<span class="mw-page-title-main">R-11 (Budd, 1949)</span>

R-11 (Budd, 1949)



Designation Unit Numbers Manufacturer Years
R-11 8010-8019 Budd 1949
Length over Anticlimbers Width at Door Sills Height from Railhead Height, Railhead to Floor Seating Capacity Total Weight
60' 2.5" 10' 0 12' 2" 3' 9 1/8" 54 81,478 lbs.

Note: The R-11 cars were designated R-34 after rebuilding in 1965, but are labeled R-11 throughout this site.



The ten R-11 cars were a new technology test train ordered as a prototype for a new fleet for the Second Avenue Subway, which of course never materialized. The new technology included include "precipitron" sterilizing lamps, under-seat heaters, and damper control of fresh and recirculated air through ceiling and under-seat diffusers. The R-11 was the first stainless steel R-type. 15 years later, the Budd Company also built the first production stainless steel fleet, the R-32.

US Patent 153,367, applied for in 1947 by designer Otto A. Kuhler, illustrated a potential exterior design of the R-11 car. Kuhler worked for American Car & Foundry - but the R-11 car was eventually built by Budd. Presumably the patent was transfered to the city board of transportation and then used by Budd in the final design.

1949 Budd Company advertisement featuring the R-11 cars.

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Five Random Images

Image 2600

(209k, 1024x667)
Collection of: Joe Testagrose
Location: Rockaway Parkway (Canarsie) Yard

Image 2636

(176k, 1024x674)
Photo by: Doug Grotjahn
Collection of: Joe Testagrose
Location: Chambers Street/World Trade Center

Image 24366

(482k, 1200x800)
Collection of: David Pirmann
Location: Coney Island Yard

Image 75656

(32k, 675x523)
Photo by: Frank Pfuhler
Location: East New York Yard/Shops

Image 128590

(187k, 1024x677)
Collection of: Joe Testagrose
Location: Coney Island Yard

More Images: 1-50 51-100 101-150 151-200 201-212

Car Notes

Green Preserved, saved for preservation,
or exists in some state
Yellow Converted to work service
(and later scrapped or still in use)
Red Wrecked/Damaged in accident (and possibly repaired),
or scrapped prior to the bulk of the type

Number Notes
8013 Part of New York Transit Museum collection. Was also damanged in the October 1973 accident which wrecked 8016, but was repaired. Car 8013 had been on static display inoperable but in 2014 was returned to operational status and operated a Transit Museum Nostalgia Train trip on August 3, 2014.

Image 2644

(134k, 1044x788)
Photo by: David Pirmann
Location: New York Transit Museum

Image 2646

(129k, 1044x788)
Photo by: David Pirmann
Location: New York Transit Museum

Image 2647

(125k, 600x400)
Photo by: Sidney Keyles
Location: New York Transit Museum

8016 Involved in a yard accident at Coney Island Yard, October 1973.

Image 2626

(227k, 1024x768)
Photo by: Harv Kahn
Location: Coney Island Yard

Image 2628

(604k, 1200x800)
Photo by: Steve Hoskins
Collection of: David Pirmann
Location: Coney Island Yard

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