SubTalk Archive 11/2000

Thread title: Amsterdam Metro (164538)
Started on Wed Nov 1 01:22:35 2000, by joeb

Thread title: New Keystone Express Service (164561)
Started on Wed Nov 1 08:56:29 2000, by ar

Thread title: Remembering Malbone Street (164570)
Started on Wed Nov 1 09:41:48 2000, by Hart Bus

Thread title: Anniversaries of Culver Linkup & 63rd Street (164603)
Started on Wed Nov 1 13:08:33 2000, by Howard Fein

Thread title: The New LIRR Jamaica station (164610)
Started on Wed Nov 1 13:26:08 2000, by streetcar_man

Thread title: Strange GO on CPW (164616)
Started on Wed Nov 1 13:45:08 2000, by Howard Fein

Thread title: NY&A bayridge clean up (164648)
Started on Wed Nov 1 15:32:53 2000, by Tom MR R36 Maley

Thread title: R-46 door chime malfunctioned on one side (164664)
Started on Wed Nov 1 16:21:57 2000, by Steve B-8AVEXP

Thread title: 4 "4" PHOTOS ADDED-recent wreck (164676)
Started on Wed Nov 1 17:14:37 2000, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: Boston T Questions (164686)
Started on Wed Nov 1 18:22:01 2000, by Nick

Started on Wed Nov 1 18:39:04 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: SEPTA trolley derailment reported (164695)
Started on Wed Nov 1 19:04:38 2000, by chuchubob

Thread title: Weeknight PCC's resume on NCS (164700)
Started on Wed Nov 1 19:35:04 2000, by chuchubob

Thread title: Keith Olberman on ... Railfan Windows! (164710)
Started on Wed Nov 1 20:38:07 2000, by J Lee

Thread title: Transportation Bond Act (164713)
Started on Wed Nov 1 20:47:08 2000, by SubBus

Thread title: An "L" of a Day on Chicago's "L" (164767)
Started on Thu Nov 2 02:36:39 2000, by David Harrison

Thread title: Additional Bombardier R-142 Cars Delivered (164772)
Started on Thu Nov 2 03:49:49 2000, by Stef

Thread title: Rail Commuting in Los Angeles (long) (164781)
Started on Thu Nov 2 07:04:53 2000, by Old Tom

Thread title: metro card question (164784)
Started on Thu Nov 2 08:24:07 2000, by flx870

Thread title: New Map Book (164791)
Started on Thu Nov 2 08:51:04 2000, by The NX

Thread title: #9306 in NYC2012 ad (164813)
Started on Thu Nov 2 10:27:59 2000, by RIPTA42HopeTunnel

Thread title: Urban Fetch - MC (164827)
Started on Thu Nov 2 12:01:10 2000, by Thurston

Thread title: Trolleys in Manhattan (164847)
Started on Thu Nov 2 14:11:36 2000, by streetcar_man

Thread title: PARADE (164862)
Started on Thu Nov 2 15:26:20 2000, by lincoln

Thread title: P'k'psee Br & NE (164863)
Started on Thu Nov 2 15:26:28 2000, by david vartanoff

Thread title: Amtrak Unveils First of 84 NEW P42-9DC's (164866)
Started on Thu Nov 2 15:40:25 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: London Underground on the History Channel tonight (164874)
Started on Thu Nov 2 16:31:51 2000, by zman179

Thread title: the old 8th Ave "K" line (164876)
Started on Thu Nov 2 16:45:35 2000, by amin peralta

Thread title: When will the 63rd St Connector be open for reroutes? (164879)
Started on Thu Nov 2 17:14:11 2000, by MisterK

Thread title: Poems (164888)
Started on Thu Nov 2 19:23:04 2000, by ken

Thread title: LIRR wreck back in the day (164893)
Started on Thu Nov 2 19:45:57 2000, by SubBus

Thread title: LIRR wreck back in the day (164895)
Started on Thu Nov 2 20:11:59 2000, by SubBus

Thread title: Train Operators list (164901)
Started on Thu Nov 2 20:27:18 2000, by DJP20

Thread title: Parade and the NYPD (164908)
Started on Thu Nov 2 20:42:25 2000, by Nick

Thread title: Twelve Historical NY City Transit Maps Vol 2 (164966)
Started on Thu Nov 2 23:49:15 2000, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: Extend the #7 to the Nassau line!... (164972)
Started on Thu Nov 2 23:59:18 2000, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: LIRR in the 50s (164973)
Started on Fri Nov 3 00:03:32 2000, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: Annual Slow Order On Brighton (164997)
Started on Fri Nov 3 07:59:30 2000, by Lou from Brooklyn

Thread title: Subway Funding (165008)
Started on Fri Nov 3 08:28:09 2000, by English man in New York...sort of!

Thread title: Metrocard Vending Machine Scam Costs TA Thousands (165063)
Started on Fri Nov 3 13:12:29 2000, by jrf

Thread title: Last Day for RiverBus (165068)
Started on Fri Nov 3 13:21:19 2000, by Ed Sachs

Thread title: 37 Years ago in Baltimore (165077)
Started on Fri Nov 3 14:04:57 2000, by Dan Lawrence

Thread title: [Salaam Sightings.... Last Call] (165093)
Started on Fri Nov 3 15:24:21 2000, by ( 1 ) South Ferry ( 9 )

Thread title: PATH Service Changes (165110)
Started on Fri Nov 3 16:45:54 2000, by

Thread title: R 142A in service on the No.6 Line (165125)
Started on Fri Nov 3 18:22:44 2000, by Pelham Bay Dave

Thread title: CTA Takes Preliminary Step Toward Ford City Extension (165131)
Started on Fri Nov 3 18:53:36 2000, by Alan Follett

Thread title: brighton beach bob is in town.... (165136)
Started on Fri Nov 3 19:27:30 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: Philly updates (165151)
Started on Fri Nov 3 20:51:00 2000, by Isaac Shomer

Thread title: What Happened on the F/G Line Tonight? (165153)
Started on Fri Nov 3 21:24:36 2000, by Lyle Goldman

Thread title: Unscheduled LIRR stop (165157)
Started on Fri Nov 3 21:35:14 2000, by pshifrin

Thread title: Motovational Safety Signs (165187)
Started on Sat Nov 4 01:04:54 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: GO In Effect on the 2/5 (165237)
Started on Sat Nov 4 09:31:33 2000, by Stef

Thread title: Will there be limited through service for the 63 St/Queens Blvd Connection in Jan 2001? (165291)
Started on Sat Nov 4 16:59:46 2000, by follo

Thread title: Resting Redbirds-On their final voyage? (165297)
Started on Sat Nov 4 17:28:17 2000, by MR.Gee

Thread title: Attention Bahn Users (165311)
Started on Sat Nov 4 18:49:37 2000, by R68A - 5200

Thread title: I need a Radio Scanner! (165325)
Started on Sat Nov 4 21:15:10 2000, by DaWheelFlange

Thread title: What lies beneath the Atlantic Ave kiosk (165334)
Started on Sat Nov 4 21:33:42 2000, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: Saturday in the city (165350)
Started on Sat Nov 4 22:05:29 2000, by John

Thread title: Transportation Bond Act (165364)
Started on Sat Nov 4 23:15:46 2000, by Smith/9th

Thread title: Little Nicky commercial innacuracy (165376)
Started on Sun Nov 5 00:08:30 2000, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: 9th Ave El Tunnel: sealed soon! (165410)
Started on Sun Nov 5 10:01:14 2000, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: Ventilation gratings in Fourth Avenue Median (165455)
Started on Sun Nov 5 15:09:45 2000, by Pork: The Other White Meat

Thread title: Trip to Montreal (165465)
Started on Sun Nov 5 17:04:51 2000, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Christina Aguilera becomes HBLRT conductor! rr (165478)
Started on Sun Nov 5 18:37:48 2000, by J C Gridlock

Thread title: Help Wanted! (165505)
Started on Sun Nov 5 21:45:06 2000, by Karl B

Thread title: Toronto (165528)
Started on Sun Nov 5 23:37:05 2000, by Dave Barraza

Thread title: Token City short film? (165530)
Started on Sun Nov 5 23:41:13 2000, by pshifrin

Thread title: MORE At Scene of crash Photos Added (165549)
Started on Mon Nov 6 05:11:40 2000, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: MVM's without trade-in option (165557)
Started on Mon Nov 6 07:49:55 2000, by jrf

Thread title: Q Train Idea (165563)
Started on Mon Nov 6 08:40:04 2000, by R36 #9346

Thread title: Bizarre NJT Service MLK & Presidents' Day (165599)
Started on Mon Nov 6 11:06:38 2000, by Howard Fein

Thread title: My Railfan Weekend: Amtrak Keystone & Rockhill Trolleys (long) (165634)
Started on Mon Nov 6 13:41:18 2000, by Keystone Pete

Thread title: How Lazy Can You Get? (165637)
Started on Mon Nov 6 13:55:30 2000, by Howard Fein

Thread title: West Hempstead extension (165648)
Started on Mon Nov 6 14:27:56 2000, by streetcar_man

Thread title: Bond Act and Straphangers Campaign (165650)
Started on Mon Nov 6 14:38:01 2000, by RonInBayside

Thread title: SIGHTING (165666)
Started on Mon Nov 6 15:48:05 2000, by avid reader

Thread title: Planned Visit to Kearney CSX/NS Intermodal Yard (165668)
Started on Mon Nov 6 15:50:11 2000, by DaWheelFlange

Thread title: Non revenue T/Os? (165678)
Started on Mon Nov 6 16:41:04 2000, by Rob from Atlanta

Thread title: The coolest M-7s in my opinion..... (165684)
Started on Mon Nov 6 16:56:17 2000, by F Train

Thread title: the plan for the "MM" route (165716)
Started on Mon Nov 6 18:40:01 2000, by amin peralta

Thread title: Transit & Weather Together (165743)
Started on Mon Nov 6 20:53:08 2000, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: Another R-142 Delivery (165763)
Started on Mon Nov 6 21:40:54 2000, by Stef

Thread title: Mistake on Fox's "Boston Public" Monday Night (165775)
Started on Mon Nov 6 22:15:27 2000, by Nick

Thread title: Bye, bye bond issue! (165784)
Started on Mon Nov 6 22:47:26 2000, by Ray Crapo

Thread title: NJEA Teachers Express (165813)
Started on Tue Nov 7 00:06:05 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: "Brooklyn's Waterfront Railways!" (165816)
Started on Tue Nov 7 00:13:43 2000, by Karl B

Thread title: MetroCard Vending Machines Take A Trip (165826)
Started on Tue Nov 7 00:41:35 2000, by Stef

Thread title: 63rd St connector signals turned on (165844)
Started on Tue Nov 7 01:13:00 2000, by zman179

Thread title: Canarsie Line Work/New Signal Technology (165861)
Started on Tue Nov 7 02:02:24 2000, by CanarsieShawn

Thread title: TA PO'd at Mercedes Benz (165889)
Started on Tue Nov 7 06:31:07 2000, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: Choosing your train line (165918)
Started on Tue Nov 7 09:18:41 2000, by Vernon P

Thread title: Being on topic.. lets try a little harder (165929)
Started on Tue Nov 7 09:59:53 2000, by David Pirmann - Web Site Host

Thread title: Railfanning: "It's a lot better than going to a go-go bar..." (165933)
Started on Tue Nov 7 10:07:51 2000, by RIPTA42HopeTunnel

Thread title: Regional Rail--Maybe for Real? (165937)
Started on Tue Nov 7 10:39:06 2000, by Gary Wengeroff

Thread title: Sheep Ad in Subway (165968)
Started on Tue Nov 7 12:18:51 2000, by Aaron 75 Ave

Thread title: trivium (165981)
Started on Tue Nov 7 13:26:50 2000, by chuchubob

Thread title: New door leaves on WF R-36s (165987)
Started on Tue Nov 7 14:00:32 2000, by Steve B-8AVEXP

Thread title: Roosevelt Field train station (165996)
Started on Tue Nov 7 14:25:12 2000, by streetcar_man

Thread title: How do MBTA emergency brakes work (166004)
Started on Tue Nov 7 15:04:15 2000, by Rob King

Thread title: Transit Time to get to Transit Tech (kind of a little tongue twister) (166020)
Started on Tue Nov 7 16:25:46 2000, by SephirothR142

Thread title: Pelham's 142 out of service (166045)
Started on Tue Nov 7 19:22:56 2000, by

Thread title: R-142 Car Deliveries (166057)
Started on Tue Nov 7 20:00:56 2000, by Ron

Thread title: Bushlite (166060)
Started on Tue Nov 7 20:24:06 2000, by DaWheelFlange

Thread title: Moscow Metro and Berlin U-Bahn (166067)
Started on Tue Nov 7 20:41:11 2000, by Chris Oz

Thread title: 70's Style Graffitti on R62a (166068)
Started on Tue Nov 7 20:51:48 2000, by SubBus

Thread title: Pelham Parkway station (166085)
Started on Tue Nov 7 21:51:05 2000, by Robert From Queens

Thread title: Wording of Transportation Bond Act (166091)
Started on Tue Nov 7 22:00:50 2000, by Robert From Queens

Thread title: Testing the 5 Line (166093)
Started on Tue Nov 7 22:02:50 2000, by SephirothR142

Thread title: Roslyn siding (166100)
Started on Tue Nov 7 22:16:48 2000, by John

Thread title: Subway series 7 train spotted (166103)
Started on Tue Nov 7 22:25:27 2000, by John

Thread title: Broad street (J,M,Z) questions (166106)
Started on Tue Nov 7 22:38:11 2000, by John

Thread title: Steinway tube (7) track shift (166107)
Started on Tue Nov 7 22:41:10 2000, by John

Thread title: Penn Station Flood Doors (166112)
Started on Tue Nov 7 23:09:17 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Passenger murdered on 2 train (166170)
Started on Wed Nov 8 09:04:40 2000, by chuchubob

Thread title: Transit Bond Act (166174)
Started on Wed Nov 8 09:16:08 2000, by Aaron 75 Ave

Thread title: R1-9 and R44/46 BAHN Cars... (166295)
Started on Wed Nov 8 17:52:28 2000, by R36 #9346

Thread title: "Helvetica-MTA "= AKSIDENZ-GROTESK! (166307)
Started on Wed Nov 8 19:29:31 2000, by Eric B

Thread title: PM rush J schedule (166312)
Started on Wed Nov 8 19:41:20 2000, by Chris R16

Thread title: Where is Heypaul again (again) (166316)
Started on Wed Nov 8 20:30:30 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: On Topic Post About Posting (166324)
Started on Wed Nov 8 20:53:34 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: COME TO CHAT (166325)
Started on Wed Nov 8 20:57:26 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: R142 testing on Livonia El. (166340)
Started on Wed Nov 8 21:25:19 2000, by SubBus

Thread title: Imagine how different the country would be... (166345)
Started on Wed Nov 8 21:45:42 2000, by Rob from Atlanta

Thread title: Subway Cars in Yonkers (166351)
Started on Wed Nov 8 21:55:01 2000, by Gary Wilkes

Started on Wed Nov 8 22:42:06 2000, by Professor Putter

Thread title: R142A # 7261-7270 (166389)
Started on Thu Nov 9 07:23:29 2000, by jrf

Thread title: NJT Manhattan commutes increasingly overcrowded (166390)
Started on Thu Nov 9 07:47:18 2000, by chuchubob

Thread title: NJT to improve train efficiency at Trenton (166392)
Started on Thu Nov 9 08:03:31 2000, by chuchubob

Thread title: 9574 and 9336 (166401)
Started on Thu Nov 9 08:43:37 2000, by R36 #9346

Thread title: LIRR question-PBY extra (166412)
Started on Thu Nov 9 09:12:55 2000, by aaron

Thread title: Nov Transit Transit (166413)
Started on Thu Nov 9 09:14:55 2000, by Thurston

Thread title: Transit Witness Protection for heypaul (166429)
Started on Thu Nov 9 10:45:52 2000, by avid reader

Thread title: Transit Witness Protection for heypaul (166430)
Started on Thu Nov 9 10:47:27 2000, by avid reader

Thread title: Cause of death? "The Railway Children" (166433)
Started on Thu Nov 9 11:04:47 2000, by Hank Eisenstein

Thread title: SEPTA question (166445)
Started on Thu Nov 9 12:23:36 2000, by David Pirmann - Web Site Host

Thread title: MS Train Sim. (166451)
Started on Thu Nov 9 12:34:00 2000, by Aaron 75 Ave

Thread title: LIRR speeeeed!!!&tunnel quesions (166469)
Started on Thu Nov 9 14:02:23 2000, by John

Thread title: Tunnel-No ID ad (166471)
Started on Thu Nov 9 14:08:20 2000, by John

Thread title: NYC's missed opportunity (166480)
Started on Thu Nov 9 14:38:49 2000, by Peter Rosa

Thread title: Norfolk Southern TV Commercial. (166497)
Started on Thu Nov 9 16:01:45 2000, by Spunky of Light Rail Fame (Siemens SD-600)

Thread title: Re-occuring Transit Dream (166520)
Started on Thu Nov 9 16:52:42 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: NYC Street & Transit Maps Vol 2 (166547)
Started on Thu Nov 9 20:38:01 2000, by Karl B

Thread title: Second Avenue Subway -- No More Dead Than Before (166549)
Started on Thu Nov 9 20:40:04 2000, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: Best route from Port Authority to 109 E.16th st. (166550)
Started on Thu Nov 9 20:53:33 2000, by Directionless

Thread title: Future Improvements to the MBTA a possibility (166588)
Started on Fri Nov 10 01:42:32 2000, by Nick

Thread title: SEPTA subway-surface on surface only (166601)
Started on Fri Nov 10 07:47:11 2000, by chuchubob

Thread title: HBLR expansion accelerated (166605)
Started on Fri Nov 10 08:04:29 2000, by chuchubob

Thread title: Stardust Red Bird & MR LI (166614)
Started on Fri Nov 10 08:50:18 2000, by Thurston

Thread title: Transit Transit Pats Itself on the Back (166645)
Started on Fri Nov 10 11:13:11 2000, by Thurston

Thread title: HAPPY ARMISTICE DAY + news (166649)
Started on Fri Nov 10 12:10:40 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Which Interurban and when (166658)
Started on Fri Nov 10 12:40:12 2000, by avid reader

Thread title: GO Fun This Weekend- Queens to Manhattan (166671)
Started on Fri Nov 10 13:49:02 2000, by Howard Fein

Thread title: A Trolley grows in Glen Cove, L.I., N.Y. (166676)
Started on Fri Nov 10 14:07:55 2000, by streetcar_man

Thread title: The past coming back slowly. The return of graffiti. (166680)
Started on Fri Nov 10 14:39:53 2000, by Christopher Rivera

Thread title: 2 AVE SUBWAY. (166682)
Started on Fri Nov 10 14:45:48 2000, by parallelFLYER63

Thread title: Todd Glickman is on the Air (166697)
Started on Fri Nov 10 16:18:34 2000, by Hart Bus

Thread title: Bob Sent Me My World Series T Shirt (166698)
Started on Fri Nov 10 16:38:32 2000, by #4 Sea Beach Fred

Thread title: Elizabeth Station on the NEC line (166719)
Started on Fri Nov 10 18:09:04 2000, by JailhouseDoc

Thread title: I am back!!(oh no its him again) (166787)
Started on Sat Nov 11 00:07:09 2000, by los angeles rail system (salaamallah)

Thread title: DERAILMENT at 179th Street (166799)
Started on Sat Nov 11 00:49:42 2000, by zman179

Thread title: Qualification for 63rd St. (166807)
Started on Sat Nov 11 03:06:51 2000, by Bill from Maspeth

Thread title: DERANGEMENT at sheepshead bay (166815)
Started on Sat Nov 11 08:07:53 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: Chaos at Fulton St. yesterday (166819)
Started on Sat Nov 11 10:13:29 2000, by Chris R16

Thread title: Cable Car Fire in Germany(?) - Scores Killed (166824)
Started on Sat Nov 11 10:22:42 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: MOre information on the proposed W train during Manhattan Bridge Flip-flop in 2001. (166853)
Started on Sat Nov 11 15:05:54 2000, by follo

Thread title: Silverliners Not All Silver Any More (166861)
Started on Sat Nov 11 16:45:45 2000, by Bobw

Thread title: Bill "Newkirk" invades Noo Joisey !!! (166891)
Started on Sat Nov 11 18:58:39 2000, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: The "N" & "R" train(unfortunately did not have enough time to shoot it) wh (166901)
Started on Sat Nov 11 19:28:37 2000, by los angeles rail system (salaamallah)

Thread title: R16 on the C, & D line? (166902)
Started on Sat Nov 11 19:29:43 2000, by amin peralta

Thread title: Slant R40s on the Eastern Division line (166904)
Started on Sat Nov 11 19:35:05 2000, by amin peralta

Thread title: Iam going to attempt a Chat, go to Subtalk Live ***POLITICS*** (166906)
Started on Sat Nov 11 19:49:33 2000, by John J. Blair

Thread title: The Map - October 2000 issue - contians a big boo boo (166908)
Started on Sat Nov 11 20:01:50 2000, by Allan

Thread title: Transit: A Decision on the Margin (166913)
Started on Sat Nov 11 20:51:20 2000, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: Choosing your division (166916)
Started on Sat Nov 11 22:04:10 2000, by Vernon P

Thread title: Second Avenue subway notes (166918)
Started on Sat Nov 11 22:05:29 2000, by RonInBayside

Thread title: The 11th St. cut (166930)
Started on Sat Nov 11 23:48:28 2000, by Q Brightliner

Thread title: Signal question? (166947)
Started on Sun Nov 12 00:53:57 2000, by Mr Mabstoa

Thread title: ACELA Launch on Thursday (166948)
Started on Sun Nov 12 00:58:19 2000, by Nick

Thread title: This Weekend's G.O. On The Brighton Line (166951)
Started on Sun Nov 12 01:15:35 2000, by Lyle Goldman

Thread title: R-142A Trains On The #6 Line (166961)
Started on Sun Nov 12 01:31:25 2000, by Lyle Goldman

Thread title: T/O induction classes for first half of 2001 (166983)
Started on Sun Nov 12 04:09:09 2000, by zman179

Thread title: R142As in Yonkers, NY (166992)
Started on Sun Nov 12 09:43:51 2000, by Far Rockaway A Train

Thread title: Amtrak Caboose (167029)
Started on Sun Nov 12 14:10:17 2000, by DaWheelFlange

Thread title: Dead man positions (167051)
Started on Sun Nov 12 16:01:04 2000, by F Train

Thread title: "Style Wars" Subway Graffitti Documentary (167061)
Started on Sun Nov 12 17:01:14 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Chestnut Street Station on the J (167063)
Started on Sun Nov 12 17:06:39 2000, by

Thread title: Redesigned "Around the World" section (167131)
Started on Sun Nov 12 23:40:48 2000, by Rob from Atlanta

Thread title: SubTalkers Brooklyn Waterfront Railway Tour (167133)
Started on Sun Nov 12 23:57:41 2000, by BMTman

Thread title: Passenger Stabs Conductor w/Ice Pick (167167)
Started on Mon Nov 13 06:17:35 2000, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: #1 Brighton Beach Bob: AWOL?? MIA?? (167177)
Started on Mon Nov 13 07:58:12 2000, by BMTman

Thread title: Where can I purchase the "2001 New York City Subway Calendar"? (167183)
Started on Mon Nov 13 08:34:49 2000, by JNYFL

Thread title: STILL more NYC financial insanity (167202)
Started on Mon Nov 13 09:41:32 2000, by Peter Rosa

Thread title: Weekday Svc NOT on Brighton Booths (167220)
Started on Mon Nov 13 10:15:33 2000, by Lou from Brooklyn

Thread title: [Looking for people...] (167235)
Started on Mon Nov 13 10:56:55 2000, by ( 1 ) South Ferry ( 9 )

Thread title: G.O. on the Lexington Ave Line this weekend (167240)
Started on Mon Nov 13 11:02:14 2000, by Pelham Bay Dave

Thread title: Yet more proof that investors are idiots (167265)
Started on Mon Nov 13 12:15:01 2000, by Peter Rosa

Thread title: A Good Day Not To Ride The Trains (long and may be considered a rant)) (167266)
Started on Mon Nov 13 12:17:38 2000, by Howard Fein

Thread title: Very Interesting Amtrak's Thanksgiving Schedule (167282)
Started on Mon Nov 13 15:22:35 2000, by Chao-Hwa Chen

Thread title: Genesis vs toaster comparison (167315)
Started on Mon Nov 13 17:11:41 2000, by chuchubob

Thread title: NYC Subway Philly ! (167320)
Started on Mon Nov 13 17:15:56 2000, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: Reason for IRT dimensions and how they got the cars there (167328)
Started on Mon Nov 13 17:32:38 2000, by Rob from Atlanta

Thread title: Kawasaki art on the R142A (167351)
Started on Mon Nov 13 19:12:45 2000, by CanarsieShawn

Thread title: #1 Brighton Beach Bob On The Mend (167358)
Started on Mon Nov 13 19:38:03 2000, by #4 Sea Beach Fred

Thread title: R142 Deliveries to NY&A Fresh Pond Yard (167359)
Started on Mon Nov 13 19:38:06 2000, by CanarsieShawn

Thread title: Acela Article Printed in Sunday's Washington Post (167363)
Started on Mon Nov 13 20:19:54 2000, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: ACELA paint job = good, P42-9 = UGLY! (167392)
Started on Mon Nov 13 21:22:59 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: MTBA to spend 2.5 Billion over 5 years (167393)
Started on Mon Nov 13 21:28:10 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Any other "surprise" ACELA trips possible? (167394)
Started on Mon Nov 13 21:31:08 2000, by Nick

Thread title: Some L line notes. (167397)
Started on Mon Nov 13 21:43:23 2000, by SubBus

Thread title: For #4 Sea Beach Fred (167405)
Started on Mon Nov 13 22:22:21 2000, by BMTJeff

Thread title: For #4 Sea Beach Fred (167409)
Started on Mon Nov 13 22:24:48 2000, by BMTJeff

Thread title: PATH car - in Wilmington! (167419)
Started on Mon Nov 13 23:31:13 2000, by Anon_e_mouse

Thread title: Unidentified private car in D.C. (167421)
Started on Mon Nov 13 23:35:06 2000, by Anon_e_mouse

Thread title: A Sad Sunday Morning Story (167442)
Started on Tue Nov 14 00:15:50 2000, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: Conductor Tells His Side of Ice Pick Attack (167478)
Started on Tue Nov 14 05:45:37 2000, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: How about this idea for next year? (167523)
Started on Tue Nov 14 09:06:07 2000, by Eric B

Thread title: slant r-142a's on the # 6 line (167524)
Started on Tue Nov 14 09:15:03 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: Will the MBTA do anything about it's commuter rail for the next 5 years. (167527)
Started on Tue Nov 14 09:26:22 2000, by follo

Thread title: MTH R-32's are in the 2001 catalog (ready Aug. 01) (167548)
Started on Tue Nov 14 10:27:52 2000, by BMTman

Thread title: Special Delivery (167554)
Started on Tue Nov 14 10:48:48 2000, by Hank Eisenstein

Thread title: Norton's Point Trolley Question (167589)
Started on Tue Nov 14 13:42:00 2000, by Mark S. Feinman

Thread title: Starting the History of the BMT: Dates of Interest (167590)
Started on Tue Nov 14 13:45:15 2000, by Mark S. Feinman

Thread title: T-controllers (167595)
Started on Tue Nov 14 14:28:17 2000, by Rob King

Thread title: Acela Express to run Fri and Sat (167640)
Started on Tue Nov 14 18:28:52 2000, by chuchubob

Thread title: Houston METRO to extend light rail system (167646)
Started on Tue Nov 14 18:56:45 2000, by chuchubob

Thread title: East Jersey Railroad Company (167659)
Started on Tue Nov 14 20:35:23 2000, by DaWheelFlange

Thread title: 12-9 at Broadway - Lafayette Streets Station (167666)
Started on Tue Nov 14 20:53:13 2000, by R68A - 5200

Thread title: What are the odds? (167674)
Started on Tue Nov 14 21:16:53 2000, by Train Dude

Thread title: correction: r142 deliveries being redirected to nycds fresh kills yard (167689)
Started on Tue Nov 14 22:10:22 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: This Just In.....Status of R--142 6341-45 (167694)
Started on Tue Nov 14 22:40:39 2000, by Stef

Thread title: G.O. On The Brighton Line, Part 2 (167710)
Started on Tue Nov 14 23:28:03 2000, by Lyle Goldman

Thread title: Unused LIRR tunnel under & parrelleling 63rd Street Tunnel? (167713)
Started on Tue Nov 14 23:37:43 2000, by BMTman

Thread title: 63rd St. connector (167724)
Started on Wed Nov 15 00:11:54 2000, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: [Kabomwabarsadikier] (167732)
Started on Wed Nov 15 00:21:12 2000, by ( 1 ) South Ferry ( 9 )

Thread title: Ice Pick Professor Relieved of Duties (167761)
Started on Wed Nov 15 05:20:09 2000, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: R142/142A and the Manhattan Bridge Flip-flop in 2001 (167765)
Started on Wed Nov 15 07:22:30 2000, by jrf

Thread title: HBLR Newport service Saturday (167768)
Started on Wed Nov 15 08:01:53 2000, by chuchubob

Thread title: 'Lubricant' on Tracks Offers Clue to Austrian Fire (167782)
Started on Wed Nov 15 09:24:41 2000, by Mark S. Feinman

Thread title: Amtrak Is Putting Its Hope on a Successful Acela Express (167784)
Started on Wed Nov 15 09:25:35 2000, by Mark S. Feinman

Thread title: Drunk Conductor (167788)
Started on Wed Nov 15 09:35:19 2000, by Vernon P

Thread title: historic NYC subway line like SF "F" line ... brainstorming (167792)
Started on Wed Nov 15 09:48:01 2000, by JV

Thread title: Car Ends @ Wet Seal Broadway and Bond (167811)
Started on Wed Nov 15 10:12:38 2000, by Lou from Brooklyn

Thread title: LIRR abandoned tracks (167825)
Started on Wed Nov 15 11:20:57 2000, by marty

Thread title: New (Unofficial) Line Name Proposal (167853)
Started on Wed Nov 15 12:15:17 2000, by Keystone Pete

Thread title: Photo problem (167896)
Started on Wed Nov 15 13:38:32 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Final Act for Amtrak F40's (167900)
Started on Wed Nov 15 13:54:55 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Acela Express Inaugural Run Tomorrow (167950)
Started on Wed Nov 15 17:10:55 2000, by Chao-Hwa Chen

Thread title: Karl M-Ex-New Yorker! (167993)
Started on Wed Nov 15 19:24:18 2000, by Karl B

Thread title: C-Types, An Articulated Unit???? (167996)
Started on Wed Nov 15 19:31:24 2000, by Karl B

Thread title: Out of service (167997)
Started on Wed Nov 15 19:31:52 2000, by SubBus

Thread title: High-speed train set for first run . . . (168001)
Started on Wed Nov 15 20:12:43 2000, by wsteil

Thread title: R-21/22 could some be still in service? (though ready to be scrapped? ) (168014)
Started on Wed Nov 15 20:52:44 2000, by KHI

Thread title: Another Transit Milestone (168021)
Started on Wed Nov 15 21:48:45 2000, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Off topic - but funny (168029)
Started on Wed Nov 15 22:39:38 2000, by Peter Rosa

Thread title: SEPTA Holiday Trolley to Ride Again (168030)
Started on Wed Nov 15 22:44:17 2000, by Bobw

Thread title: The Great Flip Flop of 2001 (168033)
Started on Wed Nov 15 22:50:33 2000, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: H2 Track (168067)
Started on Thu Nov 16 04:55:47 2000, by

Thread title: REDBIRD conks man on the head (168069)
Started on Thu Nov 16 05:16:07 2000, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: P.A.T.H. Fare Increase Being Considered (168070)
Started on Thu Nov 16 05:20:34 2000, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: $2 fare for PATH (168076)
Started on Thu Nov 16 05:41:37 2000, by

Thread title: Re: 3's stored at 137th St Yard.... (168098)
Started on Thu Nov 16 09:03:11 2000, by LoV Bill

Thread title: Acela Express Run to end with fireworks! (168132)
Started on Thu Nov 16 10:40:19 2000, by Nick

Thread title: IRT routes 8-13 (168143)
Started on Thu Nov 16 10:53:26 2000, by Eric B

Thread title: I almost saw the Acela Express (168236)
Started on Thu Nov 16 14:15:18 2000, by chuchubob

Thread title: LIRR MUS (168262)
Started on Thu Nov 16 16:30:52 2000, by F Train

Thread title: Free rides on Wednesday (168271)
Started on Thu Nov 16 17:12:52 2000, by RIPTA42HopeTunnel

Thread title: I Met Acela Express at South Station (168275)
Started on Thu Nov 16 17:43:12 2000, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: Walkway at Grand Central shuttle station (168311)
Started on Thu Nov 16 19:51:45 2000, by Rob from Atlanta

Started on Thu Nov 16 21:39:43 2000, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: MOVIE OF ACELA EXPRESS W/ SEPTA (168381)
Started on Thu Nov 16 23:08:01 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: R-142 Observations - First Ride (168384)
Started on Thu Nov 16 23:23:22 2000, by Train Dude

Thread title: Shameless promotion of my website (168392)
Started on Thu Nov 16 23:48:45 2000, by Rob H

Thread title: Shameless promotion of my website (168394)
Started on Thu Nov 16 23:50:00 2000, by Rob H

Thread title: Route Letters After Bridge Flip (168406)
Started on Fri Nov 17 00:19:52 2000, by Mike Rothenberg

Thread title: L.A. has its own 2nd Avenue Subway (168431)
Started on Fri Nov 17 04:44:31 2000, by Old Tom

Thread title: Subway "Gate Crashers" Nailed (168432)
Started on Fri Nov 17 05:16:04 2000, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: ACELA EXPRESS Leaves Boston (168444)
Started on Fri Nov 17 08:27:31 2000, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: Who is on the List for OC Conductor (168472)
Started on Fri Nov 17 09:40:15 2000, by Pelham Bay Dave

Thread title: Acela Express Token Press Coverage (168483)
Started on Fri Nov 17 10:06:58 2000, by Keystone Pete

Thread title: More than one new train on 2 or 6?? (168508)
Started on Fri Nov 17 11:15:53 2000, by Joe

Thread title: use coney island boardwalk for light rail pcc car line (result of electrical brainstorming) (168520)
Started on Fri Nov 17 11:44:00 2000, by heypaul

Started on Fri Nov 17 11:51:28 2000, by FDNY

Thread title: Newark City Subway running Thanksgiving weekend! (168573)
Started on Fri Nov 17 14:58:12 2000, by RIPTA42HopeTunnel

Thread title: [DC METRO: Food For.... Arrest?] (168575)
Started on Fri Nov 17 15:06:36 2000, by ( 1 ) South Ferry ( 9 )

Thread title: NY Times Weighs-In on Acela Speed Restrictions (168594)
Started on Fri Nov 17 15:59:29 2000, by Keystone Pete

Thread title: Newark City Subway (168602)
Started on Fri Nov 17 16:41:12 2000, by LIRR FL9

Thread title: high speed rail like Acela (168604)
Started on Fri Nov 17 16:48:23 2000, by Rob King

Thread title: HBLR Changes (168605)
Started on Fri Nov 17 16:53:29 2000, by

Thread title: Amtrak's Thanksgiving leases (168630)
Started on Fri Nov 17 20:03:15 2000, by chuchubob

Thread title: PCC trip on December 3rd. (168633)
Started on Fri Nov 17 20:26:29 2000, by Robert King

Thread title: SIR (168638)
Started on Fri Nov 17 20:41:19 2000, by MICKNITS

Thread title: SIR (168639)
Started on Fri Nov 17 20:43:17 2000, by MICKNITS

Thread title: JFK-AirTrain Now Arriving... (168654)
Started on Fri Nov 17 21:30:02 2000, by Proman74

Thread title: Slightly off topic......Thunderbolt Roller Coaster in Coney Island DEMOLISHED (168656)
Started on Fri Nov 17 22:33:19 2000, by Mark W.

Thread title: The 2nd Av subway wasn't the only one to go down the drain. Some other lines that were not to be. (168674)
Started on Fri Nov 17 23:47:02 2000, by zman179

Thread title: Getting a Hold on R-142 Deliveries (168716)
Started on Sat Nov 18 01:45:53 2000, by Stef

Thread title: R-110A Question (168748)
Started on Sat Nov 18 11:02:47 2000, by R-29

Thread title: Question about the R46 cars (168754)
Started on Sat Nov 18 11:31:50 2000, by amin peralta

Thread title: What is this about the R-44s & R-46s (168760)
Started on Sat Nov 18 12:51:45 2000, by JailhouseDoc

Thread title: Concourse Line Rebuild (168767)
Started on Sat Nov 18 13:34:06 2000, by Christopher Rivera

Thread title: Subway Sculptures (168777)
Started on Sat Nov 18 14:15:48 2000, by Train Dude

Thread title: [Redbirds 9/30] (168806)
Started on Sat Nov 18 16:32:38 2000, by ( 1 ) South Ferry ( 9 )

Thread title: contact (168810)
Started on Sat Nov 18 17:05:58 2000, by Gomez62

Thread title: Railfan Trip/Why We Don't Eat on the DC Metro/WMATA News (168816)
Started on Sat Nov 18 18:11:15 2000, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Picture of Chestnut St. steelwork (168831)
Started on Sat Nov 18 19:05:33 2000, by Chris R16

Thread title: New Amtrak Revelations (168832)
Started on Sat Nov 18 19:11:57 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Amtrak Employes Continue to Impress (168833)
Started on Sat Nov 18 19:18:04 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Queensboro Plaza Master Tower (168846)
Started on Sat Nov 18 20:39:54 2000, by Train Dude

Thread title: [Token Booth Clerk Tackles Passenger] (168872)
Started on Sat Nov 18 22:49:37 2000, by ( 1 ) South Ferry ( 9 )

Thread title: Jamaica-LIRR, subway access (168877)
Started on Sat Nov 18 23:28:51 2000, by John

Thread title: Perfect timing! (168885)
Started on Sun Nov 19 00:39:46 2000, by David McCabe

Thread title: R110A Trucks (168892)
Started on Sun Nov 19 01:19:09 2000, by Nick

Thread title: ACELA SPEEDS VS. METROLINER (168918)
Started on Sun Nov 19 07:11:02 2000, by TransitChuckG

Thread title: Friday Ferry Fire (168937)
Started on Sun Nov 19 08:55:39 2000, by chuchubob

Thread title: Any progress on the full length 2nd Av subway. (168942)
Started on Sun Nov 19 09:33:12 2000, by follo

Thread title: I've got your Acela Regional and NY&A JPEGs Right Here (168980)
Started on Sun Nov 19 13:30:08 2000, by DaWheelFlange

Thread title: Museum Gate Cars--Does Anyone...? (169054)
Started on Sun Nov 19 19:32:01 2000, by Paul Matus

Thread title: NY/NJ could learn a lot from Seattle's PugetPass farecard system (169089)
Started on Sun Nov 19 20:41:30 2000, by Spunky of Light Rail Fame (Siemens SD-600)

Thread title: Lex Ave G.O. mistake by 59st (169114)
Started on Sun Nov 19 21:27:47 2000, by Henry R32 #3730

Thread title: Where are the Cuts? (169121)
Started on Sun Nov 19 21:39:16 2000, by #4 Sea Beach Fred

Thread title: The current HBLR arrangement, smart and dumb at the same time (169131)
Started on Sun Nov 19 21:56:03 2000, by Henry R32 #3730

Thread title: 1 down (169224)
Started on Mon Nov 20 11:16:45 2000, by Aaron 75 Ave

Thread title: Metro-North FL-9 2021 (169235)
Started on Mon Nov 20 12:09:47 2000, by Aaron 75 Ave

Thread title: The dopiest Poetry in Motion so far (169237)
Started on Mon Nov 20 12:18:00 2000, by Peter Rosa

Thread title: Commuter ferries (169249)
Started on Mon Nov 20 12:56:54 2000, by Rob from Atlanta

Thread title: LIRR "Begin Info Zone" (169271)
Started on Mon Nov 20 14:17:50 2000, by Lou from Brooklyn

Thread title: Coutning during G.O. = STUPID (169276)
Started on Mon Nov 20 14:25:14 2000, by Lou from Brooklyn

Thread title: Windows (169286)
Started on Mon Nov 20 15:19:09 2000, by nappy

Thread title: Stairways Closed Suddenly & w/o Explanation (169290)
Started on Mon Nov 20 15:31:12 2000, by Howard Fein

Thread title: More Acela Express Pictures from 11/16 (169292)
Started on Mon Nov 20 15:57:31 2000, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: Another R-142 Delivery Plus A Surprise! (169339)
Started on Mon Nov 20 21:35:58 2000, by Stef

Thread title: RIP Sandy Gaster (169363)
Started on Mon Nov 20 23:37:37 2000, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: Transit Museum to add LIRR coach? (169367)
Started on Mon Nov 20 23:45:17 2000, by BMTman

Thread title: Passenger Mistreated on Amtrak Train This Weekend (169377)
Started on Tue Nov 21 00:40:00 2000, by Lyle Goldman

Thread title: Doing A Double Take (169385)
Started on Tue Nov 21 01:34:43 2000, by Stef

Thread title: Yet another dead passenger? (169388)
Started on Tue Nov 21 02:26:39 2000, by Number7Rider

Thread title: Disruption On E and F Lines (169396)
Started on Tue Nov 21 04:21:12 2000, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: A Strange 7 Train Move (169462)
Started on Tue Nov 21 10:46:43 2000, by R36 #9346

Thread title: Rubber Tires (169464)
Started on Tue Nov 21 10:52:10 2000, by Aaron 75 Ave

Thread title: (169470)
Started on Tue Nov 21 11:05:15 2000, by Aaron 75 Ave

Thread title: Connections to high-speed rail (169509)
Started on Tue Nov 21 15:09:26 2000, by ar

Thread title: What's at 33rd and Queens Blvd? (169530)
Started on Tue Nov 21 17:21:48 2000, by MisterK

Thread title: Major G.O. on 2 Line (169532)
Started on Tue Nov 21 17:35:26 2000, by

Thread title: Thanksgivign Day Service (169536)
Started on Tue Nov 21 18:13:05 2000, by

Thread title: R110 At 207th St Yard (169544)
Started on Tue Nov 21 18:52:23 2000, by CanarsieShawn

Thread title: Actual merger of BMT/IND (169554)
Started on Tue Nov 21 19:37:06 2000, by jabrams

Thread title: 145 St Tower, the worst tower in the system! (169558)
Started on Tue Nov 21 19:48:16 2000, by Christopher Rivera

Thread title: Wife Ready to Sell Car (169584)
Started on Tue Nov 21 22:36:53 2000, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: LIRR East Side Acess (169586)
Started on Tue Nov 21 22:44:56 2000, by greg

Thread title: Grafitti In The New Age (169677)
Started on Wed Nov 22 08:42:24 2000, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: Redbird Sign Readings (169685)
Started on Wed Nov 22 09:04:04 2000, by R36 #9346

Thread title: A Thanksgiving Day rant (169686)
Started on Wed Nov 22 09:05:27 2000, by Peter Rosa

Thread title: Today's Newsday has a whole feature story on the 1950 LIRR Thanksgiving eve crash, pg A7, with pi (169713)
Started on Wed Nov 22 10:40:10 2000, by Jeffrey Rosen

Thread title: "New Directions" for Local 100 (169724)
Started on Wed Nov 22 11:43:27 2000, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: what the?? this looks like hell! (169731)
Started on Wed Nov 22 12:36:18 2000, by marty

Thread title: Electronic desination signs for the R142 & R142A cars. (169734)
Started on Wed Nov 22 12:40:54 2000, by follo

Thread title: Boston Big Dig Photo Gallery Update (169746)
Started on Wed Nov 22 14:20:47 2000, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: Need Suggestions (169752)
Started on Wed Nov 22 15:28:14 2000, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Acela Express Promotional Runs (169758)
Started on Wed Nov 22 16:18:59 2000, by Nick

Thread title: senority sirt div? (169774)
Started on Wed Nov 22 17:25:59 2000, by smoker

Thread title: Lest we forget-those who died at Richmond Hill (169787)
Started on Wed Nov 22 18:37:39 2000, by Wayne-MrSlantR40

Thread title: Our roads are Insane! (169803)
Started on Wed Nov 22 19:50:29 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Today's photography excursion (169807)
Started on Wed Nov 22 20:02:49 2000, by Rob from Atlanta

Thread title: Poster Person for NIMBY cause (169808)
Started on Wed Nov 22 20:04:02 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: MARC in Jersey (169809)
Started on Wed Nov 22 20:11:09 2000, by chuchubob

Thread title: Thanksgiving Day Parade (169825)
Started on Wed Nov 22 20:45:19 2000, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: Norfolk Southern engineers: Down with the bags! (169835)
Started on Wed Nov 22 21:16:03 2000, by Peter Rosa

Thread title: Train Rumors (169847)
Started on Wed Nov 22 21:30:44 2000, by Balz Weiss (a.k.a The Cashman)

Thread title: Hudson Tubes [PATH] Website (169871)
Started on Wed Nov 22 22:47:20 2000, by bob k

Thread title: Car Assignments on the 4 (169881)
Started on Wed Nov 22 23:43:08 2000, by Stef

Thread title: 11 trains in 2.5 hours! (Loong) (169901)
Started on Thu Nov 23 00:20:05 2000, by JerseyDevil

Thread title: D/M Picture in Banner Picture (169905)
Started on Thu Nov 23 01:24:39 2000, by Lyle Goldman

Thread title: find a quiet moment to consider your blessings (169930)
Started on Thu Nov 23 05:05:31 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: HAPPY THANKSGIVING (169953)
Started on Thu Nov 23 09:44:39 2000, by FDNY

Thread title: New Lots Av Tower (169963)
Started on Thu Nov 23 10:33:45 2000, by J Hart

Thread title: Rats! No Acela Express Again on Metroliner 228/229 (169964)
Started on Thu Nov 23 10:43:29 2000, by Chao-Hwa Chen

Thread title: R62A on the #2 (169965)
Started on Thu Nov 23 10:46:44 2000, by amin peralta

Thread title: What Color was the "T" Train Going to Be? (169976)
Started on Thu Nov 23 11:45:12 2000, by Its That Flxible Metro

Thread title: subway series train (170009)
Started on Thu Nov 23 13:18:37 2000, by nyustar

Thread title: Old LIRR stations & routes and freight services (170032)
Started on Thu Nov 23 14:10:17 2000, by zman179

Thread title: Transit & Weather & SubTalk Together (170076)
Started on Thu Nov 23 16:18:20 2000, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: Local stops that should be express stops (170095)
Started on Thu Nov 23 18:36:09 2000, by Isaac Shomer

Thread title: Garbage Bags (170122)
Started on Thu Nov 23 20:49:34 2000, by Bill from Maspeth

Thread title: Dallas Area Rapid Transit (170136)
Started on Thu Nov 23 21:55:57 2000, by Mark S. Feinman

Thread title: Acela story (170188)
Started on Fri Nov 24 11:58:58 2000, by smoker

Thread title: Acela like engines at Sunnyside (170207)
Started on Fri Nov 24 13:42:44 2000, by kroma

Thread title: Observations from the Film "Unbreakable" (170225)
Started on Fri Nov 24 14:17:07 2000, by Keystone Pete

Thread title: DC Metro Running in Automatic (170239)
Started on Fri Nov 24 15:50:57 2000, by Rich

Thread title: Union election ballots (170251)
Started on Fri Nov 24 17:45:16 2000, by rjmotor

Thread title: Lets officially make today "Railfan Day" (170259)
Started on Fri Nov 24 18:07:01 2000, by Chris R16

Thread title: Canal St. "funk" (170260)
Started on Fri Nov 24 18:10:09 2000, by Chris R16

Thread title: Re: New Subtalk Pet Peeve (170264)
Started on Fri Nov 24 18:19:25 2000, by Lou from Brooklyn

Thread title: Newark light rail in April? (170266)
Started on Fri Nov 24 18:20:34 2000, by chuchubob

Thread title: What would be the colors of the Second Avenue Line? (170307)
Started on Fri Nov 24 19:57:44 2000, by Christopher Rivera

Thread title: Announcements of Dubious (or no) Value (170418)
Started on Sat Nov 25 01:10:19 2000, by Howard Fein

Thread title: After a long waitâ€Ĥ The next chat! (170422)
Started on Sat Nov 25 01:36:51 2000, by Pork: The Other White Meat

Thread title: 1 OLD LIRR Set tonight....... (170425)
Started on Sat Nov 25 01:49:35 2000, by Tom MR R36 Maley

Thread title: The Acelas; A Question of Speed??????? (170434)
Started on Sat Nov 25 05:55:41 2000, by Subway Fan

Thread title: 8980 and Graffiti (170454)
Started on Sat Nov 25 11:26:47 2000, by SubBus

Thread title: Manhattan Bridge: It's Official (170455)
Started on Sat Nov 25 11:30:27 2000, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: Boston's MBTA System. (170457)
Started on Sat Nov 25 11:42:49 2000, by follo

Thread title: MBTA's Commuter Rail extensions? (170459)
Started on Sat Nov 25 11:45:27 2000, by follo

Thread title: Question to Dave: can I change my handle? (170486)
Started on Sat Nov 25 14:27:24 2000, by Chris R16

Thread title: Is there a webpage for the MBTA's New Bedford/Fall River Commuter Rail project? (170496)
Started on Sat Nov 25 15:46:36 2000, by follo

Thread title: Railfan Review of Unbreakable + Questions (170504)
Started on Sat Nov 25 16:33:40 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: REVIEW of the NEW Amtrak 2001 Travel Planner (170507)
Started on Sat Nov 25 16:48:56 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Disgusting e-mail (170510)
Started on Sat Nov 25 17:03:33 2000, by Chris R16

Thread title: Chris R16 retired....Chris R27-R30 begins service (170515)
Started on Sat Nov 25 17:18:49 2000, by Chris R27-R30

Thread title: Trials, Tribulations and Laughs on Amtrak's Vermonter (170518)
Started on Sat Nov 25 17:37:22 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Ride a PCC car in Philadelphia (170543)
Started on Sat Nov 25 18:55:40 2000, by Basman

Thread title: Is Unreserved seating a thing of the past? (170549)
Started on Sat Nov 25 19:39:06 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Amtrak Ticket and Reservation system (170551)
Started on Sat Nov 25 19:42:30 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Friday's rides (170552)
Started on Sat Nov 25 19:55:05 2000, by John

Thread title: Some questions about the subject of my new handle (170565)
Started on Sat Nov 25 21:56:02 2000, by Chris R27-R30

Thread title: Amtrak employees and Tipping (170589)
Started on Sat Nov 25 22:39:49 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: SubTalker's Brooklyn Waterfront Railway Tour (rescheduled) (170667)
Started on Sun Nov 26 10:50:34 2000, by BMTman

Thread title: Food Service Cars on Commuter Rail (170691)
Started on Sun Nov 26 11:37:43 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Movie Subway Shots (170719)
Started on Sun Nov 26 15:11:17 2000, by Gotham Bus Co.

Thread title: Can some1 post the radio codes again? (170720)
Started on Sun Nov 26 15:12:12 2000, by F Train

Thread title: Lost Cars R62 on #4 Line (170721)
Started on Sun Nov 26 15:18:38 2000, by David Justiniano

Thread title: Don't do the Twist (Bridge) (170766)
Started on Sun Nov 26 17:32:39 2000, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: New Lots Ave Tower (170777)
Started on Sun Nov 26 17:48:15 2000, by SubBus

Thread title: Happy Birthday to..........Me! (170779)
Started on Sun Nov 26 18:14:20 2000, by SephirothR142

Thread title: Hudson Bergen Light Rail (170784)
Started on Sun Nov 26 18:37:21 2000, by Tony Mirabella

Thread title: What is the best Express in the NYCTA? (170797)
Started on Sun Nov 26 19:18:57 2000, by Christopher Rivera

Thread title: AEM-7 load limit? (170800)
Started on Sun Nov 26 19:40:09 2000, by chuchubob

Thread title: ACELA Subway (170834)
Started on Sun Nov 26 21:57:36 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Acela Coast-to-Coast! (170906)
Started on Mon Nov 27 01:41:20 2000, by David Cole

Thread title: The new list (170908)
Started on Mon Nov 27 01:56:32 2000, by LuchAAA

Thread title: N1 & N2 (170922)
Started on Mon Nov 27 04:09:52 2000, by CanarsieShawn

Thread title: TA Says 63rd St. Is READY (170926)
Started on Mon Nov 27 05:29:01 2000, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: R142's (170928)
Started on Mon Nov 27 05:32:06 2000, by CanarsieShawn

Thread title: 1 Train Kills Rider (170929)
Started on Mon Nov 27 05:32:26 2000, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: Bronx Botanical Gardens Train Show (170958)
Started on Mon Nov 27 09:03:33 2000, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: RailFanning on Fri. (170964)
Started on Mon Nov 27 09:25:23 2000, by Thurston

Thread title: Amtrak Troubles Sunday (170990)
Started on Mon Nov 27 10:40:54 2000, by Lou from Brooklyn

Thread title: Jamaica Rebirth? (170991)
Started on Mon Nov 27 10:50:29 2000, by Mark S. Feinman

Thread title: NYC Subway Ridership Increase from 1992 - 1999 (170997)
Started on Mon Nov 27 11:28:58 2000, by Mark S. Feinman

Thread title: Electronic LED Conductor Board??? (171002)
Started on Mon Nov 27 11:44:42 2000, by Lou from Brooklyn

Thread title: Gaping a 4 Train 17min 42st-Atlantic?? (171004)
Started on Mon Nov 27 11:51:52 2000, by Lou from Brooklyn

Thread title: failed handle change try later ... (171019)
Started on Mon Nov 27 12:30:49 2000, by los angeles rail system (salaamallah)

Thread title: Another Railfanning on Friday post... (171030)
Started on Mon Nov 27 12:50:11 2000, by R36 #9346

Thread title: HBLR Thanksgiving (171056)
Started on Mon Nov 27 13:59:10 2000, by Howard Fein

Thread title: Follo hasn't asked so... (171061)
Started on Mon Nov 27 14:13:09 2000, by Lou from Brooklyn

Thread title: I finally got my Pictures (171067)
Started on Mon Nov 27 14:25:05 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Crash @ Fordham Road (171075)
Started on Mon Nov 27 15:02:28 2000, by jrf

Thread title: WMATA to Consider 8 Car Trains (171110)
Started on Mon Nov 27 16:58:42 2000, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Overall, which trains are the best on the IRT? BMT? and IND? (171122)
Started on Mon Nov 27 17:47:56 2000, by SephirothR142

Thread title: Noise in the Subway and Elsewhere (171128)
Started on Mon Nov 27 17:57:42 2000, by Gotham Bus Co.

Thread title: Belt Parkway to gain another exit (and relief for Green Acres Mall) (171139)
Started on Mon Nov 27 18:47:33 2000, by BMTman

Thread title: 6321-6325 are @ Linden Yard!!! (171150)
Started on Mon Nov 27 19:16:57 2000, by SubBus

Thread title: R-142 sighting at Fresh Pond today (Nov.27) (171160)
Started on Mon Nov 27 20:11:10 2000, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: Train Display at Brooklyn Botanical Gardens (171168)
Started on Mon Nov 27 20:53:22 2000, by Gary Wengeroff

Thread title: MNRR and Thanksgiving (171195)
Started on Mon Nov 27 21:46:20 2000, by LeftyMoose

Thread title: Catching the R142's on the Hellgate? (171238)
Started on Mon Nov 27 23:42:39 2000, by CanarsieShawn

Thread title: University Park Metra Electric (171247)
Started on Tue Nov 28 00:07:20 2000, by BJ

Thread title: Freight moves (171251)
Started on Tue Nov 28 00:13:29 2000, by JailhouseDoc

Thread title: NY&A "Virtual Tour" Bay Ridge Branch (171252)
Started on Tue Nov 28 00:22:41 2000, by CanarsieShawn

Thread title: AirTran (171268)
Started on Tue Nov 28 01:33:00 2000, by LuchAAA

Thread title: Bad Switch Sited In DeKalb Derail (171288)
Started on Tue Nov 28 05:09:04 2000, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: No Fare Hikes Expected In 2001 (171289)
Started on Tue Nov 28 05:12:45 2000, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: MetroCard Swap/Buy/Sell Meet (171315)
Started on Tue Nov 28 08:39:29 2000, by Thurston

Thread title: Metro ATO smooth (171338)
Started on Tue Nov 28 09:48:24 2000, by chuchubob

Thread title: lessons learned by mta new car procurement department from r-142 order (171349)
Started on Tue Nov 28 10:14:49 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: "M" on weekends (171353)
Started on Tue Nov 28 10:32:10 2000, by transitbuff

Thread title: Hunters Point Station Totally "BOMBED!" (171364)
Started on Tue Nov 28 10:54:12 2000, by Keystone Pete

Thread title: PATH Map No HBLR (Internet) (171365)
Started on Tue Nov 28 10:56:23 2000, by Lou from Brooklyn

Thread title: 63rd Street Connector & Manhattan Bridge switchover will cause two subway map updates twice in (171375)
Started on Tue Nov 28 11:29:53 2000, by MrNYC2000Info

Thread title: New Amtrak "Air Force" to patrol NEC (171397)
Started on Tue Nov 28 12:16:54 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Wasted NYC land (was Coney Island Decline) (171435)
Started on Tue Nov 28 14:38:47 2000, by Rich Dorfman

Thread title: heypaul entertainment group submits bid for subway and bus crewroom recreational facilities (171438)
Started on Tue Nov 28 14:45:45 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: Roll Signs on other trains (171452)
Started on Tue Nov 28 15:36:02 2000, by Astoria Al

Thread title: AirTrain: Clear up misconceptions (171453)
Started on Tue Nov 28 15:46:22 2000, by RonInBayside

Thread title: AirTrain Misconceptions Part II (171456)
Started on Tue Nov 28 15:58:57 2000, by RonInBayside

Thread title: an anagram (171491)
Started on Tue Nov 28 17:36:50 2000, by Evan

Thread title: ACELA Tickets (171495)
Started on Tue Nov 28 17:53:18 2000, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: LIRR official discussed DM30 fires (171500)
Started on Tue Nov 28 18:25:39 2000, by chuchubob

Thread title: New cars in boston (171537)
Started on Tue Nov 28 20:31:58 2000, by trainboy3800

Thread title: Possible SubTalk event idea... (171545)
Started on Tue Nov 28 20:55:54 2000, by CanarsieShawn

Thread title: bridge/63 st (171547)
Started on Tue Nov 28 21:01:05 2000, by rjmotor

Thread title: The Case of the Disappearing Logos (171553)
Started on Tue Nov 28 21:32:17 2000, by Stef

Thread title: Financial Support (171554)
Started on Tue Nov 28 21:38:05 2000, by RonInBayside

Thread title: The List (171556)
Started on Tue Nov 28 21:41:57 2000, by Vernon P

Thread title: Blame for June's Derailment at DeKalb Avenue (171558)
Started on Tue Nov 28 21:43:18 2000, by markskan

Thread title: Stations that should have crossovers, but don't (171564)
Started on Tue Nov 28 22:02:41 2000, by Henry R32 #3730

Thread title: TA closes important pedestrian tunnel, Queens Blvd street traffic tied up (171575)
Started on Tue Nov 28 22:27:26 2000, by Henry R32 #3730

Thread title: Will There Be Another Transit Tag Sale? (171581)
Started on Tue Nov 28 22:37:55 2000, by SilverFox

Thread title: Several interesting happenings (171583)
Started on Tue Nov 28 22:45:15 2000, by John

Thread title: The World Trade Center elevators (171585)
Started on Tue Nov 28 22:47:32 2000, by Henry R32 #3730

Thread title: 6th ave local vs. express (171586)
Started on Tue Nov 28 22:48:28 2000, by John

Thread title: Hot Times on the High Iron: Just another one of those days (171592)
Started on Tue Nov 28 23:02:28 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Abandoned brooklyn station (171594)
Started on Tue Nov 28 23:10:20 2000, by Rob from Atlanta

Thread title: R-142A 7261-7270 having "a few" problems (171595)
Started on Tue Nov 28 23:15:24 2000, by Henry R32 #3730

Thread title: Interesting sightings at GCT... (171627)
Started on Wed Nov 29 00:30:46 2000, by CanarsieShawn

Thread title: WD signals at Chambers Street on Nassau Line... (171630)
Started on Wed Nov 29 00:36:31 2000, by CanarsieShawn

Thread title: R142 Delivery Today (171644)
Started on Wed Nov 29 03:35:34 2000, by CanarsieShawn

Thread title: Transit Museum History &c. (171677)
Started on Wed Nov 29 08:25:03 2000, by Paul Matus

Thread title: NYPost: Ten R142 Trains to be Put Into Revenue Service by New Year's Eve (171724)
Started on Wed Nov 29 11:40:06 2000, by markskan

Thread title: Citigroup Center Lines Abandoned (171792)
Started on Wed Nov 29 15:35:35 2000, by Keystone Pete

Thread title: Who got the First ACELA Ticket you ask... (171805)
Started on Wed Nov 29 16:10:02 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: ten r142 trains will be taken out of revenue service on new years day... (171840)
Started on Wed Nov 29 18:33:10 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: MTH R-42 D Train--A New Discovery (171843)
Started on Wed Nov 29 19:07:57 2000, by Karl B

Thread title: Chicago's Antique "L" Cars Move (171850)
Started on Wed Nov 29 20:09:26 2000, by David Harrison

Thread title: Stef: Heads Up! Another set of 142's coming your way! (171900)
Started on Wed Nov 29 23:20:57 2000, by BMTman

Thread title: Custom T Shirts: We Need HELP!! (171904)
Started on Wed Nov 29 23:25:42 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: How do you refer to the LIRR? (171908)
Started on Wed Nov 29 23:30:29 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Question about a IRT car history document (171911)
Started on Wed Nov 29 23:34:14 2000, by David Pirmann - Web Site Host

Thread title: Staris to old station platform (171923)
Started on Wed Nov 29 23:51:12 2000, by LuchAAA

Started on Wed Nov 29 23:57:32 2000, by Professor Putter
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