BusTalk Archive 1/2002

Thread title: Los Angeles Auto Show (42313)
Started on Tue Jan 1 06:35:51 2002, by gmartic

Thread title: Trips today (42323)
Started on Tue Jan 1 17:49:42 2002, by Qtraindash7

Thread title: Reroutes on New Year's Eve (42326)
Started on Tue Jan 1 19:53:02 2002, by M4

Thread title: I Stand Partially Corrected.....M30 & M98 (42327)
Started on Tue Jan 1 20:32:49 2002, by T-Drive Cruiser

Thread title: Back from my Trip, REALLY LONG (42352)
Started on Wed Jan 2 15:00:00 2002, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: BIG Ride-On Service Changes (42353)
Started on Wed Jan 2 15:04:15 2002, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Filing Open: Bus Operator Exam (42354)
Started on Wed Jan 2 17:27:47 2002, by Brooklyn67

Thread title: NJT Fare Increase Hearings Tonight (42355)
Started on Wed Jan 2 17:29:28 2002, by ctrabs74

Thread title: reroutes at Coney Island (42359)
Started on Wed Jan 2 18:36:54 2002, by caine824

Thread title: First ten of 40 CNG Metrobuses off to Salt Lake City for the Winter Olympics (42360)
Started on Wed Jan 2 18:51:14 2002, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Bus fare being raised again? (42365)
Started on Wed Jan 2 22:27:57 2002, by DaRidgewoodBusBuff

Thread title: My day in Queens (December 28, 2001) LONG! (42385)
Started on Thu Jan 3 09:49:58 2002, by Orion V #295

Thread title: NYT article on NJT, PATH, MTA rider crunch (42394)
Started on Thu Jan 3 21:40:08 2002, by E350_Aerotech_Shuttle

Thread title: NY Bat Wing RTS (42401)
Started on Thu Jan 3 23:33:08 2002, by Mr.Blue

Thread title: NEW CITY AVENUE-CART BUS (42402)
Started on Fri Jan 4 00:17:14 2002, by NwsRptr

Thread title: SEPTA SHOPPERS LOOP (42403)
Started on Fri Jan 4 00:21:05 2002, by NwsRptr

Thread title: Bus Photo Of The Day: A Little Shopping For A Nova (42406)
Started on Fri Jan 4 00:59:43 2002, by T-Drive Cruiser

Thread title: QvDepot.Com seeking "Reporters" (42408)
Started on Fri Jan 4 06:55:30 2002, by Brooklyn67

Thread title: Bad News (42417)
Started on Fri Jan 4 11:25:14 2002, by Orion V #295

Thread title: Update on Suffolk Transit (42419)
Started on Fri Jan 4 11:39:40 2002, by Orion V #295

Thread title: Nova Bus Press Release (42424)
Started on Fri Jan 4 11:50:58 2002, by DHF60

Thread title: BUS WORLD and MOTOR COACH AGE (42442)
Started on Fri Jan 4 15:10:21 2002, by Steve Hoskins

Thread title: Bus Routes by Division and Depot January 200 (42444)
Started on Fri Jan 4 15:50:46 2002, by FDNY

Thread title: Montgomery County Ride-On (42446)
Started on Fri Jan 4 16:43:44 2002, by Wayne Johnson

Thread title: Suffolk Transit fare hike! (42454)
Started on Fri Jan 4 19:51:21 2002, by Q46 Nova RTS#9288

Thread title: M30 MCH Runs (42456)
Started on Fri Jan 4 20:17:45 2002, by Q46 Nova RTS#9288

Thread title: Orion Suburbans in Staten Island. (42463)
Started on Fri Jan 4 22:56:06 2002, by DaRidgewoodBusBuff

Thread title: BEE LINE THE WAY TO GO!!!!!!!! (42470)
Started on Sat Jan 5 01:04:16 2002, by beeline21exp

Thread title: Website with proposed Staten Island express services (42479)
Started on Sat Jan 5 13:49:40 2002, by ar

Thread title: 5309's and 5310's (42485)
Started on Sat Jan 5 17:21:40 2002, by wvm600

Thread title: move the 4800's to Ulmer Park (42486)
Started on Sat Jan 5 18:45:35 2002, by caine824

Thread title: Bus Operator's Fantasy (42488)
Started on Sat Jan 5 19:46:07 2002, by Big Phil

Thread title: Chatham Square (42489)
Started on Sat Jan 5 20:01:07 2002, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Buses in Movies. Mrs. Doubtfire (42495)
Started on Sat Jan 5 22:29:49 2002, by Q46 Nova RTS#9288

Thread title: Buses in Movies. Miss Congeniality (42496)
Started on Sat Jan 5 22:36:27 2002, by Q46 Nova RTS#9288

Thread title: Baltmore MTA 30 Foot Flxibles (42499)
Started on Sat Jan 5 23:11:55 2002, by Q46 Nova RTS#9288

Thread title: Buses in Movies - Awakenings (42509)
Started on Sun Jan 6 12:01:35 2002, by Hart Bus

Thread title: New Looks (42513)
Started on Sun Jan 6 13:46:40 2002, by wvm600

Thread title: Vintage Buses haul thousands of people LA Auto Show this weekend (42548)
Started on Mon Jan 7 04:05:50 2002, by Mr.Blue

Thread title: Queens Surface, Tri-borough Coach, Jamaica Bus Lines On Strike!!!! (42550)
Started on Mon Jan 7 06:45:28 2002, by pshifrin

Thread title: Q-46 Adjustments during Q/S strike (42557)
Started on Mon Jan 7 09:34:45 2002, by Brooklyn67

Thread title: Strike is Over (42569)
Started on Mon Jan 7 11:49:34 2002, by Thurston

Thread title: New Years Eve Reroutes --for interested parties (42576)
Started on Mon Jan 7 14:57:42 2002, by FDNY

Thread title: TA Grumman @ JG (42577)
Started on Mon Jan 7 16:23:09 2002, by Robert (B Division T/O)

Thread title: Paint the Town R,W&B Metrocards (42578)
Started on Mon Jan 7 16:25:28 2002, by Robert (B Division T/O)

Thread title: NJ Transit Board Approves Fare Hike (42579)
Started on Mon Jan 7 16:27:46 2002, by ctrabs74

Thread title: TA/OA differences (42586)
Started on Mon Jan 7 17:46:16 2002, by Mike M

Thread title: New Orions for Ride-On (42591)
Started on Mon Jan 7 18:03:49 2002, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: NJT Philly Service (42602)
Started on Tue Jan 8 05:18:30 2002, by NwsRptr

Thread title: TA/OA BAT WING BUS ROSTER (42612)
Started on Tue Jan 8 11:46:34 2002, by J. L. Gutierrez

Thread title: Finally I saw a Neoplan myself! (42616)
Started on Tue Jan 8 15:01:32 2002, by Q46 Nova RTS#9288

Thread title: Why is Orion V #122 back in Queens instead of CANADA? (42619)
Started on Tue Jan 8 16:31:56 2002, by Orion V #295

Thread title: New Jersey Transit Garage and Service Are (42620)
Started on Tue Jan 8 16:41:55 2002, by FDNY

Thread title: New Jersey Transit Garage and Service Areas (42621)
Started on Tue Jan 8 16:42:40 2002, by FDNY

Thread title: Ride-On Observations (42623)
Started on Tue Jan 8 16:57:52 2002, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Someone finally gets the guts (42633)
Started on Tue Jan 8 18:36:28 2002, by Qtraindash7

Thread title: more buses to Ulmer Park (42637)
Started on Tue Jan 8 19:19:59 2002, by caine824

Thread title: MTA #1903 IS FOUND, And We're Not Talking About the MCI Cruiser (42661)
Started on Tue Jan 8 22:11:01 2002, by T-Drive Cruiser

Thread title: M15 articulateds (42672)
Started on Tue Jan 8 22:43:05 2002, by Andy

Thread title: The Dallas Trip (Kind of Long) Part 1 (42688)
Started on Wed Jan 9 14:14:57 2002, by CATS Man

Thread title: Amsterdam closing. (42699)
Started on Wed Jan 9 17:03:33 2002, by Interborough

Thread title: More Observations (42707)
Started on Wed Jan 9 18:49:37 2002, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: bus observations (42711)
Started on Wed Jan 9 19:19:17 2002, by caine824

Thread title: A WOA KINDA PHOTO: Talk About Moving Fast (42713)
Started on Wed Jan 9 19:41:20 2002, by T-Drive Cruiser

Thread title: Neoplans on the 7 Line (42715)
Started on Wed Jan 9 19:49:11 2002, by Q46 Nova RTS#9288

Thread title: BAT WING----AM General? (42720)
Started on Wed Jan 9 20:51:39 2002, by mdlbigcat

Thread title: The Dallas Wrap Up: Short and Sweet (42731)
Started on Wed Jan 9 23:27:08 2002, by CATS Man

Thread title: WMATA NABI's and PRTC (42737)
Started on Thu Jan 10 09:20:57 2002, by Wayne Johnson

Thread title: Riverdale Re Routes...BX7 (42738)
Started on Thu Jan 10 09:56:03 2002, by LoV Bill

Thread title: Nova Bus Sold??? (42742)
Started on Thu Jan 10 11:29:01 2002, by going_going_gone

Thread title: Hmmm!!! Security in Manhattan is not as tight as it was after September 11th! (42744)
Started on Thu Jan 10 12:01:20 2002, by Orion V #295

Thread title: Today's Observations (42756)
Started on Thu Jan 10 17:52:20 2002, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Exam # 1054 (42763)
Started on Thu Jan 10 19:06:25 2002, by Interborough

Thread title: Major Accident in Queens and No one Knew About It (42773)
Started on Thu Jan 10 23:26:24 2002, by Q5Merrick

Thread title: New articulateds spotted in Westchester County (42774)
Started on Thu Jan 10 23:48:55 2002, by #3 West End Jeff

Thread title: There was an accident involoving a NJT bus! (42798)
Started on Fri Jan 11 08:44:52 2002, by Orion V #295

Thread title: Queens needs more bus ROUTES! (42815)
Started on Fri Jan 11 12:27:52 2002, by Orion V #295

Thread title: 5th Av Bay Ridge--long term construction reroutes (42837)
Started on Fri Jan 11 17:21:35 2002, by FDNY

Thread title: ANOTHER EXCLUSIVE: What Heck Is NJ Transit Thinking...... (42848)
Started on Fri Jan 11 18:49:04 2002, by T-Drive Cruiser

Thread title: B61 on Manhattan ave. (42851)
Started on Fri Jan 11 19:27:55 2002, by Interborough

Thread title: Johnson Model D farebox question (42864)
Started on Fri Jan 11 21:39:01 2002, by Bill Newkirk

Thread title: Law and Order 1/11/02 (42888)
Started on Sat Jan 12 00:29:50 2002, by Mike M

Thread title: B/O's - Pick YOUR pet peeve. (42898)
Started on Sat Jan 12 09:24:54 2002, by Broadway Express

Thread title: Control of New Flyer Will Be Sold (42907)
Started on Sat Jan 12 10:49:00 2002, by T-Drive Cruiser

Thread title: A 1st OR 2nd LOOK: Behind The Scenes @ Rockland (42951)
Started on Sat Jan 12 16:12:52 2002, by T-Drive Cruiser

Thread title: "N" Shuttle Makes NO sense (42954)
Started on Sat Jan 12 16:28:41 2002, by caine824

Thread title: Stickers on buses question? (42955)
Started on Sat Jan 12 16:32:21 2002, by caine824

Thread title: Chatham Square is Open (42969)
Started on Sat Jan 12 19:37:49 2002, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Movie Buses (42972)
Started on Sat Jan 12 19:58:19 2002, by wvm600

Thread title: How can the suburbans be converted when... (43000)
Started on Sun Jan 13 01:51:13 2002, by DaRidgewoodBusBuff

Thread title: Suffolk County Bus Fare Increase (43013)
Started on Sun Jan 13 10:33:40 2002, by B53 Rich

Thread title: Buses and Tampons - The 15XX (43031)
Started on Sun Jan 13 13:41:10 2002, by EnIgMa6903

Thread title: Bronx questions (43032)
Started on Sun Jan 13 13:56:59 2002, by American Pig

Thread title: all brooklyn drivers (43034)
Started on Sun Jan 13 15:34:44 2002, by newflyer

Thread title: Current and recent orders for new RTS buses? (43040)
Started on Sun Jan 13 16:45:27 2002, by RailBus

Thread title: JG Orion V going to Command (43044)
Started on Sun Jan 13 18:54:43 2002, by Robert (B Division T/O)

Thread title: NYC Transit Museum Bus Inquisition (43054)
Started on Sun Jan 13 19:53:52 2002, by Orionboy2003

Thread title: IT'S THE CHASE: Nova on Nova (43066)
Started on Sun Jan 13 20:31:40 2002, by T-Drive Cruiser

Thread title: Wanted: Photo Of A NYCTA 1963 GMC Bus (43078)
Started on Sun Jan 13 22:45:42 2002, by Orionboy2003

Thread title: NJT bus history questions............. (43083)
Started on Sun Jan 13 23:20:26 2002, by mdlbigcat

Thread title: SEPTA HISTORY QUIZ....Subway Surface Lines.... (43085)
Started on Sun Jan 13 23:31:01 2002, by mdlbigcat

Thread title: Sorry...That last post was on the wrong page (43087)
Started on Sun Jan 13 23:32:24 2002, by mdlbigcat

Thread title: Los Angeles (43095)
Started on Mon Jan 14 01:34:06 2002, by wvm600

Thread title: NJT question.....Salem County (43103)
Started on Mon Jan 14 07:51:05 2002, by mdlbigcat

Thread title: PATCHES (43109)
Started on Mon Jan 14 11:41:44 2002, by BUSter

Thread title: Longest BusTalk Thread = 142? (43112)
Started on Mon Jan 14 12:00:31 2002, by Brooklyn67

Thread title: Problems With NYCTA 1963 GM Bus #3758 (43124)
Started on Mon Jan 14 17:04:36 2002, by Orionboy2003

Thread title: It's BACK --- ORION VII at G/H Depot (43158)
Started on Tue Jan 15 00:17:39 2002, by BUSter

Thread title: Bus Operators tests (43172)
Started on Tue Jan 15 10:02:24 2002, by 4 LEXINGTON AVENUE EXPRESS/LEX JEROME

Thread title: Next thing for low-floors, an over 40-ft bus with more than 40 seats. (43175)
Started on Tue Jan 15 10:25:10 2002, by Bingham C50

Thread title: Flxible 9053 (43181)
Started on Tue Jan 15 11:25:49 2002, by EnIgMa6903

Thread title: Toronto's GM New Looks - Best places to see them? (43188)
Started on Tue Jan 15 13:28:00 2002, by RailBus

Thread title: Another B/O nightmare (43197)
Started on Tue Jan 15 16:46:53 2002, by Wayne Johnson

Thread title: Buses in pop culture----SMALLVILLE (43222)
Started on Tue Jan 15 22:24:13 2002, by mdlbigcat

Thread title: SEPTA New Flyers (43224)
Started on Tue Jan 15 22:35:15 2002, by mdlbigcat

Thread title: A Great Ride (43237)
Started on Wed Jan 16 00:35:01 2002, by Old Tom

Thread title: Travels on 1/15/2002 (43238)
Started on Wed Jan 16 00:48:01 2002, by EnIgMa6903

Thread title: Painting Buses (43239)
Started on Wed Jan 16 00:52:04 2002, by EnIgMa6903

Thread title: Atlantic Express - X23/24 (43240)
Started on Wed Jan 16 00:54:09 2002, by EnIgMa6903

Thread title: Favorite SEPTA Bus Routes (43251)
Started on Wed Jan 16 05:33:05 2002, by NwsRptr

Thread title: SEPTA Engine/When does it go? (43252)
Started on Wed Jan 16 05:37:21 2002, by NwsRptr

Thread title: I'm Back (43258)
Started on Wed Jan 16 08:49:02 2002, by subway-buff@mindspring.com

Thread title: Worst built bus? (43271)
Started on Wed Jan 16 11:45:13 2002, by Brooklyn67

Thread title: Ride-On's New Orion Vs are Here and I Rode One! (43273)
Started on Wed Jan 16 12:01:44 2002, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: NYCTA Should Have Bought Classics (43276)
Started on Wed Jan 16 12:44:27 2002, by 5301 Fishbowl

Thread title: The Simpsons and the Baltimore MTA (43282)
Started on Wed Jan 16 14:23:26 2002, by 1C/Ballston

Thread title: BX3 University Av Short Turns (43304)
Started on Wed Jan 16 17:32:58 2002, by FDNY

Thread title: H A R T of Danbury Ct Roster requested (43306)
Started on Wed Jan 16 17:34:42 2002, by FDNY

Thread title: Battery Park City Bus Routings (43313)
Started on Wed Jan 16 18:22:28 2002, by FDNY

Thread title: Ulmer Park losing the 4700's (43327)
Started on Wed Jan 16 18:57:18 2002, by caine824

Thread title: Orion VI Double-take!!!! (43329)
Started on Wed Jan 16 19:26:41 2002, by Cleanairbus

Thread title: CHILLIN' : A MCI's Rest Spot (43337)
Started on Wed Jan 16 19:56:18 2002, by T-Drive Cruiser

Thread title: Here's one of my (Cleanairbus's) night shots...enjoy! (43339)
Started on Wed Jan 16 19:58:45 2002, by Cleanairbus

Thread title: 7 Free Bus In Phoenix On Thursday (43353)
Started on Wed Jan 16 21:01:39 2002, by Euclid Avenue A Train

Thread title: WHAT IS GOING ON HERE??? (43379)
Started on Wed Jan 16 22:46:04 2002, by Q5Merrick

Thread title: Bus News--WOW What a Concept!!!!! (43384)
Started on Wed Jan 16 23:03:44 2002, by Q5Merrick

Started on Wed Jan 16 23:39:33 2002, by Professor Putter

Thread title: METROCARD MANIA BOOK - Fun With Used MetroCards! (43391)
Started on Wed Jan 16 23:42:23 2002, by Professor Putter

Thread title: Neoplan Artics for WMATA (43462)
Started on Thu Jan 17 15:14:59 2002, by 1C/Ballston

Thread title: M7 South Terminal Routing (43464)
Started on Thu Jan 17 15:48:32 2002, by Tevi

Thread title: Thanks, WMATA :) (43480)
Started on Thu Jan 17 17:29:07 2002, by RTS T80 206

Thread title: Ride-On Observation (43491)
Started on Thu Jan 17 19:10:12 2002, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Ride-Ons 47 versus 96: Which should get expanded service? (43492)
Started on Thu Jan 17 19:14:16 2002, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: TWILIGHT TWINKLE: Academy On Stand (43493)
Started on Thu Jan 17 19:30:07 2002, by T-Drive Cruiser

Thread title: Let Me End This (43501)
Started on Thu Jan 17 19:59:41 2002, by RTS_2150

Thread title: Flag Sighted on WMATA Flxible Metro-B This Morning (43509)
Started on Thu Jan 17 20:43:04 2002, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Note to Webmaster (43517)
Started on Thu Jan 17 22:28:07 2002, by Mr.Blue

Thread title: Vandal-resistant seats (43530)
Started on Fri Jan 18 01:40:24 2002, by 137th St - CCNY

Thread title: Q35 question (43531)
Started on Fri Jan 18 01:50:03 2002, by SubBus

Thread title: Lafayette and Greenville IBOA (43551)
Started on Fri Jan 18 09:39:45 2002, by Orion V #295

Thread title: Need RED LIGHT CAMERA location help: (43570)
Started on Fri Jan 18 13:53:09 2002, by Brooklyn67

Thread title: Bus operator requirements :( (43572)
Started on Fri Jan 18 14:18:13 2002, by 4 LEXINGTON AVENUE EXPRESS/LEX JEROME

Thread title: 7560 (43574)
Started on Fri Jan 18 15:14:34 2002, by Mike M

Thread title: Another batch of Orion VI pics from Cleanairbus (Re: Orion VI double-take!) (43590)
Started on Fri Jan 18 16:22:46 2002, by Cleanairbus

Thread title: Commemoration in Transit NOW OPEN: Includes WMATA Rear Flag Pictures! (43592)
Started on Fri Jan 18 16:41:54 2002, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Neoplans All Over The Place: Baltimore Jumps On The Bandwagon (43605)
Started on Fri Jan 18 17:51:18 2002, by T-Drive Cruiser

Thread title: Looking For Bus Talk Member (43608)
Started on Fri Jan 18 18:02:51 2002, by caine824

Thread title: Broadway reroutes and MTA No MCI Classics (43610)
Started on Fri Jan 18 18:05:35 2002, by caine824

Thread title: LITTLE RED WAGON: Under The Bridge (43611)
Started on Fri Jan 18 18:13:54 2002, by T-Drive Cruiser

Thread title: GBL MCI Classics getting Rear Wrap Ads (43623)
Started on Fri Jan 18 19:56:02 2002, by Q46 Nova RTS#9288

Thread title: BM-15!!!? (43626)
Started on Fri Jan 18 21:13:05 2002, by McIeXpReSs

Thread title: Playoff Madness - Transit Style (43651)
Started on Sat Jan 19 08:27:48 2002, by Broadway Express

Thread title: Reality Check on a Re-Powered Bus (43671)
Started on Sat Jan 19 16:21:09 2002, by Bill from Maspeth

Thread title: Buses in Commercials (43674)
Started on Sat Jan 19 17:22:14 2002, by Hart Bus

Thread title: Westchester Neoplans are poping up EVERYWHERE!!(Almost everywhere) (43679)
Started on Sat Jan 19 19:19:47 2002, by Q46 Nova RTS#9288

Thread title: Bus Talk Poll: Should Westchester Bee Line go back to Neoplan and order more buses? (43680)
Started on Sat Jan 19 19:27:26 2002, by Q46 Nova RTS#9288

Thread title: Chatham Square is Open (43685)
Started on Sat Jan 19 20:32:04 2002, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Neoplan (43686)
Started on Sat Jan 19 21:06:43 2002, by howardr142

Thread title: WMATA Orion V 2219 (43704)
Started on Sun Jan 20 12:17:05 2002, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Let MTA get Neoplans (43706)
Started on Sun Jan 20 12:45:41 2002, by caine824

Thread title: R-143A (43711)
Started on Sun Jan 20 15:32:28 2002, by Interborough

Thread title: Articulated NOVAS. (43717)
Started on Sun Jan 20 15:57:37 2002, by Interborough

Thread title: Baltimore Transit Archives FINALLY updated. (43725)
Started on Sun Jan 20 19:07:43 2002, by Broadway Express

Thread title: First New Look at Orion CNG MTA #7560 (43726)
Started on Sun Jan 20 19:26:01 2002, by MTA-NYCT/MaBSTOA TCO/OP

Thread title: NYCTA RTS 5031 (43730)
Started on Sun Jan 20 20:04:42 2002, by Mr.Blue

Thread title: Times for #7560 on Bx28 (43744)
Started on Sun Jan 20 22:30:09 2002, by Q46 Nova RTS#9288

Thread title: New Ford E-550 with Goshen Body -- photo (43750)
Started on Sun Jan 20 23:36:58 2002, by E350_Aerotech_Shuttle

Thread title: Buses in Movies---Quick Change (1990) (43762)
Started on Mon Jan 21 10:33:01 2002, by Orion V #295

Thread title: Buses to paint (43780)
Started on Mon Jan 21 16:09:25 2002, by caine824

Thread title: Bus Information Center Missing (43781)
Started on Mon Jan 21 16:11:11 2002, by caine824

Thread title: Light-rail for DC? (43785)
Started on Mon Jan 21 17:18:53 2002, by E350_Aerotech_Shuttle

Thread title: DASHING THROUGH THE SNOW: It's My Sleigh! (43787)
Started on Mon Jan 21 17:57:57 2002, by T-Drive Cruiser

Thread title: Viking cruisers (43797)
Started on Mon Jan 21 18:56:14 2002, by Interborough

Thread title: Green Bus Lines Order (43798)
Started on Mon Jan 21 19:16:24 2002, by caine824

Thread title: SEPTA Observations (43802)
Started on Mon Jan 21 19:37:43 2002, by mdlbigcat

Thread title: Relief Points (43808)
Started on Mon Jan 21 20:09:50 2002, by M4

Thread title: Update on BusTalk Member: Flxible (43819)
Started on Mon Jan 21 21:30:42 2002, by T-Drive Cruiser

Thread title: I95 RTS Sightings (43836)
Started on Mon Jan 21 21:59:16 2002, by EnIgMa6903

Thread title: How come the OrionVII's couldn't be diesel? (43838)
Started on Mon Jan 21 22:26:34 2002, by DaRidgewoodBusBuff

Thread title: Who is in charge? (43842)
Started on Mon Jan 21 23:29:25 2002, by M4

Thread title: NJ Transit Security (43852)
Started on Tue Jan 22 06:20:29 2002, by NwsRptr

Thread title: Fastest Subway, Slowest Buses (43863)
Started on Tue Jan 22 11:43:55 2002, by thetrainmon

Thread title: some updates B64 and B74 Stillwell Terminal ,Etc (43879)
Started on Tue Jan 22 17:02:04 2002, by FDNY

Thread title: Destination Signs Updated EXPRESS ROUTES (43882)
Started on Tue Jan 22 17:12:35 2002, by FDNY

Thread title: Blitz Bus Numbers (43883)
Started on Tue Jan 22 18:05:52 2002, by Shoreliner

Thread title: Can't Triboro Repaint the Orion5 CNG's? (43889)
Started on Tue Jan 22 19:19:41 2002, by Q46 Nova RTS#9288

Thread title: Ride-On Orion V Update/Destination Sign Correction & Observation (43891)
Started on Tue Jan 22 19:38:48 2002, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Cleanairbus's Orion VII pics!!!!!!!!!!! (LONG POST) (43893)
Started on Tue Jan 22 19:45:24 2002, by Cleanairbus

Thread title: Continential/Academy Shuttle (43896)
Started on Tue Jan 22 20:14:45 2002, by Tevi

Thread title: WMATA May Go Retro.......Go Metro! (43911)
Started on Tue Jan 22 21:44:08 2002, by T-Drive Cruiser

Thread title: RTS #1773 (43936)
Started on Wed Jan 23 09:15:33 2002, by Brooklyn67

Thread title: RTS #4883 (43938)
Started on Wed Jan 23 09:17:00 2002, by Brooklyn67

Thread title: Can you count the people who ride the B71? (43945)
Started on Wed Jan 23 11:28:08 2002, by B44NewYorkAv.

Thread title: help (43957)
Started on Wed Jan 23 15:09:15 2002, by flxblebus95-081

Thread title: The R local to 179th street (43961)
Started on Wed Jan 23 15:40:22 2002, by Interborough

Thread title: Observations Today (43976)
Started on Wed Jan 23 17:44:46 2002, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Staten Island Relief points (43986)
Started on Wed Jan 23 19:22:40 2002, by caine824

Thread title: Queens Observations (43987)
Started on Wed Jan 23 19:32:29 2002, by caine824

Thread title: Las Vegas Observations (43992)
Started on Wed Jan 23 20:26:54 2002, by Sid from NJ

Thread title: Test Buses (43995)
Started on Wed Jan 23 21:17:52 2002, by MCI D4000 81994

Thread title: Nassau Hub Shuttle (43998)
Started on Wed Jan 23 22:01:20 2002, by FDNY

Thread title: Express Service For Borough Park, Dyker Hgts? (44009)
Started on Wed Jan 23 23:47:34 2002, by ItalianGuyInSI

Thread title: SEPTA Express buses (44025)
Started on Thu Jan 24 09:38:35 2002, by Orion V 93087

Thread title: Ride-On Orion V 5586 Sighted Today & Other Observations (44044)
Started on Thu Jan 24 16:34:08 2002, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: SEPTA NABIs-as originally delivered (44094)
Started on Fri Jan 25 11:56:04 2002, by Basman

Thread title: Division Jackets (44098)
Started on Fri Jan 25 12:05:11 2002, by Basman

Thread title: More New Ride-On Buses (44104)
Started on Fri Jan 25 15:58:00 2002, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: saw new beeline artics testing (44106)
Started on Fri Jan 25 16:25:31 2002, by r142man

Thread title: Balios Signs (44110)
Started on Fri Jan 25 17:55:52 2002, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Old Depot Assignment Questions (44111)
Started on Fri Jan 25 17:59:57 2002, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: Orion bus pedals (44118)
Started on Fri Jan 25 19:04:32 2002, by buildmorelines

Thread title: Boston Trackless Trolley Questions (44121)
Started on Fri Jan 25 19:31:04 2002, by Sid from NJ

Thread title: 2002 LACMTA cng Low Floor NABI 7625 (44124)
Started on Fri Jan 25 20:40:16 2002, by gsoma

Thread title: Gun Hill Orion VII update #2 (44128)
Started on Sat Jan 26 00:10:12 2002, by Fifth Avenue Coach Company

Thread title: The X32...why so mysterious? (44139)
Started on Sat Jan 26 10:45:18 2002, by Christopher Rivera

Thread title: NYCT RTS # 3469 (44146)
Started on Sat Jan 26 13:13:48 2002, by DHF60

Thread title: Orion VII #7560 Operating Today (Saturday) (44159)
Started on Sat Jan 26 15:44:55 2002, by Sid from NJ

Thread title: 7560 Pictures!!! (With some work train and R142 shots) (44170)
Started on Sat Jan 26 18:33:36 2002, by Clayton

Thread title: model buses (44171)
Started on Sat Jan 26 19:47:02 2002, by whiskyjak

Thread title: NJT-- Good and Bad (44185)
Started on Sat Jan 26 23:48:23 2002, by mdlbigcat

Thread title: The ETB mystery on Long Island (44189)
Started on Sun Jan 27 01:50:39 2002, by streetcar_man

Thread title: NJ Transit Flxible Metro and RTS (44190)
Started on Sun Jan 27 05:24:16 2002, by Gilligphantom

Thread title: Bus Talk Archives (44198)
Started on Sun Jan 27 12:12:02 2002, by Orion V 93087

Thread title: MCI Emergency Lights (44200)
Started on Sun Jan 27 13:03:46 2002, by MCI D4000 81994

Thread title: Bus Engine Sound Sharing (44229)
Started on Sun Jan 27 16:31:32 2002, by Gilligphantom

Thread title: buses for sale (44242)
Started on Sun Jan 27 20:27:20 2002, by buildmorelines

Thread title: Those Bus Shelters (44244)
Started on Sun Jan 27 21:20:33 2002, by CPCTC

Thread title: LUCKY 7s: Twilight and Night with the Monstrosity (44250)
Started on Sun Jan 27 21:48:09 2002, by T-Drive Cruiser

Thread title: RTS 2606 (44278)
Started on Mon Jan 28 09:57:04 2002, by Hart Bus

Thread title: sex and the city (44280)
Started on Mon Jan 28 10:01:38 2002, by hudson

Thread title: N Y U Bus and Van Routes Part 1 (44296)
Started on Mon Jan 28 18:37:35 2002, by FDNY

Thread title: Transit Industy News (44297)
Started on Mon Jan 28 18:39:43 2002, by T-Drive Cruiser

Thread title: In Re to NYU bus/van routes, and the lack thereof at CCNY (44302)
Started on Mon Jan 28 22:55:23 2002, by 137th St - CCNY

Thread title: Grumman Flxible Engines (44316)
Started on Tue Jan 29 11:54:16 2002, by Orion V 93087

Thread title: Any flxibles with batwings? (44322)
Started on Tue Jan 29 12:33:11 2002, by B44NewYorkAv.

Thread title: Ne York Bus Service (44323)
Started on Tue Jan 29 12:44:13 2002, by wvm600

Thread title: third watch (44335)
Started on Tue Jan 29 17:15:50 2002, by hudson

Thread title: BLING BLING: Turn Down The Volume On That Bus (44336)
Started on Tue Jan 29 17:18:10 2002, by T-Drive Cruiser

Thread title: 100 new mci buses (44337)
Started on Tue Jan 29 17:24:47 2002, by hudson

Thread title: Observations/Sightings Today (44345)
Started on Tue Jan 29 17:48:12 2002, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: MAJOR News Flash! (44357)
Started on Tue Jan 29 19:49:28 2002, by T-Drive Cruiser

Thread title: Off Topic But Damned Funny (44361)
Started on Tue Jan 29 20:38:48 2002, by T-Drive Cruiser

Thread title: New Jersey Transit.....Trevor Logan Style (44363)
Started on Tue Jan 29 20:44:03 2002, by T-Drive Cruiser

Thread title: ONE OF THE WORST BUS I EVER BEEN ON! (44377)
Started on Tue Jan 29 21:23:03 2002, by Q46 Nova RTS#9288

Thread title: SEPTA 5500/New Flyer Questions...... (44393)
Started on Tue Jan 29 22:39:32 2002, by mdlbigcat

Thread title: Opening of the Coliseum Depot (44400)
Started on Tue Jan 29 23:07:21 2002, by DaRidgewoodBusBuff

Thread title: LACMTA 7645 (44402)
Started on Tue Jan 29 23:11:42 2002, by gsoma

Thread title: lacmta 5197 (44404)
Started on Tue Jan 29 23:27:11 2002, by gsoma

Thread title: Dollar bills (44407)
Started on Wed Jan 30 00:33:06 2002, by Qtraindash7

Thread title: Question for the NY and NJ Busfans (44413)
Started on Wed Jan 30 02:10:22 2002, by Dan Lawrence

Thread title: Buses in Pop Culture-Swordfish (44418)
Started on Wed Jan 30 08:48:42 2002, by Basman

Thread title: A Strange Thing (44436)
Started on Wed Jan 30 10:48:04 2002, by R36 #9346

Thread title: Wrong way Flag (44437)
Started on Wed Jan 30 10:49:54 2002, by bigfoot

Thread title: Early retirement of some Flxible Metros (44439)
Started on Wed Jan 30 11:22:52 2002, by silver92

Thread title: MTA Brooklyn route changes! (44450)
Started on Wed Jan 30 13:23:37 2002, by Orion V 93087

Thread title: Here is why it should always be 70 degrees in January: Ride-On Bus Sightings (44468)
Started on Wed Jan 30 16:07:20 2002, by WMATAGMOAGH

Thread title: RTS #4883 spotted on the Q46 (44470)
Started on Wed Jan 30 16:10:31 2002, by DaRidgewoodBusBuff

Thread title: OrionV 409 @ gunhill (44485)
Started on Wed Jan 30 18:38:52 2002, by r142man

Thread title: Not a good day for Orion CNG (44493)
Started on Wed Jan 30 19:07:32 2002, by Qtraindash7

Thread title: WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM Manhattan and SI Bus Reroutes 1/30/02 to 02/05/02 (44505)
Started on Wed Jan 30 19:56:17 2002, by FDNY

Thread title: 5 Av Reconstruction January 7 ,2002 (44506)
Started on Wed Jan 30 20:00:49 2002, by FDNY

Thread title: How Do I post a Pic? (44510)
Started on Wed Jan 30 20:38:02 2002, by Erie/PghBuses

Thread title: MTA-NYCT Past Bus Roster Assignment (44513)
Started on Wed Jan 30 21:56:05 2002, by bxcoolist

Thread title: 9319 and an MCI on the belt.... (44519)
Started on Wed Jan 30 23:18:41 2002, by Mike M

Thread title: lacmta 7419 (44523)
Started on Wed Jan 30 23:52:41 2002, by gsoma

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