"Form. I have always found that a simple silhouette can communicate
a variety of emotions and qualities. The basic shape of a person can
be used to express the components of a personality. Sincerity,
happiness, excitement, concern, love.a shape is an amazing tool to an
artist. He uses it to capture an essence. In these panels, I have
chosen silhouette to depict the personality of a populace.a truth we
can each find inside ourselves.
Color. Color is the most stimulating component of everything we
see. Here, different colors are treated with equal importance. A
variety of colors represents a mixture of cultures, nationalities and
ethnicities as well as our diverse individualities. Vibrant colors,
vibrant people. Simultaneously, the colors are used as a complement to
a series of tessellations.patterns created by the repetition of
geometric shapes. In the work of M.C. Escher, rich landscapes are
developed by using the negative space that comes to life when two
geometric forms overlap each other. In this case, I thought it would
be an ideal marriage of form and theme to merge this style with the
silhouettes. Using all aspects of color.tonality, hue, placement,
contrast, and saturation.I wanted to distinguish foreground from
background, positive from negative. I strived to achieve an overall
effect of simple yet complex design. It is the very quality that I
find fascinating about people.
The beauty of imagination, what sparks it?
Theme. The feeling I take with me when I view a piece of art is a
direct result of its theme. The figures I.ve used are
subjective. There is flexibility in their style and there is, always
room for further exploration. I serve the people that appreciate small
wrinkles in time. My goal is to achieve a simple reaction. A
smile." -- Joseph D'Alesandro. Source: