SubTalk Archive 9/1998

Thread title: 1998 Insiders guide Department of Buses (11998)
Started on Tue Sep 1 02:27:56 1998, by Fernando Perez/Mr Mabstoa

Thread title: Willets Pt., Flushing line- Abandoned Mezzanine? (12002)
Started on Tue Sep 1 07:17:52 1998, by Damian

Thread title: Light Rail on Staten Island (12008)
Started on Tue Sep 1 09:42:57 1998, by Jim Douglass

Thread title: Where are the CTA 2000s? (12012)
Started on Tue Sep 1 10:15:57 1998, by Ed Sachs

Thread title: 14TH ST. West Side IRT (12015)
Started on Tue Sep 1 11:36:03 1998, by Barry Plotkin

Thread title: Jersey Buses - for Jersey Boy (12031)
Started on Tue Sep 1 17:05:11 1998, by David Pirmann - Web Site Host

Thread title: train ads (12036)
Started on Tue Sep 1 19:17:57 1998, by JD

Thread title: Staten Island Light Rail (12038)
Started on Tue Sep 1 20:32:40 1998, by Jim Douglass

Thread title: Overweight Train Operator's (12046)
Started on Wed Sep 2 00:03:52 1998, by Hangstrapper's Association

Thread title: Jeff H. where are you? (12053)
Started on Wed Sep 2 01:25:34 1998, by East Coaster

Thread title: Standard signs (to Steve B.) (12060)
Started on Wed Sep 2 08:17:32 1998, by Charles Fiori

Thread title: Where do you think the R142's will be assigned? (12061)
Started on Wed Sep 2 08:23:02 1998, by Joel G.

Thread title: Two oddities in Grand Central IRT (12114)
Started on Wed Sep 2 22:19:35 1998, by Ben

Thread title: Boston LRV 3682 Spotted on Newburgh-Beacon Bridge (NY) (12118)
Started on Wed Sep 2 22:32:41 1998, by Mark S. Feinman

Thread title: Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? On the Subway! (12119)
Started on Wed Sep 2 22:40:36 1998, by Mark S. Feinman

Thread title: Dept of subway workers riding on city buses for free (12127)
Started on Thu Sep 3 01:14:23 1998, by Barney K.

Thread title: Major Maintenance, Repair and Replacement Projects (12128)
Started on Thu Sep 3 02:11:59 1998, by Mike Rothenberg

Thread title: R110A Sighting (12134)
Started on Thu Sep 3 06:27:04 1998, by subway-buff(

Thread title: Block Tickets (12139)
Started on Thu Sep 3 08:35:00 1998, by Thurston

Thread title: Transit workers safety vests. (12160)
Started on Thu Sep 3 15:25:49 1998, by Byron

Thread title: The buff has taken to the drawing board!! (12162)
Started on Thu Sep 3 16:10:26 1998, by Andrew Hasson

Thread title: NEW BUS AND SUBWAY SCHEDULES??? (12164)
Started on Thu Sep 3 16:50:35 1998, by SCOTT

Thread title: Seeking Transit Friends (12171)
Started on Thu Sep 3 19:29:22 1998, by Timothy

Thread title: Line by Line:Flushing:Express When? (12173)
Started on Thu Sep 3 19:48:06 1998, by Lou from Upstate

Thread title: Why no transit taxes? (12174)
Started on Thu Sep 3 19:59:32 1998, by BJ

Thread title: R142-Have unit numbers been assigned? (12180)
Started on Thu Sep 3 21:02:32 1998, by Wayne Whitehorne

Thread title: Manattanville and Amsterdam bus depots (12184)
Started on Thu Sep 3 22:51:16 1998, by Fernando Perez/Mr Mabstoa

Thread title: RTS 4212 IN FRESH POND DEPOT (12194)
Started on Fri Sep 4 02:19:48 1998, by MIKE

Thread title: Jamaica Depot's Lack of Proper Express Buses (12196)
Started on Fri Sep 4 02:57:34 1998, by Jason Williams

Thread title: To Dave our Host (12217)
Started on Fri Sep 4 08:57:30 1998, by Thurston

Thread title: How Do Cars Get Moved to the Flushing?? (12220)
Started on Fri Sep 4 09:22:57 1998, by Lou from Upstate

Thread title: A Visit to Atlanta-MARTA (12223)
Started on Fri Sep 4 09:38:03 1998, by Lou from Upstate

Thread title: Boston's T and the B&A (12227)
Started on Fri Sep 4 10:13:03 1998, by Dave

Thread title: Yankee Specials on D??? (12240)
Started on Fri Sep 4 11:13:29 1998, by Lou from Brooklyn

Thread title: #7 train (12250)
Started on Fri Sep 4 12:41:44 1998, by takagi

Thread title: Interesting Manhattan subway sights? (12252)
Started on Fri Sep 4 12:58:04 1998, by Lee

Thread title: Lexinton Avenue Subway plus the Second Avenue Subway (12270)
Started on Fri Sep 4 17:01:17 1998, by C. James Rivera

Thread title: my new name(important) (12275)
Started on Fri Sep 4 19:32:35 1998, by Pinta

Thread title: 145th on the 3 train? (12288)
Started on Sat Sep 5 00:46:44 1998, by Susan

Thread title: #7LINE cars (12291)
Started on Sat Sep 5 01:14:30 1998, by Thomas Maley

Thread title: Bicycles on the Subway (12303)
Started on Sat Sep 5 12:52:55 1998, by Steve

Thread title: Hello how are the Old Order Amish doing ? (12315)
Started on Sat Sep 5 18:49:45 1998, by Amos Yoder

Thread title: REDBIRDS-R62S (12320)
Started on Sat Sep 5 20:17:07 1998, by MR.MARKET FRANKFORD

Thread title: Both Sides Now (12336)
Started on Sun Sep 6 06:37:03 1998, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: Followup: Interesting Manhattan subway sights? & no City Hall loop anymore. :( (12343)
Started on Sun Sep 6 11:42:33 1998, by Lee Weiner

Thread title: The Art of Motorcycles (12347)
Started on Sun Sep 6 16:47:44 1998, by Steve

Thread title: I Love Trains!!! (12354)
Started on Sun Sep 6 19:59:20 1998, by Larry

Thread title: R-143 vs R-33/36 which train is the better one? (12364)
Started on Mon Sep 7 11:10:38 1998, by C. James Rivera

Thread title: M-4 Market Frankford Cars (12365)
Started on Mon Sep 7 12:33:10 1998, by Chuck Greene

Thread title: Withdrawl of the "Redbirds" (12383)
Started on Mon Sep 7 17:52:27 1998, by Simon Billis

Thread title: Parking at NJT NE Corridor Stations (12389)
Started on Mon Sep 7 20:51:18 1998, by Bobw

Thread title: Trains to Yankee Stadium (12390)
Started on Mon Sep 7 21:03:01 1998, by Gary Wengeroff

Thread title: Prmotional MetroCards (12408)
Started on Tue Sep 8 01:19:01 1998, by subway-buff(

Thread title: PATH Side Indicator Lights (12409)
Started on Tue Sep 8 01:22:08 1998, by subway-buff(

Thread title: R30's in new movie "Blade" and Water St.-BMT (12415)
Started on Tue Sep 8 06:30:06 1998, by Jack

Thread title: Queens Blvd. and concrete ties (12416)
Started on Tue Sep 8 06:32:31 1998, by Jack

Thread title: Degree of slant of lower level trains (12418)
Started on Tue Sep 8 06:38:47 1998, by Jack

Thread title: Branford Visit (12430)
Started on Tue Sep 8 09:06:48 1998, by Thurston

Thread title: Can Lightning Fry You on the Subway? (12433)
Started on Tue Sep 8 10:24:30 1998, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: About the Shore Line/NY Days Advertisement (12441)
Started on Tue Sep 8 11:03:56 1998, by David Pirmann - Web Site Host

Thread title: Boston Tokens (12455)
Started on Tue Sep 8 13:10:21 1998, by Jersey Boy

Thread title: Transit Mecca of North American - Toronto (12465)
Started on Tue Sep 8 14:23:40 1998, by Jim K

Thread title: Commuter rail Washington-Boston (12469)
Started on Tue Sep 8 15:13:17 1998, by Jersey Boy

Thread title: Conductor controversy (G Train rape) (12471)
Started on Tue Sep 8 15:20:21 1998, by Jersey Boy

Thread title: NXSYS Addon Tracks (12489)
Started on Tue Sep 8 18:10:39 1998, by Doug Tackach Jr.

Thread title: NO CITY HALL LOOP ANYMORE??? (12490)
Started on Tue Sep 8 18:33:02 1998, by Barry Plotkin

Thread title: Inshot valves -- was the Professor correct? (12502)
Started on Tue Sep 8 20:08:48 1998, by Jeff H.

Thread title: NJ Transit Arrow II's, Comet IV & ALP 44 (12512)
Started on Tue Sep 8 23:34:47 1998, by Bill

Thread title: THE STORM: Mon, Aug 07: wha' happened on the Slobway? (12518)
Started on Wed Sep 9 02:18:14 1998, by W. Boylan

Thread title: NYC Freight Rail Tunnel (12525)
Started on Wed Sep 9 08:52:22 1998, by D. Andrew Byler

Started on Wed Sep 9 10:52:28 1998, by Joel Lovitch

Thread title: Canal Street (12541)
Started on Wed Sep 9 13:01:12 1998, by Lee Weiner

Thread title: LIRR Ear Popping Ride (12547)
Started on Wed Sep 9 14:32:59 1998, by bfbyrne

Thread title: 1998 Insiders Bus Guide (12552)
Started on Wed Sep 9 14:37:08 1998, by Ron

Thread title: #7 symbol (12561)
Started on Wed Sep 9 18:04:05 1998, by Thomas Maley

Thread title: Canal Street Renovation (12565)
Started on Wed Sep 9 19:39:56 1998, by Rocky

Thread title: R Train Cars (12567)
Started on Wed Sep 9 19:48:38 1998, by Rocky

Thread title: New Septa City Map-Phila (12568)
Started on Wed Sep 9 20:01:33 1998, by Chuck greene

Thread title: Dedication of Weschester Ave Master Tower (12576)
Started on Thu Sep 10 01:16:22 1998, by A.Pardi

Thread title: Metro-North open Shop? (12579)
Started on Thu Sep 10 01:40:54 1998, by Philip Nasadowsk

Thread title: Largest Single Line (12580)
Started on Thu Sep 10 02:35:51 1998, by Donald Snead

Thread title: What's up with the Franklin Shuttle? (12584)
Started on Thu Sep 10 06:39:05 1998, by Jack

Thread title: TA Colleagues, been there ? (12592)
Started on Thu Sep 10 10:20:24 1998, by Thurston

Thread title: AirTrain to JFK (12596)
Started on Thu Sep 10 10:50:39 1998, by Francis Sibilla

Thread title: Rubber Tire Subways (12597)
Started on Thu Sep 10 10:57:22 1998, by Francis Sibilla

Thread title: quickest route (12616)
Started on Thu Sep 10 13:23:32 1998, by stacey

Thread title: CTA wises up (a little) on the monthly pass! (12644)
Started on Thu Sep 10 17:02:17 1998, by John B. Bredin

Thread title: Abandoned Tunnels (12654)
Started on Thu Sep 10 19:24:54 1998, by Greg

Thread title: One-Day MetroCard! (12659)
Started on Thu Sep 10 19:51:18 1998, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: R-44's over R-32's anyday! (12663)
Started on Thu Sep 10 20:12:49 1998, by Rocky

Thread title: Number plates in odd places... (12671)
Started on Thu Sep 10 22:35:27 1998, by David Pirmann

Thread title: MTH New York City Transit Set delivered! (12676)
Started on Thu Sep 10 23:32:44 1998, by Frank Gatazka

Thread title: Rubber-tired supertrains? (12678)
Started on Fri Sep 11 00:04:37 1998, by Hank Eisenstein

Thread title: Farebox News (12698)
Started on Fri Sep 11 09:20:16 1998, by Thurston

Thread title: Interesting Footnote (12702)
Started on Fri Sep 11 09:41:41 1998, by Thurston

Started on Fri Sep 11 10:30:28 1998, by Joel G.

Started on Fri Sep 11 10:50:14 1998, by Rich Dorfman

Thread title: Commuters given sight for sore eyes (12720)
Started on Fri Sep 11 13:43:07 1998, by Jersey Boy

Thread title: West Fest and Strange Sightings (12727)
Started on Fri Sep 11 14:42:32 1998, by Constantine Steffan

Thread title: Subway-Railroad Connections (12732)
Started on Fri Sep 11 15:35:15 1998, by Bob Sklar

Thread title: Willie B: Cutoff Sinking In (12734)
Started on Fri Sep 11 16:07:09 1998, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: What's that ringing on the LIRR ? (12735)
Started on Fri Sep 11 16:11:51 1998, by bfbyrne

Thread title: Westchester yard having an open house? (12738)
Started on Fri Sep 11 16:28:50 1998, by Tom R

Thread title: Busiest rail station in the US (12745)
Started on Fri Sep 11 17:36:57 1998, by The Hornet

Thread title: Speaking of the LIRR....... (12746)
Started on Fri Sep 11 17:39:28 1998, by The Hornet

Thread title: New York City Transit GFI Fareboxes (12771)
Started on Sat Sep 12 13:57:19 1998, by Jake

Thread title: #7line (2)
Started on Sat Sep 12 15:39:51 1998, by Thomas Maley

Thread title: employment with LIRR/SEPTA/MN (12772)
Started on Sat Sep 12 19:39:56 1998, by gandy dancer

Thread title: E trains terminating at Penn Sta.? (12773)
Started on Sat Sep 12 20:48:44 1998, by David L.

Thread title: NYC Subways in the movies (12779)
Started on Sun Sep 13 02:09:39 1998, by Rich Cisak Jr.

Thread title: Fall Trolley Extravaganza (12785)
Started on Sun Sep 13 11:30:32 1998, by Chuck Greene

Thread title: F Train Super-Express (12786)
Started on Sun Sep 13 12:46:25 1998, by Barry Plotkin

Thread title: D train specials after Yankee games (12792)
Started on Sun Sep 13 19:16:38 1998, by Andy Sparberg

Thread title: Promotional Metrocards (12794)
Started on Sun Sep 13 19:41:37 1998, by Adam

Thread title: Orion 6350 (12795)
Started on Sun Sep 13 19:43:00 1998, by Eric B

Thread title: RTS 4212 and Bronx division buses/Fresh Pond depot (12801)
Started on Mon Sep 14 02:39:45 1998, by Mike

Thread title: CityRail Email Newsletter (12814)
Started on Mon Sep 14 10:09:43 1998, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: Long-ago-abandoned IRT signs (12832)
Started on Mon Sep 14 15:11:54 1998, by Bob Sklar

Thread title: To the Subway-buff who was in Philadelphia on Friday, July 24 (12833)
Started on Mon Sep 14 15:43:53 1998, by The Hornet

Thread title: Does the shoe break off? (12834)
Started on Mon Sep 14 15:49:24 1998, by The Hornet

Thread title: What are they building near PATH in NJ? (12835)
Started on Mon Sep 14 15:52:58 1998, by The Hornet

Thread title: New Jobs @ NYC Transit (12840)
Started on Mon Sep 14 17:07:55 1998, by Steve

Thread title: Queens Private Bus LInes- Why ? (12846)
Started on Tue Sep 15 01:32:42 1998, by subway-buff(

Thread title: NYC subway (12849)
Started on Tue Sep 15 06:29:28 1998, by Jarno Stet

Thread title: Some nice spots to view Philly in transit-for free (12850)
Started on Tue Sep 15 06:29:51 1998, by Jack

Thread title: Yards and Layups in NYC (12853)
Started on Tue Sep 15 07:10:12 1998, by Subwaystar

Thread title: Hey, Thurston! (12889)
Started on Tue Sep 15 14:51:56 1998, by Bob Sklar

Thread title: Cubic Fareboxes(swipe readers) (12894)
Started on Tue Sep 15 16:19:54 1998, by Mitch

Thread title: 63 street tunnel,merit blvd line, second ave. line and the super-express F train (12899)
Started on Tue Sep 15 17:42:17 1998, by J. Jones

Thread title: Subway Posters (12915)
Started on Wed Sep 16 00:45:09 1998, by Michael B.

Thread title: Maxwell House TV Ad (12937)
Started on Wed Sep 16 09:13:51 1998, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: When is Metro North open house? (12941)
Started on Wed Sep 16 10:03:00 1998, by Joel G.

Thread title: A CT oddity? (12957)
Started on Wed Sep 16 12:38:06 1998, by Jersey Boy

Thread title: Vacuum Train (12974)
Started on Wed Sep 16 15:39:43 1998, by Steve

Thread title: Here's a Novel Inquiry! (12975)
Started on Wed Sep 16 15:44:14 1998, by Jack

Thread title: any signal maintainers out there ? (12986)
Started on Wed Sep 16 21:54:59 1998, by f.muia

Thread title: NYC Subway in the Movies (12994)
Started on Thu Sep 17 01:44:48 1998, by wjb

Thread title: A suggestion for Dave (12996)
Started on Thu Sep 17 06:51:55 1998, by Jack

Thread title: Half Fare For Children: The MTA View (13000)
Started on Thu Sep 17 08:52:43 1998, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: NJ Transit - Bus & Train Fares (13001)
Started on Thu Sep 17 08:58:06 1998, by Thurston

Thread title: City Settlement With Utah Tourist in Subway Death: To the Lawyers (13003)
Started on Thu Sep 17 09:00:22 1998, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: Tunnels (13008)
Started on Thu Sep 17 09:12:14 1998, by Rick

Thread title: NJT Arrow III - For Train Cab Simulation (13034)
Started on Thu Sep 17 16:21:45 1998, by Philip E. Dominguez

Thread title: What Improvements will 44M buy? (13048)
Started on Thu Sep 17 21:32:08 1998, by Wayne Whitehorne

Thread title: Croton Yard Open House (13058)
Started on Fri Sep 18 01:51:02 1998, by Tom R.

Thread title: Rapid Transit Fast Becoming An Oxymoron (13060)
Started on Fri Sep 18 02:52:41 1998, by Charlie Muller

Thread title: NJ Transit Info (13072)
Started on Fri Sep 18 09:48:35 1998, by Thurston

Thread title: You can swipe a MetroTransfer?? (13075)
Started on Fri Sep 18 10:38:11 1998, by Lou from Brooklyn

Thread title: Conrail Freight Derails MetroNorth (13076)
Started on Fri Sep 18 10:47:53 1998, by Lou from Brooklyn

Thread title: Decrepit abandoned LIRR platform? (13090)
Started on Fri Sep 18 14:37:48 1998, by Barry Plotkin

Thread title: New Astoria tape (13116)
Started on Fri Sep 18 21:21:15 1998, by Chuck Greene

Thread title: New Hi Wheel exit and enterance (13128)
Started on Sat Sep 19 11:35:04 1998, by derlangis

Started on Sat Sep 19 12:00:50 1998, by Barry Plotkin

Thread title: Coliseum Depot (13130)
Started on Sat Sep 19 12:53:22 1998, by Mike

Thread title: Any Low Level Platforms Left? (13134)
Started on Sat Sep 19 14:59:02 1998, by Charles

Thread title: PRIVATE SUBWAY LINES???????? (13141)
Started on Sat Sep 19 20:17:48 1998, by Don Franklin

Thread title: #3772 - a very HOT R-32. (13149)
Started on Sun Sep 20 00:03:25 1998, by Wayne Whitehorne

Thread title: redbirds on the #1 (13153)
Started on Sun Sep 20 01:28:28 1998, by A.Pardi

Thread title: NJ transit Jersey Ave station (13170)
Started on Sun Sep 20 11:05:25 1998, by Aaron

Thread title: 1998 Subway guide (13175)
Started on Sun Sep 20 11:52:54 1998, by Ron

Thread title: septa diesels (13178)
Started on Sun Sep 20 17:51:15 1998, by GG1

Thread title: Reliquary (13191)
Started on Sun Sep 20 23:20:27 1998, by James

Thread title: Rail-Talk (13222)
Started on Mon Sep 21 15:18:59 1998, by Thurston

Started on Mon Sep 21 19:06:43 1998, by James

Thread title: A Question about Front End destination signs-B Division (13241)
Started on Mon Sep 21 20:09:05 1998, by Wayne Whitehorne

Thread title: T train (IRT+IND equip.) (13247)
Started on Tue Sep 22 01:03:50 1998, by Michael B.

Thread title: "Evolution of New York City Subways" (13249)
Started on Tue Sep 22 01:18:31 1998, by w.j.b.

Thread title: More subways in commercials (13258)
Started on Tue Sep 22 07:15:49 1998, by Jack

Thread title: At last!(For riders of SEPTA, particularly the 125) (13268)
Started on Tue Sep 22 10:51:59 1998, by Jack

Thread title: Work trains (13270)
Started on Tue Sep 22 10:57:16 1998, by Jack

Thread title: Nice to see you again (13271)
Started on Tue Sep 22 11:04:58 1998, by Alex Rocco

Thread title: Join PAROTS!(Redbird debunkers need not apply) (13275)
Started on Tue Sep 22 11:25:02 1998, by Jack

Thread title: new buff needs help! (13290)
Started on Tue Sep 22 12:17:50 1998, by liz parker

Thread title: HELP with cookies (13305)
Started on Tue Sep 22 13:17:00 1998, by Timothy Speer

Thread title: thanks everyone! (13314)
Started on Tue Sep 22 15:04:49 1998, by liz parker

Thread title: Possible sojourn to Boston-any ideas? (13317)
Started on Tue Sep 22 15:29:08 1998, by Jack

Thread title: Fulton Street express tracks in use right? (13320)
Started on Tue Sep 22 15:49:13 1998, by Jack

Thread title: Over 55 MPH??? (13327)
Started on Tue Sep 22 17:24:05 1998, by BJ

Thread title: NYC Subway Car Cab Simulator !!!!!!!! (13332)
Started on Tue Sep 22 20:11:20 1998, by Philip D.

Thread title: Sunday's Lo-V Trip (13333)
Started on Tue Sep 22 21:36:16 1998, by Constantine Steffan

Thread title: Day One NY Times Coverage (13341)
Started on Tue Sep 22 23:49:32 1998, by Mark S. Feinman

Thread title: Todd Glickman - Help us (13361)
Started on Wed Sep 23 10:41:43 1998, by aaron

Thread title: Lenox Rehab (13374)
Started on Wed Sep 23 12:38:59 1998, by Alex

Thread title: No Subway Guide (13375)
Started on Wed Sep 23 12:42:57 1998, by Todd Glickman

Thread title: Philly Subways (13380)
Started on Wed Sep 23 13:27:47 1998, by Peggy Darlington

Thread title: X17/X31 Spotted On NJ TurnPike w/ Passengers (13385)
Started on Wed Sep 23 13:49:35 1998, by GarfieldA

Thread title: MetroCards Only (13389)
Started on Wed Sep 23 14:22:19 1998, by Jersey Boy

Thread title: Reopen Grand Ave. Station (13406)
Started on Wed Sep 23 16:20:40 1998, by John B. Bredin

Thread title: Westchester Yard Open House pix (13417)
Started on Wed Sep 23 18:31:51 1998, by David Pirmann - Web Site Host

Thread title: I have a really stupid question... (13418)
Started on Wed Sep 23 19:23:39 1998, by Barry Plotkin

Thread title: Crime on the Subway script (13440)
Started on Thu Sep 24 05:16:15 1998, by Susan Vaill

Thread title: Might this be of interest to you, Peggy? (13461)
Started on Thu Sep 24 15:43:11 1998, by Jack

Thread title: Commuter rail sites (13462)
Started on Thu Sep 24 15:47:52 1998, by Luis Marquez

Thread title: how does it feel to drive a subway? (13472)
Started on Thu Sep 24 19:42:30 1998, by Pinta

Thread title: R46 JACK IS BACK (13473)
Started on Thu Sep 24 20:15:36 1998, by R46 JACK

Thread title: Amtrak names new Chairman and Vice Chairman. (13486)
Started on Fri Sep 25 05:26:47 1998, by Charlie Muller

Thread title: TA Money Surplus (13487)
Started on Fri Sep 25 06:40:11 1998, by Charlie Muller

Thread title: Sunday's Lo-V trip (13491)
Started on Fri Sep 25 07:50:05 1998, by Mike

Thread title: Express Bus Transfers (13506)
Started on Fri Sep 25 12:42:07 1998, by Pete

Thread title: Bergen St. Lower Level (13510)
Started on Fri Sep 25 12:59:02 1998, by Chad

Thread title: HELP (13518)
Started on Fri Sep 25 13:41:14 1998, by Ian

Thread title: HELP (13519)
Started on Fri Sep 25 13:42:07 1998, by Ian

Thread title: Renovated Grand Central Station/Friday USA Today (13524)
Started on Fri Sep 25 15:38:53 1998, by wsteil

Thread title: A couple NYC questions. (13540)
Started on Fri Sep 25 20:57:47 1998, by Rob

Thread title: NYC DAYS-Shoreline Trolly Mueum (13563)
Started on Sat Sep 26 00:35:16 1998, by Eddie A.

Thread title: "The Franklins" - and Priorities (13575)
Started on Sat Sep 26 10:24:02 1998, by Mike Rothenberg

Thread title: Raccoon in the system (13607)
Started on Sun Sep 27 00:59:01 1998, by Eric B

Thread title: The Subway by Stan Fischler (13611)
Started on Sun Sep 27 03:51:52 1998, by Charlie Muller

Thread title: No Customers at City Hall Loop (13643)
Started on Sun Sep 27 20:22:16 1998, by Bill

Thread title: Lo-v trip Sunday 9-27-98 (13644)
Started on Sun Sep 27 20:32:14 1998, by Bill

Thread title: SIRTOA TRACK MAPS 1998 (13647)
Started on Sun Sep 27 20:38:34 1998, by steve Lowenthal

Thread title: Employee Timetables LIRR and Metro North (13648)
Started on Sun Sep 27 20:41:16 1998, by Steve Lowenthal

Thread title: Error on May '96 subway map... (13680)
Started on Mon Sep 28 06:54:28 1998, by Jack

Thread title: LaGuardia Rail Link, another study (13692)
Started on Mon Sep 28 09:50:33 1998, by Thurston

Thread title: Is it the 'S' or the 'H'? (13726)
Started on Mon Sep 28 15:26:29 1998, by Stephen Ives

Thread title: Forgery (13727)
Started on Mon Sep 28 15:27:46 1998, by David Pirmann - Web Site Host

Thread title: Orion V CNG (13732)
Started on Mon Sep 28 15:46:38 1998, by Thurston

Thread title: Update on Rutgers Busses (13735)
Started on Mon Sep 28 15:52:12 1998, by Jersey Boy

Thread title: Subway Yard Comparisons (13750)
Started on Mon Sep 28 19:22:47 1998, by Ron

Thread title: NJT - Anyone in Charge? (13770)
Started on Mon Sep 28 23:48:02 1998, by Bobw

Thread title: A station that doesn't exist.....(actually two) (13781)
Started on Tue Sep 29 06:38:23 1998, by Jack

Thread title: Revenue tunnels in temporary limbo (13782)
Started on Tue Sep 29 06:43:24 1998, by Jack

Thread title: Penn Station questions (13783)
Started on Tue Sep 29 06:49:08 1998, by Luis Marquez

Thread title: Manhattan Bridge Inspections (13789)
Started on Tue Sep 29 08:52:42 1998, by Mike Rothenberg

Thread title: Boston T question (13797)
Started on Tue Sep 29 10:41:16 1998, by Dave

Thread title: Reality check about City Hall!!!! (13806)
Started on Tue Sep 29 12:24:18 1998, by Charles

Thread title: Are the Subways and Buses Getting Worse? (13811)
Started on Tue Sep 29 13:29:09 1998, by Larry Littlefield

Thread title: What is the Process of Scrapping Subway Cars? (13814)
Started on Tue Sep 29 13:32:22 1998, by Mark S Feinman

Thread title: B service to Bedford,Bronx (13823)
Started on Tue Sep 29 14:42:59 1998, by R-46 Jack

Thread title: Brooklyn Bridge trolleys on textbook (13836)
Started on Tue Sep 29 15:57:51 1998, by The Hornet

Thread title: Second Avenue Subway (13841)
Started on Tue Sep 29 16:30:43 1998, by Loren

Thread title: IRT Destination Signs (13844)
Started on Tue Sep 29 17:14:18 1998, by Steve Lowenthal

Thread title: NYC DOT BUS Destination Signs (13845)
Started on Tue Sep 29 17:16:04 1998, by Steve Lowenthal

Thread title: Williamsburg Bridge Subway Substitute Bus Shuttle Routing (13846)
Started on Tue Sep 29 17:18:34 1998, by Steve Lowenthal

Thread title: NYCT MCI 102-DL3 1868 (13850)
Started on Tue Sep 29 17:40:30 1998, by Hank Eisenstein

Thread title: Color coding of subways in New york (13853)
Started on Tue Sep 29 18:41:45 1998, by Luis Marquez

Thread title: ANNOUNCE: NY Days Shore Line Trolley Museum (13868)
Started on Tue Sep 29 23:41:49 1998, by Jeff H.
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