SubTalk Archive 4/2000

Thread title: It's Official- R62A's To be Assigned To Number 7 Line! (108837)
Started on Sat Apr 1 00:14:57 2000, by Transit Worker

Thread title: Fantrips for the R26-29 and R33-36 (108861)
Started on Sat Apr 1 05:52:10 2000, by amin peralta

Thread title: heypaul will be the focus of this month's transit transit show (108867)
Started on Sat Apr 1 06:52:04 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: Monorail Lines (108869)
Started on Sat Apr 1 07:43:33 2000, by

Thread title: What's next for the LIRR (108873)
Started on Sat Apr 1 08:21:25 2000, by Train Dude

Thread title: Redbirds of the #7 line (108900)
Started on Sat Apr 1 11:13:27 2000, by amin peralta

Thread title: San Francisco Giants-new ballpark downtown, RAIL-TRANSIT-NIGHTMARE(s)!!!!! (108974)
Started on Sat Apr 1 17:56:59 2000, by los angeles rail system (salaamallah)

Thread title: Electric city trolley Station and museum (108979)
Started on Sat Apr 1 18:17:59 2000, by Mr Mabstoa

Thread title: Electric city trolley Station and museum (108980)
Started on Sat Apr 1 18:18:33 2000, by Mr Mabstoa

Thread title: SIRT Car #366 (109008)
Started on Sat Apr 1 21:13:39 2000, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: The Map - March 2000 Multilingual Edition (109036)
Started on Sat Apr 1 23:00:45 2000, by Allan

Thread title: Trains on Macdonald Ave. (109039)
Started on Sat Apr 1 23:17:29 2000, by King Solomon

Thread title: Excellent series about the subways on WNYC Radio (109068)
Started on Sun Apr 2 01:34:02 2000, by Mike Pollock

Thread title: S F ballpark update (109071)
Started on Sun Apr 2 03:25:53 2000, by david vartanoff

Thread title: Numbers not used today (109089)
Started on Sun Apr 2 09:16:58 2000, by amin peralta

Thread title: R27/30 rollsigns (109090)
Started on Sun Apr 2 09:25:55 2000, by amin peralta

Thread title: Anti-transit (109097)
Started on Sun Apr 2 10:54:39 2000, by Euclid Avenue A Train

Thread title: "A" train (109102)
Started on Sun Apr 2 12:31:28 2000, by amin peralta

Thread title: OPTO on G line is 24/7?? (109109)
Started on Sun Apr 2 12:54:48 2000, by David Justiniano

Thread title: qns blvd service (109129)
Started on Sun Apr 2 15:16:55 2000, by jkjhts

Thread title: The Pick up Artist - mugging scene (109130)
Started on Sun Apr 2 15:29:58 2000, by Broadway Jorge

Thread title: History for 3 Chicago lines (109177)
Started on Sun Apr 2 20:17:44 2000, by Subway2K

Thread title: SEPTA Stuff (109179)
Started on Sun Apr 2 20:22:35 2000, by Subway2K

Thread title: 2 and 5 Service changes (109204)
Started on Sun Apr 2 21:08:40 2000, by Alex L.

Thread title: TV Sets on platforms (109225)
Started on Sun Apr 2 23:30:08 2000, by BX New Flyer Artic Guy

Thread title: From the Shore Line Trolley Museum Comes..... (109237)
Started on Mon Apr 3 00:51:23 2000, by Stef

Thread title: MBTA PCC 3204 (109248)
Started on Mon Apr 3 03:53:07 2000, by Mark V

Thread title: NY Times: MTA Capital Plan to Ruin the MTA (109292)
Started on Mon Apr 3 10:27:48 2000, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: Tom Cruise signed to star in 'Heypaul: The Movie' (109300)
Started on Mon Apr 3 12:16:15 2000, by Doug aka BMTman

Thread title: Closed Entrance to Hunters Point Avenue Station? (109312)
Started on Mon Apr 3 12:35:31 2000, by R.M.

Thread title: subway fares for tourists (109319)
Started on Mon Apr 3 12:49:40 2000, by misa

Thread title: MTA Transit incompetence or indifference (109323)
Started on Mon Apr 3 13:03:15 2000, by jrf

Thread title: Bullshit TV car ad. (109324)
Started on Mon Apr 3 13:04:15 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Elwyn to Wawa (109372)
Started on Mon Apr 3 16:09:50 2000, by Lee

Thread title: R(44?) Moo (109374)
Started on Mon Apr 3 16:12:32 2000, by Lee

Thread title: Old train station at northern end of Bronx botanical gardens (109379)
Started on Mon Apr 3 16:27:02 2000, by mpk0

Thread title: Subtalkers as Spacemen (109387)
Started on Mon Apr 3 17:03:14 2000, by Karl B

Thread title: How about a chat? (109391)
Started on Mon Apr 3 17:11:40 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: ATTENTION ALL PIGS (109411)
Started on Mon Apr 3 18:41:47 2000, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: A Question For Todd Glickman (109470)
Started on Mon Apr 3 22:42:40 2000, by King Solomon

Thread title: Getting on Subtalk--Mission Impossible? (109479)
Started on Mon Apr 3 22:54:19 2000, by #4 Sea Beach Fred

Thread title: St. Louis Car Co. Info. (109493)
Started on Mon Apr 3 23:50:33 2000, by R-29

Thread title: 142 sealed shut side- window- question.! (109494)
Started on Tue Apr 4 00:02:08 2000, by los angeles rail system (salaamallah)

Thread title: Was the Old Penn "All That"? (109497)
Started on Tue Apr 4 00:29:13 2000, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: Rembering the Culver Shuttle (109503)
Started on Tue Apr 4 01:40:32 2000, by Big Papa Cool J

Thread title: British Web site on NY Transit (109524)
Started on Tue Apr 4 07:33:31 2000, by Virginia Division, BMT

Thread title: no more "transit on or close to schedule" on WNYC (109527)
Started on Tue Apr 4 07:45:25 2000, by Ferdinand Cesarano

Thread title: Missed stop last night on LIRR (109554)
Started on Tue Apr 4 09:54:26 2000, by streetcar_man

Thread title: Perfectly Efficient Subway (in theory) (109560)
Started on Tue Apr 4 10:33:35 2000, by Bill J

Thread title: Trouble in 53rd St Tunnel (109562)
Started on Tue Apr 4 10:34:45 2000, by Aaron 75 Ave

Thread title: my recent visit to the department of hatcheries and reeducation at brave new transit world (109567)
Started on Tue Apr 4 11:01:05 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: Hudson-Bergen Schedule (109591)
Started on Tue Apr 4 12:29:50 2000, by Mike Klufas

Thread title: Full Station Ads (109609)
Started on Tue Apr 4 13:51:53 2000, by R.M.

Thread title: Full Station Ads (109610)
Started on Tue Apr 4 13:52:45 2000, by R.M.

Thread title: IRT tunnel on Park Avenue (109614)
Started on Tue Apr 4 13:55:26 2000, by Arti

Thread title: 570 trains vs 547 trains (109618)
Started on Tue Apr 4 14:04:34 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: why mta capitol plan not yet approved (109622)
Started on Tue Apr 4 14:09:43 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: Trying to learn more about myself (109657)
Started on Tue Apr 4 15:51:16 2000, by lincoln

Thread title: Can M-3 or M-1's go to Hunter's Point and LI City? (109688)
Started on Tue Apr 4 17:24:00 2000, by Subwayman

Thread title: MTA CAPITAL PLAN APPROVED (109690)
Started on Tue Apr 4 17:35:32 2000, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: Rail-Fan-Window...!! (109758)
Started on Tue Apr 4 19:39:56 2000, by los angeles rail system (salaamallah)

Thread title: Reverse commuting on the NYC subways (109760)
Started on Tue Apr 4 20:02:12 2000, by Isaac Shomer

Thread title: Attention all Broad Street Riders (109762)
Started on Tue Apr 4 20:03:19 2000, by Isaac Shomer

Thread title: MDBF time again (109785)
Started on Tue Apr 4 21:43:49 2000, by Train Dude

Thread title: Time Change and Subway Schedules (109788)
Started on Tue Apr 4 21:54:51 2000, by

Thread title: Commuter Tax (109793)
Started on Tue Apr 4 22:04:00 2000, by Henry R32 #3730

Thread title: A Tale of Lost Sheep (109798)
Started on Tue Apr 4 22:19:07 2000, by Stef

Thread title: SILVERLINER CRASHED!.......Intentionally (109804)
Started on Tue Apr 4 22:40:24 2000, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: No Stubway Allowed (109843)
Started on Tue Apr 4 23:48:23 2000, by Robert From Queens

Thread title: Metrolink connection-to-the-San Diego Trolley! (109861)
Started on Wed Apr 5 00:22:14 2000, by los angeles rail system (salaamallah)

Thread title: Visit to San Fran (109877)
Started on Wed Apr 5 01:42:18 2000, by Rob H

Thread title: 2nd Ave.Subway May Need the Stubway (109891)
Started on Wed Apr 5 02:42:13 2000, by Lex Man

Thread title: Free Membership to the TRANSVERSE CAB CAR CLUB! (Act Now!) (109893)
Started on Wed Apr 5 02:49:16 2000, by Pgitty

Thread title: Thanks for remembering (109900)
Started on Wed Apr 5 05:02:46 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: Questions for Dave Pirmann Web site host (109901)
Started on Wed Apr 5 05:11:29 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: Thousands evacuated as trains crash (109909)
Started on Wed Apr 5 08:18:30 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: Better train seats prevent whiplash (109910)
Started on Wed Apr 5 08:24:47 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: CSX deterioting track condition endangers Amtrack service (109918)
Started on Wed Apr 5 08:49:05 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: CSX response to track deteriotion (109920)
Started on Wed Apr 5 09:03:26 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: Arti read this post (109921)
Started on Wed Apr 5 09:05:26 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: CSX train kills 3 children in Chatanooga (109924)
Started on Wed Apr 5 09:11:27 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: Indentations and Punch outs (109930)
Started on Wed Apr 5 09:24:18 2000, by avid reader

Thread title: Commuter train passenger kills (109932)
Started on Wed Apr 5 09:26:27 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: LIRR to CGT Plans (109937)
Started on Wed Apr 5 09:41:12 2000, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: Bombardier says overcapicity in railway industry (109939)
Started on Wed Apr 5 09:55:24 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: R-110B'S PASSENGER REVENUE STATUS (109949)
Started on Wed Apr 5 10:46:13 2000, by R-32

Thread title: Pet Peeves (109950)
Started on Wed Apr 5 10:57:57 2000, by avid reader

Thread title: Pope rescues death train passenger (-109953)
Started on Wed Apr 5 11:16:43 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: 2 and 5 service changes again WHY?? (109957)
Started on Wed Apr 5 11:35:03 2000, by lionlex

Thread title: On Subtalk But Not On My Computer (109961)
Started on Wed Apr 5 11:50:28 2000, by #4 Sea Beach Fred

Thread title: Want to play train dispatcher? (109965)
Started on Wed Apr 5 12:07:55 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: want to trade model trains (109967)
Started on Wed Apr 5 12:11:32 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: No trains but FUNNY joke (109971)
Started on Wed Apr 5 12:24:47 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: Remember when the B & D were on the Broadway BMT? (109981)
Started on Wed Apr 5 13:01:26 2000, by Broadway Jorge

Thread title: By Popular Demand: Killfiles (109983)
Started on Wed Apr 5 13:10:09 2000, by David Pirmann - Web Site Host

Thread title: School imposed Census Scam (110025)
Started on Wed Apr 5 15:06:48 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: 2nd Avenue Subway Question (110093)
Started on Wed Apr 5 17:46:36 2000, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: J Station at Elderts Lane (110096)
Started on Wed Apr 5 17:56:04 2000, by Karl B

Thread title: 1982 and 1988 NYC Subway lines (110101)
Started on Wed Apr 5 18:11:51 2000, by amin peralta

Thread title: comment..... (110106)
Started on Wed Apr 5 18:29:54 2000, by los angeles rail system (salaamallah)

Thread title: Car End Doors (110120)
Started on Wed Apr 5 19:34:26 2000, by #2 Exp.

Thread title: Tel Aviv may get new Subway (110157)
Started on Wed Apr 5 21:40:05 2000, by John J. Blair

Thread title: Opening Doors On Wrong Side Of Train (110161)
Started on Wed Apr 5 21:44:46 2000, by King Solomon

Thread title: A Line Mixed Trains (110183)
Started on Wed Apr 5 22:50:11 2000, by Robert From Queens

Thread title: IRT Redbirds Will Never be Used on the B Division (110204)
Started on Wed Apr 5 23:47:22 2000, by Bill from Maspeth

Thread title: Saw another SubTalker not long ago! (110236)
Started on Thu Apr 6 01:36:17 2000, by Nick C

Thread title: Last two trips to NYC (long, long post)... (110243)
Started on Thu Apr 6 02:03:04 2000, by Nick C

Thread title: Pataki in favor of FULL 2nd subway (110267)
Started on Thu Apr 6 06:11:31 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: April Transit Transit is Bus Bus (110318)
Started on Thu Apr 6 12:23:30 2000, by Thurston

Thread title: The IRT, BMT, and IND are still listed on NYSE (110332)
Started on Thu Apr 6 13:04:23 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: This is for the true R-142 fans and believers (110344)
Started on Thu Apr 6 13:27:25 2000, by R142 Boi 2K

Thread title: Hudson-Bergen Light Rail UPDATE (110361)
Started on Thu Apr 6 14:51:14 2000, by Mike Klufas

Thread title: LIRR Dual-modes on weekends? (110369)
Started on Thu Apr 6 15:30:32 2000, by Subwayman

Thread title: B and C signs (110388)
Started on Thu Apr 6 16:47:35 2000, by amin peralta

Thread title: NYCTA 2000 Subway Calendar (110393)
Started on Thu Apr 6 17:21:31 2000, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: Have You seen the... (110405)
Started on Thu Apr 6 17:51:28 2000, by R36-33s Fan

Thread title: When are the R33 Fan trips? (110425)
Started on Thu Apr 6 18:28:42 2000, by Subwayman

Thread title: Engineering or Neighboorhood Economy? (110426)
Started on Thu Apr 6 18:29:33 2000, by High St / Brooklyn Bridge

Thread title: Grammar and a Subtalk poster (110461)
Started on Thu Apr 6 21:10:36 2000, by Jeff H.

Thread title: What lines does R40 run on? (110469)
Started on Thu Apr 6 21:45:13 2000, by Mark V

Thread title: Why were R110s past up (110470)
Started on Thu Apr 6 21:45:19 2000, by redbird

Thread title: A Brighton Line Question (110481)
Started on Thu Apr 6 22:32:47 2000, by King Solomon

Thread title: Answers to the Motorman Exam (110507)
Started on Thu Apr 6 23:41:18 2000, by Sean

Thread title: PCC Car Question (110527)
Started on Fri Apr 7 01:49:15 2000, by Dan Lawrence

Thread title: Subtalk chat on Sat at 8:00PM (110532)
Started on Fri Apr 7 02:14:14 2000, by Pgitty

Thread title: A loathsome subway ad (110559)
Started on Fri Apr 7 09:19:48 2000, by Peter Rosa

Thread title: PATH/IRT: This old question again! (110565)
Started on Fri Apr 7 09:48:35 2000, by Lou from Middletown NY

Thread title: WMATA Trains: Scroll signs? (110574)
Started on Fri Apr 7 10:23:14 2000, by R.M.

Thread title: graffiti in public(Damn kids!) (110591)
Started on Fri Apr 7 11:15:27 2000, by KHI

Thread title: Turnstiles and Diversity (110622)
Started on Fri Apr 7 13:58:15 2000, by Josh

Thread title: M-1 Replace Entire Fleet on S.I.R.T (110626)
Started on Fri Apr 7 14:07:57 2000, by avid reader

Thread title: Trip (110630)
Started on Fri Apr 7 14:29:44 2000, by David B.

Thread title: Major G.O. SUnday 4/9/2000 (110680)
Started on Fri Apr 7 17:52:03 2000, by

Thread title: Please Read and Answer!!! (110682)
Started on Fri Apr 7 18:12:26 2000, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Question about the Map (110685)
Started on Fri Apr 7 18:36:30 2000, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Subway Service, Peak (1989) to Peak (Now) (110694)
Started on Fri Apr 7 20:01:39 2000, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: Train/Run Names (110697)
Started on Fri Apr 7 20:34:29 2000, by Bill J

Thread title: How To Pay for LIRR to GCT, the Second Avenue, Etc. (110708)
Started on Fri Apr 7 21:23:23 2000, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: Which Transit Operators Job is the hardest to do? BUS or TRAIN ?? (110742)
Started on Fri Apr 7 23:09:01 2000, by los angeles rail system (salaamallah)

Thread title: Money Train Questions and a few other comments (Long Post, veers off-topic) (110745)
Started on Fri Apr 7 23:18:09 2000, by JerseyDevil

Thread title: Day of the Diesel (110773)
Started on Sat Apr 8 01:51:25 2000, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: Holy Hagstrom, Batman! (110774)
Started on Sat Apr 8 01:53:40 2000, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: Trolley Time Challenge Game (110782)
Started on Sat Apr 8 03:24:21 2000, by Hot Lunch!

Thread title: Questions re: Bkln street names (110788)
Started on Sat Apr 8 03:37:22 2000, by dave in milwaukee

Thread title: No more! This is what the city needs to do! (110816)
Started on Sat Apr 8 09:38:09 2000, by Christopher Rivera

Thread title: Named cars in Stockholm (110822)
Started on Sat Apr 8 09:52:51 2000, by Arti

Thread title: Mets Win Mets Win Mets Win (110856)
Started on Sat Apr 8 11:42:37 2000, by #4 Sea Beach Fred

Thread title: LIRR transmission towers (110872)
Started on Sat Apr 8 13:18:08 2000, by John

Thread title: Fort George Hill (110933)
Started on Sat Apr 8 19:25:02 2000, by Pigs of Royal Island

Thread title: Atlantic Avenue and the LIAR (110935)
Started on Sat Apr 8 19:30:24 2000, by Pigs of Royal Island

Thread title: SubTalk chat today at 8 - (110936)
Started on Sat Apr 8 19:46:17 2000, by Pigs of Royal Island

Thread title: Its 8:00 PM and I'm in the chat, are you? (110937)
Started on Sat Apr 8 19:47:18 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Today at Seashore (110944)
Started on Sat Apr 8 20:07:02 2000, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: THE FIRST SUBTALK CHAT HAS STARTED!!! (110947)
Started on Sat Apr 8 20:24:35 2000, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: The first Subtalk Chat was a complete success! (110963)
Started on Sat Apr 8 22:11:06 2000, by Pgitty

Thread title: 2 Blocks West of the BLUE LINE (pico station) (111010)
Started on Sun Apr 9 04:57:05 2000, by los angeles rail system (salaamallah)

Thread title: Finding Historical Transit Stuff (111011)
Started on Sun Apr 9 07:01:21 2000, by amin peralta

Thread title: North Shore Line Walk (111013)
Started on Sun Apr 9 07:11:33 2000, by Hank Eisenstein

Thread title: Snowy April 9, 2000 (111022)
Started on Sun Apr 9 09:24:05 2000, by TransitChuckG

Thread title: SEPTA Question (111037)
Started on Sun Apr 9 10:55:23 2000, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Question for Fantasy Map Makers (111044)
Started on Sun Apr 9 11:57:07 2000, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Phillies vs. Mets on Opening Day: II (111060)
Started on Sun Apr 9 12:51:15 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Mini-Chat on Monday, 8PM (111063)
Started on Sun Apr 9 12:56:00 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Dangerous Platform (111064)
Started on Sun Apr 9 13:01:08 2000, by Henry R32 #3730

Thread title: Newsday just doesn't get it (111102)
Started on Sun Apr 9 15:09:50 2000, by Peter Rosa

Thread title: Updated on NYCTransiTrans Gallery Page (111117)
Started on Sun Apr 9 16:14:55 2000, by David Justiniano

Thread title: June 29/30: Battery Day at Shea! (111118)
Started on Sun Apr 9 16:19:32 2000, by Nick

Thread title: NYCTA & Light Rail (111127)
Started on Sun Apr 9 17:01:46 2000, by Doug

Thread title: NYC's West Side Line (111131)
Started on Sun Apr 9 17:14:37 2000, by Hank Eisenstein

Thread title: SRS#403 (111136)
Started on Sun Apr 9 17:48:44 2000, by David Justiniano

Thread title: Fantasy Terminals:IRT (111158)
Started on Sun Apr 9 20:04:34 2000, by SubBus

Thread title: Narrow Gauge Railways (111159)
Started on Sun Apr 9 20:12:32 2000, by King Solomon

Thread title: SO IT'S TRUE! (111167)
Started on Sun Apr 9 20:41:08 2000, by Eric B

Thread title: sorry shape of the redbirds (111180)
Started on Sun Apr 9 21:27:52 2000, by flatbush

Thread title: Does anyone know what is going on in this picture? (111232)
Started on Mon Apr 10 01:54:34 2000, by Mark V

Thread title: The Bowery - usage up (111243)
Started on Mon Apr 10 05:23:37 2000, by Chris R16

Thread title: Subway on Traffic Reports (111256)
Started on Mon Apr 10 09:00:05 2000, by R.M.

Thread title: Brooklyn Trolleys (111266)
Started on Mon Apr 10 09:59:17 2000, by Gary Wengeroff

Thread title: MBTA Trolley/Subway/Bus Operator Positions (111269)
Started on Mon Apr 10 10:50:11 2000, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: Mixed R-68 B train/ West End Express (111297)
Started on Mon Apr 10 13:23:35 2000, by MrNYC2000Info

Thread title: R-42 Prototype (111319)
Started on Mon Apr 10 15:13:14 2000, by J. L. Gutierrez

Thread title: R-42 Destination Signs (111324)
Started on Mon Apr 10 15:22:02 2000, by J. L. Gutierrez

Thread title: Metrocard collector request (111340)
Started on Mon Apr 10 15:57:58 2000, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: HBLR.......6 days and counting! (111347)
Started on Mon Apr 10 16:09:47 2000, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: Confessions of a Construction Flagger (or) reports on new construction (111351)
Started on Mon Apr 10 16:11:42 2000, by The Transit Professional formerly known as Mr. R-46

Thread title: Trip this Morning (4-10) (111357)
Started on Mon Apr 10 16:28:51 2000, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Worker killed by MARTA train (111365)
Started on Mon Apr 10 17:35:19 2000, by Rob from Atlanta

Thread title: Hudson-Bergen Light Rail (111374)
Started on Mon Apr 10 18:22:39 2000, by Hank Eisenstein

Thread title: Chat Going on Right Now (111397)
Started on Mon Apr 10 20:05:05 2000, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Paul Matus quoted in USA Today (111417)
Started on Mon Apr 10 21:51:57 2000, by Peter Rosa

Thread title: Railroad Turntables (111448)
Started on Mon Apr 10 23:49:36 2000, by King Solomon

Thread title: LIRR power supply (111476)
Started on Tue Apr 11 02:30:17 2000, by John

Thread title: Montauk viaduct and track layouts (111477)
Started on Tue Apr 11 02:34:11 2000, by John

Thread title: ROW (111500)
Started on Tue Apr 11 08:35:47 2000, by avid reader

Started on Tue Apr 11 09:10:18 2000, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: HBLR Question (111523)
Started on Tue Apr 11 09:40:54 2000, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: PATH Question (111541)
Started on Tue Apr 11 12:14:27 2000, by Aaron 75 Ave

Thread title: Crime on the J train or Next Stop - The Twilight Zone. (111542)
Started on Tue Apr 11 12:28:27 2000, by Train Dude

Thread title: MTA South Brooklyn Railway (SBK) (111550)
Started on Tue Apr 11 13:37:36 2000, by Euclid Avenue A Train

Thread title: Livonia-Junius transfer (111560)
Started on Tue Apr 11 14:51:52 2000, by lionlex

Thread title: Manhattan Bridge Broadway Tracks (111563)
Started on Tue Apr 11 15:09:57 2000, by RICH MARKS-X BROOKLYN

Thread title: Rumour Humor Chapter III BMTmans caper (111570)
Started on Tue Apr 11 15:58:04 2000, by avid reader

Thread title: If U RailFans were Motormen, which division would u stay with the most? (111574)
Started on Tue Apr 11 16:29:00 2000, by Subwayman

Thread title: Fanning the brake valve (111584)
Started on Tue Apr 11 18:40:42 2000, by Jeff H.

Thread title: Where is Heypaul? (again!) (111591)
Started on Tue Apr 11 19:52:41 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Atlantic Av Rehab (L) (111622)
Started on Tue Apr 11 21:10:30 2000, by Stef

Thread title: Q: Jamaica or CI????? (111637)
Started on Tue Apr 11 21:59:09 2000, by SubBus

Thread title: MBTA observations & a question (111650)
Started on Tue Apr 11 22:42:01 2000, by David Cole

Thread title: A Theoretical Question (111651)
Started on Tue Apr 11 22:42:57 2000, by King Solomon

Thread title: [3875] (111661)
Started on Tue Apr 11 23:07:02 2000, by ( 1 ) South Ferry ( 9 )

Thread title: Hudson-Bergen Light Rail Timetables (111669)
Started on Tue Apr 11 23:34:25 2000, by Larry,RedbirdR33

Thread title: Newark City Subway Update (111674)
Started on Tue Apr 11 23:40:49 2000, by Larry,RedbirdR33

Thread title: R-38 with a wrong font number plate (111697)
Started on Wed Apr 12 00:32:45 2000, by Nick C

Thread title: Giants Stadium transit still leaves a lot to be desired ! (111711)
Started on Wed Apr 12 07:45:44 2000, by los angeles rail system (salaamallah)

Thread title: Old MU on the LIRR (111717)
Started on Wed Apr 12 08:45:18 2000, by streetcar_man

Thread title: LIRR Elmhurst station (111721)
Started on Wed Apr 12 08:50:41 2000, by streetcar_man

Thread title: C at Euclid (111745)
Started on Wed Apr 12 11:09:16 2000, by Dave Barraza

Thread title: Regional Transit Advocate (111748)
Started on Wed Apr 12 12:01:59 2000, by advocate

Thread title: N31/32, N33 Bus Schedule Mistake! (111760)
Started on Wed Apr 12 12:44:06 2000, by R.M.

Thread title: who is heypaul? (111761)
Started on Wed Apr 12 12:44:54 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: Big Dig Nightmare (111782)
Started on Wed Apr 12 14:09:07 2000, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: New England Transportation Site (111789)
Started on Wed Apr 12 15:07:38 2000, by Nick

Thread title: F40PH on MetroNorth (111790)
Started on Wed Apr 12 15:10:58 2000, by Aaron 75 Ave

Thread title: F40PH on MetroNorth (111791)
Started on Wed Apr 12 15:11:09 2000, by Aaron 75 Ave

Thread title: LIRR Montauk line (111814)
Started on Wed Apr 12 17:18:02 2000, by Subwayman

Thread title: Mainline cars on Flushing Line (111835)
Started on Wed Apr 12 18:59:08 2000, by Henry R32 #3730

Thread title: AEM7AC Update (111858)
Started on Wed Apr 12 21:12:44 2000, by Chao-Hwa Chen

Thread title: Problem at 135Th?????? (111863)
Started on Wed Apr 12 21:45:00 2000, by SubBus

Thread title: Schuylkill Valley Metro - Rides Again? (111865)
Started on Wed Apr 12 21:57:19 2000, by Bobw

Thread title: Conductors Exam!!!!!!! (111869)
Started on Wed Apr 12 22:13:36 2000, by BM34

Thread title: SUBWAY: That's a funny word, can I use it in my act? (111873)
Started on Wed Apr 12 22:29:01 2000, by Pigs of Royal Island

Thread title: Cass Scenic Railroad (111875)
Started on Wed Apr 12 22:37:09 2000, by King Solomon

Thread title: Freaking Punks on the 3 (111880)
Started on Wed Apr 12 22:42:30 2000, by pshifrin

Thread title: #5 train Derail early tonight (111883)
Started on Wed Apr 12 22:50:23 2000, by David Justiniano

Thread title: Redbird in trouble (111892)
Started on Wed Apr 12 23:06:14 2000, by Wayne-MrSlantR40

Thread title: NEW! MTA commercial (111895)
Started on Wed Apr 12 23:13:58 2000, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: UTA-TRAX Salt Lake City Light Rail (111900)
Started on Wed Apr 12 23:32:40 2000, by Gary Wilkes

Thread title: Years Of Our Lives R62As check!!!! (111914)
Started on Thu Apr 13 00:55:48 2000, by Nick C

Thread title: Reminder -- Branford Open House this Sat (111929)
Started on Thu Apr 13 01:25:13 2000, by Jeff H.

Thread title: WIN A PRIZE (111936)
Started on Thu Apr 13 03:22:25 2000, by S.4skin

Thread title: T Shirts (111938)
Started on Thu Apr 13 03:36:52 2000, by #1Brighton Exp Bob

Thread title: R62-R62A 5 Car Units (111953)
Started on Thu Apr 13 07:21:58 2000, by jrf

Thread title: real reason for #5 derailment last evening (111974)
Started on Thu Apr 13 09:13:26 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: will there be a gathering of subtalkers who are still speaking with one another on saturday? (111977)
Started on Thu Apr 13 09:22:19 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: daily news article on derailment (-111981)
Started on Thu Apr 13 09:43:39 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: Re: daily news article on derailment (111984)
Started on Thu Apr 13 10:31:28 2000, by Dave Barraza

Thread title: ny subway funding (-111993)
Started on Thu Apr 13 11:27:32 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: R62-62A Five car units (112010)
Started on Thu Apr 13 12:39:36 2000, by jrf

Thread title: SEAT PSYCOLOGY (choice) (112011)
Started on Thu Apr 13 12:41:39 2000, by avid reader

Thread title: R142 & Scratchetti (112015)
Started on Thu Apr 13 12:44:04 2000, by jrf

Thread title: NYC Model Transit Show (112028)
Started on Thu Apr 13 13:22:32 2000, by Steve Olsen

Thread title: did tv interrupt to announce derailment? (112029)
Started on Thu Apr 13 13:28:42 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: compare the costs 20,000 miles or 3 miles (112030)
Started on Thu Apr 13 13:31:11 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: dave pirmann problems on this site (112031)
Started on Thu Apr 13 13:35:24 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: Airtrain website (112049)
Started on Thu Apr 13 14:54:35 2000, by Hank Eisenstein

Thread title: IRT LO-V SIGNS WANTED (112058)
Started on Thu Apr 13 15:33:12 2000, by Mark W.

Thread title: So How is the Testing Going? (112067)
Started on Thu Apr 13 15:56:39 2000, by Nick

Thread title: R-15 HO Scale models coming!! (112087)
Started on Thu Apr 13 17:26:20 2000, by Steve Hoskins

Started on Thu Apr 13 17:50:03 2000, by Sean Davies Exposed

Thread title: Sacajaweas in MVM change (112117)
Started on Thu Apr 13 20:06:30 2000, by Joe

Thread title: Review of MTH O-Gauge R-42 Subway Set (long post) (112148)
Started on Thu Apr 13 21:59:48 2000, by Moving Platform

Thread title: HBLR Opening Ceremonies (112171)
Started on Thu Apr 13 23:09:31 2000, by Hank Eisenstein

Thread title: four track operation on the brighton line (112193)
Started on Fri Apr 14 00:30:28 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: four track operation on the irt with r-142's and r-36's (112209)
Started on Fri Apr 14 01:27:02 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: This behavior is not in our interest (112219)
Started on Fri Apr 14 05:28:43 2000, by Mr.Blue

Thread title: Queens Blvd. (112255)
Started on Fri Apr 14 10:38:05 2000, by Aaron 75 Ave

Thread title: Droole (112256)
Started on Fri Apr 14 10:40:16 2000, by avid reader

Thread title: NY Division - Tonight (112259)
Started on Fri Apr 14 10:45:16 2000, by Virginia Division, BMT

Thread title: Doorbell Hunting (112261)
Started on Fri Apr 14 10:53:07 2000, by R.M.

Thread title: It's official... (112267)
Started on Fri Apr 14 10:56:46 2000, by David Cole

Thread title: "Baghdad On The Subway" (112268)
Started on Fri Apr 14 11:00:50 2000, by J. L. Gutierrez

Thread title: Light Rail Day (112276)
Started on Fri Apr 14 11:13:29 2000, by David B.

Thread title: directions (112286)
Started on Fri Apr 14 11:25:56 2000, by rule62

Thread title: Suspect charged in J train robbery (112291)
Started on Fri Apr 14 11:39:06 2000, by Peter Rosa

Thread title: goes French? (112312)
Started on Fri Apr 14 12:41:27 2000, by R.M.

Thread title: Redesigned Site, New URL (112350)
Started on Fri Apr 14 15:32:07 2000, by R142 Boi 2K

Thread title: If U railFans were pursing a Train operations career, for who would u work? (112351)
Started on Fri Apr 14 15:46:31 2000, by Subwayman

Thread title: A gathering of subtalkers who are still speaking with one another on saturday. (112361)
Started on Fri Apr 14 16:25:21 2000, by Pgitty

Thread title: Notice: Site on Autopilot (112362)
Started on Fri Apr 14 16:26:16 2000, by David Pirmann - Web Site Host

Thread title: Transit Pension Raid (112383)
Started on Fri Apr 14 18:45:52 2000, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: What were "SOAC" trains? (112384)
Started on Fri Apr 14 18:51:01 2000, by dave in milwaukee

Thread title: 5 on 7th ave / S.F. outer loop (112417)
Started on Fri Apr 14 22:36:26 2000, by Henry R32 #3730

Thread title: Weird computerized announcement in C-3. (112419)
Started on Fri Apr 14 22:41:47 2000, by Henry R32 #3730

Thread title: "Joe Gould's" Subways (112422)
Started on Fri Apr 14 23:45:37 2000, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: Is "Broadway Joe" a Subway buff?? (112429)
Started on Sat Apr 15 00:37:11 2000, by Doug aka BMTman

Thread title: SIR Survey (112440)
Started on Sat Apr 15 07:53:13 2000, by Doug

Thread title: Pasadena BLUE LINE Rail senseless (census scam?) HOAX.. (112448)
Started on Sat Apr 15 10:12:30 2000, by los angeles rail system (salaamallah)

Thread title: Mterocard P.P.R. Transfer(s) (112449)
Started on Sat Apr 15 10:20:33 2000, by transitbuff

Thread title: Which Shuttle is the best? Ur opinions Wanted (112468)
Started on Sat Apr 15 13:42:02 2000, by Subwayman

Thread title: How do Motormen pick their runs? Calling All Motormen or experts! (112469)
Started on Sat Apr 15 13:55:34 2000, by Subwayman

Thread title: R-142 Weekend Testing (112470)
Started on Sat Apr 15 14:01:56 2000, by BX New Flyer Artic Guy

Thread title: MONTREAL SUBWAY BOMBED (112481)
Started on Sat Apr 15 16:20:01 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: my free ride on hudson bergen light rail (112497)
Started on Sat Apr 15 18:23:03 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: a question about bowling in boston (112503)
Started on Sat Apr 15 18:57:14 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: bus-operator (112509)
Started on Sat Apr 15 20:07:21 2000, by bctbear

Thread title: 2ND SUBTALK LIVE CHAT, GOING ON NOW!!! (112512)
Started on Sat Apr 15 20:15:22 2000, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: 63rd St Queens Blvd connection (112517)
Started on Sat Apr 15 21:31:09 2000, by Number7Rider

Thread title: HBLR - a few thoughts on Opening Day (112520)
Started on Sat Apr 15 22:00:45 2000, by Allan

Thread title: SubForum is going bye-bye (112521)
Started on Sat Apr 15 22:03:44 2000, by Pigs of Royal Island

Thread title: a (112548)
Started on Sat Apr 15 23:27:36 2000, by Steve Hoskins

Thread title: Ugly Redbirds (112563)
Started on Sun Apr 16 01:29:39 2000, by Number7Rider

Thread title: HBLRT (112588)
Started on Sun Apr 16 09:31:33 2000, by

Thread title: R-142 tests (112590)
Started on Sun Apr 16 10:15:41 2000, by Ron

Thread title: new scratchitti removal method (112597)
Started on Sun Apr 16 10:57:05 2000, by flatbush

Thread title: new driver (112600)
Started on Sun Apr 16 11:09:14 2000, by T.T.C.

Thread title: Daily News editorial: One Region, One Fare? (112616)
Started on Sun Apr 16 11:51:53 2000, by J Lee

Thread title: Not about subways, but about message boards (112621)
Started on Sun Apr 16 12:05:04 2000, by djb

Thread title: Big Dig & North Station Construction (112662)
Started on Sun Apr 16 14:29:29 2000, by Nick

Thread title: Fantasy Maps posted on this site (112670)
Started on Sun Apr 16 15:39:28 2000, by Michael Adler

Thread title: Need to vote on maps...Time-Based or one map? (112672)
Started on Sun Apr 16 15:44:57 2000, by Michael Adler

Thread title: 63 Street Extension October 1989 (112677)
Started on Sun Apr 16 17:07:52 2000, by amin peralta

Thread title: In town May 20-21 (112729)
Started on Sun Apr 16 21:22:13 2000, by kdmjones

Thread title: Weight Savings On Linked Cars (112732)
Started on Sun Apr 16 21:50:04 2000, by Gonzo

Thread title: HBLR ...or CNJ question (112735)
Started on Sun Apr 16 22:16:04 2000, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: Brooklyn Heights Railroad 1908 Hamilton Avenue Transfer (112751)
Started on Sun Apr 16 23:42:11 2000, by Joe Saitta

Thread title: Images Posted (112765)
Started on Mon Apr 17 00:32:47 2000, by Hank Eisenstein

Thread title: Livery Cab Stuff (112780)
Started on Mon Apr 17 06:34:02 2000, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: R-46 5922 (112782)
Started on Mon Apr 17 08:22:18 2000, by Aaron 75 Ave

Thread title: People Count (112784)
Started on Mon Apr 17 08:24:37 2000, by Aaron 75 Ave

Thread title: two metrocard questions (112785)
Started on Mon Apr 17 08:35:11 2000, by flx870

Thread title: A Raily Day on the Shoreline (112787)
Started on Mon Apr 17 08:41:31 2000, by Thurston

Thread title: Subway Ad Fees (112799)
Started on Mon Apr 17 10:05:03 2000, by Josh

Thread title: MVM Ad (112801)
Started on Mon Apr 17 10:17:45 2000, by Aaron 75 Ave

Thread title: Scratchetti Fix??? (112802)
Started on Mon Apr 17 10:27:51 2000, by Aaron 75 Ave

Thread title: JUMPERS (112828)
Started on Mon Apr 17 12:25:48 2000, by T.T.C.

Thread title: no B train at dekalb? (112829)
Started on Mon Apr 17 12:42:58 2000, by lionlex

Thread title: Drilling Holes Through Signs to Insert Pipes (112832)
Started on Mon Apr 17 12:53:28 2000, by R.M.

Thread title: Happy Patriot's Day (112852)
Started on Mon Apr 17 14:53:30 2000, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: ["Redbirds"] (112857)
Started on Mon Apr 17 15:12:54 2000, by ( 1 ) South Ferry ( 9 )

Thread title: Willy B----Playing Second Fiddle (112896)
Started on Mon Apr 17 16:54:07 2000, by #4 Sea Beach Fred

Thread title: STIGMATA/SUBWAY (112897)
Started on Mon Apr 17 16:58:31 2000, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: THANK YOU (112916)
Started on Mon Apr 17 18:28:30 2000, by Mr.Blue

Thread title: R-142 subway cars (112930)
Started on Mon Apr 17 18:55:32 2000, by BMTJeff

Thread title: How do you make a fantasy map? (112941)
Started on Mon Apr 17 20:25:53 2000, by Christopher Rivera

Thread title: NEW DRIVER IS @HOME FOR REAL (112953)
Started on Mon Apr 17 21:04:24 2000, by T.T.C.

Thread title: HBLR phase question (112957)
Started on Mon Apr 17 21:14:11 2000, by David B.

Thread title: "opperators only" (112989)
Started on Mon Apr 17 23:04:01 2000, by T.T.C.

Thread title: A photo, circa 1940 (113004)
Started on Tue Apr 18 01:04:08 2000, by Evan

Thread title: Picking up the pieces (113024)
Started on Tue Apr 18 08:18:32 2000, by Stevie

Thread title: Cars being scrapped (113036)
Started on Tue Apr 18 09:17:48 2000, by Alex L.

Thread title: Report: Lex Av Derailment (113048)
Started on Tue Apr 18 10:58:57 2000, by Stef

Thread title: Dyre Ave. White Plains construction (113092)
Started on Tue Apr 18 14:48:30 2000, by rs136

Thread title: The R-142 and the ADA (113101)
Started on Tue Apr 18 15:39:01 2000, by Pgitty

Thread title: Bronx Metro North Stations (113102)
Started on Tue Apr 18 15:40:57 2000, by dave in milwaukee

Thread title: NYC Transportation Enhancements (113108)
Started on Tue Apr 18 16:06:01 2000, by Evan

Thread title: 7 Train with broken B2( and disactivated) (113111)
Started on Tue Apr 18 16:22:02 2000, by Subwayman

Thread title: Madd school Cars on the QB local Tracks (G,R) (113114)
Started on Tue Apr 18 16:30:46 2000, by Subwayman

Thread title: R46-R44 brake systems (113115)
Started on Tue Apr 18 16:35:24 2000, by Subwayman

Thread title: Charging up a Train at a Terminal (113118)
Started on Tue Apr 18 16:39:52 2000, by Subwayman

Thread title: White Plains Road Service (113123)
Started on Tue Apr 18 16:56:21 2000, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Confessions of a construction flagger: The South Channel Bridge (113160)
Started on Tue Apr 18 18:02:40 2000, by The Transit Professional formerly known as Mr. R-46

Thread title: Unusual sighting today (113168)
Started on Tue Apr 18 18:35:00 2000, by Bob Andersen

Thread title: Is This As Good As It Gets? (113170)
Started on Tue Apr 18 18:43:59 2000, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: CNJ Newark Branch (113181)
Started on Tue Apr 18 19:45:28 2000, by Gary Wengeroff

Thread title: Jay-Z (113204)
Started on Tue Apr 18 21:20:36 2000, by BM34

Thread title: Hub Bound Data for 1997 (long) (113205)
Started on Tue Apr 18 21:20:54 2000, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: a strange dream (113231)
Started on Tue Apr 18 22:51:14 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: LIRR Announcement (113262)
Started on Wed Apr 19 02:03:56 2000, by Charles G

Thread title: what caused lexington derailment? (113267)
Started on Wed Apr 19 03:46:41 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: Ford Ad in Time (113282)
Started on Wed Apr 19 09:25:04 2000, by Arti

Thread title: My trip to NYC (Part I) (113287)
Started on Wed Apr 19 09:49:43 2000, by John B. Bredin, Esq.

Thread title: subway stories--- manhattan miracle--- and a holiday wish (113295)
Started on Wed Apr 19 11:05:30 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: MetroCard Swap Meet - NOT (113300)
Started on Wed Apr 19 11:38:04 2000, by Thurston

Thread title: Happy Holidays to All (113313)
Started on Wed Apr 19 13:07:56 2000, by Howard Fein

Thread title: Happy Pesach (113319)
Started on Wed Apr 19 13:37:06 2000, by Anon_e_mouse

Thread title: Map of Second Ave Subway - 1929 (113321)
Started on Wed Apr 19 13:50:26 2000, by Dan from Bayonne

Thread title: Michael Adler and Heypaul I need both your help! (113346)
Started on Wed Apr 19 15:07:39 2000, by Christopher Rivera

Thread title: Does anyone know where I can get good NYC Subway simulators and Railfan videos of Train lines? (113359)
Started on Wed Apr 19 16:27:02 2000, by Subwayman

Thread title: Is the MTA TOO Generous? (113395)
Started on Wed Apr 19 19:43:14 2000, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: V (113396)
Started on Wed Apr 19 19:46:04 2000, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: Farley (113397)
Started on Wed Apr 19 19:48:51 2000, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: Killfiles and Passwords (113401)
Started on Wed Apr 19 20:07:31 2000, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: Wow! (113413)
Started on Wed Apr 19 21:09:43 2000, by Subway2K

Thread title: What'd I miss? (113414)
Started on Wed Apr 19 21:19:31 2000, by Subway2K

Thread title: New television commercial alert (113497)
Started on Thu Apr 20 00:58:00 2000, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: my new part time job--- on-line census taker (113518)
Started on Thu Apr 20 06:28:11 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: strange sighting at 34th st and 8th ave roadbed (113528)
Started on Thu Apr 20 08:23:27 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: High Line (113529)
Started on Thu Apr 20 08:24:59 2000, by Bklyn Dodger

Thread title: Naporano? (113531)
Started on Thu Apr 20 08:31:43 2000, by Bklyn Dodger

Thread title: OT - Moment of Silence for the Children.... (113563)
Started on Thu Apr 20 10:13:50 2000, by Nick C

Thread title: A subway midnight dream! (113592)
Started on Thu Apr 20 12:02:00 2000, by Christopher Rivera

Thread title: Sign on the Throggs Neck Bridge and the R-142 (113598)
Started on Thu Apr 20 12:42:25 2000, by BX New Flyer Artic Guy

Thread title: Which Express Track is the illest in y'all opinions? (113601)
Started on Thu Apr 20 13:00:24 2000, by Subwayman

Thread title: Are those Diesel work Trains Dual mode? (113608)
Started on Thu Apr 20 13:17:12 2000, by Subwayman

Thread title: Newark Extension (113621)
Started on Thu Apr 20 15:22:51 2000, by David B.

Thread title: New MetroCard (113622)
Started on Thu Apr 20 15:22:59 2000, by Thurston

Thread title: when will the results of subtalker of the year be announced? (113632)
Started on Thu Apr 20 16:41:04 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: hot action pictures of r-142's heading into the yards (113645)
Started on Thu Apr 20 17:29:15 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: Return of color markers ??? (113647)
Started on Thu Apr 20 17:41:51 2000, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: Detroit-people,mover,VS .Vancouver sky train .! (113652)
Started on Thu Apr 20 17:58:10 2000, by los angeles rail system (salaamallah)

Thread title: subway tracks under Riverside Park (113658)
Started on Thu Apr 20 18:30:13 2000, by Broadway Jorge

Thread title: out with the new... in with the old (113693)
Started on Thu Apr 20 19:29:23 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: Scale Model "Almond Joys" (113701)
Started on Thu Apr 20 20:23:59 2000, by buddtrainzrule

Thread title: Clark St Closing (113706)
Started on Thu Apr 20 20:57:22 2000, by SubBus

Thread title: Subway Ad (113707)
Started on Thu Apr 20 20:59:27 2000, by SubBus

Thread title: HBLR Question (113715)
Started on Thu Apr 20 21:31:07 2000, by AJ in Jersey

Thread title: some more questions about hblr (113736)
Started on Thu Apr 20 22:08:25 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: WMATAGMOH-Fire in the Hole! (113748)
Started on Thu Apr 20 22:35:19 2000, by Wayne-MrSlantR40

Thread title: #2 241st station on "RAP " cd cover and inside notes ! (113779)
Started on Fri Apr 21 00:32:08 2000, by los angeles rail system (salaamallah)

Thread title: Hudson County LR Doors (113800)
Started on Fri Apr 21 03:33:25 2000, by Pigs of Royal Island

Thread title: rush hour fire last night cancels subway service (113810)
Started on Fri Apr 21 07:52:58 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: four die in train crash but no derailment (113826)
Started on Fri Apr 21 09:27:07 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: Renovations at 30th Street Station (113847)
Started on Fri Apr 21 11:06:15 2000, by Subway2K

Thread title: HBLR rail crossings (113848)
Started on Fri Apr 21 11:18:12 2000, by David B.

Thread title: HBLR rail crossings (113849)
Started on Fri Apr 21 11:19:18 2000, by David B.

Thread title: Old Subway maps? (113855)
Started on Fri Apr 21 12:13:39 2000, by LizE

Thread title: Signal plate lever number questions (113874)
Started on Fri Apr 21 12:56:39 2000, by Dave Barraza

Thread title: (113895)
Started on Fri Apr 21 16:15:58 2000, by R142 aka. Clark Palicka

Thread title: Atmospheric and Early Railways/Transit (113903)
Started on Fri Apr 21 16:43:32 2000, by Conrad Misek

Thread title: Server Outage... (113911)
Started on Fri Apr 21 20:18:03 2000, by Hank Eisenstein

Thread title: Another Great Movie Subway Sighting:"The Clock"... (113915)
Started on Fri Apr 21 20:34:30 2000, by Lou from Middletown NY

Thread title: North Jersey Coast Line (113928)
Started on Fri Apr 21 20:58:24 2000, by Isaac Shomer

Thread title: on a damp chilly evening there's nothing like a crackling fire to warm the spirit (113931)
Started on Fri Apr 21 21:00:56 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: Possible 142 sighting (113957)
Started on Fri Apr 21 22:59:35 2000, by SubBus

Thread title: LIRR 2 Car C-3 at Forest Hills (113976)
Started on Sat Apr 22 00:22:09 2000, by Henry R32 #3730

Thread title: tunnel fire at washington D.C. subway ? (114000)
Started on Sat Apr 22 02:17:10 2000, by los angeles rail system (salaamallah)

Thread title: tunnel fire at washington D.C. subway ? (114001)
Started on Sat Apr 22 02:17:25 2000, by los angeles rail system (salaamallah)

Thread title: Request for all R-142 Fans (114006)
Started on Sat Apr 22 02:57:26 2000, by Henry R32 #3730

Thread title: what Line will the V be part of? (114019)
Started on Sat Apr 22 09:42:16 2000, by Subwayman

Thread title: New HB Light Rail Questions (114030)
Started on Sat Apr 22 10:42:57 2000, by Jeffrey Rosen

Thread title: New HB Light Rail Questions (114031)
Started on Sat Apr 22 10:43:54 2000, by Jeffrey Rosen

Thread title: liberty science center is free if you belong to the transit museum (114053)
Started on Sat Apr 22 11:59:34 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: metrocard chatroom is accessible to webtv users (114058)
Started on Sat Apr 22 12:15:32 2000, by heypaul

Started on Sat Apr 22 12:57:05 2000, by T.T.C.

Thread title: Schukyl (sp) Valley Metro (114070)
Started on Sat Apr 22 13:26:13 2000, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Churchman's Crossing SEPTA Station (114071)
Started on Sat Apr 22 13:37:05 2000, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: exchange place escalator warning (114080)
Started on Sat Apr 22 14:18:55 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: My trip to NYC -- Part II (114132)
Started on Sat Apr 22 18:38:08 2000, by John B. Bredin, Esq.

Thread title: REMINDER-METROCARD CHAT AT 8 EDT!!! (114139)
Started on Sat Apr 22 19:47:42 2000, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Closed LIRR cars on weekends (114151)
Started on Sat Apr 22 20:48:06 2000, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: Paris, Part I (114157)
Started on Sat Apr 22 21:08:55 2000, by David Pirmann - Web Site Host

Thread title: Amazing fantasy subway map... (114166)
Started on Sat Apr 22 21:40:04 2000, by Paulie Subway

Thread title: Amazing fantasy subway map... (114167)
Started on Sat Apr 22 21:40:20 2000, by Paulie Subway

Thread title: HBLR Fare question (114191)
Started on Sun Apr 23 00:06:25 2000, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: Construction reroute (114192)
Started on Sun Apr 23 00:23:34 2000, by Jeffrey Rosen

Thread title: My trip to Liberty Science Center (114195)
Started on Sun Apr 23 00:45:13 2000, by Jeffrey Rosen

Thread title: SubTalk LIVE - Encore Sunday 4/23 at 8/7 Central (114221)
Started on Sun Apr 23 02:20:04 2000, by Pigs of Royal Island

Thread title: Forgotten Lower East Side (114234)
Started on Sun Apr 23 04:21:40 2000, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: question for new quens blvd line (114235)
Started on Sun Apr 23 04:42:43 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: subway pictures (114236)
Started on Sun Apr 23 05:36:43 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: A question about the old Double-Letters lines (114237)
Started on Sun Apr 23 06:26:01 2000, by amin peralta

Thread title: Post column on MTA's capital plan (114264)
Started on Sun Apr 23 08:58:02 2000, by J Lee

Thread title: South Ferry #1,9 and Whitehall St N,R lines (114279)
Started on Sun Apr 23 09:34:39 2000, by amin peralta

Thread title: David Pirman posting subway pictures (114287)
Started on Sun Apr 23 10:04:11 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: Trackless Trolley Ramble #2 - Philly (114292)
Started on Sun Apr 23 10:27:30 2000, by TransitChuckG

Thread title: Conductor Announcements - Part Time Services (114301)
Started on Sun Apr 23 10:48:33 2000, by Gotham Bus Co.

Thread title: Track layouts -- which one is above/below? (114317)
Started on Sun Apr 23 12:27:40 2000, by Steve Hoskins

Thread title: THE TAKING OF PELHAM 123 (114320)
Started on Sun Apr 23 12:45:22 2000, by R-29

Thread title: dc3 planes and r10 subway cars (114323)
Started on Sun Apr 23 12:56:02 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: Destination Signs on IRT Cars (114336)
Started on Sun Apr 23 14:33:57 2000, by Robert From Queens

Thread title: Bluebirds vs Redbirds (114337)
Started on Sun Apr 23 14:37:40 2000, by Robert From Queens

Thread title: Hudson-Bergen run on Easter Sunday morn (114347)
Started on Sun Apr 23 16:34:27 2000, by Doug aka BMTman

Thread title: Remenbering the" B" and "D" on the Broadway Line (114351)
Started on Sun Apr 23 16:54:34 2000, by amin peralta

Thread title: F Train Terminal at 34th Street (114357)
Started on Sun Apr 23 17:12:17 2000, by Robert From Queens

Thread title: wrong railing on the a from the world trade center to jay street (114365)
Started on Sun Apr 23 17:53:53 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: Board of Education MetroCard (114382)
Started on Sun Apr 23 18:55:15 2000, by

Thread title: TA vs Others (114404)
Started on Sun Apr 23 20:18:19 2000, by Motor Instructor

Thread title: Fastest Ride Today (114439)
Started on Sun Apr 23 21:58:54 2000, by Tony Mirabella

Thread title: Hudson-Bergen line (114444)
Started on Sun Apr 23 22:02:15 2000, by Tony Mirabella

Thread title: Subway picture quesion (114454)
Started on Sun Apr 23 23:12:30 2000, by John

Thread title: The "Subway" Thing (114472)
Started on Sun Apr 23 23:57:32 2000, by Tony Mirabella

Thread title: Broadway Line (114478)
Started on Mon Apr 24 00:16:16 2000, by Number7Rider

Thread title: Say, Wayne have you seen the movie, "The Cowboy Way" (114489)
Started on Mon Apr 24 00:54:20 2000, by Doug aka BMTman

Thread title: MN Genesis Locomotives (114514)
Started on Mon Apr 24 08:01:36 2000, by jrf

Thread title: R40 "Q" train on Wash Hts line (114517)
Started on Mon Apr 24 08:19:27 2000, by amin peralta

Thread title: Any bird owners here? (114519)
Started on Mon Apr 24 08:43:53 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: Pay-per-ride transfers (114538)
Started on Mon Apr 24 10:18:31 2000, by transitbuff

Thread title: Pay-Per-Ride Cards (114540)
Started on Mon Apr 24 10:26:03 2000, by transitbuff

Thread title: B and Q Subway completion via 63rd St. Tunnel (114551)
Started on Mon Apr 24 11:53:31 2000, by JerzDevl2000

Thread title: high tech IRT trains (114552)
Started on Mon Apr 24 11:56:53 2000, by rs136

Thread title: Did they approve? I don't get it.(Capitol Spending Plan) (114562)
Started on Mon Apr 24 12:38:56 2000, by Subwayman

Thread title: r68/r68A B train (114588)
Started on Mon Apr 24 15:09:44 2000, by lincoln

Thread title: A Little Good News (114609)
Started on Mon Apr 24 17:17:31 2000, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: Norristown & Hudson-Bergen (114617)
Started on Mon Apr 24 17:58:43 2000, by Joe

Thread title: Mets Win, Mets Win, METS WIN!!!!!! (114628)
Started on Mon Apr 24 18:24:59 2000, by #4 Sea Beach Fred

Thread title: Monday Chat (114672)
Started on Mon Apr 24 20:13:55 2000, by Pigs of Royal Island

Thread title: Old Hudson Terminal (114676)
Started on Mon Apr 24 20:38:03 2000, by Carl M.

Thread title: Grand Central Track Map (114686)
Started on Mon Apr 24 21:07:43 2000, by Tony Mirabella

Thread title: Pics of Triplex Fan Trip, Sept. 1975 (114714)
Started on Mon Apr 24 22:07:00 2000, by Evan

Thread title: R-110B Not in its time slot! (114754)
Started on Tue Apr 25 00:02:45 2000, by Henry R32 #3730

Thread title: nomination for: #1worst subtalker-poster..!! (114755)
Started on Tue Apr 25 00:02:55 2000, by los angeles rail system (salaamallah)

Thread title: Rembering The Culver Shuttle II (114778)
Started on Tue Apr 25 01:43:50 2000, by Big Papa Cool J

Thread title: LIRR locomotive Engineers (114791)
Started on Tue Apr 25 08:16:18 2000, by Subwayman

Thread title: Amtrak Genesis Locomotives (114795)
Started on Tue Apr 25 08:20:52 2000, by Subwayman

Thread title: H-B LR Future Plans (114815)
Started on Tue Apr 25 09:48:20 2000, by Thurston

Thread title: R142 Testing status (114817)
Started on Tue Apr 25 10:09:25 2000, by jrf

Thread title: East side to WTC (114818)
Started on Tue Apr 25 10:13:28 2000, by Dave

Thread title: My Subway Map (114826)
Started on Tue Apr 25 11:17:11 2000, by NJSTA

Thread title: the subway is disgusting (114851)
Started on Tue Apr 25 12:22:30 2000, by L Monroe

Thread title: Re: Old IRT car (already old in 1960's) (114854)
Started on Tue Apr 25 12:23:15 2000, by mpk0

Thread title: Curve on Central Park West?? (114868)
Started on Tue Apr 25 13:19:46 2000, by Howard Fein

Thread title: New Trains On SEPTA's Regional Rail Lines??? (114873)
Started on Tue Apr 25 13:35:55 2000, by Timothy

Thread title: LIRR MU"s Emergency Brakes (114893)
Started on Tue Apr 25 14:24:50 2000, by Subwayman

Thread title: Archer Avenue tunnel - Queens subway (114896)
Started on Tue Apr 25 14:51:47 2000, by mpk0

Thread title: Anniversary of 1st Subtalk Fieldtrip (114905)
Started on Tue Apr 25 15:40:42 2000, by David Pirmann - Web Site Host

Thread title: Cell Phones on the suburban trains (114924)
Started on Tue Apr 25 16:52:54 2000, by streetcar_man

Thread title: Hudson-Bergen line (114946)
Started on Tue Apr 25 17:48:20 2000, by Tony Mirabella

Thread title: Transit complaints (114976)
Started on Tue Apr 25 18:39:29 2000, by Engine Brake

Thread title: red bulbs backlighting glass destination signs on some path cars (114985)
Started on Tue Apr 25 19:31:13 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: strange observations riding the exchange place escalator (114990)
Started on Tue Apr 25 19:45:44 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: interesting engraved map of jersey area on the floor of exchange place platform (114992)
Started on Tue Apr 25 19:57:46 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: Toronto (115001)
Started on Tue Apr 25 20:42:56 2000, by Dave Barraza

Thread title: Path trains (115013)
Started on Tue Apr 25 21:51:24 2000, by John

Thread title: LIRR tunnel signals (115016)
Started on Tue Apr 25 21:54:32 2000, by John

Thread title: 1964 Silver Leaf Rapid Transit Booklet #3 Available (115048)
Started on Tue Apr 25 23:20:59 2000, by Joe Saitta

Thread title: a website about hblr car specs and some information about ownership (115064)
Started on Wed Apr 26 00:06:31 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: A full day of nothing but trains (and some questions) long post (115089)
Started on Wed Apr 26 03:13:56 2000, by Pgitty

Thread title: Scraped Subwsay Cars at 39st & 2nd Ave. (115106)
Started on Wed Apr 26 07:41:44 2000, by RobertJackieGleason

Thread title: Another 12-9 last night at Grand Street (115110)
Started on Wed Apr 26 07:56:25 2000, by Subwayman

Thread title: Consolidation of T/O and C/R (115115)
Started on Wed Apr 26 08:25:36 2000, by SUBWAYSURF

Thread title: subways in movies (115127)
Started on Wed Apr 26 08:49:37 2000, by flx870

Thread title: R142 Testing Status (115182)
Started on Wed Apr 26 12:37:59 2000, by jrf

Thread title: controllers (115184)
Started on Wed Apr 26 12:39:26 2000, by David B.

Thread title: R142 Testing status (115198)
Started on Wed Apr 26 13:10:50 2000, by jrf

Thread title: Flushing yards (115212)
Started on Wed Apr 26 13:53:16 2000, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: Re:Kids book about subway time travel (115229)
Started on Wed Apr 26 14:21:51 2000, by mpk0

Thread title: My first HHLR ride (115234)
Started on Wed Apr 26 14:30:29 2000, by Peter Rosa

Thread title: Second Avenue Subway proposal (115235)
Started on Wed Apr 26 14:32:15 2000, by mpk0

Thread title: Another part of history....GONE (115266)
Started on Wed Apr 26 17:09:36 2000, by Mark W.

Thread title: Hudson-Bergen Light Rail (115267)
Started on Wed Apr 26 17:20:53 2000, by Larry,RedbirdR33

Thread title: jersey city medical center (115280)
Started on Wed Apr 26 18:14:45 2000, by heypaul

Thread title: LIRR's Ronkonkoma Branch. Saturday April 29-30 (115288)
Started on Wed Apr 26 18:26:26 2000, by Subwayman

Thread title: LIRR's Ronkonkoma Branch April29-30. Someone explain these G.O's!!! (115333)
Started on Wed Apr 26 20:27:19 2000, by Subwayman

Thread title: LIRR's MU Emergency Brakes. (M-1's M-3s) (115339)
Started on Wed Apr 26 20:37:08 2000, by Subwayman

Thread title: Book Deterioration (115343)
Started on Wed Apr 26 21:02:44 2000, by Karl B

Thread title: CHAT NOW (115345)
Started on Wed Apr 26 21:04:03 2000, by Pigs of Royal Island

Thread title: Newark City Subway Update (115356)
Started on Wed Apr 26 21:49:24 2000, by Larry,RedbirdR33

Thread title: Upper Harlem News (115357)
Started on Wed Apr 26 21:55:58 2000, by Larry,RedbirdR33

Thread title: HBLR Line,would like car info. (115358)
Started on Wed Apr 26 21:58:22 2000, by Larry,RedbirdR33

Thread title: O.WINSTON LINK !! (115359)
Started on Wed Apr 26 21:59:54 2000, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: they dont make camcorders like they used to !! (115361)
Started on Wed Apr 26 22:06:38 2000, by los angeles rail system (salaamallah)

Thread title: BIG NEWS ON 142 TESTING!!! (115364)
Started on Wed Apr 26 22:14:17 2000, by Henry R32 #3730

Thread title: This weekend on the LIRR (115365)
Started on Wed Apr 26 22:24:43 2000, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: Heypaul's Cab Mockup (115395)
Started on Wed Apr 26 23:50:39 2000, by Subway Dave(David Shanske)

Thread title: New PATH map and guide (115399)
Started on Thu Apr 27 00:00:56 2000, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: HBLR.... something unusual (115403)
Started on Thu Apr 27 00:15:42 2000, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: Ad for renting and driving trains (115423)
Started on Thu Apr 27 02:14:41 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: Daily News Beats the Drum -- Hooray! (115462)
Started on Thu Apr 27 09:33:53 2000, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: Line Superentendents What do they do? (115512)
Started on Thu Apr 27 13:03:40 2000, by Subway_Crash_Means _Money _For _NYTransit

Thread title: Interurbans, i.e. Commuter Rail (115520)
Started on Thu Apr 27 13:49:31 2000, by Thurston

Thread title: My Joyride today on LIRR. (115538)
Started on Thu Apr 27 15:02:52 2000, by Subwayman

Thread title: Third Track on Fulton St. (115546)
Started on Thu Apr 27 16:05:59 2000, by Karl B

Thread title: Testing has begun on the Southwest Corridor (115564)
Started on Thu Apr 27 17:22:54 2000, by Steve B-8AVEXP

Thread title: Amtrak Trip (115598)
Started on Thu Apr 27 19:48:40 2000, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Heard on the LIRR (115622)
Started on Thu Apr 27 22:09:40 2000, by Peter Rosa

Thread title: Intervale (115627)
Started on Thu Apr 27 22:23:21 2000, by Tony Mirabella

Thread title: East Tremont (115636)
Started on Thu Apr 27 22:45:58 2000, by Tony Mirabella

Thread title: 3 Tracks on the Newrk City Subway (115637)
Started on Thu Apr 27 22:47:53 2000, by DaWheelFlange

Thread title: Construction at Great Neck (115640)
Started on Thu Apr 27 23:06:39 2000, by Kevin Walsh

Thread title: NY Cross Harbor #11 (115644)
Started on Thu Apr 27 23:17:59 2000, by DaWheelFlange

Thread title: Two questions (115690)
Started on Fri Apr 28 05:59:13 2000, by Dave

Thread title: Subway T/O shifts? (Longish) (115691)
Started on Fri Apr 28 06:30:43 2000, by TimK

Thread title: Grand Central North Construction Begins May 1, 2000 (115694)
Started on Fri Apr 28 07:12:33 2000, by jrf

Thread title: Grand Central North Construction Begins May 1, 2000 (115695)
Started on Fri Apr 28 07:13:37 2000, by jrf

Thread title: Amtrak Derailment (115721)
Started on Fri Apr 28 09:09:23 2000, by Aaron 75 Ave

Thread title: Red Birds & Stillwell Ave (115723)
Started on Fri Apr 28 09:15:37 2000, by Thurston

Thread title: Nassau Bailout: How to Take Over Long Island Bus (115724)
Started on Fri Apr 28 09:16:11 2000, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: 5th Track @ Spring St (115730)
Started on Fri Apr 28 10:28:02 2000, by Aaron 75 Ave

Thread title: Is HBLR outing for 4/29 still on? (115732)
Started on Fri Apr 28 10:29:34 2000, by Howard Fein

Thread title: Rockway via Queens Blvd (115735)
Started on Fri Apr 28 10:39:56 2000, by Aaron 75 Ave

Thread title: SIRT Trip next week (115746)
Started on Fri Apr 28 11:08:55 2000, by DaWheelFlange

Thread title: Long Island Railroad Locomotive Engineer Requirements (115764)
Started on Fri Apr 28 12:44:54 2000, by Subwayman

Thread title: Moral Support For Mayor Rudy (115765)
Started on Fri Apr 28 12:50:08 2000, by #4 Sea Beach Fred

Thread title: Re: 1968 "Plan for Action" (115767)
Started on Fri Apr 28 13:30:36 2000, by mpk0

Thread title: H&M power plant in Jersey City (115771)
Started on Fri Apr 28 13:54:38 2000, by Joe

Thread title: Boston's North Station (115773)
Started on Fri Apr 28 14:32:45 2000, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: HBLR beyond Exchange place (115774)
Started on Fri Apr 28 14:38:50 2000, by David B.

Thread title: Does anyone know where I can get some Straphanger T-shirts? (115780)
Started on Fri Apr 28 15:14:45 2000, by Subwayman

Thread title: Boston Type 8: It's Back!! (115787)
Started on Fri Apr 28 16:17:58 2000, by Nick

Thread title: Sacajaweas in Boston Change (115789)
Started on Fri Apr 28 16:20:11 2000, by Nick

Thread title: Clark Street Closing- Official Info (115802)
Started on Fri Apr 28 17:22:46 2000, by

Thread title: Continental Airline MetroCard (Yes- another one!) (115804)
Started on Fri Apr 28 17:26:54 2000, by

Thread title: Net 2 Phone MetroCard (115806)
Started on Fri Apr 28 17:32:59 2000, by

Thread title: SAO PAULO SUBWAY (115810)
Started on Fri Apr 28 18:22:34 2000, by Metrofan

Thread title: Front row seat to the INLAND ROUTE (115829)
Started on Fri Apr 28 19:56:18 2000, by Jersey Mike

Thread title: Why does everyone Hate the R-68? (115839)
Started on Fri Apr 28 21:28:15 2000, by Bill J

Thread title: New HBLR Construction Photos (115849)
Started on Fri Apr 28 22:23:18 2000, by DaWheelFlange

Thread title: New Scrapped Subway Photos 39 & 2 (115854)
Started on Fri Apr 28 22:45:31 2000, by DaWheelFlange

Thread title: Coluseum site at Columbus Circle (115868)
Started on Fri Apr 28 23:04:58 2000, by David Cole

Thread title: HBLR aspect (115875)
Started on Fri Apr 28 23:14:26 2000, by David B.

Thread title: HBLR extension south (115876)
Started on Fri Apr 28 23:18:24 2000, by David B.

Thread title: H&MRR Powerhouse Architect (115877)
Started on Fri Apr 28 23:26:36 2000, by

Thread title: NY-NJ Freight Rail Link (115882)
Started on Fri Apr 28 23:39:43 2000, by DaWheelFlange

Started on Sat Apr 29 00:06:03 2000, by

Thread title: FA Ebay: IRT R-17 cars (115888)
Started on Sat Apr 29 00:29:34 2000, by Twofoot

Thread title: GIFT SHOP (115914)
Started on Sat Apr 29 02:16:45 2000, by #1Brighton Exp Bob

Thread title: Statue (115940)
Started on Sat Apr 29 11:02:39 2000, by David B.

Thread title: Don't hate the R68's! (115973)
Started on Sat Apr 29 16:19:25 2000, by Subwayman

Thread title: Buying a Redbird (115975)
Started on Sat Apr 29 17:27:07 2000, by Christopher Rivera

Thread title: Re:Brooklyn Lexington Avenue "El" (115985)
Started on Sat Apr 29 17:47:04 2000, by mpk0

Thread title: Gone SIRT Tracks (115989)
Started on Sat Apr 29 18:27:32 2000, by DaWheelFlange

Thread title: Hudson Bergen Light Rail (115992)
Started on Sat Apr 29 18:38:14 2000, by Andy

Thread title: Different Color Lights in the tunnel (116008)
Started on Sat Apr 29 19:47:07 2000, by MR.Gee

Thread title: best western hotel question: in flushing n.y. near the subway ?? (116009)
Started on Sat Apr 29 19:56:14 2000, by los angeles rail system (salaamallah)

Thread title: Don't forget the chat! (116010)
Started on Sat Apr 29 19:58:12 2000, by Pigs of Royal Island

Thread title: PRR TUNNELS SUB-STATION ON ROUTES 1&9 (116060)
Started on Sat Apr 29 23:01:16 2000, by

Thread title: Haven't Been Paying Attention Lately So........ (116067)
Started on Sat Apr 29 23:19:40 2000, by Lou from Middletown NY
This site is not affiliated with any transit agency or provider.