailhouseDoc

Thread title: Canal Street on theJM&Z (436876)
Started on Sun Jan 19 17:07:34 2003, by JailhouseDoc

Thread title: Get ready for this 5 riders! (436881)
Started on Sun Jan 19 17:32:00 2003, by Flatbush41

Thread title: Portion of GATE that killed the C/R REMOVED (w/PHOTO, 138k) (436884)
Started on Sun Jan 19 18:11:29 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: 5 Rush Hour G/O Question (436904)
Started on Sun Jan 19 19:14:34 2003, by Redbirds Rule

Thread title: HBLR/PATH trip tomorrow (436911)
Started on Sun Jan 19 19:28:56 2003, by R30

Thread title: How can I obtain rollsigns????? (436913)
Started on Sun Jan 19 19:33:44 2003, by R30

Thread title: Bridges( once again) (436932)
Started on Sun Jan 19 19:53:28 2003, by brooklyn

Thread title: Hey NotchIt! January 2003 Multiligual (436983)
Started on Sun Jan 19 21:13:43 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: Updated Howard Beach construction photos (437015)
Started on Sun Jan 19 22:38:38 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: Photos of progress at Canal St (J/M/Z) (437017)
Started on Sun Jan 19 22:41:51 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: I added 54 photos to my site today (437022)
Started on Sun Jan 19 22:51:40 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: An anomalous event and good sightings (437026)
Started on Sun Jan 19 23:04:48 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: CONRAIL Photo #1 (437030)
Started on Sun Jan 19 23:14:18 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: Were There Signs Years Ago That Told Conductors How Long To Observe Platform?? (437115)
Started on Mon Jan 20 05:36:19 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: PATH Track Sections with Two Third Rails and Overhead Catenary (437118)
Started on Mon Jan 20 05:50:28 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: Large Mosaic at 34th & 8th Ave Station (437127)
Started on Mon Jan 20 06:30:48 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: 8th Ave Tunnels Still Have Incandescent Bulbs (437128)
Started on Mon Jan 20 06:43:08 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: First, Add a Bar Car... New York Times Readers Suggestions For Avoiding Fare Increase.. (437131)
Started on Mon Jan 20 07:25:59 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: Conductor's Death... More Details about Conductor and Passenger's Attempt to Help Her (437156)
Started on Mon Jan 20 09:15:56 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: Demise of Pennsylvanian Re-scheduled (437204)
Started on Mon Jan 20 11:03:01 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Conductors accident- A story from the tube (437231)
Started on Mon Jan 20 11:52:22 2003, by Rob

Thread title: Historical Question On Atlanta Streetcars (437254)
Started on Mon Jan 20 12:29:17 2003, by ChrisW

Thread title: Triplex 6019 and 6095 (437312)
Started on Mon Jan 20 15:16:28 2003, by #4 Sea Beach Fred

Thread title: DFW peoplemover (437326)
Started on Mon Jan 20 16:18:28 2003, by Anon_e_mouse

Thread title: 7 line (437339)
Started on Mon Jan 20 17:32:28 2003, by American Airlines

Thread title: Throwing DARTs and other airport rail systems (437340)
Started on Mon Jan 20 17:38:39 2003, by JayZeeBMT

Thread title: IND 76th Street Station (437361)
Started on Mon Jan 20 18:59:25 2003, by Joe Saitta

Thread title: Trains to Yard Question (437380)
Started on Mon Jan 20 19:41:19 2003, by CT-Subbuff

Thread title: EXPL (437409)
Started on Mon Jan 20 21:02:19 2003, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: Why is N still remain on the TUNNEL as of July 2001? (437412)
Started on Mon Jan 20 21:08:05 2003, by Express M Runs on the U and X

Thread title: SOAC support car (it's still around!) (437418)
Started on Mon Jan 20 21:23:03 2003, by Frank Hicks

Thread title: Pittsburgh Overbrook Line to Reopen? (437429)
Started on Mon Jan 20 21:43:25 2003, by TransitChuckG

Thread title: An idea to find out about 76st...(Don't go not another one of those posts please) (437443)
Started on Mon Jan 20 22:03:53 2003, by Clayton

Thread title: Thanks for a great time today! (437466)
Started on Mon Jan 20 22:35:59 2003, by Qtraindash7

Thread title: STRIKE! (437475)
Started on Mon Jan 20 22:49:17 2003, by Paul Matus

Thread title: WMATA Blue Line Train Derails (437485)
Started on Mon Jan 20 23:05:01 2003, by 1C/Ballston

Thread title: Should there be a new subway station? (437494)
Started on Mon Jan 20 23:16:20 2003, by mapmonster

Thread title: MLK Field Trip Group Photo (437534)
Started on Mon Jan 20 23:51:36 2003, by NotchIt

Thread title: The NY Times article on 76th Street (437571)
Started on Tue Jan 21 01:56:55 2003, by Jeffrey Rosen

Thread title: 8300's @ Easy New York Yard (437572)
Started on Tue Jan 21 01:57:29 2003, by Robert(North-Eastern T/O)

Thread title: G Line OPTO Updated for New Pick (437573)
Started on Tue Jan 21 02:07:32 2003, by Robert(North-Eastern T/O)

Thread title: Here we go again? (strike) (437583)
Started on Tue Jan 21 02:53:10 2003, by SelkirkTMO

Thread title: Van Cortland Park (437604)
Started on Tue Jan 21 06:55:32 2003, by Dave

Thread title: Queens line service come 2004 (437695)
Started on Tue Jan 21 11:03:37 2003, by NeilF

Thread title: More cold weather on the way. BRRRR!!! (437700)
Started on Tue Jan 21 11:21:25 2003, by #3 West End Jeff

Thread title: Clinton Hall (437765)
Started on Tue Jan 21 13:12:45 2003, by Jordan

Thread title: Economy reduces LIRR ridership (437773)
Started on Tue Jan 21 13:49:51 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: PATH's Return Needed to Preseve Marinas (437777)
Started on Tue Jan 21 13:58:35 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: Transit Enthusiast Article in National Post (437785)
Started on Tue Jan 21 14:27:32 2003, by Greg N.

Thread title: Fare Hike vs. Fare Zone Enactment (437798)
Started on Tue Jan 21 15:33:04 2003, by Christopher Rivera

Thread title: Do Open Gate Cars Travel in Tunnels? (437800)
Started on Tue Jan 21 15:43:37 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: Is this the infamous carpeted R44? (437814)
Started on Tue Jan 21 16:05:07 2003, by Chris R27-R30

Thread title: Yeah, these guys deserve a raise (437818)
Started on Tue Jan 21 16:16:24 2003, by Chris R27-R30

Thread title: Mystery (to me) map on eBay (437838)
Started on Tue Jan 21 16:58:43 2003, by timz

Thread title: R160 Suggestions (Full color LED's, Cushioned seating, etc...) (437846)
Started on Tue Jan 21 17:14:43 2003, by n3w L[][]k T3rr4pin

Thread title: AirTrain JFK Status?? (437899)
Started on Tue Jan 21 19:10:59 2003, by steveboatti

Thread title: Strange r-142 sign (437909)
Started on Tue Jan 21 19:33:18 2003, by TheGreatOne2k2

Thread title: Strange r-142 sign (437910)
Started on Tue Jan 21 19:33:44 2003, by TheGreatOne2k2

Thread title: Fourth Rail? (437921)
Started on Tue Jan 21 19:49:23 2003, by Paul Matus

Thread title: 5 G/O not THAT bad (437936)
Started on Tue Jan 21 20:15:31 2003, by Redbirds Rule

Thread title: Redbirds still live! (437945)
Started on Tue Jan 21 20:26:51 2003, by JayZeeBMT

Thread title: Third Main Track Between Bellerose and Hicksville (437979)
Started on Tue Jan 21 21:18:54 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: Atlanta streetcars (437994)
Started on Tue Jan 21 21:41:34 2003, by Frank Hicks

Thread title: New #2 r-142 signs (438006)
Started on Tue Jan 21 21:54:13 2003, by TheGreatOne2k2

Thread title: Brooklyn Queens Crosstown (438016)
Started on Tue Jan 21 22:11:42 2003, by ntrainride

Thread title: Two More Shots of Stillwell Demolition (438031)
Started on Tue Jan 21 22:34:06 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: Closed subway entrance (438064)
Started on Tue Jan 21 23:43:05 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: MTA ad - Your opinion? (438071)
Started on Tue Jan 21 23:53:28 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: Sperry Car Makes Appearance (438108)
Started on Wed Jan 22 00:56:47 2003, by Stef

Thread title: MLK Jersey LR Fantrip Photos Online (438126)
Started on Wed Jan 22 02:19:24 2003, by Keystone Pete

Thread title: The Sharpest Curve (438181)
Started on Wed Jan 22 09:01:25 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: tours (438303)
Started on Wed Jan 22 13:08:16 2003, by drfunk

Thread title: SubTalk's First Field Trip (438305)
Started on Wed Jan 22 13:10:04 2003, by Jeffrey Rosen

Thread title: Stupid places where WD, Automatic, or Timer Singals Have Been Placed. (438311)
Started on Wed Jan 22 13:33:02 2003, by Christopher Rivera

Thread title: B division pick (438333)
Started on Wed Jan 22 14:14:28 2003, by LuchAAA

Thread title: Gunn says Amtrak running out of money again (438355)
Started on Wed Jan 22 14:50:34 2003, by J Lee

Thread title: How's This For A Fare Deal? (438398)
Started on Wed Jan 22 16:13:09 2003, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: abandoned subway stations (438418)
Started on Wed Jan 22 16:55:15 2003, by franny

Thread title: Defense de Parler au Wattman (438447)
Started on Wed Jan 22 18:20:15 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: NYCTA Responds to my Letter of Compliment (438466)
Started on Wed Jan 22 19:13:24 2003, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: Digital Photography in cold weather (438475)
Started on Wed Jan 22 19:37:16 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: Transit Police EMRU (438481)
Started on Wed Jan 22 19:47:48 2003, by JayZeeBMT

Thread title: Metrocard Turnstiles (438492)
Started on Wed Jan 22 20:07:50 2003, by Douce Man

Thread title: Why are R142's so nice and warm? (438519)
Started on Wed Jan 22 21:09:30 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: IND Rockaway Line Opening Day Color Photo (438532)
Started on Wed Jan 22 21:38:33 2003, by Joe Saitta

Thread title: IND World's Fair Line Rare Color Photo (438537)
Started on Wed Jan 22 21:44:57 2003, by Joe Saitta

Thread title: Bus List PLEASE (438542)
Started on Wed Jan 22 21:52:06 2003, by Chris M

Thread title: long Acela ?? (438572)
Started on Wed Jan 22 22:40:55 2003, by Dutchrailnut

Thread title: New R-142 makes an unscheduled stop in Brooklyn (438586)
Started on Wed Jan 22 23:04:58 2003, by Mark W.

Thread title: Track Changes Coming On The 2/5 Lines (438590)
Started on Wed Jan 22 23:39:52 2003, by Stef

Thread title: Photography on PATH (438667)
Started on Thu Jan 23 06:52:42 2003, by Harry P

Thread title: Some dramatic railroad chemistry photos (438693)
Started on Thu Jan 23 08:39:11 2003, by Michalovic

Thread title: It's an IGLOO!!! out there. BRRRRRR!!!! (438702)
Started on Thu Jan 23 09:39:06 2003, by #3 West End Jeff

Thread title: I would like A New Section on With all Your Help... (438706)
Started on Thu Jan 23 10:14:03 2003, by Christopher Rivera

Thread title: myrtle ave (438708)
Started on Thu Jan 23 10:26:12 2003, by drfunk

Thread title: DERAILMENT AT JAMAICA THIS AM: What's the Story? (438710)
Started on Thu Jan 23 10:32:15 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: LIRR Emty train derails; service restored (438771)
Started on Thu Jan 23 12:40:24 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: Subway decay in the 1970s, New York and elsewhere (438803)
Started on Thu Jan 23 13:49:06 2003, by Michalovic

Thread title: NY1 Reporting Contract Will Be Ratified (438821)
Started on Thu Jan 23 14:45:34 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: Boston Question (438868)
Started on Thu Jan 23 16:49:03 2003, by TomV

Thread title: Icy Conditions on Times Square Platforms and Passageways Alleviated with Salt (438871)
Started on Thu Jan 23 16:51:53 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: Speaking of BRRR, new Subway products! (438874)
Started on Thu Jan 23 16:57:54 2003, by subway grrl

Thread title: Disc brakes??? (438883)
Started on Thu Jan 23 17:06:43 2003, by Ian21575

Thread title: Very pretty banner image (438932)
Started on Thu Jan 23 18:19:59 2003, by RonInBayside

Thread title: "T" sign at DeKalb? (438933)
Started on Thu Jan 23 18:22:44 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: Fire at 111St near the 7line (438938)
Started on Thu Jan 23 18:28:27 2003, by V Train B47 Bus

Thread title: End of Color Code? (438941)
Started on Thu Jan 23 18:40:08 2003, by Bowery - LES

Thread title: Maps? (438952)
Started on Thu Jan 23 19:03:15 2003, by Euclid Avenue A Train

Thread title: Philly amateur photographer arrest story (438953)
Started on Thu Jan 23 19:04:54 2003, by chuchubob

Thread title: The Crosstown and the Brighton Line. (439009)
Started on Thu Jan 23 21:20:03 2003, by Alex V.

Thread title: Gate Cars 1313 & 1395-- Where Are They? (439011)
Started on Thu Jan 23 21:22:16 2003, by Karl B

Thread title: WMATA to Test Public Toilets on Metro (439026)
Started on Thu Jan 23 21:56:01 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: How do I car spot? (439029)
Started on Thu Jan 23 22:01:21 2003, by Rob from Atlanta

Thread title: Photos of R6 923, 925, 1300 Wanted (439037)
Started on Thu Jan 23 22:20:15 2003, by David Pirmann - Web Site Host

Thread title: Did Anyone Go Tonight on BMTman's South Brooklyn Railway Tour? (439058)
Started on Thu Jan 23 23:33:13 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: R-11/R-34 storm door window question (439059)
Started on Thu Jan 23 23:37:21 2003, by J Lee

Thread title: MBTA Comuter Boats (439060)
Started on Thu Jan 23 23:39:06 2003, by sunshine

Thread title: Sample Cold Weather Photo (439067)
Started on Fri Jan 24 00:24:00 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: STATE TOWER PICS -- MUST SEE!!!! (439074)
Started on Fri Jan 24 00:32:24 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Keeping subway cars out of the cold...blizzard of 96 memory (439097)
Started on Fri Jan 24 01:38:57 2003, by SeaBeach53

Thread title: Hot Times on the High Iron: Part Two of the Hammond Local (439107)
Started on Fri Jan 24 02:31:03 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Far Rockaway Not Running-Too Cold (439128)
Started on Fri Jan 24 08:06:14 2003, by Far Rockaway A Train

Thread title: r143 update (439135)
Started on Fri Jan 24 08:54:09 2003, by hudson

Thread title: Plan 2 was in effect last night (439173)
Started on Fri Jan 24 10:16:43 2003, by BMT Road Dogg

Thread title: Warmest Train? Warmest Station? (439204)
Started on Fri Jan 24 11:19:51 2003, by avid reader

Thread title: Reminder (439217)
Started on Fri Jan 24 12:13:09 2003, by

Thread title: Awesome Job Mark Feinman on the 1970's section. (439227)
Started on Fri Jan 24 12:54:22 2003, by Christopher Rivera

Thread title: 5 trains running express on the local track (439255)
Started on Fri Jan 24 15:39:39 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: M-7 Configuration (439259)
Started on Fri Jan 24 15:44:05 2003, by Robert From Queens

Thread title: Southern Tier Line Endangered by Pending Sale to MNRR (439265)
Started on Fri Jan 24 15:57:11 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: New on (439280)
Started on Fri Jan 24 16:32:56 2003, by

Thread title: plans for Brookfield's super shuttle (439285)
Started on Fri Jan 24 16:41:19 2003, by Simon

Thread title: Mess on the 4. Today (439297)
Started on Fri Jan 24 17:06:48 2003, by FlyerLover

Thread title: LIRR M-7 Control Panel (439316)
Started on Fri Jan 24 17:27:59 2003, by AcelaExpress2005

Thread title: Error(R21 page) (439333)
Started on Fri Jan 24 18:08:37 2003, by R30

Thread title: Speaking of the 1970s... (439334)
Started on Fri Jan 24 18:10:50 2003, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: What are these lights for? (439335)
Started on Fri Jan 24 18:11:55 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: Warmest Cars... Some Quantitative Results (439342)
Started on Fri Jan 24 18:48:21 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: R16 #6429 (439344)
Started on Fri Jan 24 19:00:25 2003, by Chris R27-R30

Thread title: Strange observation on the 1 this morning (439384)
Started on Fri Jan 24 20:50:18 2003, by Clayton

Thread title: backwards chime? (439415)
Started on Fri Jan 24 21:48:45 2003, by Qtraindash7

Thread title: Queens senator supports trolley restoration (439418)
Started on Fri Jan 24 21:54:28 2003, by Evan

Thread title: A Train Far Rockaway (439443)
Started on Fri Jan 24 22:51:13 2003, by AcelaExpress2005

Thread title: Querie about MARTA rail station near Georgia World Congress Center (439448)
Started on Fri Jan 24 23:04:15 2003, by jsd

Thread title: Freight railroads seem to be taking a different stance when it comes to getting money, ‘Tea-21’ (439471)
Started on Sat Jan 25 03:14:37 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: ‘Railway Supply Institute’ is new name for two merged rail industry giants (439472)
Started on Sat Jan 25 03:15:45 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Amtrak to cut 'Ann Rutledge', report says (439473)
Started on Sat Jan 25 03:16:59 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: California’s governor may put high-speed rail under Caltrans (439474)
Started on Sat Jan 25 03:17:33 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Oregon is hard pressed to run trains (439475)
Started on Sat Jan 25 03:18:01 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Some Californians irked at faster trains (439476)
Started on Sat Jan 25 03:19:08 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Orlando high-speed line still in turmoil (439477)
Started on Sat Jan 25 03:19:46 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Texans consider sales tax hike for transport (439478)
Started on Sat Jan 25 03:20:13 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: T riders flock to three new stations (439479)
Started on Sat Jan 25 03:20:39 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Sound Transit, Port of Seattle agree on airport light-rail link (439480)
Started on Sat Jan 25 03:21:16 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: BLE outraged over ‘remote’ decision; AAR says they are safe in yards (439481)
Started on Sat Jan 25 03:21:47 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Will commuter trains go to Maine? (439482)
Started on Sat Jan 25 03:22:45 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Springfield Train Show Feb 1&2 Subtalk Get Together (439486)
Started on Sat Jan 25 06:09:02 2003, by Stevie

Thread title: R-38 Question (439498)
Started on Sat Jan 25 09:07:52 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: If you can't buy the Brooklyn Bridge, how about the Triborough? (439499)
Started on Sat Jan 25 09:09:14 2003, by J Lee

Thread title: San Francisco MUNI F-Line equipment (439501)
Started on Sat Jan 25 09:20:10 2003, by Steve Hoskins

Thread title: Derailment London Undeground (439512)
Started on Sat Jan 25 10:25:24 2003, by Rob

Thread title: stalled SEPTA Market St Subway train evacuated Fri night (439559)
Started on Sat Jan 25 12:33:53 2003, by chuchubob

Thread title: Near Rockaway and Middle Rockaway (439561)
Started on Sat Jan 25 12:41:06 2003, by American Pig

Thread title: A Train scheduling (439566)
Started on Sat Jan 25 13:00:48 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: Atlantic Av. on the L (439570)
Started on Sat Jan 25 13:20:18 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: LIRR BIE (439572)
Started on Sat Jan 25 13:22:13 2003, by howardr142

Thread title: MNRR extension (439577)
Started on Sat Jan 25 13:44:56 2003, by A 8AV FULTON EXP

Thread title: R142s are in the house!!! (439598)
Started on Sat Jan 25 15:00:02 2003, by SubBus

Thread title: R143 - L (439621)
Started on Sat Jan 25 16:06:41 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: EDPs on the subway (439622)
Started on Sat Jan 25 16:07:03 2003, by JayZeeBMT

Thread title: The R-62's are 20 years old already ? (439649)
Started on Sat Jan 25 17:46:41 2003, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: Old Atlantic Ave entrance preserved (439651)
Started on Sat Jan 25 17:58:05 2003, by wayne

Thread title: Chatham Square Tonight at 7:30 PM ET (439652)
Started on Sat Jan 25 18:00:21 2003, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Howard Beach and Air Train (439653)
Started on Sat Jan 25 18:00:39 2003, by djf179

Thread title: MVM can't make change? (439659)
Started on Sat Jan 25 18:32:15 2003, by New Flyer #857

Thread title: missigned r-142s (439660)
Started on Sat Jan 25 18:34:34 2003, by TheGreatOne2k2

Thread title: 1979 era tokens (439683)
Started on Sat Jan 25 19:53:38 2003, by Chris R27-R30

Thread title: the longest subway car in the MTA:the R68 (439687)
Started on Sat Jan 25 19:57:44 2003, by joe c

Thread title: LIRR arcing (439711)
Started on Sat Jan 25 20:38:22 2003, by arcingcatenary

Thread title: what is the slowest nyc subway train (439715)
Started on Sat Jan 25 20:56:01 2003, by patkylekenny

Thread title: West Trenton Service (439744)
Started on Sat Jan 25 21:23:33 2003, by brooklyn

Thread title: Stillwell Ave Demolition Work (439766)
Started on Sat Jan 25 22:19:11 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: Acela Express Power Car 2000 (439772)
Started on Sat Jan 25 22:28:48 2003, by AcelaExpress2005

Thread title: silver connections (439788)
Started on Sat Jan 25 23:04:18 2003, by R30

Thread title: Top Speed For Subway Trains (439853)
Started on Sun Jan 26 00:34:26 2003, by B100 to Mill Basin

Thread title: New Member (439857)
Started on Sun Jan 26 00:54:39 2003, by steinwaylow-v

Thread title: Sunday, January 26, 3pm: "Rails Under the Mighty Hudson," slide lecture by Brian J. Cudahy (439860)
Started on Sun Jan 26 01:15:13 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: SubTalk Live!! (439868)
Started on Sun Jan 26 01:49:56 2003, by AcelaExpress2005

Thread title: SubTalk Live is now Ready! (439870)
Started on Sun Jan 26 02:07:57 2003, by AcelaExpress2005

Thread title: exploded deisel on LIRR??? (439882)
Started on Sun Jan 26 03:06:56 2003, by smugglerbuddy

Thread title: (439897)
Started on Sun Jan 26 06:09:21 2003, by southern california transit system (salaamallah)

Thread title: Pantograph mishap on Metro North New Haven Division (439908)
Started on Sun Jan 26 07:59:00 2003, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: Lecture at Hoboken Museum today (439932)
Started on Sun Jan 26 08:58:35 2003, by Robert From Queens

Thread title: Brookfield JFK Express Proposal (439947)
Started on Sun Jan 26 09:55:17 2003, by oakapple

Thread title: The overhand bar on R142, R142A (439958)
Started on Sun Jan 26 10:46:51 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: DE/DM 30 Question (439979)
Started on Sun Jan 26 11:37:50 2003, by JayZeeBMT

Thread title: Why get rid of tokens? (440036)
Started on Sun Jan 26 14:21:21 2003, by TheGreatOne2k2

Thread title: Atlantic Ave LIRR Tunnel Question (440039)
Started on Sun Jan 26 14:47:07 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: Screw the FRA - High Speed Ahead! (440044)
Started on Sun Jan 26 15:14:50 2003, by WDobner

Thread title: Accident in Baltimore subway (440061)
Started on Sun Jan 26 16:56:24 2003, by Nektar

Thread title: NYC Subway Lines Top Speed (440078)
Started on Sun Jan 26 17:23:46 2003, by AcelaExpress2005

Thread title: Gate Cars 1227 & 1349! (440081)
Started on Sun Jan 26 17:28:14 2003, by Karl B

Thread title: Shore Fast Line sign (440087)
Started on Sun Jan 26 17:44:05 2003, by chuchubob

Thread title: R142 on the Flushing Line (440095)
Started on Sun Jan 26 18:11:31 2003, by AcelaExpress2005

Thread title: Just flew in from our whirlwind tour... (440129)
Started on Sun Jan 26 19:42:16 2003, by MikeF

Thread title: wet behind the ears u can say (440162)
Started on Sun Jan 26 20:42:35 2003, by knicknackid

Thread title: SubTalk HTML Picture Code (440167)
Started on Sun Jan 26 20:58:04 2003, by AcelaExpress2005

Thread title: Thanks to Peggy for the great trip today (440169)
Started on Sun Jan 26 20:59:16 2003, by Qtraindash7

Thread title: Time traveling R-15 on Super Bowl Cadillac ad (440174)
Started on Sun Jan 26 21:05:39 2003, by JayZeeBMT

Thread title: PATH cars in a Super Bowl commecial (440193)
Started on Sun Jan 26 21:45:16 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: New photos added to the site! (440204)
Started on Sun Jan 26 22:18:53 2003, by brooklyn1944

Thread title: Union sq wreck??? (440216)
Started on Sun Jan 26 22:41:51 2003, by R30

Thread title: OFF STREET T/O TEST CANCELLED (440245)
Started on Sun Jan 26 23:56:01 2003, by RushHourSpecialist

Thread title: You're Invited to a Gathering Of SubTalkers @ Branford (440287)
Started on Mon Jan 27 08:03:33 2003, by JohnS

Thread title: Why the Test Needs to be Open Competition (440312)
Started on Mon Jan 27 08:59:36 2003, by Christopher Rivera

Thread title: Acela Express Shrouds (440313)
Started on Mon Jan 27 09:01:00 2003, by AcelaExpress2005

Thread title: Alleged subway slasher arrested (440322)
Started on Mon Jan 27 09:14:57 2003, by chuchubob

Thread title: Hey that's me! (440343)
Started on Mon Jan 27 09:47:12 2003, by notchit

Thread title: AARGH! Fix Those $%#!* LIRR Wheels! (440357)
Started on Mon Jan 27 10:18:56 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: Mini-report on the Subtalk Queens Blvd tour. (440371)
Started on Mon Jan 27 10:48:20 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: I apologize for the duplicate submission (440396)
Started on Mon Jan 27 11:32:09 2003, by The_Rockaway_Kid

Thread title: Pasadena GOLD LINE Gold Line was supposed to be a good thing...!..? (440457)
Started on Mon Jan 27 13:46:52 2003, by southern california transit system (salaamallah)

Thread title: Dave: mistakes with your new pics (440473)
Started on Mon Jan 27 14:44:10 2003, by Chris R27-R30

Thread title: Another Metrolink train involved in vehicle fatality (440502)
Started on Mon Jan 27 16:16:34 2003, by J Lee

Thread title: So It's a $2.00 Fare AND Service Reductions (440511)
Started on Mon Jan 27 16:36:53 2003, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: What happened to the midnight express runs? (440523)
Started on Mon Jan 27 17:05:00 2003, by BMT Road Dogg

Thread title: London Derailment (440534)
Started on Mon Jan 27 17:29:17 2003, by JEFFJAGUAR

Thread title: London Derailment (440536)
Started on Mon Jan 27 17:29:51 2003, by JEFFJAGUAR

Thread title: Getting it Straight (440543)
Started on Mon Jan 27 17:51:40 2003, by Railfan Pete

Thread title: R33 Scrap car notes (440556)
Started on Mon Jan 27 18:46:31 2003, by Grounded Shoe Beam

Thread title: R33 Scrap car notes (440557)
Started on Mon Jan 27 18:47:19 2003, by Grounded Shoe Beam

Thread title: Long LIRR Train (440629)
Started on Mon Jan 27 21:16:33 2003, by R143 - AcelaExpress2005

Thread title: Ghost G/O (440642)
Started on Mon Jan 27 21:42:32 2003, by Redbirds Rule

Thread title: Why NYC only city with express subways/els? (440655)
Started on Mon Jan 27 22:08:32 2003, by ntrainride

Thread title: Plan 2 in effect again? (440663)
Started on Mon Jan 27 22:19:37 2003, by David J. Greenberger

Thread title: B train to 168th? (440685)
Started on Mon Jan 27 23:07:25 2003, by Upper Manhattanite

Thread title: New PATH and HBLR Photos posted (440704)
Started on Mon Jan 27 23:56:48 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: Weekend Broadway/4th Ave service (440710)
Started on Tue Jan 28 00:13:11 2003, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: My Pal, the FL9 (440729)
Started on Tue Jan 28 01:24:46 2003, by brooklyn

Thread title: Anymore New Subway Line Coming Up? (440735)
Started on Tue Jan 28 02:31:34 2003, by Express M Runs on the U and X

Thread title: THE 2004 Q TRAIN VOTING POLL (440739)
Started on Tue Jan 28 02:55:52 2003, by Express M Runs on the U and X

Thread title: I'm Through Even LURKING On This Board (440742)
Started on Tue Jan 28 04:20:30 2003, by SilverFox

Thread title: 76th Street... Next Stop 23rd Street (440745)
Started on Tue Jan 28 06:01:16 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: MTA eyes lower fare hike on monthly Metrocards (440755)
Started on Tue Jan 28 06:54:26 2003, by J Lee

Thread title: Camden-Trenton light rail line (440765)
Started on Tue Jan 28 08:02:15 2003, by chuchubob

Thread title: R-142 Set Hits The Road! (440772)
Started on Tue Jan 28 08:17:53 2003, by Stef

Thread title: dispatching Camden-Trenton light rail line (440800)
Started on Tue Jan 28 09:46:17 2003, by chuchubob

Thread title: Toronto subway in a TV commercial (440807)
Started on Tue Jan 28 10:01:22 2003, by Michalovic

Thread title: Entrance Kiosks for 2nd Ave Stations (440812)
Started on Tue Jan 28 10:12:44 2003, by Mitch45

Thread title: G & V Service Overlap (440828)
Started on Tue Jan 28 10:55:28 2003, by Urban Outlaw

Thread title: A great site I found (440859)
Started on Tue Jan 28 12:12:16 2003, by Jeffrey Rosen

Thread title: Does this count as rapid transit? (440864)
Started on Tue Jan 28 12:28:29 2003, by WDobner

Thread title: SEPTA to hold Public Hearing on 2003 Service Changes (440890)
Started on Tue Jan 28 13:27:17 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Staten Island Railway - Subway or Railroad? (440900)
Started on Tue Jan 28 13:55:02 2003, by Allan

Thread title: This is something you don't see everyday (LIRR) (440902)
Started on Tue Jan 28 13:57:23 2003, by R143 - AcelaExpress2005

Thread title: HEET Reliability (440916)
Started on Tue Jan 28 14:41:24 2003, by AlM

Thread title: Photos in wrong places, color tiles (440921)
Started on Tue Jan 28 14:55:10 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: We should have a $2.50 Transit Fare (440929)
Started on Tue Jan 28 15:15:33 2003, by SHAMUS161

Thread title: Odd Stations!? (440957)
Started on Tue Jan 28 16:37:48 2003, by Euclid Avenue A Train

Thread title: Penn Station Express Stops (440992)
Started on Tue Jan 28 17:24:37 2003, by Charlie Curious

Thread title: test (441004)
Started on Tue Jan 28 17:45:37 2003, by steinwaylow-v

Thread title: What are those (abandoned?) trackways you see just after entering Brooklyn on the Q/W? (441019)
Started on Tue Jan 28 18:21:21 2003, by New Flyer #857

Thread title: Long, wide, Queens Blvd mezzanines (441021)
Started on Tue Jan 28 18:24:03 2003, by New Flyer #857

Thread title: When Redbirds Were Bluebirds or Fairbirds (441051)
Started on Tue Jan 28 20:06:55 2003, by Joe Saitta

Thread title: "Drugs/Death on Subway" Superbowl Commercial (441056)
Started on Tue Jan 28 20:22:21 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: Happiness is a Warm Redbird (441059)
Started on Tue Jan 28 20:25:45 2003, by Larry,RedbirdR33

Thread title: Caught Sleepin On the Job (441065)
Started on Tue Jan 28 20:42:32 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: 'TRACKS' At Penn Station (441068)
Started on Tue Jan 28 20:53:56 2003, by TonyR40M

Thread title: T/O Operator Test Question (441078)
Started on Tue Jan 28 21:20:42 2003, by Joe Saitta

Thread title: LIRR & BART Top Speeds (441108)
Started on Tue Jan 28 22:12:17 2003, by ChicagoBrian

Thread title: Derailment(s) on the LIRR (441127)
Started on Tue Jan 28 22:34:19 2003, by Train Dude

Thread title: OT: Ice on the Hudson River (441143)
Started on Tue Jan 28 23:04:30 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: Superbowl Subway Ad that wasn't! (441144)
Started on Tue Jan 28 23:09:15 2003, by subway grrl

Thread title: Real Nice Guys (441174)
Started on Wed Jan 29 00:54:30 2003, by J-TrainTony

Thread title: M7 Sighting on Flatbush Branch (441177)
Started on Wed Jan 29 01:07:17 2003, by R143 - AcelaExpress2005

Thread title: New Subway Opens in New Dehli Efficiently Built and Well Received (441203)
Started on Wed Jan 29 06:50:01 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: Eric Booker, Subway Conductor, Wins Matzoh Ball Eating Contest (441208)
Started on Wed Jan 29 07:06:30 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: Point/Counterpoint: Close 177 Token Booths? (441223)
Started on Wed Jan 29 08:49:26 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: 53rd St/Lex Ave renovation update (441262)
Started on Wed Jan 29 11:51:50 2003, by Kool-D

Thread title: Forgotten Not Forgotten (441272)
Started on Wed Jan 29 12:21:48 2003, by Paul Matus

Thread title: Old LIRR Rockaway branch question (441301)
Started on Wed Jan 29 13:43:31 2003, by Chris R27-R30

Thread title: C4 red/orange ceiling lights (441314)
Started on Wed Jan 29 14:32:10 2003, by howardr142

Thread title: Subway commercial during the SB (441317)
Started on Wed Jan 29 14:49:03 2003, by Dave

Thread title: [TV] Subways in Nike Commercial & MTV2.. (441352)
Started on Wed Jan 29 16:52:33 2003, by ( 1 ) South Ferry ( 9 )

Thread title: Is this REALLY Rockaway Blvd? (441355)
Started on Wed Jan 29 16:58:02 2003, by New Flyer #857

Thread title: OT--anyone getting Forgotten yet? (441378)
Started on Wed Jan 29 17:44:28 2003, by Paul Matus

Thread title: State budget released (441398)
Started on Wed Jan 29 18:23:27 2003, by SelkirkTMO

Thread title: IRT Original Routes & Dates (441415)
Started on Wed Jan 29 18:51:22 2003, by mellow one

Thread title: Politicians: Any of Them Good for Transit and Infrastructure? (441418)
Started on Wed Jan 29 18:57:59 2003, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: How many "Plans" are there? (441419)
Started on Wed Jan 29 18:58:48 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: Unstaffed Stations: What about PATH? (441422)
Started on Wed Jan 29 19:05:07 2003, by Gotham Bus Co.

Thread title: Cool pic (441447)
Started on Wed Jan 29 19:59:52 2003, by Chris R27-R30

Thread title: Sermi OT: Silverstein gets a (minor) win in WTC insurance suit (441462)
Started on Wed Jan 29 20:31:52 2003, by J Lee

Thread title: So when does it open? (441471)
Started on Wed Jan 29 20:52:22 2003, by TonyR40M

Thread title: Pitkin Yard Interlocking Machine (441479)
Started on Wed Jan 29 21:05:43 2003, by djf179

Thread title: Notes- 1/30 (or whatever today's date is wed.) (441486)
Started on Wed Jan 29 21:18:00 2003, by The_Rockaway_Kid

Thread title: Rail confusion in Stamford has Commuters on the wrong track (-441495)
Started on Wed Jan 29 21:32:46 2003, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Redbird report (441500)
Started on Wed Jan 29 21:34:49 2003, by David J. Greenberger

Thread title: Railfan window on the 1 (441503)
Started on Wed Jan 29 21:40:32 2003, by David J. Greenberger

Thread title: Timing F vs. A+G+E, and a Possible Wrong Sing (441504)
Started on Wed Jan 29 21:41:40 2003, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: 1948 Ad for R10 (441510)
Started on Wed Jan 29 21:51:12 2003, by TCrail586

Thread title: Stillwell Avenue Destruction (441514)
Started on Wed Jan 29 21:58:24 2003, by djf179

Thread title: 7141-45 In The House (441528)
Started on Wed Jan 29 22:23:32 2003, by Stef

Thread title: Re: Rail confusion in Stamford has Commuters on the wrong track (441534)
Started on Wed Jan 29 22:36:03 2003, by AEM7

Thread title: Looking for a seller (441551)
Started on Wed Jan 29 23:15:50 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: Amtrak, Bombardier agree on Acela suspension fix (441553)
Started on Wed Jan 29 23:22:45 2003, by R143 - AcelaExpress2005

Thread title: LIRR M7 Schedule (441572)
Started on Wed Jan 29 23:49:10 2003, by R143 - AcelaExpress2005

Thread title: T/O test (441580)
Started on Thu Jan 30 00:14:15 2003, by Airtrain

Thread title: Pretty colors galore (441584)
Started on Thu Jan 30 00:30:52 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: Question Geared Towards OnTheJuice, Or anyone Else That Can Answer (441591)
Started on Thu Jan 30 00:43:09 2003, by Wheeeeee Go Go 6 Train

Thread title: Commercial in Toronto Subway? (441600)
Started on Thu Jan 30 00:58:48 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: NJT Bilevel conformation (441612)
Started on Thu Jan 30 02:20:16 2003, by Moe

Thread title: Penn Station Question (441623)
Started on Thu Jan 30 05:23:01 2003, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: NYS Budget Analyses (441631)
Started on Thu Jan 30 07:16:17 2003, by SelkirkTMO

Thread title: China's State Council Suspends New Subway Construction (441639)
Started on Thu Jan 30 08:18:26 2003, by heypaul

Thread title: Southern California Metrolink Commuter Train his vehicle in the city of industry (441648)
Started on Thu Jan 30 08:56:02 2003, by southern california transit system (salaamallah)

Thread title: Chicago Metra Proposal (441693)
Started on Thu Jan 30 12:25:43 2003, by emathias

Thread title: C/R of sb "B" train this morning (441703)
Started on Thu Jan 30 13:05:05 2003, by Railfan Window (BMdoobieW)

Thread title: OT: What's a blog? (441722)
Started on Thu Jan 30 13:55:13 2003, by Chris R27-R30

Thread title: Last R-143 Delivery Scheduled (441734)
Started on Thu Jan 30 14:25:18 2003, by Widecab5

Thread title: Transit Museum (441761)
Started on Thu Jan 30 15:34:03 2003, by Redbirds Rule

Thread title: 2 for 1 at HEETs (441783)
Started on Thu Jan 30 16:24:58 2003, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: Amtrak goes to war (441796)
Started on Thu Jan 30 16:41:24 2003, by M4

Thread title: Amtrak goes to war (441799)
Started on Thu Jan 30 16:44:13 2003, by M4

Thread title: At least 7 killed in Sydney Derailment (441807)
Started on Thu Jan 30 17:13:01 2003, by Chris Oz

Thread title: Railfanning the E and . (441829)
Started on Thu Jan 30 17:55:55 2003, by Flatbush41

Thread title: Is the Token Trademarked? (441833)
Started on Thu Jan 30 18:01:06 2003, by Merelis

Thread title: CBS rips East Side Access (441845)
Started on Thu Jan 30 18:15:09 2003, by Chris R27-R30

Thread title: SORRY ABOUT THAT QUADRUPLE POST... (441922)
Started on Thu Jan 30 19:42:22 2003, by smugglerbuddy

Thread title: Anyone have subway maps from 1978-97? (441955)
Started on Thu Jan 30 20:47:30 2003, by TCrail586

Thread title: Na na na na na na na na BRAKEMAN!!! (441968)
Started on Thu Jan 30 21:07:21 2003, by American Pig

Thread title: R-40 stanchion layout (441969)
Started on Thu Jan 30 21:09:13 2003, by American Pig

Thread title: Observations I've made this evening (442040)
Started on Thu Jan 30 22:54:46 2003, by mr_brian

Thread title: Stillwell Avenue Demolition (442059)
Started on Thu Jan 30 23:28:24 2003, by djf179

Thread title: Hot Times on the High Iron: Part Three of the Hammond Local (442063)
Started on Thu Jan 30 23:34:35 2003, by Jersey Mike
This site is not affiliated with any transit agency or provider.