
The IRT SMEE Fleet (R-12 -- R-36)

From nycsubway.org


The scene at West Farms Square in the Bronx, with R-33 9068 on the #5 in August 2002. Photo by David Pirmann.


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Length over

51' 0.5"
Width at
Door Sills

8' 9"

73,100-76,104 lbs.
Height from

11' 10"
Height, Railhead
to Floor

3' 8 1/4"


By Omar Pagan, Ed Davis, George Chiasson, Dave Pirmann, and SubTalk contributors.

The so-called IRT "SMEE" fleet consisted of all cars built for the former Interborough lines between 1948 and 1964, including the popular "Redbird" cars retired in 2003. The SMEE fleet numbered 2,860 entirely-compatible cars. It was common up until the General Overhaul period in the late 1980s to see trains made up of different car types in different liveries.

Beginning in 1940, when the Board of Transportation unified the three divisions of the subway system, car design was centrally managed and the first of these types, the R-10 for the Independent lines, was ordered in 1947. These cars had a number of improvements over the old designs, newly designed trucks and more powerful motors, door motor improvements, lighting improvements, etc., and a new type of braking system, the "SMEE": Straight Air Motor Car Electric-Pneumatic Emergency, which combined dynamic and air braking in a single package. As Ed Davis described in They Moved the Millions, the "inclusion of dynamic braking was the most significant improvement on the R-10 and all stock to follow... the traction motors, by having field polarities reversed, act as generators and serve as a brake by retarding motor speed, thence thru the gearing the speed of the axles is reduced and train speed reduced. The beauty of this system is that brake shoe wear is reduced tremendously and therefore maintenance costs reduced."

The R-12, ordered from American Car & Foundry in 1948, was the first "IRT" sized car based on this new design, shorter, narrower, and with straight longitudinal seats and one less door pair per side compared to the R-10. There were 100 of these cars and another 150 nearly identical twins ordered under contract R-14, also from ACF, in 1949. The R-15, R-17, R-21, and R-22 contracts followed from 1950 to 1958, nearly identical-looking cars built by ACF and St. Louis Car Co. These cars were nearly entirely replaced later by the R-62 and R-62A deliveries.

The R-26/R-28 cars were the oldest of the Redbirds, so called because of their dark red livery worn in the cars' later years. The first of these was built in 1959, again by ACF, and rebuilt by Morrison-Knudsen from 1985 to 1987. Because of their deterioration and wear-and-tear throughout the years of hard work, they were the first Redbird cars in 2001 to be stripped, reefed, and replaced by the R-142/R-142A cars. Like the R-26 and the R-28 cars, the R-29s also suffered deterioration and overwork, especially those on the IRT #6 Pelham line (cars 8570-8690). These cars were also rebuilt by Morrison-Knudsen in 1985 to 1987.

Before these cars were retired, a number of these cars served in work service. Cars 7818-19 and 7846-47 were used for a brief period as Refuse Collection Cars in 2002. These cars reportedly went back to passenger service but were eventually stripped and reefed. Also in 2002 during the summer months, cars 7848-49 were used as temporary school cars at the south side of East 180th Street Yard at the end of Track 10. The pair was reportedly mechanically dead in November 2002 and remained in the yard through March 2003, with the front end signed for the IRT #5 - Dyre Avenue line. These cars were later scrapped. The last R-26/R-28 cars to be reefed were cars 7862-63 in October 2003.

Some R-29s were also in work service for a while. In 2001, the MTA tested out four Pelham-assigned cars for switch dolly work service. These were cars 8600-01 and 8634-35. But for some reason, after only a few months, the MTA opted to strip the cars and reef them. In November 2002, cars 8716-17 and 8718-19 were used for work service. They were first seen operating along with Rail Adhesion Car R-33 #8885. These cars were also stripped and reefed sometime in 2003.

The R-33s were the first mainline cars to be rebuilt by the Metropolitan Transit Authority beginning in 1987 and ending in 1991. After general overhaul, the R-33's improved performance made the cars one of the most dependable subway cars in the system. That is why the R33s are preferred to be converted into work cars rather than other Redbird types.

However these cars suffered from rust, especially the R-33 cars on the Lexington Avenue IRT #4 line (9216-9305, and later 8836-8857 from IRT #5). By the end of their service, all of the IRT #4 Redbirds were really out of shape. In some cases, some cars had small holes under windows and when it rained, water would seep though the roof and make large puddles on the floor. One pair, cars 9294-95, were so worn out that their car numbers could not be seen on the number plates. The last R-33s were retired on April 15, 2003 from the Lexington Avenue IRT #4 line.

Why do the car lights blink on the R-33/R-36 World's Fair/Flushing Line cars but not the other Redbirds?

The original carbody lighting design called for the lights to be run directly off the 600V supply (with a polarity reverser relay when florescents came along). A relay called the ELR (Emergency Lighting Relay) was also across the line. When the 600V failed (car crosses a contact rail gap), the relay goes off and the normally-closed contacts of the relay apply 37V battery voltage to a set of emergency, or "battery" lights. On the IRT redbirds, these are incandescent bulbs located along the center of the car. There are some inside the long fluorescent glass fixture, and there is one each in the center of each axiflow fan.

When the R-26/R-28/R-29 fleet was overhauled by MK, the battery lights were removed from the center of the fans and PA speakers replaced them. On these cars, a solid-state converter replaces the older motor-generator set for converting 600V to battery voltage, and the same converter unit also contains a solid state lighting inverter to take the battery voltage, chop it to AC, and step it up to drive the fluorescent bulbs. When 600 goes off on these cars, the lights stay on fully for up to about 30 seconds. In prolonged power-out, the inverter gradually shuts down banks of lights until only two lights are on in the entire car.

The Flushing cars were rebuilt in 1985 by Coney Island, before the more thorough car overhaul program was devised. They left a lot of "old technology" behind, including the Motor-Generator and the classic SMEE pneumatic units. That's why those are the only cars that still go "puff" when the doors close, and why the lights still blink out across third rail gaps.


Related Documents

  • IRT SMEE Fleet Disposition, George Chiasson, Jr. summarizes the disposition/whereabouts of the R-26 thru R-36 "Redbird" IRT SMEE cars.
  • Scrapyards and Car Disposal. The Redbird fleets (R-26, R-28, R-29, R-33/R-33 WF, R-36/R-36 WF) were scrapped beginning in 2001 and continuing into 2004. Most of the cars were sent to artificial reefs along the Atlantic coast.

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Image 2709

(204k, 1024x655)
Photo by: Joe Testagrose
Location: 204th Street

Image 12331

(380k, 1024x701)
Photo by: Joe Testagrose
Location: 225th Street

Image 25621

(173k, 999x749)
Photo by: Glenn L. Rowe
Location: 207th Street Shop

Image 127544

(65k, 900x432)
Photo by: Robert Callahan
Location: 225th Street

Image 127808

(67k, 900x426)
Photo by: Robert Callahan
Location: Bronx Park East

More Images: 1-50 51-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 301-350 351-400 401-450 451-500 501-550 551-600 601-650 651-700 701-750 751-800 801-850 851-900 901-950 951-1000 1001-1050 1051-1100 1101-1150 1151-1200 1201-1250 1251-1300 1301-1350 1351-1400 1401-1450 1451-1500 1501-1550 1551-1600 1601-1650 1651-1700 1701-1750 1751-1800 1801-1850 1851-1900 1901-1950 1951-2000 2001-2050 2051-2100 2101-2150 2151-2200 2201-2250 2251-2300 2301-2350 2351-2400 2401-2450 2451-2500 2501-2550 2551-2600 2601-2650 2651-2700 2701-2750 2751-2800 2801-2850 2851-2900 2901-2950 2951-3000 3001-3050 3051-3100 3101-3150 3151-3200 3201-3250 3251-3300 3301-3350 3351-3400 3401-3450 3451-3500 3501-3550 3551-3600 3601-3650 3651-3700 3701-3750 3751-3800 3801-3850 3851-3900 3901-3950 3951-4000 4001-4050 4051-4100 4101-4150 4151-4200 4201-4250 4251-4300 4301-4350 4351-4400 4401-4450 4451-4500 4501-4550 4551-4600 4601-4650 4651-4700 4701-4750 4751-4800 4801-4850 4851-4900 4901-4950 4951-5000 5001-5050 5051-5100 5101-5103

Car Notes

Green Preserved, saved for preservation,
or exists in some state
Yellow Converted to work service
(and later scrapped or still in use)
Red Wrecked/Damaged in accident (and possibly repaired),
or scrapped prior to the bulk of the type

Number Notes
.... Cars 5709, 5710, 5711, 5712 converted to station wash train.

Image 12976

(190k, 1024x681)
Collection of: Joe Testagrose
Location: Coney Island Yard

Image 12977

(143k, 1024x682)
Photo by: Steve Zabel
Collection of: Joe Testagrose
Location: Fordham Road

Image 12978

(149k, 1024x666)
Photo by: Steve Zabel
Collection of: Joe Testagrose
Location: Coney Island Yard

.... 5812, 5823, 5831, 5833, 5842, 5843, 5844, 5857, 5861, 5875, 5877, 5895, 5950, 5965, 5984, 5985, 5989, 6214, 6762, 7234, 7241, 7269, 7287, 7318, 7319, 7322, 7327, 7338, 7380, 7397, 7436, 7472, 7502, 7515, 7518, 7522, 7608, 7633 converted to Rider Cars. See R-71 Rider Cars for details.

Image 7255

(64k, 800x600)
Photo by: Jeff Erlitz
Location: Westchester Yard

Image 7259

(54k, 800x600)
Photo by: Jeff Erlitz
Location: 36th-38th Street Yard

Image 7665

(230k, 1044x742)
Photo by: Mark S. Feinman
Location: 36th-38th Street Yard

Image 28581

(172k, 1044x701)
Photo by: David Pirmann
Location: Coney Island Yard

Image 70669

(199k, 1024x682)
Photo by: Doug Grotjahn
Collection of: Joe Testagrose
Location: 40th Street/Lowery Street

.... Cars 6721, 6726, 6813, 6850, 7055, 7077, 7083, 7100, 7133, 7136, 7145, 7168, 7210, 7211, 7243, 7278, 7289, 7296, 7303, 7340, 7345, 7446, 7505, 7550, 7568, 7569, 7579, 7588, 7657, 7659, 7691, 7701 converted to Continuous Welded Rail Handlers. See R-123 Continuous Welded Rail Cars for details.

Image 70002

(334k, 1044x788)
Photo by: Michael Hodurski
Location: Bay Parkway (22nd Avenue)

Image 70003

(319k, 1044x788)
Photo by: Michael Hodurski
Location: Bay Parkway (22nd Avenue)

Image 83293

(262k, 1044x699)
Photo by: Michael Hodurski
Location: Coney Island Yard

Image 89029

(338k, 1044x788)
Photo by: Zach Summer
Location: Avenue U

Image 117239

(80k, 1024x683)
Photo by: Michael Pompili
Location: Yard/Shops

.... Cars 6835, 6899, 7121, 7346, 7376, 7413, 7432, 7571, 7629 converted to Pump/Reach Cars. See R-71 Reach Cars for details.

Image 7247

(40k, 800x600)
Photo by: Jeff Erlitz
Location: 36th-38th Street Yard

Image 43684

(126k, 1044x700)
Photo by: J. Dresner
Location: 207th Street Yard

Image 76061

(288k, 1044x788)
Photo by: Glenn L. Rowe
Location: 207th Street Yard

Image 133087

(311k, 1024x675)
Photo by: John Dooley
Location: Jamaica Yard/Shops

Image 133289

(302k, 1024x680)
Photo by: John Dooley
Location: 36th-38th Street Yard

.... Cars 7183, 7187, 7203, 7208, 7224, 7246, 7261, 7358, 7408, 7420, 7450, 7460, 7475, 7486 (and possibly others) converted to Garbage Motors (G prefix to carnumber).

Image 38107

(507k, 1200x800)
Photo by: David Boone
Collection of: David Pirmann
Location: 207th Street Yard

Image 38108

(514k, 1200x800)
Photo by: David Boone
Collection of: David Pirmann
Location: 207th Street Yard

Image 38111

(549k, 1200x800)
Photo by: David Boone
Collection of: David Pirmann
Location: 207th Street Yard

.... Cars 7194, 7313, 7337, 7343, 7355, 7368, 7379, 7389, 7392, 7490 converted to Revenue Collector cars; cars 7314, 7374, 7386, 7410, 7422, 7424, 7444, 7449, 7459, 7496 converted to Locker Cars (1R714-1R723) and paired with the corresponding car 0R714-0R723. See R-95 Revenue Collector Cars for details.

Image 75364

(164k, 1044x788)
Photo by: Anthony Maimone
Location: New York Transit Museum

Image 77565

(28k, 600x450)
Photo by: Professor J
Location: New York Transit Museum

Image 79620

(115k, 820x620)
Photo by: Gary Chatterton
Location: New York Transit Museum

Image 100783

(273k, 1044x788)
Photo by: Zach Summer
Location: New York Transit Museum

Image 100784

(302k, 1044x788)
Photo by: Zach Summer
Location: New York Transit Museum

.... Cars 8816, 8817, 8820, 8821, 8858, 8859, 8862, 8863, 8868, 8869, 8878, 8879, 8890, 8891, 8892, 8893, 8914, 8915, 8936, 8937, 8950, 8951, 8954, 8955, 8956, 8957, 8964, 8965, 8986, 8987, 9020, 9021, 9032, 9033, 9038, 9039, 9066, 9067, 9070, 9071, 9138, 9139 converted to Rider Cars. See R-161 Rider Cars for details.
5703-5706 5703 used as revenue collection car 1950-1964. 5703-5706 modified in 1964 for use on Bowling Green-South Ferry inner loop shuttle service. All scrapped.

Image 2648

(203k, 1024x680)
Photo by: Doug Grotjahn
Collection of: Joe Testagrose
Location: Bowling Green

Image 2649

(514k, 1200x800)
Collection of: David Pirmann
Location: Corona Yard

Image 2651

(168k, 1024x677)
Photo by: Doug Grotjahn
Collection of: Joe Testagrose
Location: Bowling Green

5708 Converted to revenue collection car R707. Scrapped.

Image 7248

(79k, 800x516)
Photo by: Harold
Collection of: Joe Testagrose
Location: Concourse Yard

5714 Converted to work motor E45; since scrapped.

Image 2746

(237k, 1024x682)
Photo by: Doug Grotjahn
Collection of: Joe Testagrose
Location: 36th-38th Street Yard

Image 2747

(188k, 1024x670)
Photo by: Steve Zabel
Collection of: Joe Testagrose
Location: 149th Street

5756 Converted to Weld Car W-303. Scrapped.
5760 New York Transit Museum collection. Restored to operable status and used on several fan trips beginning in 2003.

Image 2749

(539k, 1200x800)
Photo by: Steve Hoskins
Collection of: David Pirmann
Location: New York Transit Museum

Image 26545

(140k, 1044x784)
Photo by: David Pirmann
Location: Court House Square/45th Road

5767 Converted to revenue collector car 0R-711. Scrapped.
5781 Converted in 1973 to IRT 75-foot test car XC875. Used for clearance testing around the IRT to test the feasability of ordering longer cars for the IRT division. Scrapped.

Image 12998

(229k, 1024x678)
Photo by: Steve Zabel
Collection of: Joe Testagrose
Location: 207th Street Yard

5782 Survives, last seen at 207th Street Yard in MTA blue/silver livery. Mechanical condition unknown.

Image 2730

(166k, 1044x695)
Photo by: David Pirmann
Location: Westchester Yard

5784 Derailed outside of Wall Street on #2, (1969?). Scrapped.

Image 12248

(233k, 1024x697)
Photo by: Steve Zabel
Collection of: Joe Testagrose
Location: 207th Street Yard

Image 12249

(219k, 1024x668)
Photo by: Steve Zabel
Collection of: Joe Testagrose
Location: 207th Street Yard

5815 Derailed near 180th St., 12/29/1969. Removed by crane on Bronx River Parkway; cut in two for removal.

Image 2780

(226k, 1024x676)
Photo by: Steve Zabel
Collection of: Joe Testagrose
Location: East 180th Street Yard

Image 2781

(199k, 1024x674)
Photo by: Steve Zabel
Collection of: Joe Testagrose
Location: East 180th Street Yard

Image 2782

(236k, 1024x678)
Photo by: Steve Zabel
Collection of: Joe Testagrose
Location: East 180th Street Yard

5871, 5872 5871 and 5872 were used as fire department training cars. 5871 to be preserved for the New York Transit Museum. 5872 was scrapped.

Image 2819

(524k, 1200x794)
Photo by: Houser Collection
Collection of: David Pirmann
Location: Coney Island Yard

6216-6225 First IRT cars delivered with public address system, 1950.
6239 New York Transit Museum collection. This car was used to test an early air conditioning system. Restored to operable status and used on several fan trips beginning in 2003.

Image 2916

(165k, 1044x788)
Photo by: David Pirmann
Location: New York Transit Museum

Image 26544

(112k, 1044x784)
Photo by: David Pirmann
Location: Court House Square/45th Road

6595, 6597, 6601, 7740, 7509, 7513, 7516 4/21/1946: 6595, 6597, 6601, 7740, destroyed in Grand Central shuttle fire. 7509, 7513, 7516 were the automated "SAM" test train used on the IRT Times Square-Grand Central Shuttle; cars were not harmed by fire but were never returned to revenue service. 7513 scrapped 7/1967. 7509 became XC375 (see below).

Image 8182

(293k, 1200x800)
Collection of: David Pirmann
Location: Grand Central

6609 New York Transit Museum collection. Restored to operable status and used on several fan trips beginning in 2003.

Image 3217

(133k, 1044x788)
Photo by: David Pirmann
Location: New York Transit Museum

Image 26549

(136k, 820x620)
Photo by: Glenn L. Rowe
Location: Corona Yard

6673, 6786 8/29/1957, accident, no other info available.
6688 Shore Line Trolley Museum collection. Operable, recently repainted.

Image 3210

(198k, 1044x695)
Photo by: David Pirmann

Image 3212

(197k, 702x1044)
Photo by: David Pirmann

Image 28281

(88k, 660x500)
Photo by: Michael Pompili

6895 Still on the property as of 6/2014. Last seen at Concourse Yard.

Image 3201

(68k, 801x528)
Photo by: Glenn L. Rowe
Location: Concourse Yard

Image 3202

(125k, 800x600)
Photo by: Constantine Steffan
Location: Westchester Yard

7161, 7675, 7589 Wrecked in derailment at Utica Ave. portal, 7/3/1981.
7190 Derailed & hit ceiling near Times Square (1980s).
7194 (0R714), 7424 (0R715) Possibly New York Transit Museum collection, was on display in the museum in 2007 and again 2011. Present status unknown.

Image 75365

(158k, 1044x788)
Photo by: Anthony Maimone
Location: New York Transit Museum

Image 130446

(353k, 1044x701)
Photo by: John Dooley
Location: New York Transit Museum

7196, 7216, 7425 Converted to work car.

Image 38110

(514k, 1200x800)
Photo by: David Boone
Collection of: David Pirmann
Location: 207th Street Yard

Image 38111

(549k, 1200x800)
Photo by: David Boone
Collection of: David Pirmann
Location: 207th Street Yard

7261 Converted to Garbage Motor (G prefix to carnumber). Last used at Corona Yard for storage; was scrapped in 2002.

Image 38111

(549k, 1200x800)
Photo by: David Boone
Collection of: David Pirmann
Location: 207th Street Yard

Image 40728

(104k, 960x640)
Photo by: Michael Pompili
Location: SBK Yard (2nd Ave at 38th St.) (SBK)

Image 40730

(95k, 960x640)
Photo by: Michael Pompili
Location: SBK Yard (2nd Ave at 38th St.) (SBK)

7366 Converted to work car 37366. Was used for the Signal Dolly Work Train and scrapped in 2002.

Image 3284

(78k, 640x480)
Collection of: David Justiniano
Location: SBK Yard (2nd Ave at 38th St.) (SBK)

7371 Converted to signal dolly/rider car 37371. Selected for decommissioning in 2004, this car was first displayed in the New York Transit Museum as a temporary installation while the IRT SMEE museum cars were being used on various fan trips; it was then used on a fan trip itself in May 2005 along with R-33 9327; then both were shipped in June 2005 to the Seashore Trolley Museum.

Image 18007

(278k, 800x561)
Photo by: Gary Chatterton
Location: Gun Hill Road

Image 30354

(68k, 600x450)
Photo by: Trevor Logan
Location: New York Transit Museum

Image 30359

(75k, 600x450)
Photo by: Trevor Logan
Location: New York Transit Museum

Image 39222

(178k, 1024x768)
Photo by: Todd Glickman

7509 Converted in 1973 to IRT 64-foot test car XC375. Scrapped 7/12/1996. From the April, 1982, Bulletin of the New York Division Electric Railroader's Association: On April 1st, a clearance test train left Mosholu Yard at 6:00 pm and operated over various IRT lines. The train was composed of three motors, car 8776, XC 375, 8777 and three more motor cars. The motor cars were single unit R-17, R-21 or R-22 cars.

Image 70673

(192k, 1024x668)
Photo by: Steve Zabel
Collection of: Joe Testagrose
Location: 207th Street Yard

7602 Accident at Morris Park Ave., 11/24/1979.

Image 3347

(255k, 1024x679)
Photo by: Steve Zabel
Collection of: Joe Testagrose
Location: Morris Park

Image 3348

(232k, 1024x687)
Photo by: Steve Zabel
Collection of: Joe Testagrose
Location: Morris Park

7774-7775 Stored at Unionport Yard, present status unknown.

Image 131385

(405k, 1024x672)
Photo by: John Dooley
Location: Unionport Yard

Image 131386

(315k, 1024x657)
Photo by: John Dooley
Location: Unionport Yard

7888-7889, 8696-8697 4/12/2000: Derailed north of 59th Street, repaired and returned to service. 7888-7889 scrapped in July 2002, 8696-8697 scrapped in December 2001.
7924-7925 This pair of cars retained its original windows, instead of the ones installed during the early 1990's rebuild project. Possibly used as rail adhesion gel train? Still on the property as of 6/2014. Last seen at Concourse Yard.

Image 144227

(393k, 1024x668)
Photo by: John Dooley
Location: Concourse Yard

Image 144421

(666k, 820x1220)
Photo by: David Pirmann

7926-7927 At Illinois Railway Museum, outside Chicago. Arrived at IRM on 7/19/2007. Before this date, the cars sat idle on NYCT property for almost three years. The cars experienced some grafitti and some paint chipping, revealing a possible all-white scheme. They were taken to Illinois by freight rail.

Image 12161

(107k, 820x551)
Photo by: J. Dresner
Location: Cross Harbor Yard - 1st Ave & 44th (BTRR)

Image 12162

(102k, 820x551)
Photo by: J. Dresner
Location: Cross Harbor Yard - 1st Ave & 44th (BTRR)

8678-8679 Possibly used as rail adhesion gel train? Still on the property as of 6/2014. Last seen at Concourse Yard.

Image 144228

(453k, 1024x747)
Photo by: John Dooley
Location: Concourse Yard

8686-8687 Had experimental lightweight trucks for a period in the 1960s.
8706 8/26/1996: Derailed on switch 11, 239th St. Yard (8th car in consist of 20); minor damage sustained. Repaired and returned to service. Scrapped in July 2001.
8812-8813 Assigned to work service (36th St. Yard). Scrapped 2013.

Image 95069

(281k, 1044x788)
Photo by: John Barnes
Location: 71st/Continental Aves./Forest Hills

Image 141247

(345k, 1044x1002)
Photo by: Kevin Wong
Location: Sims Metal, Newark NJ

8816-8817 In June 2003, cars 8816-17 and 9020-21 were used as revenue cars for the Concourse and 8th Avenue lines and for a brief time on the Queens Boulevard lines. These cars operated with R-22 Revenue Cars and were renumbered 18816-17, 19020-21. They were taken out of revenue collection service in Fall 2004 and were then converted to work cars RD413 and RD412 respectively.
8832-8833, 8912-8913, 8980-8981, 9152-9153, 9154-9155 2/3/1998: 239th Street Yard lead accident. 8832-8833, 8912-8913, 9154-9155 back in service as of 12/17/1998. 8980-8981, derailed; 8980 scrapped in 2000, 8981 mated with 9152 9152-9153 derailed and burned; scrapped in 2000.

Image 6195

(185k, 1044x703)
Photo by: David Pirmann
Location: 239th Street Yard

Image 6196

(185k, 1044x711)
Photo by: David Pirmann
Location: 239th Street Yard

Image 27089

(42k, 714x441)
Photo by: Glenn L. Rowe
Location: 239th Street Yard

Image 27090

(54k, 820x553)
Photo by: Glenn L. Rowe
Location: 239th Street Yard

Image 27091

(55k, 819x558)
Photo by: Glenn L. Rowe
Location: 239th Street Yard

8834-8835 Assigned to work service (Coney Island Yard).
8884 7/15/1997: Derailed, scrapped on site at Rogers Junction.
8885 Mate of 8884 now in work service as rail adhesion train.

Image 7218

(87k, 800x600)
Photo by: Constantine Steffan
Location: Westchester Yard

Image 7239

(80k, 800x600)
Photo by: Constantine Steffan
Location: Westchester Yard

Image 160439

(340k, 920x1220)
Photo by: John Dooley
Location: Pelham Parkway

8888-8889 Assigned to work service (Westchester Yard).
8912-8913 In the summer of 2004, cars 8912-13 were taken the Tiffany Street Iron Shops, a training and fabrication facility for el structure maintainers, in the Hunts Point section of the Bronx. They are part of a elevated structure mock-up that stretches about 180 feet, with station and platform included.

Image 37917

(120k, 1044x700)
Photo by: Mark W.
Location: MTA Tiffany Iron Works/The Bronx

Image 37918

(131k, 1044x700)
Photo by: Mark W.
Location: MTA Tiffany Iron Works/The Bronx

8942-8943, 9015, 9063, 9064, 9065, 9130, 9154-9155, 9225 7/21/1998: Collision 105th & B'way. Collision on southbound track. 8943, 9064 pushed out of center castings; back in service by 10/23/1998. 9063, 9105, 9130, 9154-9155, 9180-9181, 9225 sustained coupler and anticlimber damage; back in service as of 9/1/1998. 9065 sustained drawbar damage; back in service as of 9/1/1998.
8968-8969 Caught fire (Accident at Utica Ave. portal?) (1980s)
8996-8997 Converted to refuse motors based at 36th St Yard.

Image 131214

(318k, 681x1024)
Photo by: John Dooley
Location: 239th Street Yard

9000-9001 Severe fire damage at Borough Hall in the 1980s. Floor was replaced, and cars were returned to service. They survived to go through the GOH program. Later converted to refuse motors based at 36th St Yard.

Image 131225

(295k, 1024x589)
Photo by: John Dooley
Location: 239th Street Yard

9010-9011 New York Transit Museum collection. Part of "Train of Many Colors" fleet. Carries "MTA" silver and blue livery.

Image 28953

(157k, 1044x751)
Photo by: David Pirmann
Location: Zerega Avenue

Image 28954

(183k, 1044x735)
Photo by: David Pirmann
Location: Zerega Avenue

Image 29337

(114k, 950x756)
Photo by: David of Broadway
Location: 238th Street

9016-9017 New York Transit Museum collection. Part of "Train of Many Colors" fleet. Carries bright red with yellow trim livery.

Image 28952

(141k, 1044x701)
Photo by: David Pirmann
Location: Zerega Avenue

Image 31979

(459k, 1220x920)
Photo by: Richard Panse
Location: Beach 98th Street/Playland

Image 37711

(143k, 1044x788)
Photo by: Richard Panse
Location: 238th Street (Nereid Avenue)

9018-9019 Were converted to Signal Dolly service but were scrapped 8/2003.

Image 26252

(157k, 1024x768)
Photo by: Glenn L. Rowe
Location: 207th Street Yard

9056 Transported to Washington, D.C. for 2001 Smithsonian Folklife Festival. Scrapped afterward.

Image 88437

(146k, 1044x693)
Photo by: Chao-Hwa Chen
Location: Smithsonian Folklife Festival, The Mall, Washington, D.C.

Image 88438

(132k, 1044x692)
Photo by: Chao-Hwa Chen
Location: Smithsonian Folklife Festival, The Mall, Washington, D.C.

9068-9069 New York Transit Museum collection. Part of "Train of Many Colors" fleet. 9068 carries kale green with silver roof livery; 9069 in redbird red livery.

Image 3906

(111k, 1044x788)
Photo by: David Pirmann
Location: West Farms Sq./East Tremont Ave./177th St.

Image 30763

(70k, 800x561)
Photo by: Gary Chatterton
Location: New York Transit Museum

Image 37617

(181k, 900x598)
Photo by: Fred Guenther
Location: Bronx Park East

9075 9075 was on display outside Queens Borough Hall beginning January 2005. In July 2022 it was sold at auction to a private collector in Los Angeles for $235,700, the car was removed from the QBH property October 16, 2022. (NY Times article.)

Image 36566

(272k, 795x556)
Photo by: Gary Chatterton
Location: Queens Borough Hall

Image 36568

(246k, 795x556)
Photo by: Gary Chatterton
Location: Queens Borough Hall

Image 160116

(601k, 1220x920)
Photo by: Chris Crayon
Location: Queens Borough Hall

9108 Caught fire, repaired and returned to service (1993). Scrapped with rest of fleet in 2003.
9114 Caught fire, repaired and returned to service (late 1960s). Scrapped with rest of fleet in 2003.
9156-9157 Sent to NYC Emergency Services training school at Floyd Bennett Field.

Image 37736

(35k, 480x319)
Photo by: J. Dresner
Location: NYPD Emergency Services training facility, Floyd Bennett Field

Image 37737

(34k, 480x319)
Photo by: J. Dresner
Location: NYPD Emergency Services training facility, Floyd Bennett Field

Image 37738

(92k, 820x551)
Photo by: J. Dresner
Location: NYPD Emergency Services training facility, Floyd Bennett Field

9203, 9224 10/25/1973: Fire in master controller unit of 9203, in Pelham line tunnel near Longwood Avenue station. Fire also affected car 9224 which had a large floor section cut out during firefighting (it was subsequently scrapped). The following train ended up rear-ending the disabled train due to low visibility caused by the smoky fire.

Image 12893

(233k, 1024x678)
Photo by: Ed McKernan
Collection of: Joe Testagrose
Location: Scrapyard

9206-9207 New York Transit Museum collection. Part of "Train of Many Colors" fleet. Carries "MTA" silver and blue livery.

Image 33993

(193k, 1044x701)
Photo by: David Pirmann
Location: Neck Road

Image 34003

(182k, 1044x724)
Photo by: David Pirmann
Location: Sheepshead Bay

9213 Caught fire, late 1960s.
9294-9295 First IRT cars retrofitted with air conditioning, placed in service 9/5/1973.
9306 New York Transit Museum collection. Part of "Train of Many Colors" fleet. Carries original World's Fair livery. Residing in the Transit Museum since it opened in 1976, this car was restored to operable status and used on several fan trips beginning in 2003.

Image 4427

(128k, 1044x788)
Photo by: David Pirmann
Location: New York Transit Museum

Image 26484

(208k, 1044x701)
Photo by: David Pirmann
Location: 33rd Street/Rawson Street

Image 26542

(197k, 1044x755)
Photo by: David Pirmann
Location: Queensborough Plaza

9307-9345 Most cars of the R-33 World's Fair fleet converted to work service after retirement in 2001. Most cars were renumbered, with a "1" placed next to the car number plates. For example, car 9335 is now 19335. Many of these were scrapped in 2013.

Image 160438

(336k, 920x1219)
Photo by: John Dooley
Location: Morris Park

9307 New York Transit Museum collection. Part of "Train of Many Colors" fleet. Repainted in August 2017 into replica World's Fair livery. Operated Nostalgia Train excursion on 8/19/2017.

Image 147663

(386k, 1044x702)
Photo by: Michael Hodurski
Location: Willets Point/Mets (fmr. Shea Stadium)

Image 147665

(214k, 1044x596)
Photo by: Michael Hodurski
Location: Corona Yard

Image 147666

(261k, 1044x596)
Photo by: Michael Hodurski
Location: Corona Yard

9308 New York Transit Museum collection. Repainted in Summer 2019 into replica World's Fair livery.
9310 New York Transit Museum collection. Part of "Train of Many Colors" fleet. Carries redbird red livery. Operated Nostalgia Train excursion on 8/19/2017.

Image 147670

(224k, 1044x686)
Photo by: Kevin Wong
Location: 34th Street-Hudson Yards

Image 147675

(215k, 1044x601)
Photo by: Kevin Wong
Location: 52nd Street/Lincoln Avenue

9321 The only one of the R-33 World's Fair fleet to be reefed during the Redbird reefing program, in the summer of 2001.

Image 31311

(13k, 450x292)
Location: Delaware Reef Site, 10 miles off Cape May, NJ

9327 After the final run of the Redbirds, this car was first displayed in the New York Transit Museum as a temporary installation while the IRT SMEE museum cars were being used on various fan trips; it was then used on a fan trip itself in May 2005 along with R-22 work car 7371; then both were shipped in June 2005 to the Seashore Trolley Museum. 9327 was one of the "Subway Series" cars, decorated with New York Yankees and New York Mets' logos for the 2000 World Series.

Image 4054

(60k, 640x480)
Photo by: Salaam Allah
Location: Corona Yard

Image 18021

(88k, 800x540)
Photo by: Gary Chatterton
Location: 207th Street

Image 30357

(71k, 600x450)
Photo by: Trevor Logan
Location: New York Transit Museum

Image 39219

(113k, 1024x768)
Photo by: Todd Glickman

9343 New York Transit Museum collection.
9349, 9410 Taken out of service due to anticlimber damage; mates 9411 and 9348 temporarily mated and used in service; 9349, 9410 repaired and remated to original mates in 2/2000.

Image 4075

(103k, 760x514)
Photo by: Paul Polischuk
Location: Corona Yard

Image 4127

(129k, 600x400)
Photo by: Sidney Keyles
Location: Coney Island Shop/Overhaul & Repair Shop

9400-9401 Remained on the property from 2004 to 2013, never used for anything. Scrapped October 2013.
9440 Rhode Island car.

Image 4156

(470k, 1200x800)
Collection of: David Pirmann
Location: Court House Square/45th Road

9542-9543 In 2004, these cars were on display in the New York Transit Museum. Present status unknown.

Image 30358

(70k, 600x450)
Photo by: Trevor Logan
Location: New York Transit Museum

Image 30494

(105k, 820x620)
Photo by: Frank Hicks
Location: New York Transit Museum

9564-9565 These cars, the easternmost pair of Redbirds on the final revenue run on 11/3/2003 (see above), were finally moved to the SBK yard in Brooklyn for asbestos abatement and scrapping in July 2007.
9582-9583 Stored at Unionport Yard, present status unknown.

Image 131752

(308k, 1024x768)
Photo by: Wilfredo Castillo
Location: Unionport Yard

Image 137874

(292k, 1024x447)
Photo by: John Dooley
Location: Unionport Yard

9584-9585 Stored at Unionport Yard, present status unknown.

Image 131753

(309k, 1024x768)
Photo by: Wilfredo Castillo
Location: Unionport Yard

Image 131754

(248k, 1024x768)
Photo by: Wilfredo Castillo
Location: Unionport Yard

9586-9587 Th These cars were used on the final revenue run of the redbird fleet on 11/3/2003. After, they were used in work service as part of the rail adhesion train with R-33 8885. New York Transit Museum collection. Part of the "Train of Many Colors" fleet. Carries redbird red livery.

Image 143145

(348k, 785x1044)
Photo by: Omar Pagan
Location: New York Transit Museum

Image 143148

(280k, 1044x785)
Photo by: Omar Pagan
Location: New York Transit Museum

9588-9589 These cars, used on the final revenue run of the redbird fleet on 11/3/2003, are stored at 207th St. Yard (as of 10/2007), status unknown.
9658 Neighborhood Youth Corps car.

Image 42118

(143k, 1024x679)
Collection of: Joe Testagrose
Location: 52nd Street/Lincoln Avenue

9744 State of Missouri car.

Image 4385

(232k, 1024x699)
Photo by: Joe Testagrose
Location: 69th Street/Fisk Avenue

9748 Commonwealth of Massachusetts car.

Image 23737

(159k, 1024x707)
Collection of: John Barnes
Location: 90th Street/Elmhurst Avenue

9759 Damaged 8/28/1973 in Steinway Tunnel near 1st Avenue crossover when concrete ceiling duct fell onto train. 1 person died as a result. Car repaired and returned to service.
9762 State of Vermont car.

Image 4409

(425k, 800x1200)
Photo by: Doug Grotjahn
Collection of: David Pirmann
Location: Times Square

Image 4410

(227k, 1024x689)
Photo by: Doug Grotjahn
Collection of: David Pirmann
Location: 103rd Street/Corona Plaza

9766 State of Kansas car.

Image 4416

(386k, 800x1200)
Collection of: David Pirmann
Location: Willets Point/Mets (fmr. Shea Stadium)


Subway Car MDBF Data

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nycsubway.org is not affiliated with any transit agency or provider.
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