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The New York Subway: Its Construction and Equipment (1904)
The Interborough Subway (Historic American Engineering Record)
New Subways for New York: The Dual System of Rapid Transit (1913)
The New York Rapid Transit Railway Extensions (1914)

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nycsubway.org blog
February Site Chaos

More chaos! While trying to avoid doomscrolling big social media, I upgraded MediaWiki to the latest version 1.43, and reskinned the site. I'm going to do a little reorganizing of content and I'll be on the lookout for any broken scripts. Thanks for your patience.

Posted on 2/19/2025

December Site Chaos

Regular visitors might have noticed some weird errors visiting the site this month. I've had to migrate the server over to a newer Linux distro (to continue security patch support). It had been so long since building the old server that there was a LOT to bring up to speed. That's harder than it might sound; I've been out of the Linux system admistration-as-a-profession for a while now. There's more work to come, as I'm also consolidating some server instances down, so bear with me.

During the process I decided to convert the old SubTalk-BusTalk archives (which were available if one wanted to browse using the old web board code, with various poor results) into threaded text dumps of the messages. I know it's not ideal but at least it'll get reindexed at Google and the like. See here: SubTalk-BusTalk Archives. This will allow me to wind down some SSL certs, vhosts, and databases.

Best wishes to everyone for a Happy 2025!

Posted on 12/29/2024

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Last Five Newest Images    (Click Here For More New Images...)

(image 161967)

(259k, 1220x920)
Location: New York Transit Museum
Car: R-110B (Bombardier, 1992) 3007
Photo by: Max Diamond
Date: 02/25/2025

(image 161966)

(307k, 1220x920)
Location: New York Transit Museum
Car: R-110B (Bombardier, 1992) 3007
Photo by: Max Diamond
Date: 02/25/2025

(image 161965)

(269k, 1220x920)
Location: New York Transit Museum
Car: R-110B (Bombardier, 1992) 3007
Photo by: Max Diamond
Date: 02/25/2025

(image 161964)

(310k, 1220x920)
Location: New York Transit Museum
Car: R-110B (Bombardier, 1992) 3007
Photo by: Max Diamond
Date: 02/25/2025

(image 161963)

(276k, 920x1220)
Location: New York Transit Museum
Car: R-110B (Bombardier, 1992) 3007
Photo by: Max Diamond
Date: 02/25/2025

Five Random Imaages

(image 66006)

(146k, 1044x788)
Location: Astoria Boulevard/Hoyt Avenue
Car: R-40M (St. Louis, 1969)
Photo by: Pablo Maneiro
Date: 05/17/2007

(image 142863)

(265k, 1024x690)
Location: 99th Street
Collection of: Frank Pfuhler

(image 94081)

(825k, 1620x1220)
Location: East 180th Street Yard
Car: R-142 (Primary Order, Bombardier, 1999-2002) 6470
Photo by: Nicholas Noel
Date: 06/16/2020

(image 119003)

(251k, 1044x699)
Location: Dyckman Street/200th Street
Photo by: John Dooley
Date: 12/03/2010

(image 90244)

(317k, 1044x701)
Location: Parkside Avenue
Car: R-40 (St. Louis, 1968) 4226
Photo by: David Pirmann
Date: 08/27/2008

nycsubway.org is not affiliated with any transit agency or provider.
Not mobile.